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By Shalom Tse
Published on December 23, 2016 at 2:40 am

long ago, I wrote a complaint to the Swedish Chocolate Company,
Screenshots from the advert: Women of today are still being characterized as hedonist who like
the taste,
any red
to lock
in a room with
silk curtains
flying didnt
around, and
of plastic, nor was there a piece of paper written by a child,
begging me to stop child labor in cocoa farms. The only problem I had
was why I didnt look just as sexy, sensual and elegant while eating the
truffle, like lady did in the advert. With her features melting the moment
she took a bite from the chocolate, and the slight pucker of her lips. My
face also did too, however it contorted as I nearly choked on it.
The sexualization of women has become more prevalent over the years
to the point in which its been normalized and is expected of from the
media. This misogynistic marketing has resulted in women being
historically regarded as obsessed by chocolate, and in certain
advertisements, the aphrodisiac nature of chocolate has women being
enslaved to it. We are compared to something very sensual and
passionate, which is what the woman is being reduced to. By specifically
exploiting the implied sensual-ness of chocolate market it towards
women. Unfortunately, we are weak creatures, that are easily pleased by
secretly indulging chocolate, that we women are craving chocolate 24/7
and have no control over our facial nervous system, inevitably resulting
in these sensual expressions.
So the young woman locks herself away or goes somewhere where she
wont be interrupted clearly they havent heard of Net flicks.

Gender Stereotyping is no surprise when it comes to adverts. For instance, in examining the
portrayal of hands, he finds that women's hands usually are shown just caressing an object, or
just barely touching it, as though they were not in full control of it, - She is alone. Her
hands hold the chocolate as you might a fragile, ancient artefact Nobody lounges in
silk pajamas enjoying a confectionary moment. Shes changed into the pajamas specifically to
set the scene for the snack, too sensual to be restricted by ordinary clothes.
Whereas men's hands are shown strongly grasping and manipulating objects. Enforce / the
chief is always the guy/ enforcing gender stereotypes Gender Stereotypes =Gender relations in
advertising. adverts show a male chocolatier making the chocolate, but a woman consuming it

(will hardly blink an eye at this type of marketing ploy.)/ it is appalling how society is already
use to this why does this not look strange to us?
Media isnt the way it used to be before, the messages sent are more subtle
colour is one of the three visual pathways in human brains,
-Warm colours, (especially the curtain scene) come forward in space as well as bring excitement
and stimulation to our hearts and nervous system. considered to increase appetite, red is
especially preferred for fine dining because it is always associated with festivity, celebration
and most importantly completeness, as the Lindt advert subtly hints that by only purchasing
their product, then you are complete, passion of women= sexist
-Fine dining: it is luxurious, buying luxury products is also suggested as an extreme way to
demonstrate ones social status. -emotional value of acquiring rare and well-crafted objects=
the french guy carefully hand making it / craftmanship-Brown: Show the wholesomeness and
naturalness of food / to make it look more desirable / the scenes showing the liquidity of the
chocolate, tantalizing
Although the visual of Chocolatiers making chocolate / they reflect and reinforce.
-Leads the audience who still had yet to experience their Chocolate dream, before to pursue
their unique versions of chocolate dream by purchasing Lindor Truffle.
- to let them know that a sweet dream is attainable/ eager to have this experience If we dont
take action now, who knows what the media might try and portray us as when drinking water.
So for now, just take a piece of chocolate and dig in the way you want to- smeared all over you

no matter how big the lie; repeat it often

enough and the masses will regard it as
-President John F. Kennedy

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