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Ruqyah - Spiritual Healing

1) Grind seven green Lote leaves, then pour water over it (enough to take a shower)
and recite the following over it:
* I seek refuge in Allah from Satan the accursed.
* SUrah Al-Faatihah
* Surah AL-Baqarah ayat 1-5
* Surah Al-Baqarah ayah 102
* Surah Al- Baqarah ayah 137
* Surah Al-Baqarah ayah 255 (ayat-ul-Kursy)
* Surah Al-Baqarah ayah 284-286
* Surah AL-Imraan, ayaat 1-5
* Surah Al-Imran, ayah 85
* Surah Al-an'aam, ayah 17
* Surah Al-A'raaf, Ayaat 54-56
* Surah Al-A'raaf, ayaat 117-122
* Surah Yunus, ayaat 79-82
* Surah Al-Israa ayah 82
* Suarah Al-Kahf, ayah 39
* Surah At-Taha, ayaay 65-69

* Surah Al-Mu'minoon, ayaat 115 118

* Surah Yaaseen, ayaat 1-9
* Surah As-Saafaat, ayaat 1-10

2) Recite as much as possible:

Surah Al Fatiha
Surah Al-Baqarah ayah 137
Surah An-Nisaa Ayah 54
Surah Al-Qalam ayah 51
Surah Al-Mulk ayah 3
Surah Al Ahqaaf ayah 31
Surah Al-Israa ayah 82
Surah Al-Fussilat ayah 44
Surah Yunus ayah 57
Surah at-Tawbah ayah 14
Surah Ash-Shu'araa ayah 80
Ayat al Kursy (ayah 255, surah Al Baqarah)
Surah Al Ikhlaas, Al-Falaq, and An-Nas.
Recite the above ayah,along with all the authentic supplications that have been
mentioned previously. then blow in the right hand and wipe over the place of pain, as
has been stated in the second type of treatment for magic.
3) Recite over water and blow into it. It is better if the recitation is done over ZamZam or
rain water. Then, the sick person should drink from it and pour the remainder over
himself, or recite over olive oil and anoint his entire body with it.

And We sent down in the Qur'an that which is healing and a mercy to those who
believe: to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss". (Qur'an 17:82)
Islam is a complete way of life and addresses all aspects of the needs of the creation.
Here we will deal specifically with matters relating to spiritual healing or Ruqyah. ( Note:
Ruqyah is commonly translated in English as "incantation" which carries a negative
meaning, since the word incantation is usually associated with magic, spells, and
witchcraft. However, Ruqyah in Islam is the recitation of Qur'an, seeking of refuge,

remembrance and supplications that are used as a means of treating sicknesses and
other problems.)
Muslim Forum

Ar-Ruqya Ash-Shariyah This forum is dedicated to the subject of Ruqyah. We

strongly suggest if you think you may be afflicted by sheytan that you join this
group. This forum ONLY supports Ruqyah. that is done in accordance with
the Qur'an and Sunnah


Ruqyah - A Comprehensive article on the different types of Ruqyah and how they
should be used in accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah.


Husna al-Muslim (supplications Arabic & English- download and unzip)

Ruling on Magic and Fortune telling by Abdul-Azeez Bin Abdullah Bin Baaz

The Jinn & Human Sickness - Remedies in the light of the Qur'an & Sunnah
By Dr. Abu'l Mundhir Khaleel. The subject of the jinn is one which is of interest to
many people. Folk stories abound, and many superstitious practices have arisen
in Muslim cultures with regard to protection against the jinn. Many myths
surround the ideas of the evil eye and envy, and there are many strange notions
surrounding illnesses such as epilepsy and mental illness, which are often
thought of as being caused by the jinn.This book cuts through all the confusion
and identifies correct Islamic teachings on all these subjects. The jinn are real
and they can indeed harm humans, but this book will teach you how to protect
yourself in the manner taught by the Prophet (saws). Break free from fear,
superstition and fairy stories, and familiarize yourself with the teachings of Islam
on these important aspects of spirituality which the author presents here, drawing
on the texts of the Qur'an and Sunnah and the writings of the respected scholars
of Islam.
This Book is available for Download Zipped or view as Pdf

Preventative Measures Against Shaytan & Authentic Ruqyah-By Mustafa Ibn

Al-Adawi. Indeed It is only Satan that suggests to you the fear of his helpers, so
fear them not, but fear Me, if you are (true) believers. {Surah Al-Imran 3:175}
This Book is available for Download as Pdf

Jinn's and Magic - by Samir Abu Hamza - This lecture is a presentation that
begins with brief descriptions of what sihr and jinn's really are. It not only defines

these terms but the speaker also tells of his surprising experiences assisting
people in their cure from possession and spells of magic. If you are interested in
situations of jinn possession and the effects of being inflicted with magic then this
lecture may pinch your curiosity.

