Battle of Long Island and Saratoga 1

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The Battle Of Long Island

By: Tazia M, Cali W, Hisham J

Information About The Long Island Battle

Troop estimates: There were about 20,000 soldiers in the battle representing
America, and about 32,000 soldiers representing New England.
Date: The Battle of Long Island occurred on Tuesday, August 27th, 1776
Location: This Battle took place at New York in a place called Brooklyn Heights.
Winner: The winner of this Battle was New England, (The British.)
Background: The Citys harbor would provide a good base for the British Navy.
They were bringing in many troops to fight.

The Outcome
When the British won the war, they were given control over The important city,
New York.
It was the first major battle after declared independence.
At least 400 Americans were killed, 1,400 were injured, and 1,200 were captured.
The British had less than 400 people both killed and wounded.

Picture of the Long Island battle

This is a picture of the soldiers that played

a role in the Long Island Battle

General Washington ordering attack, for Long Island

Key Event
The biggest part of the Battle of Long Island was that it the first major battle after
declared independance. It was also important because the Citys harbor provided a
base for the British Navy. In addition, during the night, washington evacuated his
entire army to Manhattan without loss of material, or life.

The Battle Of Saratoga

Information on Battle of Saratoga.

Date: September 19th/October 7th 1777
Location: Freemans Farm/Bemis Heights
Troop Estimates: American- 19,000 & Britain- 7,200
Generals: American- John Burgoyne & Britain- Daniel Morgan, Horatio Gate, (&
Benedict Arnold but he switched forces a lot.)
Winner: John Burgoyne won the first battle (Freedom Farm), his plan was to
separate New England & Middle states up. So, in that process, he had attacked
& harassed the British, soon, the British knew it was time to fight back, but,
Burgoyne ended up winning anyways. Also, Burgoyne did win the battle, he
suffered various causalities.
Second War (Bemis Heights): John Burgoyne wasn't very fortunate with the
second battle, he had lost because the Colonists had captured some of his
forces & forced Burgoyne to surrender.

The Outcome
The two battles between the British & American had a BIG impact on the
Americans mostly, because it boosted their confidence & it was the whole
turning point of the Revolutionary War.
Casualties and losses:
90 killed, 240 wounded.
440 killed, 695 wounded, 6,222 captured.

First Battle at Freeman's

Farm, 19 September 1777
Burgoyne ordered his army
to advance in three columns.

This image is the second battle at

Bemis Heights.

This image shows the British

surrender. The French then became
allies with the Americans, after they
had their solid proof of the strength of
the americans in the revolution.

Killed in the battle was

Burgoynes second-in-command,
General Simon Fraser. A witness
to his death heard him cry out, as
his last words, Oh Fatal
Ambition! He may have spoken
of The whole misguided


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