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VERBS OF LOCATION AND MOTION TIATOJIbI VERBS OF CTATHKH UH JMHAMUKN LOCATION AND MOTION CTATUKA, Crarsnas noamuya cySwexra LOCATION Stationary position of the subject (the subjectis at rest) FALE? (Whore?) AMHAMIKKA Hanpasnentoe nepemeuyetie oOLeKra Min cyOLeKTa MOTION Controlod shift of the subject or objact KYAA? (Where 107) 1, BepmakanbHaa nosmuma cySveKTa nnn o6beKTa An upri ight position (standing) ofthe subject or object HB — Imperfective HE — Imporfective CB —Porfective Tobeina standing position Theactof assuming an upright position (standing) to stand, to put cTOATb to stand, tobe situated, tobe, to stop, tobe at standstill CTABMTb TOCTABUT toput, toset 2, FopnaoHTanbHaa nosMUMA cyOweKTa Mn OOweKTA lying position ofthe subject or objoct Tobein ying position Tho act of assuming 2 prone position (lying) JIEKATE tolie KMACTE MONOKUTE to lay, to put, to deposit, to place SIOXUTECA TEM tlie down, to go to bed, to get on course, to heave(to} 3.6 A hanging position ofthe subject or object, esas nosmuMR CyGeeKTa unn OGweKTa Tobe in a hanging position ‘The act of assuming a hanging position (hanging) BUCETb tobe hanging BEWATS MOBECHTb tohang, to hang up 4.0 astas noonyi CyOuexTa win OOveKTa siting positon ofthe subject or objact Toba ina sitting position Tho act of assuming a sitting position (sitting) u CHETS tobe soated CAQMTECA CECTb tositdown The act of placing someone, some thing nto a sitting position (seating, planting) CAKATE NOcAAMTb to seat, to put 2.1. DOPMBI H YIIOTPEBJIEHHE PTATOJIOB CTATHRH FORMS AND USE OF LOCATION VERBS Badanue dt. 1. Yeronex, koropsti Gera Horan etour na (cous) » o6uio nomysaer pitkaait oF NeaoneKa, oBe Hort KoTOpOTD se aka wa (ero). g 2 Ba(necn) nponanet. panocyus eros 3. Muorue saxomu wanommuaior xenyutex, Koro" pate crosr sa (quexorexa) 1 (croporta)_ —_- 4. Kusossesa — aro wesowes (caxapmntit Tpox) xoropstit enqur wa How (4032) CTOATb JIEKATb CUDETb BUCETb HE — mporfecive A cro sexy coon) Tel cTOMU sexi CHOU on / ona cron exit nn sucitt ws crore sexi nana BbI crore nexure conpyire: ox crotr nexér ona snc wunepaTHe croit(Te)! nexii(Te)! ‘eupui(te)! (pyre epopmes rmarona «encers» row He yrorpe- Gnsworcs & pew) TeoputenbHbiii nanex (Ne 5) Tpeanoxreiii nanex (Ne 6) Instrumental Case Prepositional Case NOD — location under B— location in 3A—lovaton bind HA—tocationin, on at Caosa » cxobkax ynorpedure x npanuassoitrpanmaracsecsoit pope. ut the words in parentheses into the correct gramm: 6 A,person who stands with both feet on the ground usually recelves orders from a person with both legs lying on a table. form, “A.salesman stood behind the scales of justice. ‘Many laws remind one of girls who stand at the sideat a dance. A movio star is person who sits on a throne of sugar ‘under the rain TMAPOsIbI CTATUKU VU AVUHAMUKU VERBS OF LOCATION AND MOTION Badanue 2. Yrtorpedtre raarozst w ezoRa B ckoGKax B MpapIETBHOit TpamMaTieckoit ¢bopme ¢ mpex- >? sora on», catas um enom, Put the verbs and words in parentheses into the correct grammatical form with the prepositions en», eulae or eno». crosrs, aexars, uncer / n, Ha, 10 Oopasey: Caosaptt .... (kMEHaN MonKa). > Cxosaptt eTosT wa KENKHOH nomKe. 