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Topic: Age discrimination occurs when a decision is made on the basis of a

persons age. In the workplace, these are most often decisions about being
employed in the first place, winning promotions or being unfairly dismissed.
Should discrimination against older workers be made illegal?

There is no denying fact in saying that Discrimination against older workers is

one of the most dangerous problems facing lesser developed nations today
because promotions, bonus and getting replaced than people of older age
group are the victim. However, the issue is being tackled by various agencies
to provide equal rights to the employees. So, it warrants a revisit of thoughts
with the growing level of intolerance as well as clashes of interests, which
make me ponder over this sensitive topic. Today, my essay is going to shed
lights on the merits and demerits of this given statement before drawing the
There are multifarious reasons which support this statement, but to begin with
first and foremost reason is that every human being has the right to live
equally in this egalitarian society without any fear most importantly older
workers in the work place. Elderly workers should be given more respect and
dignity because of their age and working experience. If this is done on
workplace, the productivity will be surged up and the company may gain more
profit. For instance, there is a less chance of making an error by older workers
than younger because the older comprehend the protocol well and act being
very careful with due consideration. Older can be a mentor to the young
starter and the young workers can be an efficient worker in future. In this way,
the organization may not have to hire a trainer and spend money on training.
Looking at the darker side, older workers are not physically as strong as
younger, then they still should be allocated to the lighter jobs and if older are
not as smart as younger in terms of following latest technology, they should
be provided training to command over the latest Information Technology
To conclude, I strongly believe that there should be a strict law and order on
discrimination against older to protect the individual rights of the freedom.
Government should focus on implementing policies on workplace that can
protect elder abuse and discrimination so that senior workers nave feels any
torture either mentally or physically. 52

Topic: .Learning a new language at an early age is helpful for children. Is it

more positive of their future aspect or have some adverse effects. Agree or
Learning a new language is helpful or not helpful in this globalization world. Is
it positive or negative for future prospects? Agree or Disagree?

It is indeed true fact that with the advent of Globalization the world has
become one huge Global Village with no boundaries. This globalization has
triggered the need for learning foreign languages to communicate with people
from other countries. Some people believe that learning foreign language at
the initial stages has a greater advantage while others opine differently. So, it
warrants a revisit of thoughts which makes me ponder over this sensitive
topic. Today, I discuss the advantages of learning foreign language at primary
school followed by the disadvantages in this piece of writing.

Looking at the brighter side, first and foremost reason is that subjects taught
at primary school are remembered for long time by the children. For example,
the rhymes, formulae & morals learnt at the primary school are remembered
by pupils for their entire life. However people tend to forget the formulae and
lessons taught at secondary school. So a foreign language introduced to the
children at primary school will be remembered for longer time. Thus it is clear
that learning foreign language at primary school has its advantages.

On the flip side, students at primary school will have more subjects to learn.
The subjects like mathematics, sciences and English at primary school are
foundations to the advanced subjects that are introduced in the latter stages
of the education. So students would have focus more on these subjects in
order to excel at these subjects in next stages of their education. Hence,
introduction of foreign language at primary school will be a deviation to the
children from the other important subjects. Thus, from the above it is clear
that the learning foreign language at early stages of education has its

To conclude, it is clear from the above that the disadvantages of introducing

foreign language at primary school outweigh the advantages. It is agreed that

these foreign languages could be introduced at the secondary level for the
greater good of children.50

Topic: Native place

Many people think that regions affect successful person. What is your opinion about native region and
accomplished persons influence on the region he belongs to?
People believe that we are influenced by the place where they live in. Give an example specific person
who was successful / unsuccessful because of the influence.

It is indeed true fact that everyone has a native place where a person is born.
Some people believe that only native place plays an important role to develop
human personality but others have their different point of view. So, it warrants
a revisit of thoughts, as well as the clashes of interest which make me ponder
over this sensitive topic. Today, discuss the both positive and negative impact
of native place in an individual life in this piece of writing.
Looking at the brighter side, first and foremost reason is that a person learns
almost everything from his/her birth place. Birth place leads to learn a
systematic language structure, a culture, traditions, moral values and respect
of relationships. With the help of native culture one can celebrates the rituals
regarding birth, marriage and even the death. It means native place is main
cause to develop folk psychology.

Moving on to consider the opposing arguments that birth place may lead to
learn many things but it is not mandatory that everything which is provided by
native culture to learn us is right all the time. Indian culture contains many

evil rituals like Sati Pratha and Child Marriage etc. In spite these evil rituals
are banned by Indian Constitution, some evidences have found that they are
still in practice. Orthodox ideology
However, I must suggest that there is no denying fact that native place plays a
major role in human life, but nowadays we are living in modern society with
multicultural manners and we have to adopt many good positive ritual from
different culture and avoid that social evils which are really harmful for
humanity, even they are from ones native place.

Topic: Einstein (Education is the bigger barrier in my learning)

. Education is the biggest barrier in my learning - Einstein. What do you mean by this? And do you think
Einstein was correct in saying that.

There is no denying fact that life is a learning phase. Throughout the life ones
goes to school, colleges, and universities to seek knowledge, which seem
actual learning to the people. But, Einstein thinks differently so he commented
rather opposite statement that education became hurdle in his learning. So, it
warrants a revisit of thoughts, which makes me ponder over this sensitive
topic. What does he mean? Do you think he is correct? Today, I am going to
elaborate this statement below as well as accord and PARTIALLY agree too that
he is right.
To begin with, Einstein means whatever he learnt by education was limited
knowledge because he read and study the concept which are old and founded
by somebody else. Due to which he thought he could not achieve anything.
Similarly, in todays era people get education by attaining others knowledge
which may stop their learning practical abilities. In contrast, Einstein said that

his education tried a lot to interfere his research and experiments where he
was trying to research new ideas for learning which is gaining only by practical
knowledge otherwise he would not be learn and grow.
Probing further, To support it, Einstein was an only person who thought
beyond the education due to which he broke all the barriers and found many
theories and experiments oh physics, chemistry, mathematics and so on which
we study today. No doubt, he was man of sharp mind which he used to give
birth to various innovations and inventions. However, it is also true that basic
foundation is important to get through education.
Eventually, having stated my viewpoints, I would like to conclude that an
unbiased view would favor a resolution on a middle ground. I would therefore
partially agree with the proponents to an extent. However, I must suggest that
Einstein is only a scientist who thinks apart from education to practical
knowledge and he gave the methods of actual learning power whereas he was
the father of many great inventions and he gave us the concept of think
beyond education for learning.45

Topic: Large shopping malls are replacing small shops .What is your opinion
about this?Discuss with examples.
It is indeed true fact that with the advent of technology and modernization era
where shopping malls are more popular than the traditional shops due to
urbanization so shopping malls becomes an indispensable part of todays
generation life .So, it warrants a revisit of thoughts, which makes me ponder
over this sensitive topic. Today, I strongly believe shopping malls gives many
facilities which is not provided by the local shops but I discuss the both
positive and negative impact of shopping malls in an individual life in this
piece of writing.

Looking at the brighter side, first and foremost reason is that today shopping
malls become a necessity of people because of the various facilities offers to
the buyers such as modern atmosphere, product diversity and shopping
convenient. In a mall you spend many hours without being bored; if you want a
particular product, there you can find a lot of choices to buy. If you get tired of
shopping, you can either take a rest in a nice coffee or hotels. Numbers of
products are available in one roof which saves the customers time also. They
are designed in a way to contribute in city management by providing facilities
such as internal car park.

Moving on to consider the opposing arguments that shopping in big malls is

not a cup of tea for everybody. Shopping malls flop the business of traditional
shops and also affect the countrys business. Even in small shops persons can
easily buy the things and it is cheaper rather than the shopping in big malls. In
shopping malls things are costly and people are getting spend thrift by such a
However, I must suggest that people spare their money in such a manner
about check their budgets and it should be limited about their income.
Therefore, I think shopping malls will gradually replace traditional local
markets because of their social advantages but people should not use these
advantages in wrong criteria. 52

Topic: Global Climate

You are given climate as the field of study. Which area will you prefer? Explain why u picked up the
particular area for your study.Give reasons and examples.

There is no denying fact that we are dwelling in falsehood era where global
warming become a mammoth threat for human beings due to which it effects
to environment day by day. Due to which, the earths temperature gets
increases which causes the melting of snow and ice, rising sea level, increases
ocean temperature and damages the ozone layer. Today, I am going to discuss
the main reasons, effects, solutions of global warming due to the climatic
change and my opinion in this piece of writing.
To begin with, a variety of reasons first and foremost reason behind this
statement is that factories really exhale very destructive gases as carbon
dioxide which pollutes the air and all we know that air is something we cant
live without that. For example, when we breathe the polluted air, we can get
seriously ill even ground level ozone layer damage our lungs tissues and is
especially harmful for those who are asthma patients.
In addition, another problem is that sea levels are rising worldwide. Also
mountains glaciers and small ice caps are melting as well as the problem of
greenhouse gases which is occurred due to the atmospheric heat. Even man is
also responsible for the global warming by regularly use of transport which
may generate the pollution as well as the heat.
To conclude, I personally tend to think that nowadays climate change is the
biggest problem of the human being. Either it is very destructive for human
beings because it causes natural disasters like tsunamis, floods and
earthquakes. We should save our planet from this curse of global warming
because every life is precious in this earth. Governments also make some rules
for save the natural environment and people should follow that rules and
regulations. 42

Topic: Humanities Studies

It is indeed true fact that with the advent of technology and

modernization era where demands of different streams in students
become a very crucial part and Humanities group is also a part of arts
group. So, it warrants a revisit of thoughts, which make me ponder over
this sensitive topic. Today, I strongly believe that among the medical,
non-medical and commerce group humanities group have its own
importance as well as interests of students in their stream where I
discuss the positive and negative impact of the topic in this piece of
Looking at the brighter side, first and foremost reason support this
statement that humanities studies includes ancient culture, arts, music,
theater, tradition, philosophy, history and so on where students achieve
their goals and success through to polish their skills and talent by this.
For example, famous personality Shakespeare proves their theories and
shows the importance of art in his books.
Moving on to consider the opposing arguments that due to high demand
of technology and interest students preferred to IT fields, medical and
non-medical fields because these fields are highly demandable in these
days. Therefore, students want to get jobs and education only in these
fields because each person should select that course in which they are
Eventually, having stated my viewpoints, I would like to conclude that an
unbiased view would favor a resolution on a middle ground. I would
therefore partially agree with the proponents to an extent. However, I
must suggest that Humanities studies also promote the interesting
aspects due to which craze of subject increases as well as the value
increases because Individual person should enjoy their studies according
to their interests. 50

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write,
but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. DISCUSS.
It is indeed A TRUE FACT that with the advent of technology and modern era
where, every PERSONlearnS new things to become stable. However, real
seekers learn different modes of life and use their knowledge practically. So, it
warrants a revisit of thoughts with the growing level of intolerance, which
makes me ponder over this sensitive topic. Today, I strongly believe that who
cannot read and write is a literate person of the 21st century in this piece of
To begin with first and foremost reason support this statement that learners
learn different aspects of life by the practically knowledge due to which they
learn about their customs, traditions, political views or cultures which may
beneficial for the development of country. Also practical knowledge even
technology is evolving rapidly, many jobs in transportation, manufacturing,
agriculture and other domains will get obsolete in a few year and will be
replaced by robots and artificial intelligence.
In addition, it is worth pointing out that it is widely held that reading and
writing person cannot develop him in the country. We can abstain our bad
habits and focus on our carrier by positive manner so that a person should
learn new things regularly and forget their unnecessary things from memory.
Now a days, parents make sure that their children get participate into different
activities like sports, art, culture or craft and so on rather than only studying
the subjects.
Eventually, having stated my viewpoints, I would like to conclude that an
unbiased view would favor a resolution on a middle ground. I would therefore
partially agree with the proponents to an extent. However, I must suggest that
sophisticated it does not mean to get some degrees and professional degrees
but also improve holistically knowledge by learning from life and renouncing
the knowledge which is no longer useful and baseless.4

Topic: Mass communication

Nowadays, the mass media
including TV, radio and newspaper have become the essential part of our lives. What is your opinion?
The mass media including TV, Radio and newspaper influence our society and shape our opinions and
characters. What is your opinion?

Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 years.

