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1. (F) Anemia can have broad impact and effect on human resources
(T) It can have broad impact and effect on human resources
Because at the first sentence have mention the word Anemia, so it doesnt need to repeat
that word. It is enough if we write It for the second sentence which its refer to Anemia on
the first sentence.
2. (F) Anemia causes the body easily become infected, decrease health of body and the spirit
of learning and working.
(T) It causes the body easily become infected, so the health of body and the spirit of
learning and working are decreasing.
1. Anemia become It because It is enough if we write It which its refer to Anemia
2. It should use conjunction (so) because we combine the two sentences become one
sentence and explain about the impact. (refer to Indonesian Version).
3. The use of are because there are two impact that describe in this sentence.
4. Decrease become decreasing becuse it has function as verb, so we need add ing if we
used it with to be (are)
3. (F) it is about 25-40% most youth in senior high school........................
(T) It was about 25-40% most youth in senior high school...................................
Reason: it should be in past tense because it explains the previous research which happen in
the past
4. (F) Research aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of
young women towards anemia in SMAN 2 kerinci kanan in 2015.
(T) The aims of this research was to determine the relationship between knowledge and
attitudes of young women towards anemia at SMAN 2 Kerinci Kanan in 2015.

1. Research aims become The aims of this research, because this sentence explain about
the purpose of noun (research) not person.
2. Should use was because it explain about the research which has done.
3. Should use at for the preposition of place and the name of the place should use Capital
Letter for the first letter (Kerinci Kanan).
5. (F) The data is got based on quantitative method ...............................
(T) The data got based on quantitative method or The data was based on quantitative
method .......................................
Reason: it should in past tense form because it explain about the research which has done.
In making the sentencen in past tense form we use to be was or were not is and also
the verb should be in past (verb 2). So, we cant combine to be present (is) with verb 2.
6. (F)The population of this research are the all female students in SMAN 2 kerinci kanan
by 81 respondent that was taken in total sampling.
(T) The population of this research was the all female students of SMAN 2 Kerinci
Kanan by 81 respondent that was taken by total sampling.
1. Are become was, because it should be in past tense and explain about one subject
2. in become of because its explain that female students is a part of SMAN 2 Kerinci
3. in total sampling become by total sampling because its explain about the way, so
should use by.
7. (F) The data is primer and sekunder where.....................
(T) The data was primer and sekunder................
Reason: it should use past tense because the research was done.
8. (F) ................, It founds about 33% students get anemia itself.
(T) ..........., It found about 33% students got anemia itself.
Reason: should use past tense because and past form of found is found and get is

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