1. Kanon (cnn cyMRa). 2, Dro oORsBAeHHE 4. .. (BXOAHAS [Hep — entrance door). 3, Bee Komrpanrat .. . (xpacitas namka — red folder). 4, Tapeaxa c xypoit... (saneponoméaia — microwave oven), 5, Wepuntii xocriow .... Gosnuioit uncaip — big closet). 6, Toou rpaounie sewn (your dirty clothes)... (eTupabuan mauitHa — washing machine). 7. Messen m zoKyMeHTat .. «(Ham cetid) — safe). 8, Iperus... .. (Gomutast pasa). 9. Ane xowy, wToGs TesesMaOp .« .« (yO — in the corner). 10. .. (au1coKoe epeBo) .. Hons cKaMellica. 16 2.2. DOPMBI H YIIOTPEBJIEHHE PIATOJIOB THHAMHKH FORMS AND USE OF MOTION VERBS perry EA LL Rae ceed es octane cad Hacrouiee Tpowenwee Byaywee Mpowenwee Npocroe pena pena apena pen Synywiee apes KACTE (HB) TONOXKMTE (CB) aay koian yay nonoxtin rnonoxy kanes rorina, 6yneuts nonoxiina, non xMe woanir kon Gyner nonoxiinit ond aur +knacTe kann, oynen nonéxnm knanére Gynere nonéxuTe rant 6yayr nondxat wuneparne — xnapii(re)! wmneparie — nonoxnre)! CTABHTE (HB) MOCTABHTE (CB) craem0 crapinn yay nocraewn nocrdeii0 crésuu crépiina 6yneuts nocrésuna nocraamu crésurr crépiina 6yner nocrésusi nocréaut +eraonTs créoue 6ynem nocrésin cragure oynere nocréaire cravat oyayr nocrdgar wwneparue — craae(Te}! antepatie — niocréee(re}! BELUATL (HB) NOBECHTE (CB) ewan ewan yay nonécun nopéuy séwiaeu séwana yes nosécnna nosécitb Béwaer ewan Gyner nosécnnn nosécur +rowate sewiaem oynem nosécunt Béuaere Gynere nosécure Béwiawot oyayr noaécar wmmnepaTus — séwaii(re)! maneparae — noaéce(e}! CALMTPCA (HB) CECTB (CB) caxjios canines yay cen ony caninuton caniinact 6yneuts cena osineun, capyirea caninnce yer cena ofner + camymect canines oynent eee cine canirecs Gynere cinere cansirea oyayr canyr uneparne— capvice! / capyirect! umneparie — ofa(rTe)! 17 MAPOsIbI CTATUKU U QUHAMUKU VERBS OF LOCATION AND MOTION ord Ce) Bee eed eee een) Hactonues Npoweawee Bynmuiee Mpowenwee Tpoctoe ‘pens pens ‘pens pens Synyuyee pes SIOXHTECA (HB) JIE (CB) noxyeb noxinos oyny ner nary oxibos noxiinace 6ynet nerd sixes noxsiroa TOKIMACE 6yner sernii niixer sroxsinacs 6yneu * ROKUTECR ssixeMt nloxitTect 6yneve asixeTe sloxaToa 6ynyt nary uwnepaTis — noxticb! / noxirrech! unmneparne — nar(re)! Be adanue 3. Ha (expat oc8a) caer apc. B (yas cena) épr raagér nonciry mga Bes xopomero anuerura we crowr caaurics sa (ctoa) eperoopos. Iipyona— ato aionn, Koropste GepyT Y Bac RATT rita cranar wa (onn) ‘MoKpxre cra: Teese nna Hone BAA OBBTUHO eaDKyeR a (ym) oromy To Ke Mory ero: ‘are Ha (worn) 18 (Czxona B cko6Kax ynoTpe6utre B MpaMaBHoit rpawMatirieckoit dbopwte. Put the words in parentheses into the correct grammatical forms. © ‘roma ston acai donkey ‘The devil puts a spoonful of honey into somebody else's wile. Without a good appetite, it's not worth sitting down at the negotiation table Frionds are poople who take books from you and put wat glasses on thom. Alter beer or wine, I ustally take the wheel, because I'm ‘unable to stand on my feet

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