Discuss the positive and negative impacts of this change.
Information revolution has changed the way of mass communications and had some negative and positive
effects on individual lives as well as on society.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is indeed true facts that with the advent of technology and

modernization where mass communication is the study of
communication how individual relay information through mass
media to large segment of the population at the same time. It is
usually understood to relate to newspaper, magazine and book
publishing as well as radio, television and internet are modes of
mass communication. Today, I would like to scrutinize main ideas as
well as end up this writing with my opinion in conclusion.
Looking at the brighter side, to begin with first and foremost
reason to support this
Statement is that mass communication is media itself and it has
several benefits in our life because we can get information about
what is happening regarding anything from anywhere through. By
electronic and print media we may know about government
policies, business trends, national and international events as well
as about weather, games, history and scientific developments.
Therefore, we cannot imagine our life without media.
Looking at the darker side, the main threat is misuse of the media
because sometimes mass media creates misunderstanding among

the people providing false and baseless news. In addition to this,

some politicians use media as their political platform. They
controlled peoples mind with the help of media. Some people
believe that media can be controlled by the developed countries. It
is a wrong way of use media for their personal issue. Exaggerated
Eventually, having stated my viewpoints, I would like to conclude
that an unbiased view would favor a resolution on a middle ground.
I would therefore partially agree with the proponents to an extent.
However, I would like to suggest that media should work in better
manner rather than under any pressure. Because it has also social
obligations, so media should be transparent and do its job for the
welfare of society. 52

Topic: mix personal life to professional life or not

12. Nowadays, people spend too much time at work to the extent that they hardly have time for their
personal life. Discuss.

Modern lifestyle has brought some drastic changes in a way we function as compared to our traditional lifestyle. People
are spending most of their day at work and can hardly spare some time for personal life. I am of the opinion that work and
personal life must be balanced. Herein we will discuss few reasons and solutions of this issue.

There is no denying fact that people life has become very competitive due to
hectic lifestyle and people have not much time for their personal as well as
professional life. Both get mixed with each other due to hectic schedule in this
modern world. So, it warrants a revisit of thoughts with the growing level of
intolerance, which makes me ponder over this sensitive topic. Today, I
scrutinize how personal and professional life suffers in this piece of writing.
To begin with, personal and professional life both are very important in every
person life. In professional life, people do work to earn bread and butter and
fulfill the basic needs of life. Whereas, personal lives are that people spend
their spare time with their children and family members. If they do not spend
time with their children then they fall into bad and ill activities and the person

become sinister in the eyes of family members. As a result, both lives are huge
importance to sustain a comfortable life.
On the other hand, the best solution of this problem is the proper
management of time because time has great importance as once its goes
never recalled again. Due to this reason, we should adjust our work according
to the timing and give equal importance both of them. For instance, in the
office if the employ is happy and satisfied with his/her work then have less
burden of work and also spend their spare time with family and as a result
children get a good environment and learn good things related to their life
from their parents.
To conclude, I strongly believe that job and family are importance aspects of
life. So, there should be given much attention to both of them following the
time schedule and according to their environment.45

Topic: Travelling and Education

. Travel to study is overrated.
We have brilliant scholars who studied locally.
Is travel really required for higher study?

Value added by travel in Education Is travel a necessary component of education or not ? Will scholar
sitting at home have more knowledge than one who travels?

It is an indeed true fact that with the advent of globalization and

modernization, travelling and education is an important way to gain
knowledge. It gives first-hand knowledge where books give the second hand
knowledge because practical knowledge gathered by only this way. This
particular issue has an impact on our society as a whole to an extent that
makes it undoubtedly a matter of concern. With the growing levels of distinct
ideas of people regarding this statement, which make me ponder to give
divergent views over this sensitive aspect. Today, I would like to scrutinize
main ideas as well as end up this writing with my opinion in conclusion.
To begin with, first and foremost reason to support this statement that
traveling is very useful for us especially for the learners. It provides us not
with theatrical knowledge but with practical experiences. It gives us
opportunities to meet our friends and relatives living in far off places. In
addition, it is worth pointing out that it is widely held that travelling and
education makes history real. Historical accounts of the glory of ancient
remain unreal till we visit the great ruins and world heritage sites. Traveling
also gives us a true conception of the geographical, geological and
mineralogical resources of our earth. It creates in us the desire for
investigation, exploration and discovery.
Eventually, having stated my viewpoints, I would like to conclude that an
unbiased view would favor a resolution on a middle ground. I would therefore
partially agree with the proponents to an extent. However, I must suggest that
Education is not perfect and complete without traveling. Travelling is only the
source to enhance our practical skills of our history or bygone days. Often,
travel opens our eyes, not just to the world on the surface, but to the human
world, the lives and experiences of lives.

Topic: Space travelling

It is an indeed true fact that with the advent of technology and modernization
where Space travelling is a no longer dream because history proven that Yuri
Gagarin of Russia became the first man to go into space. So, the concept of
space travelling exactly an attraction for the people rather than focusing on
the environmental problems. Today, I would like to scrutinize main ideas as
well as end up this writing with my opinion in conclusion.

Looking at the brighter side, to begin with first and foremost

reason support this
Statements a new planet or a new life may also give us a great
knowledge due to which we discover the various things for explore
the other planets. Space research can help us to find the origin of
the universe, the age of our earth and other planets. It will help us
to find out whether life exists on planets of the universe other than
the earth. Such as Satellites and space crafts have been launched
for various purposes. In addition, the atmosphere in space is used
for television programs, radio broadcasts, telecommunication, etc.
Satellites provide advanced disaster warning and help to forecast
the weather whereas Distance educational programs, natural
resources management, etc. are controlled by satellites..
Looking at the darker side, Space travelling being also a part of
millions billions wastage of money. Space travel raises many
problems like refueling and supplies, weightlessness, Food,
Atmosphere. IN contrast it does give worth benefit and same
money can be used for the betterment of the country as for
environmental issues. Government should also make some
industries programs for environmental problems.
Eventually, having stated my viewpoints, I would like to conclude that an
unbiased view would favor a resolution on a middle ground. I would therefore
partially agree with the proponents to an extent. However, I must suggest that
Space travelling although very interesting steps but the countrys first priority
towards the society that is our planet. 52

In our education system assessments are done through formal written
examination. Do you think it is still valid?
Do you think that formal written examinations are a good way to assess

knowledge at school?
What is the significance of formal written assessments in today's world to
evaluate ones performance?
OR In education system, is assessment through formal written examination
still valid.
It is indeed a fact that with the advent of modernization, education system in
schools, colleges, universities are preferred to formal written examination
because this is the best way by which students gets education in specific
manner. So, indeed it plays inevitable role in individual life. With the growing
levels of distinct ideas of people regarding statement, which make me ponder
to give divergent views over this sensitive aspect. Today, I would like to
scrutinize brighter and darker side as well as end up this writing with my
opinion in conclusion.
Looking at the brighter side, to begin with first and foremost benefit is that
through formal education students study about the both practical and
theatrical knowledge which enhance the actual knowledge of learners. By the
written examination, educators check the real knowledge of educates as well
as also measure the level of knowledge. For instance, it is clear that
universities, schools and colleges organize the monthly and annually written
examination. In addition, it also helps to generate more discipline and other
qualities such as punctuality, doing homework, attendance, and sincerity in
students and by these learners can develop themselves holistically.
In contrast, it is also true that, written assessments may also be a reason of
high depression among educates where daily tight schedule gives negative
felling and pressurize the students as well as because syllabus is
bulky,irrelevant and more theortical rather than practicaluseless . According
to the statistics, every year students get suicide which we can see through
different media resources.
Eventually, having stated my viewpoints, I would like to conclude that an
unbiased view would favor a resolution on a middle ground. I would therefore
partially agree with the proponents to an extent. However, I must suggest that
written assessments should be organize by schools, colleges and universities
but syllabus should not be bulky and more practical knowledge should be
include in syllabus where students learn things by enjoying the studies not by
depression.45..revamped and

What is the greatest invention of the 20th century among, medicine, airplane,
and computer? Why?
In the past 100 years, there have been many inventions such as antibiotics, airplanes and computers.
What do you think is the most important of them?
Which is the greatest invention in last 100 years medicine or science or technology?

There is no denying fact that we are dwelling in modern and sophisticated era
where inventions brought a mammoth change in human beings life and from
all aspects among the various inventions computer is the greatest one, only
because today technology becomes a part of an individual life.. Today, I am
going to discuss the main points and my opinion in this piece of writing.
To begin with, a variety of reasons can be offered to explain why I am favor of
computer but the first and foremost reason is that computers are very easy
and convenient to use and also it is very fast machine which gives accurate
results. It has very useful in official sectors, educator sectors, defense sectors,
and space sectors and so on. It is only the way in these days where we can
save our secret information in a way with some security keys.
In addition, Computers has not improved only above these fields, it has also
improved in medicinal line and aviation line. Computers are used for research
and analysis in hi tech laboratories. By the help of computers ground level
staff connected to the air staff which is very helpful at the time of landing even
in the weather disorders.
To conclude, it is dilemma to be with one particular side, which leads me to
have partial opinion regarding this statement. Yet, I personally tend to think
that none of other invention can supersede due to which computers have
endless advantage in each and every sector but make sure one should use it
very wisely because it has also many disadvantages.

Effects of tourism in developing countries

In under developed countries, tourism has disadvantages and can be said the opposite as well.

There is no ambiguity in saying that we are dwelling in sophisticated and

advanced era where tourism is gaining more popularity due to technological
advancements of transport as compared to the bygone times. So, it warrants a
revisit of thoughts with the growing levels of intolerance as well as clashes of
interests, which make me ponder over this sensitive topic. Today, I am going to
discuss main points and my opinion in this piece of writing.
Moreover, tourism also extends brotherhood between the different countries
and it also spreads the information about the culture, customs, and heritage.
Looking at the darker side, tourism effects the peace and harmony of the
country in the form of traffic and environmental issues because more tourism
means more travelling and it causes traffic and pollution issues.
To conclude it is dilemma to be with one particular side, which leads me to
have partial opinion regarding this statement. Yet I personally tend to think
that tourists should be follow the rules and norms of that country and no one
can destroy the peace. Tourists must being pretend himself like the civilized

Topic: should employers take suggestions from their employees while taking
decision or not. Discuss your opinion.
Company Top level Authorities should or should not take employees suggestions or ideas to take any
decisions. Discuss

There is no denying fact in saying that any company or organization is run by

both management and their employees in this modern era. The participation of
employees and management in any piece of work is a basic need or
importance for their company to run it successful while participation of both
give some new or unique ideas for their company or organization. So, it
warrants a revisit of thoughts with the growing level of intolerance as well as
clashes of interests, which make me ponder over this sensitive topic. Today,
my essay is going to shed lights on the merits and demerits of this given
statement before drawing the solution.
There are multifarious reasons which support this statement, but to begin with
first and foremost reason is that if employees are aware about new ideas,
changes and strategies which is applied by employees then they can work
more effectively, which may give benefit to the company as well as company
starts creating strong relationship between employee and employer. Secondly,
employeeshave different plans.apply or
management and lower management are involved.
In contrast, it is also true that firstly, sometimes employees feel bossy and
they dominate to other employees in their organization and some employees
give useless ideas which are not beneficial for the company as such workers
are inexperienced .Therefore ,company may face the loss. On the top of it,
Sometimes confidential or hidden files and document view by the employees,
which are not beneficial for the company and their management.
To conclude, I strongly believe that employers does not take suggestions from
employees for every project if they do so then they take decision which
suggestion is better for their company or not and apply their own ideas.50

Topic: Is it foolish to get marriage before getting higher education

. It is usually foolish to get married before completing your studies and getting established in a good job?
Do you agree or disagree".

There is no denying fact in saying that marriage is a very crucial part of an

individual life and decision of marriage at right time with a right person is one
of the biggest decisions of ones life. Some people only get married
unmindfully which seems completely to be foolishness. So, it warrants a revisit
of thoughts with the growing level of intolerance which makes me ponder over
this sensitive topic. Today, I am going to discuss main points and my opinion in
this piece of writing.
There are multifarious reasons to support this reason but to begin with first
and foremost reason is that there is a cut off competition in every field. To get
good job and stability in life, higher education is only the way to achieve these
goals. For instance, before getting married one should achieve success in their
life by higher education that means every person should stand on their feet as
means of financial strength. By this, they can easily fulfill the needs of their
family as bread and butter, shelter, and higher education for children and so
In addition, through education we also learn the moral and ethical values
which play very important role in our life. With higher education, we know the
rules and regulations to develop holistically because a couple goes from
various thick and thins, for this they will easily solve their problems with
patience. They will behave wisely to each other which can be only hollowed by
sophisticated person.
To conclude that I personally believe that getting married is altogether very
important in every persons life but after the higher education because

everyone make sure to prepare mentally and financially for the successful and
peaceful married life.

Topic: Consumer should avoid

responsibility of producers?








Do you think consumer should avoid over packed products or it is responsibility of

producer to avoid extra packaging of products?" Give your views or any relevant example
with your own experience.