Spirit Possession by Dr Abu Ameenah Bilal Philiphs

Ruqyah -Beautiful Recitation of Surah's and Ayat to be used in Ruqyah (Qur'anic

Healing) for you to download - (Right click on the audio link and "save as" or
"save link as" to download)
Part One and Part Two (MP3 Audio) MP3 Complete (Zipped)

Repel Evil by Sheikh Seraj Wahaj


-Chapter Al-Faatihah
- The first five verses of Chapter Al-Baqarah
- Verses no.163, 164,165, 255, 256 and 257 of the same Chapter
- The first five verses of Chapter Aal Imraan
- Verses no.18, 26, 27, 54, 55 and 56 of the same Chapter
- Verses no.117,118,119 of Chapter Al-'Araaf
- Verses no. 79, 80, 81, 82 of Chapter Yoonus
- Verses no.65, 66, 67, 68, 69 of Chapter Ta Ha
- Verses no.115, 116, 117, 118 of Chapter Al-Mu'minoon
- Verses no. 21, 22, 23, 24 of Chapter Al-Hashr
- The first fifteen verses of Chapter As-Saaffaat
- Verses no. 31, 32, 33, 34 of Chapter Ar-Rahmaan
- Verses no. 3, 4 of Chapter Al-Mulk
- Verses no. 51, 52 of Chapter Al-Qalam
- Verse no. 3 of Chapter Al-Jinn
- Chapter Al-Kaafiroon, Al-Ikhlaas, Al-Falaq and An-Naas

How you can Treat yourself

Stay clear from any disobedience and sins such as not praying, drinking alcohol, wearing
dazzling clothes or undertaking any immoral acts. Rid the house of any impure objects such as

musical instruments, hanged pictures on the walls and forbidden antiques or statues. Be
persistent and regular in reciting the morning and evening Azkaar (remembrance of Allah (swt)),
those before sleep and others for specific times.

Using the Islamically Sanctioned Ruqya

Begin by reading upon yourself the following dua (petition);

1.Bismillah Arq Nafs Wa Min Kuli Shayin Yuzn Wa Min Shari Kuli Nafs Aw
Ayn Hsid Yashfn
Then place your hand on the place that gives you pain on your body and say, Bismillah three
times, then say seven times,

2.Aouzu Be Izzatillhi Wa Qudratihi Min Shari Ma Ajid Wa Ahzir

I seek refuge in Allah (swt) and in His Ability from the evil I find and avoid. [Saheeh Muslim]
You should also say,

3.Allhumma Rabins Azhab Al-Basa Wa Ashfi, Anta Ash-Shaf La Shifaa Ila

Shifauk La Yugadir Saqama

You should read Ayah al-Kursi before sleeping, Before the Prophet (saw) would sleep he would
draw his hands together and then blow into them without spitting, reciting Surah Ikhlaas,
and then Surah al- Falaq, And finally Surah al-Naas, before wiping over his head and body with
the palms of his hands.
You should also try and read Surah al-Baqara daily as this is a great protection from magic as the
devils flee from the houses in which Surah al-Baqara is recited.

Using Surah al-Faatiha to incant oneself (Ruqya)

In order to perform Ruqya with Surah al-Faatiha one should recite the Surah and then blow upon
the place where the pain is being felt, or if someone else is performing the Ruqya upon a patient,
for them to blow upon the area. You can also do this with the other Suwar such as Surah as
Ikhlas, al-Falaq and an-Naas.

How to Cure yourself from Magic

Sheikh Ibn Baz commented,
Take seven green Sidr leaves and crush them in a mortar and pestle. Place them in a container
and fill it with water that is of a sufficient quantity to bathe in.

