Aha EVDO Internet CDMA Broadband Rev.A With Google Crome

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Bakrie Connectivity as the Bakrie Telecom subsidiary introduces mobile broadband

service product called AHA. AHA is Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) which suppor
ted by EVDO technology. With AHA introduction, Bakrie Connectivity enrich mobile
broadband service with EVDO technology in Indonesia market after Smart Telecom
which already launched since last year.
Mobile broadband technology is usually divided into two type, fixed line technol
ogy and wireless technology. Mobile broadband technology with fixed line require
s broadband provider to provide direct connection from their core network to sub
scribers. Cable modem and xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is some of mobile broad
band technology which using fixed line technology. Both services are using fiber
coax cable and twisted copper. Meanwhile mobile broadband technology with wirel
ess technology refers to technology that use point to point or point to multipoi
nt connection from broadband provider and subscribers. Broadband wireless techno
logy is using microwave in various frequency between 2.5 to 45 Ghz. EVDO service
s which launched by Bakrie Connectivity with the product called AHA is one of br
oadband technology which using wireless technology.
Broadband technology using wireless technology is growing very fast since giving
high mobility and more value added for subscribers. Beside EVDO technology whic
h used by Bakrie Connectivity their product called AHA, WIMAX is another broadba
nd technology which using wireless technology. WIMAX has two types, line of sigh
t (LOS) and non line of site (NLOS). The lost WIMAX system is point to point ope
ration and it is much better than NLOS. However, LOS system did not facilitate t
o large broadband subscriber. Meanwhile NLOS system is point to multipoint opera
tion which allows many subscribers.
Broadband technology such as EVDO and WIMAX required high resource capacity on t
he network. Bakrie Connectivity as the new mobile broadband provider with their
product AHA moment should provide those much resource to support high speed inte
rnet access for their subscribers. rik optimistis Bconnect dapat diterima di mas
yarakat Indonesia. Pasalnya, potensi pengguna internet di Indonesia masih cukup
besar, dengan penetrasi hanya 15 persen dari jumlah penduduk, meski banyak perus
ahaan penyedia jasa internet yang menawarkan layanan yang sama. Belum lagi, lanj
ut Erik, dari 35 juta pengguna internet di Indonesia, hanya 8,5 juta yang tercat
at sebagai pelanggan. Bahkan diprediksi, pada tahun 2014 nanti jumlah pengguna i
nternet akan meningkat menjadi sekira 230 juta, sedikit lagi menyamai total popu
lasi di Indonesia.
Untuk memaksimalkan layanan ini, anak usaha yang sepenuhnya milik Bakrie Telecom
ini pun menjalin kerja sama dengan Google. Nantinya, dalam setiap modem Aha, ya
ng terdiri dari modem Huawei EC167 dan Olive 110, akan dibenamkan browser Google
Chrome dan produk Google lainnya. Untuk modem Aha yang menggunakan sistem plug
and play, akan dibandrol dengan harga Rp499.000 per unit.

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