Autopsy Results

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SOUTH PLAINS FORENSIC PATHOLOGY THOMAS R, PARSONS, M.D. P.O. BOX 64813 LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79464 (806) 790-9611 PAX (808) 698-0917 FAX COVER SHEET To: JP Jackson FAX Number: 806-352-0129 From: South Plains Forensic Pathology, PA Date: 01-03-17 Time: Subject: Preliminary for Balderas, Yasmeen No. of pages: 2 {CONFIDENTIALITY NomICE “The nformationcantenesin this fecimetanemita ls prlagad andl coutdontl Information intended on for the use ofthe Indlldua or ‘ntity named above the reader ofthis mestages not the ended recpien, rhe employee or agen responsive to divert tothe intended reiplen, your re hereby noted thst you are not authorizes to read this carmmuiation an that ay eserinaion,estbution oF “apying ofthis cormmunieton fet prohibited. try have received this commurication in ero, please immediately not us by ‘telephone, ard return the original message tous a re address above via tho U.S. Postl Service. Thankyou. ‘Name: Autopsy Performed {"] External Exam Date of Death: 01-02-17 [Records Review Date of Autopsy: 01-03-17 @ 1420 South Plains Forensic Pathology, P.A. DEATH CERTIFICATE WORKSHEET co: Potter ‘Agerey: _JP Jackson Date of Birth; 03-14-1999 A postmortem exaraination was performed on this individual is provided. A final autopsy report will follow, In order to assistin completing the desth certificate, the following information Bl PENDING INVESTIGATION: Microscopic sections, toxicology testing, further suidies and/or investigation will be necessary to deterroine ‘the Cause of Death, A death certfiateshoutd be tesved with the Manner of Death “Pending Investigation”. An amended death certificate can be isued when the Cause of Death bas been deremnined, Cr Sutticient natural diseass wes found autopsy tallow certification of death, as noted below: Sufficient injury was found at autopsy to allow extifietion of death as noted below. Be CAUSE OF DEATH: Pending further studies us to (oras a consequence of) br upto (oras aconsequence of) “Er uote (oras 2 consequence of) Part 2: OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS conte 41, How injury occurred 36, Manner of Death 31, Did Tobacco Contribute 38, 1 Remate: 39, If Teansportation EiNetucad fo Death? LINot pregnant within past year Injury, Specify: accident Yes Clrregnantat tine of death [) Drivedoperator Lswicise Bano GiNot preananr, but preznant 1 Paseenger ittomieise TProbabty “within 42 days of death Ci eedestian [ining investigation Clusknowa DNot pregnant, but pregnant Totter (Specityy Licouia Not be Determined 43 days to 1 year before death [BB Unknown i pregnant in past year PRELIMINARY FINDINGS (noted at the tine of autopsy): 1. Polmonary edema, 2. “Gasteie mucosal hemorrhages coe 3 4 aes : 5% PATHOLOGISTS COMMENTS: Pending (or toxicology. SPECIMENS | iiiood [Vitreous Wain Bie Gasteie Other Seat 3G. TR. Ts Retained 1RIGP ik z I Photos: Ves LINO Xerayst LIVes No Pending Pathologist: Dr. Thomas R, Parsons Date: 01-08-17 Tavertigator EEE ea ere eee SOUTH PLAINS FORENSIC PATHOLOGY THOMAS R, PARSONS, M.D. PO, BOX 64813 LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79464 (806) 790-9611 FAX 1806) 698-0917 FAX COVER SHEET To: JP Jackson FAX Number: 806-352-0129 From: South Plains Forensic Pathology, PA Date: 01-03-17 Time: Subject: Preliminary for Balderas, Felipe No. of pages: 2 ‘CONFIDENTAUTY NOTICE ‘The information contained in his feclie tansratalis riled antecedent information intense only forthe use ofthe insvdual or ent named sve, he reader ofthis message isnot te lntended relent, or te employee or agent respatieto defer tothe {intended rent, your are hereby notifies that you ae ot authorize to read this communication and that ay dssemPatian,estbaten ot coping ofthis communications sty prohibited you have recsive this communication i re, pleas tnmedatel ol ut oy telephone, ans ratun the orginal masiage to sat the adress above vb the US. Portal Service. Thankyou, South Plains Forensic Pathology, P.A. Name: _Balderas, Felipe DEATH CERTIFICATE WORKSHEET Co: Potter Agency: _IP Jackson [Autopsy Performed{"] External Exam 1] Records Review Peers Date of Death: 01-02-17 Date of Autopsy: 01-03-17 @ 1325 Date of Birth: 04-26-2009 ‘A postmortem examination was performed on is provided, A final autopsy report wil faow. ftodividual. 