Recite upon it the following,

Ayat al-Kursi,
Surah al-Ikhlaas
and the Muawadhatayn as well the as verses relating to magic including, Surah al-Araaf verses
117-122, Suran Yunus verses 79-82 and Surah Taha verses 65-70. Then you should drink some of
it before bathing with the remaining water. There is no problem in repeating this a number of
times until you are cured. Surah al-Araaf, verses 117-122

How to Cure yourself from the Evil Eye

Duas that will remove anxiety and worries
If you are afflicted by hardship or adversity then try and make the following dua,
Y Hayyu Y Qayym Bi Rahmatika Astaghth
If one is affected by anxiety, concerns or worries he should say;
Allhumma Inn Abduk Ibn Abduk Ibn Amatuk Ns iyat Biyadik Mda F Hukmik Adl F
Qadik Asaluka Bikkulli Ism Huwa Laka Sammaytu Bihi Nafsak Aw Anzaltuhu F Kitbik Aw
Allamtuhu Ahadan Min Khalqik Aw Istatharta Bihi F Ilm al-Ghayb Indak An Tajal alQurn Rab al-Qalb Wa Nr Sadr Wa Jala Huzni Wa Dhahb Hamm
If one is afflicted by a calamity or a problem he should say;
Inna Lillhi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajin. Allhumma Ajirn F Musebat Wa Akhlif L Khairan Minhu
The distressed person should make the following petition to Allah (swt);
Allhumma Rahmatika Arj Fala Takalan Ila Nafs Tarfah Ayn Wa Aslih L Shane Kulihi La
Ilaha Ila Anta
If you are afflicted by difficulties or if your affairs become hard you should say,
Allhumma La Sahla Ila Ma Jaaltahu Sahla Wa Anta Tajal al-Huzn Iza Shita Sahlan

How a Djinn ASEQ to kill the will of Allah:

1. The recitation of Surah Al-Baqarah from accessing answer daily, and self-recitation is better.
2. Ayat Al-Kursi to CD for an hour and while sleeping next to you bed play.

3. Take a bucket of water and put your fingers in it, it should prefer a large bucket of water so the
water will last several days, and each time you see that the water is create new.
You do your fingers in your mouth and close to the water and recite the following verses over it.
Get your hands just like you are ready re recite and hold while reciting the intention that you
want Allah the Djinn burned.
- 3 x bismillahi Alladhi La Yadhurru Maa ismihi shaj un-fil-wala ardhi fis-sama-wa huwa he
assamieul Aleem
- 3 x Aoedoe billahi Sameeul Al Aleem minna shaytaani raziem min hamzihi wa wa nafgihi
naftih, wa min hamazati Shaytaan, wa aodoedoe Bika-Rabi other jahduroen.
- 3 x Aoedoe billahiAdeem wa al-Kareem wa biwazhihil Sultaanihil Kadeem minna Shaytaani
Raziem Mared Al-Al-Al-LaeenAaneed Al-Tareed.
- 3 x Aoedoe bi-kalimaatillaahi taammaati min sharri Mon khalaq
- 3 x Aoedoe bi-kalimaatillaahi taammaa min koellie shaytaanien wa haammaa wa mien koellie
aajnien laamma.
- 7 x Aoedoe bi-kalimaatillaahi taammaa min ghadabihi wa wa ikaabihi Sarri ibadihi.
- 3 x Tahsinat bi dwil izza djabroet shore wa bi itisamoenna Rabil malakoet tawakalat wa alal
al-hay baaki alladi yaamut laa.
- 1 x Aoedoe bikalimaatil-laahi taammaatil-laa-latee yujaawizuhunna barrun wa laa faajimn
min sharri khalaqa Mon, wa wa baraa tharaa, wa min sharri Mon yanzilu Minas samaai, wa
maa min sharri yaruju feehaa, wa maa min sharri tharaa filterardhi, wa min sharri Mon
yakhruju minhaa, wa min-sharri fitanil layli wannahaari, wa min sharri kulli taariqin illaa
taariqan yatruqu bikhayrin yaa Rahman.
- Surah Al-Kahf verse 29
- Surah Al-Maidah verse 33
- Surah Al-Anfal verse 50 and 51
- Surah Al-Araaf verse 18
- Surah Hud verse 117, 118 and 119