There is no denying fact in saying that packaged products are highly

demandable by the consumers in this modern era but today it is moot concern
that packaged products are good or bad for health. Even it should be avoided
or not. So, it warrants a revisit of thoughts with the growing levels of
intolerance, as well as clashes of interests which make me ponder over this
sensitive topic. Today, I am going to discuss the disadvantages of packaged
food in human lives as well as for the nature.
There are multifarious reasons for avoid the packaged food but the first and
foremost reason is human health which is priceless for every person. Packaged
food is very dangerous because of many reasons. Today, many people use the
readymade food for various reasons. They are highly busy in their lives and
they have no time for cooking the food at home. So, by this they suffer from
many harmful diseases which they may lose their precious lives.
In addition, its companys responsibility to avoid the selling of packaged food
because this food is rotten and this food is pack in trays or plastic cans. These

plastic materials spread various diseases like cancer, flue, stomach infection,
food poisoning and so on. For example, Macdonald Company which is famous
for their packed food and people eat this food while they walking or travelling
and also folks throw these wrappers or cans on the streets. By this they
destroy the harmony or economic wealth of country.
As I conclude, I strongly believe that packed food should be banned for the
welfare of society because todays statistics measurement describes the high
ratio of deaths as reason of cancer which may cause by this packed food. Even
the companies should prepare fresh food for people. litter

Topic: Consumer should avoid over packaged product and is it producers

There is no denying fact in saying that we are living in civilized era where
packaged products and instant products are more famous because they save
the time of people whereas preparing food at home more sophisticated and
time consuming. Avoiding packaged product is an issue which frequently
generates a great deal of debate. So, it warrants a revisit of thoughts with the
growing level of intolerance, which makes me ponder over this sensitive topic.
Today, I firmly assert with this statement that consumer should avoid over
packaged product as well as it is the responsibility of manufacturers too due
to below written reasons.
There are multifarious reasons which support this statement, but to begin with
first reason is that package product are not real or fresh products because in it
different types of materials and acids are involved which helps the product to
fresh and not expiry for many days due to which these acids are harmful for
children growth. Also packing materials like box,tray,container and cardboard
wrap and wrapping paper are low in cost which cause the bacteria because no
business wants to spend more on packing.
In Addition, some companies also see to have gone overboard on packing
whereas they put food by using various packing resources due to which people
eat these products while walking and they throw it on the street. For example,
McDonalds is the first to over package their food and encourage people to eat
while walking.
Taking these points into consideration, from a personal perspective, without a
shadow of a doubt, I conclude that Packing ensures that people can buy and
use products when they want them, in good condition and with little wastage.

Topic: Discount in big companies

. Marketing strategy for big companies should be placed on offer and discounts, and in what ways this can
impact on their reputation.
"Marketing strategy for some companies is offers and discounts, for some it is reputation. Should consumer goods
companies concentrate special discounts and offers to promote their products or they should focus on reputation?
What do you think is more important?

There is no denying fact that every company has sound motive to increase
their productivity, costumers and gaining profit by using different strategies in
this modern world. So, it warrants a revisit of thoughts with the growing level
of intolerance, which makes me ponder over this sensitive topic. Today, I firmly
assert with this statement that discount offered by the big companies is very
beneficial for the public as well as for companies.
There are multifarious benefits but to begin with the advantages for the
customer it is clear that customer will enjoy lot of shopping when they get
discount which leads them to have more new options of different products that
fulfil their needs as well as saving their money. For instance different
companies like puma, Nike and adidas offer different discount like buy one get
one free, flat discount during summer, winter and special occasions and they
have special cards and coupons for their customers.
In addition company get huge benefit with the help of these strategies like
they are able increase their costumers whereas sale of products and make
companies profitable revenue. This help to company develop their business as
demand increases and production and rate also.
To conclude, I strongly believe that giving discount to customers is a wide
decision if company doing with it some limits rather than facing loss. Even,
customer should do shopping for fulfilling their needs instead becoming spend
thrift. 42

TOPIC:Students misbehave with their teachers

There is no denying fact that today is a falsehood era where students
misbehave with their teachers due to the lack of moral and ethics values which
are given by their parents. So, it warrants a revisit of thoughts with the
growing level of intolerance as well as clashes of interests which make me
ponder over this sensitive topic. Today, my essay is to delve into causes,
effects and remedies of this given concern.
The main cause of this problem is the lack of basic manners and moral values
between the students. It happens due to either the working parents or bad
company of the students. Learners play pranks with their mentors or create
indiscipline in the class. This course of bad deeds not only in the schools it also
happens at colleges and universities levels where students misbehave with
their educators. In addition, the other main reason behind this topic is that the
traditional and old teaching methodology where students get bored in class
from bulky syllabus and then they start creating arbitrary behavior with
As every lock has a key, in the same way solution for this problem goes. The
remedies for this problem is to teach the students about the ethics and moral
values by the parents as well as the teachers. They should also learnt about
social behavior in the sake of good citizens. Second solution is to better and
advancement techniques should be used during the class like smart classes
and workshops. By this student will enjoy the studies also with different
So, this problem is eradicate only by giving them proper knowledge about the
moral values and how to live as a civilized person.
Topic: Students misbehave with their teachers
There is no ambiguity in saying that we are dwelling in modern society where
students misbehave with their teachers .So, it warrants a revisit of thoughts
with the growing level of intolerance as well as clashes of interests, which
make me ponder over this sensitive topic. Today, my topic is to delve main
points and my opinion in this piece of writing.
There are multifarious reasons which support this statement, but to begin with
first reason is that students have lack moral values .They have no basic
manners due to many reasons. One is there working parents. They have no
time to learn moral values to their children .Second reason is seekers have no
good society and friends. Sometimes Teachers used traditional and
cumbersome methodology of teaching and syllabus become boring. All these
facts are causes for stub born and misbehave with their mentors.
As every lock has a key, in the same way solution for this problem goes. So,
working parents gave time to their children and know about their friends.

Teachers should use modern teaching aids and smart classes which helps to
students more interesting their study and they should not get bored.
To conclude it is dilemma to be with one particular side, which leads me to
have partial opinion regarding this statement yet I personally tend to think
that Students, Teachers and Parents create deep relationship with each
other .So that they understand the problems. 34

Topic: Team Sports

There is no ambiguity in saying that Union is strength which is very
important in all spheres of our life. Whenever, we are working in a team or
either in any organization, team sport must be an indispensable way for
winners to achieve success or their goals. So, it warrants a revisit of thoughts
with the growing level of intolerance which makes me ponder over this
sensitive topic. Today, I am going to discuss main points and my opinion in this
piece of writing.
There are multifarious reasons to support this statement but to embark with,
first and foremost reason is that team sport can help individually to learn
lessons and skills which enhance the personality traits and also playing with
team work, one may learn the different techniques from other players. In
instance, in sports, sportsman gain experience from the seniors players and
then he or she play well because of their role models from which they get
In addition, sportsman also acquire success, name and fame from the team
victory. They celebrate the success of team together not individually. This is
also a way of team spirit .Apart from that, team sport also achieve any goal in
difficult situation with the help of team spirit. For example, History is the proof
of various team success which is only possible with team sport not individually.
To finish off, I personally believe in team sport plays a crucial role in ones life
and equally in the players. Team sport is not a part of just players, it is also a
strong part of professionalisms life. One can achieve their success of life with
the team sports.45

In a war of ideas, it is people who get killed. Does a common man suffer
from a groups ideology? Express your opinion, and support the same with
reasons and examples

ANSWER: Undoubtedly, since ages human beings have been fighting due to the
conflicts of the ideas they have.Nevertheless,it is also true that these clashes
of opinions beget to such perilous decisions of particular groups which are
threats for the mankind. As far as, It is concerned to me, I firmly assert with
this statement due the various reasons that I am going to expound in this
There are multifarious reasons but to begin with first and foremost is that
everybody has their own views regarding religion, culture, and politics and so
on because in all over the world, there are the diversities .This leads
everybody to think that their opinions must be followed by others. On the
whilst, when it is not acceptable then cause riots, processions and even killing
the people of opposite sides. For instance, history is the evident of various
such disputes like racism, cultural war, in between communities of this world.
Even, the terrorism is one of the major examples of such disputes of ideas.
Moreover, the political reasons can cause such fights owing to sometimes
different leaders of various countries have their own agenda either for the
good deed or bad one, because of which such authorities announce to have
battle for their rights and other dominating causes sometimes.But,here once
again innocent people get killed .To epitome, it is known to all of us that world
war 1 and 2 were disastrous for the mankind as millions of people died,

To conclude, I restate that conflicts of ideas are inevitable so individuals and

political leaders should respect the ideas of others so that this world can be
more peaceful and prosperous for the reason that love and brotherhood are
the solutions for all problems.

Topic: Topic: 32. Modern lifestyle has made it harder for people to live a healthy
and active lifestyle. What are the causes of this situation?
Suggest what can be done by the government and large organizations to
improve it.
Nowadays, people spend too much time at work to the extent that they hardly
have time for their personal life. Discuss.

It is indeed true fact that with the advent of technology and modernization era
where the strains of modern living have caused individuals to become inactive
and develop unhealthy habits in their daily routine. There are valid reasons for
this trend and ways in which government bodies or powerful establishments
could provide a positive solution to minimize the damage. So, it warrants a
revisit of thoughts which makes me ponder over this sensitive topic. Today, I
strongly believe that people becomes modern due to advancement of
technology and growth of social media. But I discuss the both causes and
solutions of this topic in this piece of writing.

There are multifarious reasons which support this statement, but to begin with
first and foremost reason is that many people have been exposed to the
capabilities of advance technology which has had a huge impact on peoples
lives. It offers a convenient way of handling everyday tasks with a simple press
of a button. The possibilities are endless when it comes to improving the way
people search for information, pay for items, look for employment, and so
forth. As a consequence, it has caused many people to become lazy and
expectant of processes to be as efficient and easy in all aspects of their lives.
Food is no exception. Convenience foods can be readily available, offering
meals and snacks containing harmful additives as well as an unbalanced ratio
of nutrients in order to maximize taste. According to health experts who follow
stun dry .
To address this problem,thesesolutions,firstly it is not about the lack of
knowledge that these people suffer but the willpower to resist. Rather than
removing the benefit that technology offers, replace it with an incentive to
participate in active sports at work or in education as part of their day.
Form social groups or sport events to not only build teamwork but also to
encourage an active lifestyle. Similarly, fast food cannot be simply taken away,
however healthier alternatives that are inexpensive and quick to prepare could
offer consumers a choice. Much of what is available could use healthier
To conclude, I strongly believe that, developments in technology and
unhealthy choices due to a busy lifestyle has brought a generation of lethargic
and unwell human beings. In any case, the above suggestions would minimize
these harmful effects.

TOPIC: Why people prefer to study abroad

It is indeed true fact that with the advent of technology and modernization era
where education is the first route a student take to build his future. Some
students prefer to pursue their study overseas while others want to further

their study in their countries. Nowadays, more and more people decide
to further their study abroad because they believe that studying overseas
offers more advantages than studying at their home country. So, it warrants a
revisit of thoughts which makes me ponder over this sensitive topic. Today, I
discuss the advantages to study abroad followed by the disadvantages in this
piece of writing.