1n order to assist in completing the death certificate, the following information Ba PENDING INVESTIGATION: Microscopic sections, toriology testing further studies and/or investigation will be necessary to determine the Cause of Death, A death certificate should be issucd with the Maner of Death “Pending Investigation”. An amended death cetificae can be issued when the Cause of Death bas been determined. CT Sufficient natural disease was found at sutopsy to allow certification of dent, as noted below. 1 Sutticienjajury vas found a autopsy to allow cesttication of death, as noted below: 3B i CAUSE OF DEATH: a: Pending further studies «veto (or 35a consequence of) gO Cee em eer 0) sg EEEEE ESE eeze zeae dueto (or as a consequence of) “de Part 2: OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS contributing to death: 41, How injary ocurred: L as 36. Manner of Death 37, Did Tobneco Contribute 38, 1fFemate: 39. U Transportation Tvatrat ? Not pregnane within pest year ~ njuryy Specty DiAccident (GPregnant at time of desth Driveroperator suicide Q)not pregnant, but pregnant OPassenger CHomisiae Crobabiy within #2 day of teat GPeiest Werending Sovestigation TUnknown: ‘Clot pregnant, but pregnant Ty Ovher (Specify could Note Determines 43 days to year before death Ci Unknown i¢pregnant in past year = 7 PRELIMINARY FINDINGS (noted at the time of autopsy): 1. Pulmonary edema ahen [ Pending for toxteology. [SPEGRENS [Bod Vitreous [Urine ike Gastric [Sent 26 ie Rewind TRIGIE fir i Photos: Doves [No Xorayat CWWes BINoYaeontestions Davos [Pending Pathologist: Dr. Thomas R: Parsons Date: 01-03-17 Investigator: “Ebeling SOUTH PLAINS FORENSIC PATHOLOGY THOMAS RB. PARSONS, M.D. P.O, BOX 64813 LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79464 1806) 790-961] FAX (806) 698-0917 FAX COVER SHEET To: JP Jackson FAX Number: 806-352-0129 From: South Plains Forensic Pathology, PA Date: 01-03-17 Time: Subject: Preliminary for Balderas, Johnnie No. of pages: 2 cONFIOENTIAUTY NOTICE ‘The information contained inthis facsimile transmtalisprlegd and canfiental information intended anl forthe use oF the individual or ‘ently name above. th reader of ths messegeis nat the Intended recipient, othe employeeo" agent responsible to dalvrit tothe Intended redpiet, you are hereby noted that you ae nt authorized to ead this communication and that an dissemination, dstrbution or copying oF this communication it strictly probit. I you have receive this communication in rrr, leas immediately notty uk by telopione, and etum the orginal message tous tthe address above vie the US, Pesta Serve, Thane you South Plains Forensic Pathology, P-A. Name: _Balderas, Johnnie DBATH CERTIFICATE WORKSHEET Co: Potter Agency: JP Jackson {8 Avtopsy Performed [7] External Exam (Records Review Date of Death: 01-02-17 Date of Autopsy: 01-03-17 @ 1105 Date of Birth: 08-28-2007 ‘A postworter examination was performed on this individual. Jn order to assist in completing the death certificate, the following information is provided. A floal autepsy report will follow. PENDING INVESTIGATION: Microssopie sections, toxicology testing further sues andor investigation wil be necessary to determine the Cause of Death. A death certificate should be issued withthe Manner of Death “Pending Investigation”, An amended dest cetificate can be issued witen the Cause of Death has been determined, 1D sufficient natural disease was found at autopsy to allow certification of death, as noted below. C7 Suaficient injury was found at autopsy to allow certification of death, as noted below. 