Winter 2016 SPStudents SouthPoint Student Pastor Profile

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History and Overview

SouthPoint Church was launched in 2005 by Lead Pastor, Matt Hall, with a mission to
Connect the Disconnected to Christ, Community, and Cause. Since inception,
SouthPoint has been a come as you are, belong before you believe, community-style
church. Matt and several other staff come from a Young Life and student ministry
background, which informs the churchs relational, incarnational approach to ministry.
Portable from the beginning, SouthPoint initially met at a college conference center,
but quickly outgrew the space and moved to our current location at Leonardtown High
School in 2007. In 2010 they purchased 50 acres of land, which we hope to build on in
the future.
In September 2016, SouthPoint became One Church in Two Locations by launching a
new campus in Lusby, MD, about 20 miles north of the Leonardtown Campus. Click
here to watch the vision video where Matt explains our motivation to expand to a new

Connecting the Disconnected to Christ, Community, and Cause

SouthPoint is the largest and most influential church in the Southern Maryland, hosting
an average of 900 people at three services each Sunday. Of course, attendance more
than doubles on Christmas/Easter.
Location and Demographics HIC
SouthPoint is in a Chesapeake Bay community located about an hour south of
Washington DC, at the Southern peninsula of Maryland. Due to the significant
government and military employment, the area is more fluid and transient than most.
Families are often only here for a 2-4 year stint, although many decide to set roots in
Southern Maryland. Naval Air Station Pax River and the surrounding government
contractors are the most influential economic engine. The area is fairly rural with lots of
beautiful parks, waterfront, and greenspace. However, it also has the amenities that
come with a population of ~150,000.
SouthPoint is an intentionally diverse community (predominantly white and AfricanAmerican), and has been since the beginning (long before it was trendy and culturally
expected). This makes SouthPoint unique and culturally connected in an area that has
not historically embraced diversity and reconciliation.
Regarding religion, Southern Maryland has a deep Catholic history. The first Catholic
service in America was held just miles from the Leonardtown Campus.
Philosophy and Strategy
The leaderships philosophy is relational, holistic, and Gospel-centric. We believe in
incarnational ministry (bringing up there, down here) and earning the right to be
heard by students and parents. SouthPoint is an Orange church, and our entire family
ministry, from nursery through high school, leverages the Orange Curriculum. For
Middle School and High School, the XP3 strategy is built on students need to
experience increasing measures of 3 key faith ingredients: wonder, discovery, and
SouthPoint draws from more than 14 middle and high schools.
The middle school (6th-8th grade) ministry is the most active and well-led age group.
Leonardtown Campus offers middle school environments at 9:00am and 11:00am and
Lusby Campus at the 10:30am service.

Connecting the Disconnected to Christ, Community, and Cause

The high school (9th-12th grade) ministry is currently rebuilding. They meet at 10:30am in
a mostly social environment, and then attend the 11:00am service together. Outside of
Sunday mornings, there are a number of middle and high school small groups and
events throughout the semester. We have currently suspended Sunday night Youth
Group programming, while the leadership restructures.
SouthPoints staff culture is team-oriented; respective ministries operate with healthy
autonomy, but are not individual silos.
Our spiritual growth strategy is to help people connect to:

Christ people coming to Christ and growing in Christ

Community engagement in small groups and spiritual growth beyond Sundays
Cause serving inside and outside the church in Jesus name

SouthPoint is elder directed, staff led, and volunteer empowered. The elder board of
up to 7 members sets the guardrails in place and helps keep the church on mission.
Pastor Matt is the only staff on the elder board, and has equal influence and voting
rights with the other members. The Staff Leadership Team is responsible for day to day
ministry and culture. This team consists of Sr. Pastor, Matt Hall; Executive Pastor, Tim
Wiesemann; Campus Pastor, Kyle Squire; and Family Ministry Director, Jenn Curtis.
The church staff currently consists of 6 full-time and 5 part time employees.
While SouthPoint definitely prefers to raise up leaders from within and provide
opportunities for leadership, we have hired several positions from outside the
organization through staffing firms like Slingshot and Vanderbloemen.
Challenges and Opportunities
The greatest challenge facing this role is the need for a fresh start to a ministry that has
struggled to reflect the vision and values of the larger church for the last two years. The
ministry needs renewed vision and devoted attention.
During this transitional period, Pastor Matt and the Leadership Team have stepped in to
provide experience and ongoing support. This is an incredible opportunity to reimagine the youth ministry and take it to the next level. This priority is affirmed by a
healthy student ministry budget and volunteer leadership development.
SouthPoint continues to be a healthy, growing church: in the last year 95 people
accepted Christ, 87 people were baptized, and 40%+ of attendees are involved in a
small group.
Connecting the Disconnected to Christ, Community, and Cause