Looking at the brighter side, first and foremost reason is that foreign
institutions offer better courses than institutions in their home country where
they have lecturers who are experts in their fields where students are able to
score good results in their academic curriculum. By studying abroad, students
can expand their knowledge and gain qualifications that open the door to
better job opportunities. Therefore, studying abroad is better than
studying at their home country. On the other hand It will be easier for them to
gain outstanding results in such professional environments. Moreover, foreign
students are always motivated by their nation pride. That is why it is common
to see that students studying abroad usually achieve great respect from native
In addition, skills improvement is necessary and useful. Being in a new
country, Students have to adapt new environment with a different way of
living, new language, strange foods and so forth which develop their living
skills and make them a great deal more mature. Finally, being a foreigner is
interesting. The tradition and culture in the country you study certainly have
some things different from your homelands. Therefore, it is a good chance for
you to discover. Also, if they have ample time, travelling in a new country is
really attractive. This will increase their knowledge and experience as well.
Looking at the darker side,it can be found that travelling abroad has minor
negative effects on the students; some of which are drinking wine and eating
pig. Those bad things might make the students deviate from their original
morals and traditions. However, this mainly depends on the student himself. If
he follows these bad routes, he will not concentrate on his study any more.
Therefore, he will acquire the bad habits instead of his golden goal, namely
study. Also his future and previous aspirations will be utterly lost.
To conclude, I strongly believe that, every student, if intended to study
overseas, should pick out the good and beneficial merits from that country and
extremely abstain from the ugly habits or customs. Accordingly, will get a
multicultural educated and prosperous generation of which we will greatly

Topic: Imitating celebrities in sports and movies good or bad? OR

Youngsters now admire and imitate media and sports personalities
even though they do not always set a good example. Do you think
that this is a positive or negative development?
It is indeed true fact that with the advent of technology and modernization
era where media and sports personalities are the heroes. They are
everywhere on the billboards, in the newspapers, on TV and internet. This
omnipresence has earned them widespread fame and millions of fans who try
to imitate everything that they .So, it warrants a revisit of thoughts which
makes me ponder over this sensitive topic. Today, I strongly believe that
people consider them as their role model. But I discuss the both positive and
negative impact of famous personalities in an individual life in this piece of
Looking at the brighter side, first and foremost reason is that number of
famous personalities belong to middle class families and doing hard work they
achieve their goals and famous due to which people inspire from their life .
They are achievers. Many of them had humble beginnings. Still, they rose to
fame because of their determination and hard work. We can also achieve the
same if we make a sincere attempt. They also give good message through
their pictures.
Moving on to consider the opposing arguments that some famous personalities
dont mind spending millions of dollars on shopping. They wear expensive
designer garments and drive super luxury cars because they earn millions of
dollars every year so it doesnt really matter to them. Unfortunately, they
inspire middle class people, who can hardly afford this, to adopt the same life
style. On the other hand some celebrities are not real as they look because
some are drug addiction, smoker and drinker which imitating extra backend.
Eventually, having stated my viewpoints, I would like to conclude that it is not
hard to see that admiring and imitating film and sports personalities who do
not set a good example is bad. Simply admiring them is alright. The problem
begins when we try to imitate everything that they do. 48

Topic:30. In some countries around the world, voting is compulsory. Do you

agree with the notion of compulsory voting?
If Voting is compulsory in democratic society, what conclusions can we draw
about Nature of democracy?
There is no ambiguity in saying that we are dwelling in modern society where
democratic a nation will be with or without compulsory voting. This system has
many benefits to the nation, if it is implemented in a right manner.So, it
warrants a revisit of thoughts which makes me ponder over this sensitive
topic.Today, Idiscuss the nature of democracy with few examples of
compulsory voting.
There are multifarious reasons, first and foremost reason is thatDemocracy is
also known as republic, is a governing system where the citizens of the
country vote to one of the several parties competing for the Presidents
position. If only 30% of the people vote then outcome of the election will be
unfair, as those who did not vote may not like the party that won the election.
For instance, In America, Bill Clinton won when mere 34% of the total
population voted. Similarly in India on an average only 50 to 55% of the people
vote and rest have to accept the rules drafted by the unwanted members of
the parliament.
Turning to the compulsory voting, in Australia voting is compulsory since last
80 years. Almost 90% of public participate and there is a little fine for those
who dont participate. Moreover, in South American nations like Peru and
Bolivia there are harsh punitive action against those who dont vote. For
example, Non Voters are barred from accessing their own bank accounts for up
to 3 months. This is the reason there are some people who are against
compulsory voting.
In a nutshell, it can be said that compulsory voting is an imperative step in a

democratic society, however its implication in a friendly manner is of vital

importance. So compulsory voting is mandatory for a democracy to be a

Topic:. Parents should be held legally responsible for their childrens acts.
What is your opinion? Support it with personal examples

It is indeed true fact tha tteaching for children how to behave well is an
important task for parents who want their children to become good people.
Childrens behaviors are mainly affected by their parents, so the behaviors

which are whether good or bad depend on their parents actions. Although
some people argue that children have to be responsible for their acts. As far
as, It is concerned to me, I believe that parents are only persons who have
responsibility for behaviors of their children because children always obey
their parents. Today, I am going to expound in this piece of writing.
There are multifarious reasons, first and foremost reason is that obeying
parents is especially important for children because parents show them what
they should do. Before becoming adults and independent persons, children
often observe actions of their parents and follow their parents advices.
Therefore, their behaviors are consequences of what they have observed and
taught by their parents. For instance, my neighbors have a son always criticize
and speak profanity words such as FUCK, What the hell, etc. The boy has such
misbehaviors because his parents often speak these words and debate of
whatever between them happens at any time. This is one of two reasons why I
believe that parents should be responsible for their childrens behaviors.
Nurture(do upbringing)..conscience...abusive
In Addition, In most countries in the world, there are rules of state law that
force parents take responsibilities for their childrens misbehaviors. Some
parents only know give the birth to their children and they do not care to
teaching knowledge for their kids. Children will not know how to do right
things and have misbehaviors. Thus, these rules are created to make parents
more responsible for their kids. For example, in Vietnam, there are rules that
force parents taking responsibilities for teaching as well as feeding until their
children are 18 year old.
To conclude, I strongly believe that, in order children becoming good people
for society, parents have to be responsible for their children not because they
affect their children mostly, but the law force them to take responsibilities. On
the contrary, if parents treat their children badly, in turn their children will
behave badly to express their disappointment or to take revenge against their
own parents.

Topic:.Nowadays TV has become an essential part of life. Medium to spread news & awareness and for
some it acts like a companion.
What is your opinion about this?
Television has many useful functions to play in everyone's life, for some its relaxation, for some it is
Discuss your viewpoint and support your answer with examples.

In the 21st century the life of the people are very fast and hard because Man
has become very busy because he is always running behind material success.
He has no time to stand and stare or think of the real significance of life. The
cult of post modern society is work. Inspite of these things wants to entertain
himself in order to be energetic. Nowadays, television is the main source of
recreation. In this essay pros and cons of television will be discussed before
coming to any conclusion.
On the brighter side, the new satellite and cable TV system are become the
vital need as a source of knowledge and leisure activities. Since the people
desire continues entertainment, television becomes a craze among the
children, youngster and old person. People of every generation watch TV and
feel relaxed. In the field of information, TV has brought us closer to the distant
part of world. The revolutionary changes in the field of education are visible.
Even for the children under the age of kinder garden have their own channels
on TV. Couch-potato
On the darken side of the picture is very dark and this harmful rays of the
television affect the people eye. The introduction of cable TV is considered as
cultural invasion of underdeveloped countries. The innocent children, young
men and women learn most if destructive things through television.
Uncensored TV shows are a distant reality, that kind of programs spoil our
cultural roots and morality. In this era working couples are in vogue, so their
children are free to this type of shows.
In nutshell, I would like to say that television could made man aware day by
day and gives recreational energy, but it can leads to demolish our cultural
and traditional morality as well.
So that cannot be cured must be endured
and we should learn the difference between recreation and exploitation .

Topic: The claim that animals have rights has been the subject of much debate since the 1970s.
Are zoos helping or hurting our animals?
Should zoos be banned?
Do you agree or disagree?

It is an undeniable fact that every living creature has the right to live with respect and dignity in this world
and they should be given an opportunity to experience their fundamental rights like food, clothes and
shelter. Therefore, zoos are the place where all the necessary amenities are met for the animals. So, it is
definitely not a good idea to ban zoos. I do not accord with the given statement.
To begin with, zoos are the safest place for the poor creatures as they are taken care well and their holistic
needs are met at the time of necessity. For example, animals can be treated well in case of medical needs
and they will enjoy not only freedom of life but also quality of life by experiencing all the facilities. In this
way , zoos have always provided enough protection to the wonderful creatures.
Furthermore, emphasizing my point of view, I believe there are a lot of species on the verge of extinction
and they need to be preserved at any cost. So, zoos are the prime place to protect such a beautiful
natures creation. For instance, the number of tigers is being decreased gigantically day by day in the
world and if they are not prevented from extinction, there will be hardly any tigers left in near future.
In conclusion, I believe zoos play an ample role to provide proper basic needs to the animals along with
respect and dignity. Therefore, zoos need to be established in every corner of the earth and people should
be made aware of animals right.

Zoo is a common term used for an open space which holds species of animals for display. Some
people claim confining animals in zoos may affect them mentally. However,it is argued animals
in zoos are well protected because they have been given proper food and water on time.
Focusing on advantages, for the long time,zoo officials claim in order to protect and take care
of endangered wild animals they need to be captured and confined in the safe places.In
addition, visiting zoo gives tremendous opportunity to explore animals in close and get
valuable experience of their living patterns.Some animals are killed for business purposes.For
instance, people are poaching elephants for their ivory and some animals for their fur and
medical benefits.

Nevertheless, there are also some disadvantages.Capturing animals from their home the
forest may affect them mentally.Furthermore,separating them from their families will affect
them psychologically and longing them to meet their loved ones once in a lifetime.
To put it in a nutshell,it is true in the past,zoos have subjected wild animal to cruel
treatment.But nowadays they are treated in a fair manner. With reforms brought about in this
sector, animals are given better treatment.In the end,it is up to us whether we want to see
animals in zoos or in a natural surroundings.

Effect Of Innovation On Society

Innovation has prompt alignment with the action of creativity. Since the beginning
of technical era, innovation is much restricted to technological field. The wide field
of innovation can also be traced on social dimensions. Taking into account its role
in society, that has following effects.
Above all, innovation through several inventors helped to strengthen any countrys
social economic background. Comparing the ancient times of economy to todays
status, shows direct progression and change. Innovating new and sophisticated
technological made lives simpler and easier than ever. Many down trodden folks or
even countries come into mundane existence through their deeds of innovation. For
instance, china has got its high peaking personality in small span of time. Great
people like Einstein and Shakespeare are our role models because of their
perception towards innovating something.
In contrast to this, finding and inventing different things may also lead to havoc
repercussions. As certain nations are in favor of innovating more explosive and
defense material which faces to the side of nuisance in few cases. Also new drugs
are introduced to society and it tends to give a severe Impact on mobs to extent.
Innovating novelty things made people to channelize the things in high rate which
causes perils such as pollution, ailments and holistic upheavals.
To finish off, I reckon that innovations can be proved as a bless for society as long
as it is used for the welfare and to assist the people in all possible ways. Delusional

Technological innovations have affected our lives. Do you agree

or disagree?

There is no denying fact that technological innovations have affected our lives in
many ways. While some innovations have made our lives better, others have
provoked many people to debate whether technology is essentially good.
Technology has made lives easier and more comfortable. Thanks to advanced
transport facilities we can now travel to any part of the world. This was not possible
some hundred years ago. Inventions like telephone and computers have
significantly improved our lives. Thanks to internet and mobile phones we can now
communicate with people from all over the world.
Of course, every coin has two sides. It is wrong to even assume that every scientific
breakthrough and technological invention is good for us. Some of them have
affected our lives negatively. Take, for instance, the case of environmental
pollution. Pollution is very much a by-product of technology. It has led to the
extinction of many species. It causes many diseases in human beings. A large
number of us now lead a sedentary life style because there is a gadget for just about
every job and situation. Pollution and lack of physical activity have now become
quite a health issue in many developed countries. While social networking sites
allow you to connect with people from all over the world, they do not necessarily
build relationships. In fact, studies have proved that people now spend less time

interacting with friends and family on a one-on-one basis. Worse still, the misuse of
internet and camera phones have become an alarming issue in modern society.
After analyzing the situation, it is not hard to see that technology does have some
negative effects. However, it doesnt mean that all technological innovations are
bad for society. In fact, many inventions have done a great deal of good to mankind.
Technology is essentially a multi-purpose tool. It is our duty to use it for the
betterment of our lives. If we misuse it, the problem is with us.

Adventurous Sports
Adventurous sports also called action sports and agro sports is a popular term for
certain activities perceived as a high level of inherent danger. These activities often
involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear.
Action sports are played at professional level and registered at international level. In
this essay kinds of extreme sports of the issue merits and demerits will discuss.
Firstly, there are various categories of adventurous sports like sky diving, snow
skiing, free skiing, mountain biking, off road driving, scuba diving, bungee jumping
so on. Extreme sports are wonderful experience for both participants and viewers. It
gives them energy, recreation and adventurous life. With help of these action sports
players can create world records and get global recognition. It gives them name and
fame as well.
On the other hand, beyond any shed of doubt, where there are roses, there thrones to
be. These kinds of sports may lead to high risk for sports persons because of many
ways. The main reason behind this lack of cooperation, discipline, lack of
equipments availability and less trained coaches. It can bring serious injuries to
death. It shows that, in order to get name and fame people love to take risk on their
life. In this way a particular nation may lose their precious citizens.
To finish off, I would like to say that adventurous sports are beneficial to encourage
the moral and energy. Before trying to these types of sports one should get proper
training by professional trainers because little bit careless and cheap equipments

may lead to cause death. So with all the safety measures it may creates fun and
sporting spirit in citizens.

