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VOCAB 3_11_16

Not only. but also
To commute ____ commuters
To avoid + ing __ I will avoid seeing him at the weeding next weekend.
To suggest + ing __ In these cases, I always suggest going to the
supermarket as a way of saving up a big amount of money.
Indoors (solo en edificios)
To deduce ( deducir)
This is happening, besides
Going for a walk
Aches = problemas de salud
Give away = to provide
You state = vosotros sosteneis que
Making the best out of it = sacar lo major de ello.
Books up to 40 % = libros a un 40 por ciento de descuento.
He is a one-year-old kid.
Telephone helpline = lnea telefnica
To whom it may concern = a quien pueda concernir

Trigger = desencadenar
Scholar = escolar
I am writing in order to complain about the poor telephone helpline of your
book club.
You can purchase
To join with the club.
I am really satisfied with the service.
To provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb
A vast range of books you can purchase.
In each case = en cada caso
We only have the possibility
This amount is really small.
Two more books.
You state the fast post delivery in your advertisement.
Some books that I asked for, arrived one week later.
Your reduced price books.
I would suggest reducing the cost of one-year-old books up to 40 %.
I would like to know what you are going to do about this situation
I would appreciate if you consider my proposals to improve the weak points
of the book club.
To contact the book club more quickly.
I look forward to receiving your reply.

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