- Surah Al-Sajdat verse 11 t / m 14 and 18 t / m 22

- Saad Surah verse 76 t / m 854. Drink this water every time youre thirsty and you were one
once a day with this water, preferably just before bedtime.
5. Lubricate all openings of your body with musk, preferably black Musk (mouth, nose, ears,
genitals front and back, navel, toe and
fingernails, nipples, above the eyebrows, the eyelids)
6. Listening or reciting the following Suwar 1x in the morning and 1x in the evening with the
intent to burn the Jinn. You do not have everything simultaneously, but this is the best, with time
constraints should be to divide In three days, and in these three days should be listened to them
all have, so we will then continue for the next three days.
- Al-Nur, Al-Saffat, Al-Dukhan, Yosof, Al-Rahman, Al-last part Hashr, Mulk, Djinn, Burooj,
Tarik Al-Ala Al-Ghasiyat, Al-Zalzalah, Al-Qariat, Al-Humazah, Kafiroon Al, Al-Ikhlaas, AlFalaq, Al-Annas.
7. Spread your bedding daily with musk, and if you can pajamas.
8. Recite a minimum of once a day the following verses or listen to at least 2 hours a day number
6 of the link.
- Surah Al-Baqarah 30:
- Surah Al-Baqarah 168-169:
- Surah Al-Baqarah 205:
- Surah Al-Baqarah 219-222:
- Surah Al-Baqarah 268:
- Surah Al-Baqarah 275:
- Surah Ali-Imraan 14:
- Surah Ali-Imraan 119:
- Surah Ali-Imraan 135:
- Surah Ali-Imraan 197:
- Surah Al-Nisaa 16:
- Surah Al-Nisaa 22:
- Surah Al-Nisaa 25:
- Surah Al-Nisaa 77:
- Surah Al-Nisaa 95:
- Surah Al-Maidah 33:
- Surah Al-Maidah 41:

- Surah Al-Anam 151:

- Surah Al-Araaf 27-28:
- Surah Al-Araaf 33:
- Surah Al-Araaf 46:
- Surah Al-Araaf 102:
- Surah Yunus 70:
- Surah Hud 43:
- Surah Hud 64:
- Surah Hud 78:
- Surah Yusuf 23-34:
- Surah Yusus 50-53:
- Surah Al-Nahl 90:
Please note, when it has become clear that the jinn may have gone out or been slain, must
immediately begin to close the body, allowing re-entry by the same Jinn (who is out passed) or
species (the jinn that has died) from happening again.
This course is suitable for all, clear that a Djinn in the body is gone or has died, so even people
with Sihr, Evil Eye Possession and other species, the plan to stuff the body can
Following is the procedure for breaking this magic. It is only for muslims to follow.
recite the following sura and blow it on the victims separately.
1. sura-e-fatiha with bismilla 41 times
2. sura-e-baqara, first 5 ayat 7 times.
3. ayat-ul-kursi 1 time
4. sura-e-baqara ayat 284 to 285, 7 times
5. sura-e-araf ayat 54 to 56 , 7 times
6. sura-e-tauba ayat 69, 41 times
7. sura-e-rehman ayat 33 to 36, 21 times
8. sura-e-jin ayat 1 to 9, 11 times
9 sura-e-ikhlas, sura-e-falak, sura-e-nas , 11 times
10. darood 21 times before and after all this
and blow it on water and give it to them for drinking.
those who have been affected with this magic, ask them to keep reciting astaghfirullaha rabbi min
qull-i-zamnbin and la haola wala quwata illa bila

Take water in some pot everyday and recite (surah mouse 3) 11 times and ali 41 times and blow it on
the water and wash your face in a clean place with that water so that the water is not wasted and
thrown in a drain or bathroom. And also wet your chest and head with this water thoroughly and
inshallah the magic will be broken within 40 days.
A simpke amel can break magic easily, because he gives zakat of the verses so thats why he can
easily break the spells. I can very easily break the spells in about 4 to 5 hours because I pay zakat of
Rs 125000 for the verses and I have by the grace of Allah enough power to break the magical spells.

And I also have other forces that help me in breaking the magic. But it also depends on the amel how
much talent he has got.
This spell is to be performed by the victim of the magic himself.
First of all, recite darood 3 times, and then recite sura-e-yasins following verses, i.e., 8 to 9.

Recite them 41 times and in the end recite darood 3 times, and then blow it on your hands and then
rub your hands over your whole body. Inshallah you will be cured in 11 days. This process is to be
performed after Fajir prayer, for 11 days, continuously. If there is a break in the process, then do it
after zuhar prayer.

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