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Personal Crest

Preparing the Crest: You may either use the blank template on the other side of this sheet or make your own
crest, but you must follow the prompts in each shield
compartment below. Be creative. Use pictures, objects,
colors and other non-word symbols in all but the lower
right compartment. Ponder carefully how you might best
symbolize the aspects of your self concept that are most
significant to you.

Presenting the Crest: The crest must be tangibledont

plan to use a computer, projector or screen for your presentation, which should be a verbal explanation of your
crest. You should not feel pressure to share overly personal, sacred or sensitive information. Still, I encourage you
to make your crest as personal as you can without mak-

Symbolize your
greatest achievement

ing yourself or others uncomfortable. Using symbols will

allow you to choose how much or how little you reveal.
Be creative in your presentation. The way you present
could help us understand who you are as much as what
you present does.
Presentations are not graded for length, but should last
from four to nine minutes. If you think you will go under
four minutes, consider how you might add details to help
us understand you better. If you think you might go over
nine minutes, then choose one compartment to leave out
of your presentation.
This exercise is the work of J. Ryck Luthi and Terry Jenkins with modifications by Neal A. Maxwell (The Smallest Part; Salt Lake City, Utah:
Deseret Book Co., 1973; pp.60-62).

Symbolize some
knowledge which is of
great value to you.

Symbolize your
talents, skills,
attributes, or

something you
would do if you
had unlimited

Symbolize an event or
experience which, if
they knew, would
help others to
understand you

Write three
words that
would describe
you accurately

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