Save The Sea Creatures - Hartynie Yahaya

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Focus : Listening and Speaking
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Save the Sea Creatures
Content Standard :
1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to
pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress,
rhythm and intonation.
1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to
listen and respond appropriately in formal and informal situations
for a variety of purposes.
Learning Standard :

1.1.2 Able to listen to and enjoy simple stories.

1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance
1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding
oral texts by:
a) answering simple Wh-Questions
b) giving True/False replies
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :
1 Talk about the stimulus with guidance.
2 Answers simple Wh-questions.
Activities :
1 Teacher plays the same music video and instructs pupils to sing
along with the song.
2 Teacher tells a story about Daphney Dolphin and Whippy Whale to
pupils. Teacher repeats the story again and after that teacher
asks questions to pupils orally.
3 Teacher shows picture cards to pupils and pupils state the number
of animals that they can see in the picture. They have to say the
answer in jazz chants form. Teacher will do demonstration to help
pupils to understand.
4 Teacher divides pupils into groups and they have to do a problem
solving activity.
Teaching Aids :
picture cards, laptop, projector, speaker, pictures of sea creatures.
Teaching and learning strategies :
Multiple intelligence

Attendance:__ /___
___/___ of the pupils
able to achieve the
___/___ of LINUS
pupils able to
achieve the
objectives .
Teachers action :
* Today's lesson will
be carried forward
due to

Added Value : cooperation

Assessment :Observe pupils who able to answers Wh questions.

*Administer the LINUS screening (reading)


Year 2



Focus : Reading
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Save the Sea Creatures
Content Standard :
2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be
able to apply knowledge of sound of letters to recognise
words in linear and non-linear texts.
2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be
able to demonstrate understanding of a variety and nonlinear texts in the form of print and non-print materials
using a range of strategies to construct meaning..
Learning Standard :
2.1.1 Able to blend recognise and articulate initial, medial and
the final sounds in single
syllable words within given context:
f) (au)
g) (a-e)
2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognizable words and
read them aloud
2.2.3 Able to read and understand a simple sentences in
linear and non-linear texts
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :
a)blend phonemes and read the word aloud
b)read simple nonfiction texts with guidance.
Activities :
1. Teacher plays the song Under The Sea to pupils and this
time teacher includes a few body percussion for pupils to
2. Teacher shows the grapheme /au/ and /a-e/ and how to
pronounce it correctly. Teacher practice with pupils a few
times individually, pair, small group and class.
3. Teacher blends the phonemes learnt today with other
phoneme to form word.
4. Teacher instructs pupils to form a big circle. Teacher
explains the poison box game to pupils. Pupils will listen to
the song and in the meantime, they have to pass around a
beanbag. When the song stops, the person who hold the
beanbag will come forward and pick a card from the box
and show to their friend. The respective pupils read the
word and then paste the card on the board according to the
5. Teacher paste a poster sheet on the board. Teacher reads
and pupils follow.

Attendance:__ /___
___/___ of the pupils
able to achieve the
___/___ of LINUS
pupils able to
achieve the
objectives .
Teachers action :
* Today's lesson will
be carried forward
due to

Activity book
Page 89 n 90

6. Teacher gives exercise to pupils.

Teaching Aids :
Activity book, music video, word cards, beanbag
Teaching and learning strategies :
Multiple intelligences
Added Value : Cooperation
Assessment :
Observe pupils can read text and the words correctly.

*Administer the LINUS screening (reading)





Focus : Writing
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Save the Sea Creatures
Content Standard :
3.1By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils
will be able to form letters and words in neat legible
print including cursive writing.
Learning Standard :
3.1.1 Able to write simple sentences with guidance
c) simple sentences.

3 September
Year 2

Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :
Write simple messages neatly.
Activities :
1. Teacher plays the song Under The Sea for
pupils to sing along.
2. Teacher shows a few examples about sentence
building to pupils using substitution table.
3. Teacher conducts a chain writing activity. Pupils
will be divided into groups of four. Teacher
provides each group with 4 pieces of drawing
paper and a marker pen. Each pupils in the
group will get a number that determines their turn
to write.
4. Teacher will allocate only 5 minute for pupils to
complete their task. When the teacher blows the
whistle once they will begin to write but when the
teacher blows the whistle twice they have to stop
and pass the marker to next pupils.
5. Teacher gives writing activity to pupils.

Attendance:__ /___
___/___ of the pupils
able to achieve the
___/___ of LINUS
pupils able to
achieve the
objectives .
Teachers action :
* Today's lesson will
be carried forward
due to

Activity book
Page 87 n 88

Teaching Aids :
Drawing paper, marker pens, whistle
Teaching and learning strategies :
Multiple intelligences
Added Value : cooperation
*Administer the LINUS screening (reading)





Focus : Language Art

Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Save the Sea Creatures
Content Standard :
4.3. By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils
will be able to plan, organize and produce creative works
for enjoyment.

4 September
Year 2

Learning Standard :
4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with
guidance based on: work art
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :
a) produce a diorama with guidance.
b)talk about their diorama

Attendance:__ /___
___/___ of the pupils
able to achieve the
___/___ of LINUS
pupils able to
achieve the
objectives .
Teachers action :
* Today's lesson will
be carried forward
due to

Activities :
1. Teacher reflects back with pupils about their lesson.
2. Teacher shows a sea creatures diorama to pupils.
3. Teacher shows to pupils the step by step procedures to
produce a diorama. This week will be the focusing on _____________________
the animals to complete the diorama.
4. Teacher distributes the paper to pupils. Pupils have to
colour and cut out the shape of the animals.
5. Teacher will show step by step procedures to make the
animals stand.
6. Pupils have to present their completed diorama by the
end of the lesson
Teaching Aids :
colour pencils, crayon, cellotape, glue, scissors
Teaching and learning strategies :
Kinesthetic intelligence
Added Value : Creativity
*Administer the LINUS screening (reading)

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