SouthPoint also has a high value on racial diversity. Their hiring and leadership roles
reflect this value. Particularly for this role, they would love to see a person of diversity
leading the charge to reflect the community. That said, candidates of all ethnicities are
encouraged to apply.
Please take your time to peruse the website, Facebook and Vimeo to learn more about
our beliefs, vision and values and the many other ministries of the church.
If, after a thorough look at these resources, you sense that this would be a good fit for
you, please contact us to begin the application process.
Tim Wiesemann
Executive Pastor
SouthPoint Church

Connecting the Disconnected to Christ, Community, and Cause

Full-time staff position: Student Pastor

Big Picture: To provide leadership and management to intentionally connect
disconnected students to Christ, Community and Cause (. Primary responsibilities will
include: leadership development (recruiting, training and caring for volunteers); direct
work with students; communicating with both students and parents; assisting SouthPoint
on projects as a member of the staff team.
Capabilities and Characteristics:

Loving God and following Jesus in private life is assumed

Have high relational IQ and skills
Be a leader of leaders not just a doer, initiative, self-starter, developer of people
Self-led and self-managed
Understand current culture and engage students with relevance and authenticity
Able to effectively communicate the Gospel
Work in, build, and win through teams
Organizational skills that match scope of ministry.
Willing to dive into change and make decisions for the growth of the ministry
Adhere to the SouthPoint Staff Statement of Ethics.

Reports To:
Jenn Curtis, Family Ministry Director, Leadership Team
Relates Closely With:
Matt Hall, Lead Pastor
Kyle Squire, Campus Pastor, Leadership Team
Tim Wiesemann, Executive Pastor, Leadership Team
Provides Oversight To:
Middle School Students (6th 8th grades)
High School Students (9th 12th grades)
Student Ministry Volunteers
Parents and Guardians
Primary Responsibilities:
Recruit, equip, and lead adult and student leaders for the purpose of developing
fully devoted followers of Christ.
Developing engaging small group and high impact large group experiences.
Planning, scheduling, administrating, promoting, and coordinating
programming, activities, camps, retreats, etc.
Connecting the Disconnected to Christ, Community, and Cause

Communicate the overall vision, goals, and strategy of the Student ministries and
SP mission to the students, parents and larger church.
Partner with parents with the goal of producing teenagers who are worldchangers through Christ, leaders for Christ, and fully devoted followers of Christ.
All other duties as assigned by supervisor.

Practical Execution
Sunday/Sunday Night Programming: Lead Sunday gatherings. This includes
promotion, programming, oversight of teams, and all other responsibilities
included in executing a top-notch program.
Small Groups: Assist adult and student leaders in developing a vital weekly
small group experience for middle and high school students.
Event Planning: Plan, promote, and program events for High School students
during each semester. Each event should ideally target a specific aspect of
mission (connecting to Christ, community-growth, cause serving others).
Leadership Development: Meet with adult leaders and student influencers for
training, encouragement, accountability, planning, and information
Communication: Communicate all information regarding the High School
ministry to the students, parents, adult leaders, and the church. Tools for this
include: webpage, weekend bulletin, weekend power point pre- service
announcements, mailings and phone calls.
Administration: Perform other administrative duties as needed in fulfilling the
goals stated above. Much of this detail work will be accomplished through a
secretary and volunteers.
Contact Ministry: Build relationships with students by visiting school lunches,
games, and other environments outside of the church context.
Provide oversight to the management of this ministry, including budgets,
reporting, safety, etc.
Partner with parents to help them realize God's dream for their child with the
goal to produce youth who are authentic disciples of Christ reaching others for
Christ with the purpose of evangelism and discipleship.
Participate with staff team in church wide functions.
Perform all other duties assigned by the Senior Pastor.
Compensation Package:
Total compensation negotiable based on experience and education
Salary $45,0000-$55,000/year
Benefits package Currently Blue Cross Blue Shield. Church covers 80% of
premium. Includes, health/vision/dental insurance, health savings account, paid
vacation and sick leave, Sabbatical leave, continuing education (TBD).
Connecting the Disconnected to Christ, Community, and Cause

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