Credit Card
Credit card is defined as plastic card which is issued by the bank. Credit cards
means you are spending banks money on your needs now and you can pay to later
to the bank. In present scenario, middle class people use more credit cards than the
others. Some people believe that use of plastic money has advantage and beneficial
but other does not agree with this idea. But, I have both the issues related to the
According to my point of view, beyond any shed of doubt, in today credit card is
widely used by people because now people use credit card who do not carry hard
cash with them and some time have no money for their purchased material so bank
provides card limit which is set according to the persons income. Apart from it,
people can use credit card for online shopping, swapping and other many ways
because people have to fill the options and reply the questions on the internet. It
makes easy for us. In addition, if someone goes abroad and now there is no need to
change currency, the money automatically changes by system.
On the other hand, some people use credit card for their useless name and fame.
They have more than one credit card in their pocket. They have not enough money
but they use credit card for show off only. However, people have to pay internet
which is used less and some people who do not refined the money on time they will
come in the blacklist of bank.

At last, I would like to say that, credit card is very useful and easy to carry instead
of cash. But, it is responsibility of the person that he/she should follow and use in
an appropriate way. We should use according to the rules of bank. So, we should
avail the benefits to use it up to some limits.

In the famous words of, Abraham Lincoln Democracy is the government of the people. It is a form of
government which is formed by the people and to the people of the country through their representatives whom
they elect and send to form the government and such goverment do work for the welfare of the people of
country. Democracy has both pros and cons and we can discuss both the issues.
I would try to shed a light/cast a shadow in favor and against of democracy in upcoming paragraphs.
Democracy refers to the government which is formed by the people and aids up its work for the people and
certainly is to the people of particular country where this provision of practices are performed.
There are two types of democracies Flawed and Full. Full democratic countries consist of nations like USA,
New Zealand and United Kingdom whereas India experience flawed sort of it. It is quite conspicuous that
rather the countries are having full or flawed democratic practices are much prosperous than other who does

First and formost reason, chief merit of democracy is that safeguards the interests of the people because real
power in the hands of the people who exercise it by the representative elected by them and who are responsible
to them. It is said that social, economic and political interests of the individuals are served under better the
system. In addition to this, democracy is based on principle of equality because the state is equal in the eyes of
law. All enjoy social, economic and political rights and state government cannot discrimate between the people
behave of sex, caste and religion so on
Firstly, democracy has numerous pros and is of utmost importance for the general public. The imperative role of
this government is to give immense range of assistance and services to folks wherever its needed. Taking into
consideration the needs and demands of people, such government has accomplished the dreams of becoming

ideal figures for many nations. For instance, UK has given full freedom to their citizens and also performed
accordingly to the voters and eventually democratic practices made UK one of the top notching nations of all
time. Moreover, down trodden people also got a chance to overcome the severe impact of discrimination which
was a mammoth/monstrous slur till date, only democracy has eradicated that concern by prioritizing each and
every entity.

In contrast, democracy has several demerits taking into account scams among community and leaders and other
government aristocrats leads to certain repercussive designs.Which is directly harmful stunt for any individuals
involved. Apart from it, the other major disadvantages for the execution of nefarious designs such as
international drug dealing and smuggling in any democratic country is supported mostly by the leaders who are
filthy rich due to general public incomeon
Tossing a coin to another side, democracy has also some certain lacking notions as well. The governmental
bodies makes false promises to people and do not really work on them to practically accomplish those deeds
they committed. In few cases there are aristocrats who are getting filthy rich and are on the same position for
quite a long span of time which leads to harmful public stunts for example giving execution to nefarious designs
such as International Smuggling and dealing. It only happens when these leaders hold trust of a general public.
Eventually the consolidated power from people goes to waste which is directly harmful feature of democracy.

To put an end to this, I reckon that democracy should be promoted but only by making sure if the governments
are honest to make the welfare, which can maintain the peace and harmony among societies.

Since the beginning of human civilization, mankind has lived competitive
relationship with nature. His rent less pursuit of progress, comfort and
security has resulted in increased stress on environment, particularly since
the industrial revolution. Anthropogenic activity is affecting the earths
climate on a global scale, since greenhouse gas emissions enhance the heat
trapping capacity of environment. The main culprits behind it are the human
activities and the tech nological advances achieved by man in the name of
growth has resulted into several unwanted phenomena which are affecting
climate worldwide.
Consequently, the life sustaining environment has been forced to transform
more rapidly than ever before. Human actions negatively results on ecology
has resulted into rapid increase in the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,
large scale deforestation, loss of biodiversity, severe land degradation and
environmental pollution. These activities are critically modifying the climatic

The effects of these problems are global, so we call them as global

environmental problems. The overall impact of these problems has been
observed as climate change, depletion of ozone, a rise in sea level,
changes in agricultural output and loss of biodiversity, ultimately leading to
an ecological crisis capable of affecting the entire life and life support
systems existing on our planet, Earth.Climate is inherently variable. Climate
differs from place to place. It varies with time.
On the flip side, if there is problem there is a solution. The main point to
recover with it is to grow more and more trees rather than deforestation.
Every human should take initiative of that. Moreover, there should be a
pollution check everywhere .People should use pollution free vehicles. Last
but not the least, solution is to emphasis on recycling the products. In these
ways, we can save the planet and global climate will again be constant.

Global Warming
Did you know that the average global temperature is rising by 2 cels in every 100
years? Global warming is the increase of earths average surface temperature due to
effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil
fuels and from deforestation which escape heat from earth and depleting the ozone
As mention earlier, first of all, the drastic incline in the emission of carbon dioxide
within the last 30 years caused by burning fossil fuels in transport vehicles,
factories, and industries has been identified as the major reason for the change of
temperature in the atmosphere. Moreover, deforestation as the second most

dangerous cause of global warming. Due to deforestation the ratio of greenhouse

gases in the atmosphere has increased and adding to our global warming.
On the other hand, we can control global warming with the help of using public
transportation and also can use those vehicles that operated by electric power, CNG,
LPG because these vehicles do not require any fuel and these vehicles do not
produce pollution and also Eco friendly. On the other contrary, we should use the
other source of energy such as wind energy, solar energy, electric power in factories
and industries rather than oil or fuel. However, we should preserve the forests and
also should plant the more trees.
By hammering the last nail, global warming is the main threat in contemporary
times and we should control global warming by using Eco friendly source of energy
and we should more and more plant the trees because trees observe carbon dioxide
and emit oxygen

Innovation and Invention

When we discover something is new is called invention. But, when we change
invention in action is called innovation. With the help of science and technology
everything is changing very fast pace and invention are converting into innovation.
Beyond any shed of doubt, Necessity is the mother of invention.
In order to support what I have mentioned above, there are several reasons, first of
all, in the field of automobile engineering section. It invented a car with simple
technology. Whereas, with the passage of time, it convert the simple technology of
automobile into latest technology with new facilities and comforts. Moreover,

internet is also a great invention of technology and with the help of internet the
world has become a global village and we can get any type of information and
knowledge about anything by just surfing internet. As a result, we can use internet
in anywhere like banking, hospital, business, shops and so on. In addition to, mobile
phone is also great invention. Before, people were mobile phone only for talking.
But, now we can use all types of new apps, internet, music player, video player, and
camera and so on. In addition, in the field of engineering like civil and architecture
engineering in ancient times, only a small building were established. However, due
to innovation in contemporary times, engineers are making multistory buildings
with new equipped with new facilities.
By the hammering the last nail, I would like to say that innovation has become a
part of our invention because we can get more benefits from innovation and it has
become necessity of our life. We should make effort to invention to change the

Means Of Communication
Communication is simply the act of transferring information from
one place to another. Although, this is a simple definition, when we
think about how we may communicate the subject becomes a lot
more complex. There are various categories of communication such
as spoken and verbal, non verbal, written communication and more
than one may occur at any time.Communication requires a sender,

a message, a medium and a recipient, although the receiver. There

are different means of communication I will discuss below.
To begin with, Communication is the sending and receiving of
spoken or written messages between people and places. Letters
are the most common means of communication in ancient times.
Whereas, in present times, we can also send message by
electronic-mail (e-mail) and the internet to any part of the world on
the computers. The internet is a worldwide computer network, by
which a user can connect his computer to another computer in any
part of the world. E-mail is a very inexpensive and very fast means
of communication
In addition to this, When we have to communicate with a big group
of people, or many people at one time, we have to use means of
mass communication Newspaper, radio or television, etc are means
of mass communication.Other means are telegram, telex, fax, radio
To finish off, As a matter of fact the world has become a global
village with the development in various means of communication.
People to people contact, in spite of vast distances, has been made
the order of the day. Every means of communication is useful in its
own way. Together, they help us keep in touch with our friends,
relatives and the world.

Sky Diving
Sky diving, or Parachuting, is also called the action sport, agro
sport because this is a type of adventurous sports. In this action
sport it includes the activity of exiting an aircraft and returning to
Earth with the aid of gravity, then slowing down during the last
part of the descent by using a parachute. It may or may not involve
a certain amount of free-fall, a time during which the parachute has
not been deployed and the body gradually accelerates to terminal
To begin with, Sky diving has several Health Benefits but many
people are unaware that this activity actually has many benefits to
the body. More than the adrenaline rush, skydiving helps you destress, facing the fears, physical benefits, Challenging Yourself,
creating confidence, Physical and Mental Rejuvenation and alert and just
enjoy life.In addition to this, with the help of this adventurous
sport player can create world records and get global recognition. It
gives them name and fame as well. In this way anyone can bright
their countrys name in
the world. Moreover, we can use sky
diving for different ways such as in military force, inhospitable
locations where we cannot reach by road and so on.
To finish off, I would say that sky diving are beneficial to encourage
the moral and energy. Before trying to these types of sports one
should get proper training by professional trainers because little
bit careless and cheap equipment may lead to cause death. So with
all the safety measures it may create fun and sporting spirit in

What Is The Advantages and Disadvantages of

The branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and useoftec
hnical means and their interrelation with
human life, society, and the environment.Technology includes the
use of materials, tools, techniques, and sources of power to make
life easier or more pleasant and work more productive.
First and foremost merit of technology has made world a small
place and we can access in every part of world with the help of new
modes of transportation. Modern transportation technology makes
it very easy to travel long distances.In addition to this,technology
has totally changed our industrilation and has become modernation
life.Moreover,technology has produced so many things related to
mobilephones,computer,vaccum cleaner, washing machine and
these equipments have also changed our lifestyle totally.
On the other hand, beyond any shed of doubt, where there are
roses, there throns to be.Modern technology has been increasing
and endless wars. They are using nuclear and atomic bombs and
these are very dangerous for human kind. So when these weapons
get into the hands of criminals, they will use them for their selfish
reasons.Apart from it,our environment is polluting day by day
because of vehicles ,industries and factories emit harmful gases
and fumes.As a result, different types of new diseases are
occurring.However,modern technology has replaced many humans
from work places machines and robots are doing of the jobs which
used to be done by humans.
Finally,I would say that technology plays essential role in our life
and our life has become more easier rather ancient times.But, we

should improve the demerits of technology and we can use in a

better way.

Effect Of The Legal Laws

There is no denying fact that law is a main pivot of civilized society
without law we would have anarchy. Law is
generally a system of rules and which plays in regulating and
administering justice within a society. Government makes strict
legal laws for disciplined life of public. In this essay importance of
laws will be discussed.
First and foremost reason of this issue is that all the laws lead to
regulate human behavior in order to create balance in society.
Beyond any shed of doubt, change is the spice of life due to
passage in time the mind and thinking of people are changing
sharply. As a result, they are committing serious crimes such as
robbery, kidnapping, murder and drug supply etc and also begets
the disturbance in society and breaking the rules and regulation of
government and its effects the social life of public. Moreover,
people commit crimes such as bribe for illegal works eventually it
gives bridge to corruption, unemployment in society and give rise
to the unscrupulous activities among public and also affect the
legal laws. In addition, some legal laws related to taxes of products
and some time people do not pay taxes to the government and also
disturb the treasure of government and people break the laws and
commit crime.

Firstly, legal laws are formed so that any community can attain
peaceful, composed and harmonized life. To eradicate minor and
major concerns that then leads to harsh repercussions, every
society require systematic protocol of laws. Due to clash of
interests and increasing levels of intolerance among folks these
days, they are turning to worse side of crimes such as corruption,
bribe, unemployment, exploitation and discrimination. The latter
discussed issues can only be fixed and are maintained because of
the existence of legal laws. Additionally, the mobs who are having
monstrous chunk of revenue, also are requested to pay tax on time
and if they do not, it level down the treasure house fiscally, legal
laws acts here as a assisting tool to regulate the treasury. Adding
more to it, laws prevent the execution of several nefarious designs
which can directly be harmful for common public.
On a flip side, it is truly been said that where there are roses,
thorns to be. Legal laws also cast few negative shadows in
society. Few nations mobs experience harsh and strict rules, which
make them to commit hidden crimes. This influences the nation and
communities internally and makes it shallow as it begets to low
economic levels and diminished quality of life.
By hammering the last nail, I must say that the laws are made to
prevent human begins from any criminal activities and also
beneficial for their social and disciplined life. In order to maintain
social welfare government has made several laws like civil laws,
criminal laws, family laws, commercial laws and cyber laws etc.