3 CAUSE OF DEATH: sm: Pending further studies due (or sa consequences of) “DF dueto (or ase consequence of) ~e due to (or as 8 consequence of) “Sr _Part 2: OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS contributing to des 41, Mow injury eccurced: 36 Manner ofDesth 37. Did Tobacco Contvibate 38. KC emale: 39. 1° Transportation (Natural to Death? [Nor pregnant within past yeer Injury, Specity: |Accident Oves [Pregnant a time of death Li Dniveroperator suicide Eno Noe pregnan, but pregnant Ey Passenger Etomici Liecobasty within 42 days of death Pedestrian renting investigntion EaUaknown CNet pregnant, but presnant Cotter Speci) Dicould Not be Determined 483 days to 1 year before death PRELIMINARY FINDINGS (noted atthe time of autopsy Di Unknowe if tegnant in past year od }. Pulmonary edema, 2.“ Mallory- Weiss tear of esophageal mucosa at gastroesophageal junction, 3 4 5 PATHOLOGISTS COMMENTS: Pending for txicology. SPECIMENS rine Bi [arr ‘Other us iz i Tented: EAVer CTPending Date: 01-03-17 SOUTH PLAINS FORENSIC PATHOLOGY THOMAS R. PARSONS, M.D. P.O. BOX 64813 LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79464 (806) 790-9611 FAX (806) 698-0917 FAX COVER SHEET To: JP Jackson FAX Number: 806-352-0129 From: South Plains Forensic Pathology, PA Date: 01-03-17 Time: Subject: Preliminary for Balderas, Josue No. of pages: 2 CONFIDENTIAL NOTICE ‘The information contained inthis fcsnie ans spivleged nd col idan information Intend ony far the use ofthe navi or tent named above. the reader ofthis message not the once recipies, or the employe or agent response to cetver tothe intended repent, your are hereby noted tht you are not authored to read ths communication ané that any dlsemnattn, dstoution or roping ofthis eommanoaten ssl promises, you have received this cornmunieatlon eto ese iwmecatly notify us by teleohone, and etn the orignal meseage tous tthe address above va he US. Postal Service. Thankyou South Plains Forensic Pathology, P.A. Name: _Balderas, Josue — DEATH CERTIFICATE WORKSHEET Co: Potter Agency: JP Ja BQ Autopsy Performed [7] External Exam (Records Review Date of Death: 01-02-17 _Date of Autopsy: 01-03-17 @ 0945 Date oF Birth: 06-04-2005 ‘A postmortem examination was performed on this individual. In order to assist in completing the death certificate, the following information is provided, A final antopsy report wil fellow, Ba PENDING INVESTIGATION: Microscopic sections, toxicology taking, further tides andlor investigation wil be necessary to determing ‘the Cause of Death. A death certificate should be issued with the Manner of Death “Pending Yovestigation”. An amended death cetifcate canbe issued when the Cause of Death has been determined C7 Sufficient natural disease was found at autopsy to allow cetifction of death a noted below, Gl Sufficient injury was found at autopsy to allow cetfcation of death as noted below. 3. CAUSE OF DRATTH: a Pending farther studies due to (ores aconsequeace of) “BE veto (ora consequence of) dusto (or asa consequence of) Part 2: OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS contributing to death: 36. Manner of Death 37, Did Tobsceo Contributo 38. If Female: 39. IC Transportation Cnaturst to Death? Not pregoant within past year Injury, Specify: accident Dyes ClPregnant at time of death (i Driveroperstor Osuicide Bro Cinot pregnant, but pregnant [Passenger ‘Qomicide robabiy within 42 days of dest Bi Pedestrian BaPending Investigation GlUnknosen Got pregnant but pregnant Troier Speci) lovutd Net be Determined 43 days to year before death CWueivownitoeemtinpesyer = [id PRELIMINARY FINDINGS (ooted atthe time of autopsy): 1. Pulmonary edema. 2. “History of aluminum phasy ‘hosphine) exporure 3. 4. 5 PATHOLOGISTS COMMENTS: ‘SPECIMENS. ‘viweauy Urine Bile Other ‘Sent a me aS Retained m3 Photos: bd¥es [No X-rays: (Ives BXINo Pathologist! Dr. Thomas R. Parsont Investigator: “Ei

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