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Introduction: Anna Garcia was found lying face down in her home on
August 19, 2016 at 9:45am when EMS arrived at the scene because Annas
neighbor called saying her dog had been barking form the time they got
back from their 6:30am walk.

Summary of Findings: Fingerprint belonged to Anna, blood type

and blood was finding was of Annas, shoe print was Annas, the
one piece of hair that was found was Annas. The unknown pill
substance was just an aspirin for heart attack, and the blood
spatter was done with 3 drops at different heights. All of these
findings could lead to the death of Anna Garcia and my prediction
of how she died.

Conclusion: The cause of Anna Garcias death was a natural

death caused by a heart attack, with the findings of an aspirin and
seeing her lying face down on the floor with blood under her nose.
All findings belonged to Anna Garcia from blood, shoe print, hair
and fingerprint. Therefore I think my conclusion was right about
Anna having a heart attack.

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