Experience Teachers Are Beneficial For Students

It has rightly been said that, Teacher are the builder of nation. It
crystal clear that, teachers are considered as the second
parents of the students because he/she learn their precious
knowledge related to different aspects of life and education also.
Whereas, experienced teachers can be defined as who have trained
in their profession and good level proficiency from what he
To begin With, as an ocean is incomplete without water in the same
way the student is incomplete without proper education. It
indicates that effect of teacher experience on achievement and
positive effect a student learn how many good things because he
has experience gained over time enhance knowledge and skills.
Moreover, one who upholds and standard and norms of the

profession. The formal teacher teaches disciplinary

of adequacy and completeness to the students. Although, teacher
love to teach and have passion in particular subject.
Furthermore, I would like to classify more benefits from
experienced teacher a student can learn his way of style, discipline,
cooperation, self confidence and experienced teacher becomes a
role model of ones. The experienced teacher have cluster of
qualities which give his full dedication to his work or students.
Experienced teacher has a wide range of knowledge about the good
and bad also teach more using strategies. As a result, students
learn more efficiently.
To finish off, I personally believe that, learning from experienced
teacher we come to know about the encouragement in different
circumstances where inexperienced teacher less awareness rather
than experience ones.

Adventurous Sports
Adventurous sports also called action sports and agro sports is a
popular term for certain activities perceived as a high level of
inherent danger. These activities often involve speed, height, a
high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear. Action
sports are played at professional level and registered at
international level. In this essay kinds of extreme sports of the
issue merits and demerits will discuss.

Firstly, there are various categories of adventurous sports like sky

diving, snow skiing, free skiing, mountain biking, off road driving,
scuba diving, bungee jumping so on. Extreme sports are wonderful
experience for both participants and viewers. It gives them energy,
recreation and adventurous life. With help of these action sports
players can create world records and get global recognition. It
gives them name and fame as well.
On the other hand, beyond any shed of doubt, where there are
roses, there thrones to be. These kinds of sports may lead to high
risk for sports persons because of many ways. The main reason
behind this lack of cooperation, discipline, lack of equipments
availability and less trained coaches. It can bring serious injuries to
death. It shows that, in order to get name and fame people love to
take risk on their life. In this way a particular nation may lose their
precious citizens.
To finish off, I would like to say that adventurous sports are
beneficial to encourage the moral and energy. Before trying to
these types of sports one should get proper training by
professional trainers because little bit careless and cheap
equipments may lead to cause death. So with all the safety
measures it may creates fun and sporting spirit in citizens.


34) Global climate. Causes, effects and solutions.

There is no denying fact that we are living in a falsehood and

materialistic era where the worsening condition of global climate is one of
the major issues.Also,it has become a matter of burning issue. So, it
warrants a revisit of thought with the growing levels of intolerance and
dashes of interests make me ponder by giving divergent views over
this,sensitive aspect. As far as, it is concerned to me, I am going to explain
(scrutinize) possible causes,effects and solutions in this piece of writing.


To Address this problem,firstly..govt laws impose well
friendly such as public trans[portcampaign..aware..locality
To conclude,I personally believe that the above problem can be solved only
with the mutual efforts of government and people.


Some people think law changes our behaviour. Discuss.

Some people argue laws change human behavior whereas some people say laws has no effect on behavior.
Give your opinion

There is no denying fact that law is a main pivot of civilized society and
without law we would
have anarchy. Law is generally a system of rules and which plays in regulating and administering justice
within a society. Government makes strict legal laws for disciplined life of public. In this essay
importance of laws will be discussed.
First and foremost reason of this issue is that all the laws lead to regulate human behavior in order to
create balance in society. Beyond any shed of doubt, change is the spice of life due to passage in time
the mind and thinking of people are changing sharply. As a result, they are committing serious crimes
such as robbery, kidnapping, murder and drug supply etc and also begets the disturbance in society and
breaking the rules and regulation of government and its effects the social life of public. Moreover, people
commit crimes such as bribe for illegal works eventually it gives bridge to corruption, unemployment in
society and give rise to the unscrupulous activities among public and also affect the legal laws. In
addition, some legal laws related to taxes of products and some time people do not pay taxes to the
government and also disturb the treasure of government and people break the laws and commit crime.

Firstly, legal laws are formed so that any community can attain peaceful, composed and harmonized life.
To eradicate minor and major concerns that then leads to harsh repercussions, every society require
systematic protocol of laws. Due to clash of interests and increasing levels of intolerance among folks
these days, they are turning to worse side of crimes such as corruption, bribe, unemployment,
exploitation and discrimination. The latter discussed issues can only be fixed and are maintained because
of the existence of legal laws. Additionally, the mobs who are having monstrous chunk of revenue, also are
requested to pay tax on time and if they do not, it level down the treasure house fiscally, legal laws acts
here as a assisting tool to regulate the treasury. Adding more to it, laws prevent the execution of several
nefarious designs which can directly be harmful for common public.
On a flip side, it is truly been said that where there are roses, thorns to be. Legal laws also cast few
negative shadows in society. Few nations mobs experience harsh and strict rules, which make them to
commit hidden crimes. This influences the nation and communities internally and makes it shallow as it
begets to low economic levels and diminished quality of life.
By hammering the last nail, I must say that the laws are made to prevent human begins from any
criminal activities and also beneficial for their social and disciplined life. In order to maintain social
welfare government has made several laws like civil laws, criminal laws, family laws, commercial laws
and cyber laws etc.

Some people think placing

advertisements in schools is a great
resource for public schools that need
additional funding but other think it
exploits children by treating them as a
captive audience for corporate
sponsors. Choose which position you
must agree with and discussed why
you choose that position. Support your
point of view with details from your
own experiences, observations or
It is an indeed true fact that with the advent of modern age all
sphere of life have affected where advertisement plays a crucial role in
society as there are various ways doing advertisement and one of these, is
suggested in schools, it can be useful for fulfilling that financial needs of the
school authorities. However, on the other side, it may be dangerous for the
children. I completely disagree of placing advertisements in schools.
To begin with, the first and foremost reason is that for advertising
installing boards, posters, hoardings needs man power and products for
available and apply in schools, it creates disturbance and spoil the discipline
and ambience of the school. It may affect adversely on the studies of
learners which may lead them to be mischievous and foolish and spoil their
In addition, when advertisements are placed in schools are
sometimes vulgar and useless. For example, advertisements like branded
item which motivates the youngsters to buy unnecessary things and ready
to buy at any cost without checking the financial condition which they
become extravagant.

On the other side, some people think that advertisements are

know about the items which are coming in the market so they can use them
and aware it as well as het knowledge about the product.
To conclude, taking these points into considerations from a
personal perspective, without shadow of a doubt I inclined to believe that
school are not right place for advertisement. They should focus on study
with good quality material. They can get profit with the increase of fees.
Also, can get help from government to provide more facilities.

Any recent Invention that you think proved beneficial or detrimental to society.
What is the recent invention that you encounter?
Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

It is evident how life has changed since technology has been introduced in the human life. When we think
about technology mostly the first thing that comes to our mind is the image of a computer. Technological
advancements such as computers have been designed and created with the only purpose to help humans
and make their lives easier. Computers have become indispensable in any workplace where they are
basically considered a compliment for people to help them on developing their activities. In fact,
computers are the greatest invention of all time because they have multi-tasking features that can
minimize your work, they can display and let you manipulate stored information, and they are used in
almost all fields for any purpose.
First of all computers have multi-tasking features that can minimize the work you have to do. For example,
computers avoid you having to calculate any result on doing math, the only thing you must do is to type
the information needed and your work is done.
Secondly, computers can display and let you manipulate stored information. In other words, you dont
need to use paper in order to store any information on shelves. You dont even have to rewrite a whole
paper because you did a mistake or you have to add more information to the written form. You can have as
many files as you can in your computer and organize them the way you like it without having to use any
extra material or space.
Finally, computers are used in almost all fields for any purpose such as entertainment, education, and any
type of job. For example, you can use computers to play videogames, watch movies, listen to music or
chat on the internet for entertainment. In education or any job you can use them for videoconferences,
PowerPoint presentations or just using their basic features discussed in the first point.
Therefore computers are the greatest invention of all time because they reduce your time consumption on
your activities, you can save your information and edit it anytime, and they let you do almost everything
you need. Computers have become the most powerful tool ever created.

19. Information revolution has changed the way of mass communications and had some
negative and positive effects on individual lives as well as on society. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
23. Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 yers. Disucss pros and cons
IT has not only brought the world closer together. Therefore, we can not only share information quickly and
efficiently, but we can also bring down barriers of linguistic and geographic boundaries. The world has
developed into a global village due to the help of information technology allowing to shares ideas and
information with each other.
Communication has also become cheaper, quicker, and more efficient. We can now communicate with
anyone around the globe by simply text messaging them or sending them an email for an almost
instantaneous response. The internet has also opened up face to face direct communication from different
parts of the world thanks to the helps of video conferencing.
Bridging the cultural gap - Information technology has helped to bridge the cultural gap by helping people
from different cultures to communicate with one another, and allow for the exchange of views and ideas,
thus increasing awareness and reducing prejudice.
However, While information technology may have streamlined the business process it has also crated job
redundancies, downsizing and outsourcing. This means that a lot of lower and middle level jobs have been
done away with causing more people to become unemployed.
Privacy - Though information technology may have made communication quicker, easier and more
convenient, it has also bought along privacy issues. Due to website and email hacking, people are now
worried about their once private information becoming public knowledge.
Lack of job security - Industry experts believe that the internet has made job security a big issue as since
technology keeps on changing with each day. This means that one has to be in a constant learning mode, if
he or she wishes for their job to be secure.
Dominant culture - While information technology may have made the world a global village, it has also
contributed to one culture dominating another weaker one. For example it is now argued that US
influences how most young teenagers all over the world now act, dress and behave. Languages too have
become overshadowed, with English becoming the primary mode of communication for business and
everything else.

Tobacco is one of the most widely-used drugs of the world. Over a billion adults legally smoke tobacco every day.
Tobacco is slowing taking a billion people in the world towards doom. The long term health costs are high for smokers,
who suffer from various heart and lung diseases, reduced concentration and continually diminishing immunity.
Non-smokers, accompanying smokers or those who are in their close vicinity, also become Passive smokers and bear
the toll of various inevitable diseases as they inhale the smoke which has an ill-effect on their respiratory systems. Thus,
the health costs are highfor smokers themselves, and for wider community in terms of health care costs and lost
There has been awareness among people from many years, about the ill-effects of smoking and various campaigns run
by the government, NGOs and local bodies to encourage people to quit smoking but the result have not been impressive.
The solution is to nip the problem in the bud. School authorities and parents should keep a close eye so that children dont
start to smoke because they think it is cool. They should be made aware about the harmful effects of smoking.
Government could play a vital role too. Smoking should not be high-hand in advertisements and movie commercials which
have a huge impact on people. It could levy high taxes on tobacco products to keep people away from its reach. Rules for
checking children buying such products should be made
The onus to protect from such products also lie on individuals as will-power always does the trick. The knowledge of
importance of being healthy has to be realized from within. It goes a long way to check the problem. Thus, the solution
requires both legitimate action of Government and strong individual decisions to eliminate the problem.

Many people think regions affect successful persons. What is your opinion about native regions and
accomplished person influence on the regions they belong to?
How to become a successful person in the professional life is a debatable topic. Success is influenced and gained in
many terms which involves factors like determination, serious and practical thinking about what you want to achieve in
your life, respect for others, hard work, destiny and native regions. Nevertheless, every aspect to get success has an
involvement of the said features. Successful{Accomlished} persons do everything in life to earn respect and
big{lumpsume/handsome amount} money and make maximum utilization of the sources available.
Firstly, for accomplishing anything in life{goal-driven,highly motivated}, required immense hard work and commitment.
Success means earning respectable position, monetary {gains}benefits and secured future. Hard work
{Industrious/Laborious}as a key has a lion's share in achieving success and remarkable position in the society. Moreover,
People {people}those who have marked themselves as examples for others have burnet{burnt} the midnight oil for
reaching at desired positions. To illustrate, people like, Bill Gates, Ratan Tata, APJ Abdul Kalam and list goes on{other
eminent personality} are the perfect cases of successful leaders in their respective fields.
I strongly disagree with the statement that persons those who belongs to native regions are feat in their fields, to some
extent I believe it's good to be at a positive side of native region to gain little benefits, like state reservations in universities
and in government offices. To a large extent, belonging to native regions is not a criteria or a key to become a successful
icon. One should tie a note that hard work and commitment has the vital part to play in every victorious story.
To warp{wrap} up, the connection between people belong to native regions and accomplished forks have a very small or
tiny {minimal/trivial}effect in overall success stories of any person. Basic fundamentals will remain static and identical to
earn respectable position in this universe.

