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A mans life unravels before him as he battles to figure out what is reality.

Genre - thriller/mystery
Mise en scene

Plotline - A man is accused of the murder of three teenagers who trespassed onto his property.
Hes battling to figure out if hes really committed such a crime. Blackouts have been prominent
in his past and hes beginning to doubt his own sanity. He consults doctors and psychiatrists and
they tell him he is fine but he still doesnt feel right. Within the blackouts, a separate personality
emerges whereby he commits crimes and performs behaviours he doesnt remember.
The film ends with the first person shot from the point of view of the other personality, moving
towards a mirror and looking up, as the camera looks up we see a figure in the same costume
as the person who was in the graveyard at the beginning. It cuts off before we see the face.
Editing - cuts between the first person shots/unstable shots - and the normal shots, court dates,
interview, ambushed on road. 1 side of the story is shown in chronological order and the other is
random timeline in the story.

About a man who people think killed a group of friends who were backpacking through his woods.
Starts with a close up of a crow.
Then a close up of a hammer.
Then a slowly zooming in shot/tracking from a good distance. Man standing in the rain, long draped
coat, standing hands in pockets facing gravestones in cemetery. Thunder cracks. Narration they
think I did it. They think I killed them. Then cuts to the boys in the forest.
Drunk vision camera looking at down at hands as music crescendos and bloody handsdrop hammer.
Bas and blackout as hammer hits the floor, next shot fades and its the man in the cemetary looking
at his hands.

I didnt kill them Cuts back to the man in the cemetery.

I know I didnt. Unless I did. Unless... I dont know anymore
Close up of doctors paperst with diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder, pills on the sheet of

Watching Tv and sees himself on the news, hears sirens and police barge down the door, never see
the police
JUDGE BANGS HAMMER. Shot tracks backwards and fades out
Close up fades in of dead teenagers hand, moves backwards and reveals hammer stuck in ground
representing the shot whereby the hands dropped the hammer, fades into black then in fades shoe
dirty and loose on someone's leg, fades, fades into aerial view moves upwards to reveal whole body,
Same shot screen flashes white and there's forensic cards dotted around, police detective walking
around, flashing police lights.


Intention ?

A mans life unravels before him as he battles to figure out what is reality.
Genre - thriller/mystery

Plotline - A man is accused of the murder of three teenagers who trespassed onto his property.
Hes battling to figure out if hes really committed such a crime. Blackouts have been prominent
in his past and hes beginning to doubt his own sanity. He consults doctors and psychiatrists and
they tell him he is fine but he still doesnt feel right. Within the blackouts, a separate personality
emerges whereby he commits crimes and performs behaviours he doesnt remember.

The man - Played by Taylor Arnold Lee
Teenage Campers - Cpt. Tanap and Deen Hussein
Police Man / interviewer Psychiatrist Crow - Real life Crow, maybe magpie - any black bird
Judge Teenagers in alleyway
House of Man
Interrogation room

Long overcoat
Sleeping mats
Police jacket
mallet/judge hammer
Judge robes
Orange pill container
Doctors documents

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