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Food Journal

07.00 am [Breakfast] Egg tofu with Napa Cabbage Soup with brown rice
11.00 am [Lunch] Refined rice with deep fried chicken, and sauce(0.1). I felt guilty but still
chicken is always be the first priority.
01.00 pm After Physics class, I was upset with the project so that I was unconsciously ate a
stick of strawberry-favoured pocky that is taken from my friend.
04.00 pm 0.3 cup of cashews after I came back from school and was hungrily waiting for dinner
05.30 pm [Dinner]1 cup of refined rice and 1 cup of steamed egg with Maggie sauce. (0.2)
05.50 pm Whole mango
06.30 pm 0.5 cup of Mixed salted cashew and pistachio
7.00 am [Breakfast] 0.5 cup of Rice porridge with ~ 0.3 of boiled pork liver and boiled pork
combined with a boiled egg
11.00 am [Lunch] Spaghetti with red sauce 0.25 and fried egg 0.5
04.00 pm 0.3 cup of salted cashews and 0.2 cup of salted almonds
05.30 pm [Dinner] 1 cup of brown rice with 1 cup of stir-fried Broccoli and 1 cup of stir-fried
07.00 am [Breakfast] Chicken Tomyum (chicken~0.8 + mushroom~0.6) with a cup of brown rice
09.58 am A cup of Twinings Earl Grey Tea, after I feel really bored and hoping it will help me
feel less bored (boredom is one of my top ranking reason to eat/drink) and stay awake
11.00 am Macaroni(1.5 cups) with ham(0.4), very small amount of onion, lettuce(combined
0.2) and carrot (0 cup because I didnt eat carrot) and tomato sauce (0.25)
Also a tiny piece of fried fish from Tonhom (0.05), I just wanted to taste it
04.00 pm Pistachio (0.3), I was very hungry from school
05.30 pm Steamed dolly fish(1.3) with brown rice (1) and sauce (0.05) it is very small amount
because I tried it and I hated it so I didnt eat it again
3 large piece of steamed Pumpkin[fruit] (1.5), I havent eat pumpkin for quite a long
time and I think it will take a lot of time for me to eat it again. Actually I like it but too
much is too greasy.
06.16 pm Cashews(0.15)

07.00 am [Breakfast] A cup of brown rice and ~1 cup of omelet with 0.25 chilli sauce
10.00 am A cup of Twinings Earl Grey Tea
11.00 am [Lunch] Noodles with crispy pork (1 cup of noodles, 1 cup of soup, 0.5 pork, 0.2
04.30 pm 0.5 cup of mix salted cashews, pistachio and pumpkin seeds
05.30 pm [Dinner] 1 cup of brown rice with Stirred fried of broccoli(~0.7) and stirred chicken
one cup of orange juice
07.00 am [Breakfast] A cup of brown rice and Khai Palo (0.5) with soup (0.6) and a tiny piece of
pork (0.1) because I didnt like it and I was late that I have no time to eat the whole
10.00 am I felt my throat a bit itchy so I drank Twinings Earl Grey Tea(0.75) and I left it on the
table, distracting by the work
11.00 am Refined Rice(1) with crispy pork(0.5), half boiled egg(0.25), cucumber(0.1) and its
12.00 pm I finished up my tea, that was left for an hour(0.25)
05.30 pm I ate 0.6 cup of mixed salted cashews, pistachio and pumpkin seeds while watching
the TV series, thus I forgot the time and I was very full so I had dinner quite late.
06.30 pm I had Fish and chips which had a cup of fish, 0.7 cup of french fries, 0.3 steamed
carrots and broccoli combined, and 0.25 bread because I was very full and didnt eat
the whole bread

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