Topic:Do you think English will remain as the dominant international language through

Model Answer 1:
Countries like America, England, Canada or Australia not only offer courses in English but also have the most talented and
scholar teachers of the world. The facilities of University, library, laboratories of this country are undoubtedly much better than
other third world countries. Furthermore, many people believe that, learning English language staying in a English-speaking
country is the best way and that is why lots of students move to these countries to study.
There are lots of advantages to study English. First of all it's an international language and in most of the countries it is the
second language and official language where it is not the first language. With the increasing effects of globalization people have
to move to other countries for many reasons and in most of the cases, English is the only common language to interact with
people. So for the communication people have no other choice but to learn and use English. Secondly, most of the countries use
English as an official language and use it while the interview. So get a better job one must be proficient in English. A person who
is not flexible using the English language is often found in a situation where he/she has to hesitate to meet the foreign delegates
and that is why often does not get the proper chances for promotion even after having the appropriate merit. So to increase the
opportunities and job position especially in a multinational organization, one must be fluent in English. Finally, most of the books,
thesis papers and internet article are either written in English language or can be found in translated in English. So to enrich
some one necessity and knowledge one must be good at using English.

In my opinion the primary reason for English language being so prominent is because it's used in most of the countries. The
English colonies were almost everywhere in the world and that has economical, political and cultural impact for most of the
nations. English is the primary language of the technological devices and internet and that's because the inventors or developers
are mostly from those English speaking countries. If a nation wants to embrace the technology then it has no alternative to learn
the language fist. Most of the computer software and applications are written in English hand to learn it one must learn the
language first. Another reason is that, with the increasing effects globalization people are adopting the foreign music movies,

histories, books and style. And in these fields, the idol persons are English speakers. So to follow what someone's favorite
musician, singer, actor or sport's personality is to follow the culture and language of this person.

In conclusion the world is considered as a single city nowadays and there must exist a common language and this common
language is English. People learn this language to walk with the present trends and there is no alternative and even people
prefer to learn the language from the English speaking countries and this is quite reasonable.

(Approximately 504 words)

(This model answer has been prepared by the site developer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many
possible answers.)

Model Answer 2:
Nowadays, more and more people are travelling to English-speaking countries to continue their education. Undoubtedly, if a
person wants to make a career, he has to be fluent in English. Of course, England, Britain, America and Canada are the best
destinations. It is clear, that the fastest way of learning another tongue is to be in the language environment. Otherwise, no
matter how many books you have read, you might still not be able to communicate, because of the lack of practice.
As for me, I lived in London for two years. When I just got there, I was extremely disappointed, because I could hardly
understand their speech, despite having studied the language at the university before. Watching original films and TV programs,
communicating with people, listening to their music, I noticed how my skills improved every day.
English has become a global tool of communication. 80% of all e-mails, most publications and music are in English. The
Olympic Games ceremonies, The UN meetings, the numerous International Awards - all of them are held in the same language.
You cannot be a good professional if you do not know English. Moreover, while travelling, you feel quite confident, no matter
what the situation might be.

Scientists worry, that many local languages disappear because of the tough grasp of English. That is why Governments take
certain measures to protect their local tongues.

Overall, a well-educated person must know a foreign language to succeed in life. This is the main reason why thousands of
people move to English-speaking countries. I think this tendency is going to increase in future, as well.

Sample Answer 3:
I am not surprise when I read in the newspapers that many people move to English speaking countries. I am an engineer in a
process control since ten years and I understand the necessity of English language. For example, when I read technical English
specifications, when I meet Japanese Industrial to build together some electronic materials or when I go on holidays in Italy
where the best way (for me) to communicate is to speak English. Therefore, today, it's necessary to learn English and the best
way is to study in English as soon as possible when we are at school but also when we have a job. It's so Important to
communicate with foreigners, because of work. For example: to seafood in USA, to build electronic cards with the Japanese, to
obtain a certification with FDA (American organization) in order to sell some pharmaceutical products. In fact, jt's Important for
everybody, the workers, the visitors, the scientists, etc ...

These are the main reason which explain why so many people go to English speaking countries (the best way to learn) and why
English is such an Important International language (the communication between many the people over the world).

This is an answer written by a candidate who achieved a Band 6 score. Here is the examiner's comment:
This response is under length and is marked down because of this. Only a few relevant ideas are presented and these are used
rather repetitively and are insufficiently developed or supported. However, the writing communicates fluently and a satisfactory
range of structures and vocabulary are used.

Sample Answer 4:
In these days, many young people go to the western countries particularly in Australia, the USA, and the UK because they want
to study at university, college and school. These millions of people are influenced by various reasons that motivated them to
study in the English speaking countries, and this international language is indispensable for everyone.

No doubt, opportunity of studying in English speaking countries opens new doors for the youth especially for the students of
developing countries due to many reasons. Firstly, in the developing countries, they don't have ample amount of standard quality
education system although there are a lot of students in these states. As an example, many developing countries like
Bangladesh and Nepal have less than fifteen public universities, which are very few compared to the number of total students.
Secondly, many amenities are available in the English speaking countries such as large library, wonderful reading resources,
and excellent teaching system that make them more attractive to enter these kingdoms.

Furthermore, English is dominant language as an international language for many significant causes. The primary point is that
all necessary things like computer, Internet as well as most considerable technical equipments are operated by the English
language; thus, most people depend on this language.

Another point is that it is easy to communicate different ethnic people with the help of the language even it is applied one region
to another region in a country. For instance, India has more than twenty five states, while Hindi is the national language in India,
people of different states talk with each other through English. It is clear from this above explanation that several benefits of
using English language make it predominant international language.

In conclusion, many people intend to go in the English language countries for tremendous advantages of high quality teaching
system, and these university educations act as a precursor to career growth. Thus, this English language is very important to

. Different people get success in different fields.

Some people work long hours to get success, but others feel that spend free time for joy than Wealth. Which style is
closely related to you and explains why?

Happiness plays a pivotal role in our life.It brings moments which one could cherish
for life time.It is as important as other amenities of life.
It is certainly true that defining happiness is just next to impossible because
perception of happiness is different for different people. I think it is a reaction of mind
to the outer situation based on inner condition of thoughts.
Happiness can be transformed from state of being. This state of being happy is state
of eternal happiness. For instance, for some people money brings sense of security
and physiological gratification in life and such people associate materialistic things
like social status, luxury, and comfort with happiness. For others finding spiritual
peace and tranquility bring happiness and for many being surrounded by friends,
family and people brought happiness. I personally feel if you are personally and
professionally satisfied in life you will be able to be happy and if you are busy in quest
of more you could led a stressful life as for me happiness is directly proportional to
our health and who would know the importance of happiness better than me as being
a dentist, i always work with aesthetics and smiles of people and making those smile
perfect makes me happy.
Though happiness is a momentary response and any reaction of mind cannot sustain
for longer period of time, we should always try to find reasons for being happy and let
others to remain happy as well.

It is certainly true that happiness solves many problems in society and eventually brings precious
moment for human beings. Some people think that happiness is innate feelings therefore it is very
hard to explain. However, there are some elements to accomplish happiness. This essay will explain
the causes to define happiness and some components to attain pleasure in life.

There are several problems to define happiness. Firstly, some people believe that pleasure is
intangible and innate feelings therefore its not easy to classify. Yoga, listening natural music for
example, allows people to relax them self but it may be difficult to explain in words. Secondly,
happiness depends on personal interest of people, some people enjoy to watching games while
others gets board in same time such as cricket people who like to watch this game they enjoy them
self but not interested people think they waste their time. Finally, in some case there is strong
relationship between happiness and spirituality which is far more distance than physical substance,
warship for instance not only makes people happy but also provide them willpower to resolve their
problems in life and it is intangible too. As a result joy cannot be explained in the words.
There are many ways to brings happiness on life. Some people think that fulfilling basic needs can
attain joy. For example, food and healthy life style makes people happy. Moreover, many people think
that material thinks do not brings happiness in life they need some spiritual guidance and family and
friends support to make happier life for them. Thus this makes clear that happiness can be attain by
many ways where basic needs have to accomplish.
In conclusion, it is clear that pleasure is significant in life and its internal feelings of human beings
therefore people unable to identify in the words. However people can reach happiness by
accomplishing their basic needs as well as family support and spiritual guidance also important.
Happiness is a complex philosophical category. It is closely connected with other important sides of life
such as: social, economic and aesthetic.
During the centuries people have tried to answer the questions "What is happiness?" and "What makes
us happy?". It is very difficult to give a definition and to research such a debatable topic.
In my opinion, happiness first of all is a biological reaction. Happiness might be the highest stage of
satisfaction and comfort. It is very hard to give it a definition, because happiness is a very subjective
matter. Thus, what is considered to be just a good thing for one person could be a happy thing for
another. For instance, attending school is a necessity and seems to be a mundane boring thing for an
average western teenager, whereas attending school can be a very happy thing for a child from a poor
country. Moreover, happiness can't be measured or studied from a scientific point of view. This is again
mainly due to its complexity and subjectivity.
Maybe happiness is a general sence of wellbeing. Wellbeing in its turn is dependant on many factors. We
are happy when we are healthy. Furthermore, health is closely linked to the other principal wellbeing
factors such as performance at work. In modern society we spend around forty hours at workplace, so
things like carreer achievements, salary and wealth contribute hugely to the general feeling of happiness.
Another important factor is our personal life. Our families and friends make us happy. Working for the
community helps us to feel rewarded and as a result brings a feeling of a wellbeing.
In conclusion, I would like to say that happiness is not a long lasting feeling. If there is an emotion that is
able to have this powerful effect on a human being, then like any emotion, it is temporary. The most
important, in my opinion, is an after feeling of achievement and satisfaction.
These days, with a graduate of developing technology, everything becomes more popular and easier to find
out with everyone in the social life, but happiness can be seen as priceless thing which is really difficult to
describe and find main issues in achieving happiness. It is my thought that people will find happier with their
own situation, feeling, especially family and friendships play key factors in human society. The following

paragraphs will be discussed more about these statements in depth.

To begin with, first view seems justified for many reasons. First of all, it is accepted that the happiness is so
difficult to explain since it is very different with different persons who have plenty of life conditions. In fact, so
many kinds of people in the world have so many life purposes, having diversity to life happier and happier.
Actually, while people in the third-world nations will completely find much more happily to have foods for their
lives, people in countries with high standard as Western nations really would like to become richer and richer.
As far as the second view is concerned, there is a belief from question where essential happiness from.
Personally, family and friendship can influence our successes which lead us to happier. In instance, the
parents who have a plenty of life experiences can not only take care their children very carefully but can also
teach them to get better knowledge. Furthermore, everything becomes easy with wide range of friendships
which are a plenty of positive effects such as support us to make decision and even give useful advices to life
better. Hence, the better life can be taken the happier people will find.
In conclusion, it is really hard to define a happiness which is from many aspects. However, people will have
their own explain and their important factor to think of their happiness.

. You are given climate as the field of study. Which area will you prefer? Explain why you
picked up the particular area for your study?

Library in college and university

Libraries are, indeed, a sanctuary for valued books such as the classics. They are also a
great resource center with reference works and magazines, music, etc. For those who cannot
afford a computer, also, libraries afford people the opportunity to use one and maintain an
email, or anything similar. If a person needs to print out anything or make copies, the library
will also provide what the citizen needs.
I assume that you are asking about the advantages and disadvantages of libraries for patrons of those libraries.
If so, the major advantage is that people can have access to books without paying for them. The major
disadvantags are that the people do not own the books and they cannot determine what books they will be able
to get and when they will be able to get them.
Libraries are a wonderful thing for those who want to read books but cannot or do not wish to buy them.
However, they must take whatever books the library decides to acquire and they must be content with using
those books only when they are available.
The very concept of the library, especially the public library, is kind of an amazing one. Think about it: Where
else can someone borrow an item of value, with only a card and the promise to return it, for free? Not only
that--it actually works! People actually bring library books back! It's a testament to human decency. It seems
like it would never work, but libraries have been successful for hundreds of years. People value libraries as
enjoyable recreational and academic additions to their communities. A library offers a wealth of resources,
space to study or hold events, and a world of books to discover and borrow. And again, I reiterate, for free. They
are also places that encourage scholarship and offer a quiet, peaceful place of study, which is tough to find
sometimes, particularly in urban areas.

