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Hannah Rigsby

Miss Cook
13 September 2016
Annotated Bibliography
He, C. & Huan, A. (28 April 2016). US Presidential Election: If Southeast Asia Could
Vote.(RSISCommentaries, No. 097). RSIS Commentaries. Singapore: Nanyang
TechnologicalUniversity. Retrieved from https://dr.ntu.edu.sg/bitstream/han dle/102
20/40719/C O16097.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowd=y. In this online article written by two
Southeast Asians, the statement is made that rather than Trump, many natives would
rather vote for Clinton because of her value for Southeast Asia, something that southeast
asians believe that Trump lacks. Trump has less exposure to the region resulting in less
experience in comparison to Clinton. Trade with Asia does not have high priority with
Trump, he has a rather antagonistic stance towards Asia. Clinton has a good track record
with the region and would be the top choice for Asians if presented the opportunity to
vote because of her understanding for the need for trade with Asia; something Trump
does not.
Kitchen, N. (8 April 2016). Behind Donald Trumps questioning of Americas foreign policy
consensus is a revitalized debate about US leadership in the world. LSE US Centre blog.
Retrieved from http://bit.ly/23oY2cd. The author of this LSE US Centre blog page is an
Assistant Professional Research Fellow, and Executive Director of the LSE Diplomacy
Commission. He is also treasurer of the US Foreign Policy Working Group of the British
International Studies Association. In his article, he states that the reactions to Trumps

speech should be viewed from the standpoint of a US foreign policy establishment that
sees the US still promoting liberal views like free trade and democracy. Kitchen disagrees
with Trump questioning current US foreign policy, stating that is may reflect American
public as tired of supporting liberal hegemony, making room for discussion about
international leadership.
Sanger, D. (2016 July 21). Personal interview with D Trump. New York Times. Retrieved
From http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/22/us/politics/donald-trump-foreign-policyinterview.html?_r=1. In this interview between Donald Trump and New York Times
reporter David Sanger, graduate of Harvard and writer for the New York Times for thirty
years, the issue of foreign policy is the focal point of the discussion. Trump argues that
keeping troops deployed in countries that are extremely rich without proper reimbursement
for the cost of protecting these wealthy countries is not reasonable and should no longer
continue. Sanger mentioned that keeping troops deployed near North Korea will prevent
the day when North Korea can reach the US with nuclear missiles, to which Trump argued
that they are becoming obsolete compared to the cost of keeping troops deployed like they
have been for over fifty years. Trade deficits are becoming larger and larger with our
current policies, according to trump. America is reaching $20 trillion in trade deficit due to
protecting wealthy countries and keeping trade policies as is.
Trubowitz, P. (04 May 2016). Trumps foreign policy speech was an attempt to woo
voters for the general election, not to placate foreign leaders. American Politics and Policy
Blog, The London School of Economics and Political Science. Retrieved from
http://eprint s.lse.ac.uk/66358/. The author of this short online blog is a professor of

international relations and a Director of the LSEs US Centre. He studies international

security and foreign policy, focusing on American grand strategy of and foreign policy.
He writes that Donald Trump won all five primary states in the Acela Primary and
followed up this big win with a large speech on foreign policy, short on specifics and
inconsistent. This speech worried allies about this years presidential election. Trumps
intentions were to target the independent voters in America, not to reassure our allies
overseas. Trump continually beat on Chinas trade, Americas allies defense, and Obama
and Clinton for their stances on foreign policy.

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