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ichofthefollowingisan base unit? Ampere B) Vo © Om (D) Cader 2. ‘To measure the external diameter of a measuring cylinder most accurately one houlduses (A) tapereasure (®) meterule (©) engthotsing (D) _pairofveriareallipers 3. Whenusedin frontofaunitheprefic' mest” wo wo ® wo © w 10 a 4. Whishofte sing tmeaboutthepero ofasimplependulun? (A) Ieineceases withthe length ofthe peda (B) _isdependentonshemassoninebob (©) ehangeswihthevolumeofthebob {D) Kt decreases with decreasing semptinge isa Isms referstothe diagram below. e meee When =0, the valueofyis “ @ oO © zoo K “Which ofthe flowing isa fundamental usntity? (A) Density @) Mas (©) ~Relatvedensity (©) Volume Which of the following is NOTa derived quaatiy? (A) Energy Force (© Charge ©) Cument GOON TO THENEXTPAGE 8. Acoconnt fills fom atree. Which ofthe 10, ‘locitytimegraphsbelow BEST represents ltsmotion ifairesistance isneplected? wy omer ot @, | . 7 o» ' = 12. o + ° ' 9. Abus, with luggage oaded ontop, more lkelytotipoverhen oundingacemertan 13. the same bus without the luggage. The reason forthissthattheluggage (A) increasestheweightofthebus (8) rasesthecentreof gravity ofthe bus (©) lowers the eenre oF gravity of the ba (©) increasesthemomentumofthebus 012380102007 Anexampleofevectorquantiy is “ ® © o lecticalresistance heatespasiyy density splcement Onwhichofthe following deste pressure sapointinaliquid depend? o Densityoftheiquid Depth fem therurface Area of the cross-section of the only only Ianditonly Mandl Which of the following is the unit of wy) ws! B) kms! © kemst © Ns ‘Towhich ofthe following types of energy (D)— Masslessthan om: weight=W Which of the ollowinghasNO units? (A) Veli (B) Relatvedensity © fnew (©) Momenaan emérefestothe diagram below, ” Whenx=0,the value ofyis “ Q 358 s Pp PR hem 7 refer tothe following diagram which ‘Showstwohigheraluminu spheres and suspended isulstingtreas A t ' t 1 ‘ { ' t Hie spheres come to restasshown inthe diagram, the force keepingthemapatisthe (A) gravitational fore (B) electrostatic force (©) magnetctorce (D) centripetal force a Whishofte following is NOTa way inwhich shecerreofgraviyofabody maybedeined? (A) Thepointarwhichthepalloferavity appearstoact (@) _Thepointroughwhichiberesutant force of gravityalwayspasses (© Thepointwherethewholeweightof thebedy isconcentrated (©) The point of application of the resultant force de othe earth's Liem9referstothe following diagrams which depictsomesimple machines : Ce -— - Sa aro ie ww InwhichoF these machines wouldtheeffort ‘applied be LESS thanthe load? (A) Ianditonly (®)_LandIVonly © Ascalarquantity has (A) magritudeonty (8) diretiononly (©) magsieudeanddivection (©) weightonly ‘Abod initially movingataconsantspedi: ‘broughttorestacauniformrate Whichofth speedtime raphsbelowindicarsthemotor ofthebody? w aa tote cy Semel "tint a Seni 12, ‘Twosmacthspheres,AandB,collidehead- on, Whichofthe following statements sre ‘rus? 1° The momentum of A isthe same ‘ftercolision ast wasbefore. LL The momentum of B isthe same ‘after collision asitwasbefore. It, _‘Thetotal momentum ofA and Bis the same after collision asit was before, (a) tonly (®)Mlonly (©) tandittonty (©) anditt 13, A caris moving on a circular tack with Constant speed, Which of the following fatementeaboutthecar would betrue? |. Risexperencingaforeetowardsthe centreofthe ice 1, Ikismoving withuniform velocity. ML, Ithasanacceeration, (&) Tealy (B) —landittonly (© Usnditionly ©) |.Mangitt 14, Aglassmarbe, Xymoving ithaspeed of 6 ims", collides head-on with an identical stationary glass mabe, Y. What is the Yelocity of ¥ ater collision sssumingthat X istroughtiores?” a) Ooms! ® jas! © Sms" ©) 2ms' 16 vy. 18. In which ofthe following is the quantity ‘CORRECTLY pated withtsunit? Deans ats (a) Mass Newton (B) Moment of force | Newton per metre (©) Eneny Newton tere (D) Work done [Newton pe mete Whichof thefollowinggivesteeticieneyof machine? (®) LoalaDiumemmatin fit x 10% Flt Ditnes mined by Lond ®) LoatxDisancemmstiv Load x 10% fer x Disa movedby fet T (© EllotxDisance msl Ess x 10% VoadxDesrce moved ty Load (©) EfixtaDisnemosdbvLosd x 100% oadx Distnee moved by Effet | ‘Alargeheavy parcel stiedwithastring. It isles painfl orapersontpickuptheparcel ifacloth ie wrappedaround he sting. This ibecausethectoth (A) exentslessforceonthe fingers (@) _reducesthetensioninthestring (©) makesthepacellighter (D) reduces the pressure onthe fingers Apieceofstrngistedontoasmallstoneand ‘hestoneisthensuspended tally immersed, {nwater,Thetensioninthestring willbe 20 (B) —_equaltothe weightofthestone (©) _lessthantheweightofthestone (D) —morethantheweightofthestone 1. 20, a1. Asolidobjct, X,floatsinmereuryandsinks in water. A solid object, ¥, fats in both mercury and water. Which ofthe following statements is rue about Xand ¥? (A) Xislessdensethan ¥. (B) Xand Varebothdenserthan water, (©) Xand Y are both denser than meray (©) XismoredensethanY. Absolute zero isthetemperatureat which w ® © ©) airchangestoaliquid gas wouldexertno pressure alscistcescontmetiozeovolume {45 molecules move ata constant speed Apressureofa fixed massofgatis Pandit velumeis 7 Whatisthenew volume ifthe pressure is increased to 2P at constant temperatures? wor 2 ® ¥ 4 or o w ‘Theheatcapactyofabody dependson (A) itsmastandtne specific est capacity ofthematerat (©) _tsmassandthetemperatrechange thebody undergoes (© thedensityand temperature ofthe 3 ‘atrial the density and expansivty of the ‘mater 2 Somemotennspithalereat 100°Cisalowe: to cool down to room temperature I naphthalene has a melting point of 80°C whichotthe following BEST represensihi ‘oolingeurve? oe wy 7 : “NL a o Hh = ©) ion ‘Thespecificentheatofvapouriationof ‘wateristheenergy requredtochange kof wateat () 0°Ctosteamat 100°C ®) 99.9°Ctosteamat 100.1°C (© 100°Ctosteam at 100°C ©) 0°Civiceat0°C 1 iid placedina cublewalledvacuum ask, | 25, Whichofthefollowingareresonswhyahot retninsitsheatforalonstime? m1, “ @ oO © Evacuatedspacebetweenttedouble ‘wallsreduces the lossofheat by ‘conduction. Silverinnerwallsreducethelossof at by aiation “The silvered outer all helps to beer eat fom thesurroundings. Landitonly landiltonly Mandittonly Manat 26. Inwhichofthe following sconductionthe MAINmethod ofenersy transfe? w ® © o Foodheatedinamicrowaveoven Energy tansfered from the sun to oh Food beingcookedonabarbecue Food being cooked in pot an an ctrostove 27. Which of the following, waves has the GREATESTampltude? w © a 2 ‘Which ofthe folowing would bethe base diference between tansverse mechanical ‘waveand alongitudinal mechanical wave? 1. Mediumthrough which ny tavel I, Direeionofibration fpariclesin ‘orn Im Wavelength (a) Tony (®)— ttoniy (© landitonty (©) Mandiltonly tem29refentothefollowing diagram which ‘howsawave ontabouttoreachareecting surface XY, Which of the following diagrams would representthe wavefront afterreflection? o ~—¥ ‘Thewivelengthofawaveischanged during (A) difction (B) reflection (©) reaction (D) interference 3. 2 ‘Anecho isquieterthanthe orignal sound:hat produced. Thisshovsthat.comparedtothe ‘origina sound, theechohasa “ ® © © seralleamplinase shorter wavelength lower fequeney slowerspest The following are types of radiation inthe clectromagnete spectr. Which ofthe followingcouldhavea wavelength whichis ‘more than Im? (§) Ratio B) iret (© Unvaviot ©) Xeys Difttationis NOT normally observed with lihtbecause A) thewavelengthisverylarge (B) thelightisnotbrightencugh (© thewavelengthisverysmall ©) ightisatranversewave Upon whichofthe flowing woultepositon ‘ofan image formedby planemimordepend? 