Disadvantages of libraries are, in my mind, few. However, there has been much upheaval in the information
sciences since the digital takeover of information. Now that things like music, articles, and books themselves
are increasingly appearing in digital form, a place where thousands of hardcopies are housed may soon seem
ludicrous. Only time will tell of the new role that libraries will play in the sharing of information. Perhaps the
libraries of the future will be computer labs that allow the user to access an e-book for a limited period of time
at no charge?
Libraries are expensive to maintain. They have to be staffed and require a lot of real estate to house
all those books. Since they are not seen as crucial, they are often the first to fall to the ax of budget
cuts. People often say that now that there is technology to do research and read books online,
libraries are no longer needed. Yet libraries have always served as a community resource, and an
equalizer. People with limited means may not be able to afford a computer with Internet access.
Libraries not only give them this, but also have people trained to teach them how to use them. Without
this great equalizer, many people would have trouble searching for and getting jobs, doing homework
or even going to school.
This is definitely a topic that I am slightly biased towards. I love libraries, and books in general, so it is
difficult for me to distinguish and acknowledge disadvantages of libraries, but here is my list:

easy, (should be) free access to thousands of books

access to educational resources that can be used for school purposes

a safe, warm, comforting environment that you can go to to quietly read, do homework, etc

Should dangerous sports be played or banned?

Sports are an indispensable part of human life. However, some are considered to be more dangerous than the
others. Because of the dangers those sports can lead to, many people believe they should be banned. In this
essay, I will discuss why dangerous sports should not be allowed.
Firstly, human life is undoubtedly precious. If somebody, for example, dies of a dangerous sport; his family
would be very upset. This is also a loss to the society considering the fact everybody has to spend twelve
years on schooling.
Next, sports are meant to help people improve their health. For instance, playing table tennis should give you a
better level of reflection. Hence, there is no need to have life threatening sports.
Moreover, dangerous sports can result in serious injuries. Even though the lives of the people playing this kind
of sports can be saved, they still possibly have to suffer from permanent injuries which can make them
disabled. Hence, preventing people from this kind of sports can reduce the chances of permanent injuries from
sport related accidents.

Finally, a challenging sport needs not be dangerous. It is commonly believed that people like to play dangerous
sports because they are considered to be more challenging. However, there are many challenging sports
which do not require people to face dangers.
To sum up, I would strongly recommend that dangerous sports should be banned from our societies. Because
they do not contribute to the development of human life and because of the dangers people could face, safer
sports should be considered as the best alternative.

From the evidence of the history, dangerous sports have been more preferred by
people than other competitions. Despite this fact, some people hold the opinion that
these deadly sports should be banned as they may hurt athletes health and even ruin their lives. I disagree
with this view and believe that such sports can easing international tensions and bring people together.
Firs of all, the history has shown that extreme competitions could even interrupt battles and nations together to
stadiums. From the ancient world, when Greeks and Romans would leave battlefields to participate in the
gladiators games. To the modern politics disputes, when athletes from Israel and Palestine would forget their
differences and compete fair and peacefully in martial games. Moreover, these sports usually attract the
worlds attention that could force leaders to stop their disputes and review options to make partnerships with
the opponents.
Secondly, dangerous sports can bring people with different background together. For example, my country is a
multicultural one, but, people are still divided into ethnical groups. However, MMI fights is a national sport and
people with different culture and believes would support together our sportsmen and sportswomen during the
season. It is clear that these competitions greatly benefit our community teaching the citizens tolerance.
Nevertheless, it is impossible to ignore arguments against dangerous sports. It is obvious that there is a huge
risk for athletes, but the event organizers could improve rules and safety equipment to reduce this risk and to
make such sports less dangerous.
In conclusion, banning dangerous sports can bring more disadvantages than benefits. In my opinion, we
should focus on improving facilities, standards and rules for these sports to minimize the risk.

Banning dangerous sports, such as motocross, bull run, hose riding is a

controversial tropics from last few decades, but those dangerous sports failures are
really horrible and critical, so that I will argue , life threatening sports have to be banded
Firstly I will explain, what are the major benefits of the basic sports such as cricket , table tennis or foot ball ,
That sport helps to enhance and maintain healthy lifestyle , even sports helps to ease the stress and bring
happiness. But dangerous sports always increase the stress of contester because of the risky environment and
it mostly enhances the fear instead of the happiness
Even not only that, due to the massive failure of the life threatening sports, contesters can permanently disable
or it could be a chance to die, As a example, competitors who play boxing as a sport have more chance to
affect in cancers in their face in the future, due to the massive impacts, which cause to distort the cell in their
face, even motor sports contester have chance to be disable due to an accidents when they compete
Human life is unique resource to the world, so it should not be lost or disable by themself by doing dangerous
sports, even dangerous sports not only put contesters life in risk, it makes contesters family miserable and

sometime it cause to damage the non relevant lives also, so having those points in to account, I strongly agree
to ban the dangerous sports to save valuable human lives


Terrorism is an international problem in todays global community. Many nations are affected,
whether directly or indirectly. Most nations oppose terrorism, while others condone or even
support active, brutal terrorism and terrorist groups.
Terrorism is defined by the US State Department to contain four elements. The first is a threat
of violence or an act of violence. Next is a political objective. Third is that violence and threat
of violence is a direct attack on civilians making civilians a primary target. Lastly, it is
perpetrated by a supporting a nation or nations of terrorism.
Two examples of terrorism and non terrorism are: the bombing of the US Embassy in Dar-EsSalaam and the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In the Dar-EsSalaam bombing, it is believed that there is one sub national actor involved: Osama bin
Laden. With Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the US State Department agreed to drop the bomb.
This was a general agreement of the American government, a national actor. Though both fit
three criteria for a terrorist attack, the US governments general decision to drop the bomb
automatically makes it an act of war, not terrorism.
One of the goals of terrorism is to make the terrorists views heard. This can be caused by a

total media blitz that usually occurs after a terrorist attack. The media is an excellent window
for the terrorists to shout their demands and views immediately after an attack. The US has a
very strict policy concerning terrorism. Our country refuses to negotiate with terrorists or give
in to any of their demands. We do all we can to bring terrorists to justice after they commit
crimes. We aim to isolate terrorist sponsoring nations, such as Iraq, from the rest of the world
and attempt to perform counter-terrorism.

First of all, what is corruption? It is an unethical method used by a person to gain advantage
over others. Today, corruption is one of the greatest factors hindering development and stifling
the realisation of democracy. Corruption affects the growth of a nation adversely. It reduces
the Governments income, and creates inequalities in distribution of income and wealth.
Corruption affects a nations development, economically, socially and politically.
Corruption may come in many forms, often in politics and sport. Politicians on a quite regular
basis have been found guilty of corruption, as with sports persons. Politicians use unethical
techniques to gain an advantage in an election, to gain more money, votes or to acquire
ungotten wealth. There is corruption in the police force, in law and order and even in the
management of the Olympic Games. The infamous episode of match-fixing in cricket was
also a case of corruption. Similar is the case with sportspersons caught using drugs.
Corruption is caused mainly by the desires of power and want. Corruption creates a negative
atmosphere. Detrimental corruption does not bring about any good, As Shakespeare
said,The best things corrupted become the worst.

Corruption begins at home. Parents use baits to make children listen to them. There have
been instances where parents were found using influence in..

Human history has so far witnessed three modes or forms of governance: (a) governance by
a monarch / king; (b) rule by a dictator; and (c) democratic governance. Through a process of
trial and error, democracy with all its flaws has come to be accepted as the best form of
governance. India with its great heritage of moral values, culture and civilization is
undoubtedly the largest democratic country in the world.
After independence, India accepted the Parliamentary form of democracy in which all powers
of the state were vested in the hands of elected representatives of the people. Parliament and
State Legislatures are the most important pillars of Indian democracy. People elect their
representatives periodically and elections form an integral part of our democratic system. The
genuine aspirations and expectations of the people can be reflected only through fair
elections. It was thus obligatory on the part of the Members of Parliament (MPs) and the
Members of the Legislative Assemblies (MLAs) in the states to behave according to the
norms laid down in our Constitution and to strive to protect our great heritage and moral
values. But the proverbial dictum, Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely
has come to stay in our political system also.
In a moment of retrospection of the Indian politics, one realizes with alarm that the democratic
system is increasingly being driven by money, muscle power, individual greed and
unconcealed ambitions of political leaders. The system fails to serve the common man and as
a People we have been forced to relinquish the ideals that inspired the founders of modern
India to envision the country as a model of people-oriented politics and development for the
rest of the world.

Topic: Einstein (Education is the bigger barrier in my learning)

. Education is the biggest barrier in my learning - Einstein. What do you mean by this? And do you think
Einstein was correct in saying that.
ANSWER:; There is no doubt in saying that we are dwelling in advanced era according to Einstein
education is biggest barrier in my learning life something is correct now days otherwise education has
basic need every one person for tuff competition where, so it warrants the thought with the growing levels
of take serve and clashes of interest. Which make me ponder by giving divergent aspect, views over this
sensitive. Today I am discuss main point and my opinion in this piece of writing.
These are multifarious reason that which support this statement to begin first and foremost reason that we
want to firstly support to about Einstein thinks is very positively because education is long time and long
process in difficult life we should not save more time learn. They waste time long period study in school
and collage thats exactly copy to material and follow to other ideas and new not available in our life. He
says boring subject and useless in future they do not changing best and worried or disturb technical
thinking narrow capability and low standard out of human skills.

Looking for darker side, some people that say education is best way and basic ability maintain in next
period. We can learn firstly from school, colleges and men society and upsurge borrow ideas the according
to expert will help in family members and opportunity in base to quality other without education very
difficult because for ready to fight situation which pending personality in developing country.
To conclude, I would like a rest in this essay, it is dilemma particular side to leads partial opinion about
this statement. I personally believe that Einstein is has brilliant person in famous this world, but not easy
to every human life some words explain not easy lastly learning is good way for human time but he is not
adopt education system.

When an eighteen month infant first beholds his image in the mirror; he associates himself with this
world. Along with that he discovers he is different from the rest of the world. So with this mirror image
he relates to his identity but the veracity of the thought is that the image is not the real subject. It is a
mere reflection. At this point begins the procedure of identity production. This image is like an exterior
layer but it helps the subject to display his identity. The baby in the lap of the adult uses this mirror
stage in self recognition. He first turns to the adult cradling him in his arms; he checks the expression
of his beholder and compares it with the mirror image and after that he associates his own image with
his real self. This is the mirror stage where a child conceives notions and identification about his own
physical self. He feels enthralled at the realization. This stage has been given profuse importance as
this is the moment when an infant becomes conscious of his bodys entireness even earlier to the
knowledge of his bodys functions. He has not even taken up the physical controls of his physicality.
We conclude ourselves as an autonomous individual from the rest of the world through language, but
at a later stage.
SUMMARY: To conclude, it is crystal clear that image in the mirror, which discovers different rest of
the world and also importance this is the movement to earlier knowledge for body functions with
individual rest world a later stage.

Some people believe laws change human behaviour. Do you agree with it?
Everyone knows that laws are the rules laid by the government on the citizens of their respective
country. It helps in smooth functioning of the nation by governing the behaviour of people. It is disagreed that
laws can change behaviour of a person. It can only assist in creating a disciplined environment for the society
and controlling the crime to some extend but not eliminating it.
Firstly, imposing laws has created a sense of fear among people of getting punished. For instance, damaging
the historical monuments, books, paintings, sculptures or other form of art is considered a crime and is
punishable under vandalism law. This example shows that a person with moral responsibility will take care of
others assets but a person who is not worried about the consequences will deface them. Thus, we can say that
humans action can be regulated by laws but cannot be changed completely.

In conclusion, we can say that rules and regulations can help in controlling the behaviour that is dangerous.
Laws not only help in checking the reckless nature of people but are necessary for the development of society.

Topic number 3:
Firstly..Must impose strict laws to regulate factories,industries,vehicles and so onSo that
environmental pollution can be controlled.such as charging penality or
imprisonment.secondly,govt create awareness to save campaigns as well as
providing altrenatie energy resources lpg,cng,electric..
B2:.motivate employees eco-friendly,recycling..electronic device limit use..trict policy
B3:individual should change his or her lifestlysuch as using public transport.planting
trees.making people and young ones in locality aware environment
Conclusion:..the above problem can be solved /eroded/eradicated if govt,companies and each
person work with mutual support.

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