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1.3.3 What is a Crime?

It was a hot summer morning on August 14. The dog was barking, so the
neighbor called 911 to say that he was concerned about the woman next
door. He last saw her walking her dog around 6:30am. When the EMS arrived
at the scene (9:56 am) they found her lying face down in the entry hallway. It
was 73 F inside the house and 92 F outside.

At the scene many things were found. The blood found at the scene was
Anna Garcias or Alex Garcias. The fingerprint found at the scene was Alex
Garcias. The hair and foot print were both Annas. Some people of interest
were: Doug Greene( Annas neighbor) , Alex Garcia ( Annas Ex-husband).
The time of death was concluded to be around 7 am. The height of the blood
dropping was between 25cm 75cm.

I believe that Anna Garcia died of natural causes. Annas DNA is what was
found at the scene. She was showing that she had low oxygen. She is
thought to have a lack of blood flow which may have caused a heart problem
and that may have been how she died. There were a good bit of
inconsistencies. The hair sample was one inconsistency because it was a not
much to go by. There was only one footprint found and that is another

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