1. Distance of the observer fom the 1H. Disanceoftheobjectromthemimor ML Angieatwhichtheimageis viewed (A) Tony ©) tonly (©) Mandittonly ©) Luana 3s 36, Which ofthe diagrams BESTrepesenst passageofabeam of white light throug! ‘ringularglssprsm? » Ae Which ofthe following statements aretrue ofadiverginglens? |. Itisthinneratthe centrethanstthe ge. 1, tean form onlyinvened images IL. Iteanformoniyrealimages, IV. RReanformonl diminishediages. (A) Landitionly ®)—TandiVenly (© tlandiVeniy ©) i.Manattoniy rc Tanase Ob 37, Thediagramaboveshowstheformationofan imagebya (A) tenscame () pinholecamers (© wlesope ©) roapitVingalss 38. Aposivelyehargedroc,madeof Materia X. isbroughteartoarod madcof Material Y, “whichisalso positively charged. Theserods ‘would (A) anreteachother @)—havenoeffectoneachother (©) repeteachother (©) causeeachothertolosecharge item39referstothediagram below which showsasmallnegatively charged dustraricle ‘midway between two plates and observed ‘withamicroscope. 39. Whichof hefolowingaowsCORRECTLY indiates the pathtakenby the dust particle ‘whenthe switch, §,ielosed? B58 eae 4. Whichofihefolowingreationshipsberween cloctrcal quantities itcoret? “ ® © OEE WhichofthefolowingeouldNOT bea nitof cument? w wy ® va oO Cs ©) Cs Anelecwiccurtentinametalconsistsofaflow o (A) neutrons ®) protons (© deerons Dios ‘Avbeamoflightpasses from onemedium 19 ‘nother of reaterrefacive index. Whenit ‘efiactsthe (A) frequeneychanges (@) —wavelengthchanges (©) spedinereases (D) _Beambendsaway rom the normal 44. Aparllelbeamoflightisineidentonaglass ohjectplacedintheshded aracfhediagran below 7 ‘Which of the following couldhave caused this lateral dgplacement? (A) Reciangularblock (®)—Teangularpism (© Diergingions " @) —Comvergnglens 45. Whichofthefolowingstreofasecondary oat) (A) This formed by connecting 40 oF rmoreprimary cel. (B)— Ieean be recharged by passing 2 I “Cl y GOON TO THE NEXTPAGE on ee paces caceen de 22 ene eae eer Shun waves, water waves and eect tragnetc wavesis NOT corect? (A) eatandupeight (B) __realandinvered(upsidedown) (A) They all ansmit energy from the (©) walandupsit ‘ourcetothestiToundinss. (D)___virtalandiavered (upsidedown) (@)Thoyareallexamplesofransverse (© WapSunsrmpreectntmcton 39. Arayoihinsrarnesagies oecem sndeiftracton fngleofincidence of 0. The light willbe (©) They all have ditferent speeds of rropuetton. (a) unevinted (8) tollyretiscted {C) refracted at 0° ronorma 30, In which of the following are the {D) _tefrctedatanunknownanele Cectrmagnetic waves writen inorder of INCREASING frequency staring withthe lowest? 34, Which of the following statements about (a) Xraysulraviole infared raion (B)Xeaysinfared,ulraviolet io (A) Only transverse waves undespo KO) Raso,x1ay infrared uteaviolet reflection. {D) Radio infeodulraviolet x95 (hy All-waves undergo reflection, refraction anddlilfsction. (©) _Diraction canonly ake place with ‘31, Which of he following demonstrates the Tight waves steigtline propagation of High? (©) Longitudinal waves donot undergo reflection, butmaybereflected (A) Thespeadingoflightwhen ipases thvoughaoarv opening (8) Thedispersionof lihtbyapzism (©) Aparallelbeamof light comingtoa point focus afer fection froma. Spherical iron (©) Theopenstionofthepinholecamera i} Goon To THE NEXT PAGE orzsr0r200 38. Which of the ovr the behaviour of amt ays passing owing diagrams BEST tom. refersto the diagram below. ttrougha gasslensinair? “Theconverping lens has afcalengthot 10 “ ® 36, Atwhichofthepoimts(P).