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Kyle Rourke

D block

John Proctor

Despite John Proctor's mistakes he is still a man of integrity throughout the play
The Crucible. John was a man who had been accused of witchcraft and also had a
affair with another woman while being married. Throughout the play he takes advantage
of what he has left of his marriage, he found the man that he knew he always had within
himself, and finally wanted to die knowing that he did the best he could possibly do to
keep what reputation he had built for himself. This is the perfect counter example to the
little integrity men today carry. Honor your commitments with integrity. (Les Brown)
While John Proctor did have an affair with another woman that was not his wife
Elizabeth he did eventually speak the truth. For the majority of the investigation on his
affair with Abigail he did not want to confess to the truth. The reason for this is the fact
that he would have the possibility of losing the reputation that he built. He then finally
realized that Elizabeth his wife had stuck by his side throughout the entire process of
him being accused of witchcraft. After coming to this realization he admitted that he had
an affair to save the little marriage that he had left.
John Proctor at the end of the story ripped up his confession of committing
witchcraft. He did this with integrity and this can be explained even though he did admit
it earlier in the play. John found out who was, who his wife loved, and most importantly
the man he respected himself. So he took the confession that was about what he was

accused of and he ripped up the lies so that he could find self respect in his life and be
able to come to terms with his life that was quickly coming to an end.
After John Proctor ripped up his confession and admitting to be unloyal to his
wife he came to the realization that he had found the man he respected. He had found
the man his wife had trust in. At the end of his life he knew that what he did towards the
end of the play made him find peace in dying. Although it was not the most peaceful
way to die he had come to term with it.
Throughout the play The Crucible John Proctor was a man who represented
integrity. He had seen the days of glory and seen the days of self suffering. Men in
today's time it is all deny deny deny. With that men who cheat often to not tell the truth
and it is a hidden second lifestyle. John Proctor is a model example of someone coming
to terms with their mistakes and trying to forgive themselves. In the end you should
always do the right thing even if it's hard. (Nicholas Sparks). If you were to be in a
sticky situation like John but in 2016 with just reading this play how would you play it

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