(Q)(R),or(8)in frontoftheconverginglens shoulda object, beplacedtocttinavirual magnified image? ee ane = an SS ae eat oe Bee ibeeerenerenn rau D (A) pote pnp aera ret cat Se peeenenee ovssnoraw 4 -10- tem 38 refers co the graph below which 40. shows the variation of alternating current wwithtime 38, Thevalueofthecurent,attimes, sealed the (A) sinasoidalvalue (B) peakvalue {© tootmean square valve (D) sverapevalue 39, Whichofthefallowingequstons CANNOT ‘bousedtodeterminethe power disspatedin at, a) P=PR © Pew © PR, ve ‘o1238010F 2908 Whichofihefollowingstatementsistrcofs sscondary call? (A) 18s formed by connecting two oF more primary els (8) ean be recharged by passing a direct current in the opposi ddrwesontovich:tdeiversere. (©) Mean be secharged by passing @ drectcurrentinthesamedirection ssildliverscurent (©) Iteanbe recharged by topping up" ‘witht supharicaci ‘em refersto the diagram below which shows. batiery connected across three resistorsconncciedin paral eae his ALWAYS tothe (A) psomtldiferencesthesireacross eachresistor ) _curemisthe same neachresstor (©) applied voltages proportional tothe (©) voliage across a given resistance is ‘ependentonthe alucoftieressors (GOON TO THE NEXTPAGE 1 42, Which ofthe following gives the comect 45. Asuspendebarmaeneaferowinsing ely, colourcodeforelectcal wiring? alwayssettes| LIVE NEUTRAL EAR (A) withitspolespointing the sameway {B) _withisNpolepointing geographic (Brown Bh Grew sth yellow (©) perpenticuartotneEar'smagnedc B) Red Ble Greea eld (© Blue Greenfellow Brown (©) oppositetothediretionfromwhich (©) Green Brown Be ‘stared, 43, The resstance of an IDEAL ammeter is 46, Magneticinductionoccurswhen sssumediobe (A) aN poleatracis as pole 20 (B) iron nas near a magnet become ®) Otebm © 1w2obm (©) amagnetis suspended and poinsin, ©) infinite ‘eS direction (D) _anclectrocopeischarged Whichotthefollowingciruitscanbeused forhall-waverectifestion? 47, Whichofihe following showsthe magnetic field between a bat magnet and apiece of “ a 2 Oxtput w fe see) ® (By) = 4 o oS 7 » Cel 7 : ae Geena pare aE hem 48 refeesto the diagram below which tem4® referstothe following diagram. oprsentsaszaigh wire carryingacurrent intothe planeot the paper. Aes 48. Which of the following diagrams BEST 49._Theflexiblewireshowninthedingramabove represents magnetic field roa the wire? islonsely supported inthe strong magnetic fold. Whentheswitch,X,isclosedthewire w ve —o—- (A) downwards ) upwards as (©) towardsthenonhpole (©) towandsthesouth pole CO) Hem 50 refers tothe following diagram. © 50, ThecurtentinwirePis 0.9, Theevrrent inwiteQis (a 0A (8) Osa (© 09a D) 10a o 51. Aconductor.rotatinginauniformmagnetic Field, induces maximam instantaneous current when the conductor cits the ‘magnetic field tinesat wo 4s ©) 90° ©) 18 GOON TOTHENEXTPAGE o12se010F 2009 13 52, The device for changing the voltage of an sltematve supp iscalleda (A) wamsformer (@)—wantucer (©) tasisor (D)eansposer htems3referstothefollowingdiagramora gg simplea.. generstor. 53. ThepanslabeledXinthedagramare known asthe ok ®)aematures (© Sliprings (©) commutators a ‘54, Inthe seatering experiment conducted by Geiger and Marsden, some of the sph ticles weredefleted.Theexplanaton for thisphenomenonistbat (A) eleconshaveasmall mass (B) —_electtonshaveasmallcharge {©} the metal foi was only afew atoms thick (©) the maclear charge and mass are concentratedinasmallvolume 12380102000 ‘tem SS referstothe following able Seaa_] Asn Nis Nevioa Nab] Pe erase) ° ai? R 2a s a ne Whichpairof nucle aresotopes? Pang B) QandR © PandR ©) Qanas When alpha panicles, hota particles and gamma rays fom a radioactive source are Subjctedtoatrnsveremagntic field which ‘of them would NOT he deviated rom thet ‘riginal path? 1 Alpe Bea ME Gama (a) Monty ) Mlonly (C) landttonly (©) Manditienly Whichofthe following esuationsfornuckar (A) BRa> BRn + f- particle @ te > 4N + p-panise (©) Ra ERW + particle ©) YC BN + a-panicle GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE ys [radioastivemvelelatepresentinasample attimet=0. Which of the following graphs BEST represents the varition with te of the number N,oFundecayed uel present? “ M ® Ze o Ze @ NX | “Whichottheollowingare definitions ofthe term halflife ofradiactivemuctide? 1 w o © o ‘etimetakenforthesetiviyofany givesampltofalltohalfisoriginat sale “The time taken for half the mee presentinany givensampletodee. Half the average umber of

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