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AP 1099 Federal Electronic Filing Procedures

Semi automated process to transfer 1099 information from the City of
Salem to the IRS via the internet.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION:...................................................1
TABLE OF CONTENTS:.....................................................1
ELECTRONIC FILING ADVANTAGES:..........................................2
PROCESSING INFORMATION AND STEPS:......................................2
PROCESSING GENERAL STEPS:.............................................2
PROCESSING DETAIL INFORMATION:........................................3
PROCESSING UPLOAD INFORMATION:........................................4
WSFTP UPLOADING STEPS:................................................5
PROCESSING TESTING INFORMATION:.......................................6
DOCUMENTATION AVAILABLE:...............................................6
HISTORICAL INFORMATION:................................................7


Last Saved 1/20/2005 4:04:00 PM

AP 1099 Federal Electronic Filing Procedures


Electronic filing eliminates the need to file form 4804, which is
required for other means of filing.
Electronic filing provides more time to complete the process.
The submission deadline for Electronic filing is March 31, vs. March
1 for magnetic media.


1) Run the 1099 process.
2) Upload the 1099 data file to a secure network server/directory
[It is recommended that at least one TEST file be created and
verified before running the final file.]
3) Login to the Online web page.
4) Upload the file.
(Follow the online instructions.)


Last Saved 1/20/2005 4:04:00 PM

AP 1099 Federal Electronic Filing Procedures


Replacement file name in pos. 396-410 of the T record MUST be blank
unless it is actually a replacement file.
The FIMS 1099 process creates a file in the FIMS UNIX $OUT
The file is named oRRRRRRR.out where RRRRRRR is the Request number
of the request the A.P. user submitted to create the output.
The browser based electronic transfer process requires that the file
be FTPed to a PC.
Using WSFTP, it is transferred and renamed to a more descriptive
name is solely to better identify the file, as any valid file
name can be used for the file transmitted to the IRS.
The file should be transferred as BINARY, not ASCII, as the file
already contains Carriage Return and Line Feed characters,
instead of Line Feeds.


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AP 1099 Federal Electronic Filing Procedures


Electronic filing of 1099 data is via the
FIRE (Filing Information Returns Electronically) System. This
system is accessed using a browser.
The I.R.S. requires the use of a secure internet connection
(note the https address, vs. a www address).
any P.C. with Internet Explorer and an Internet connection can
be used.
The FIRE site is located at
A PIN # & Password are required, as well as the Employer Taxpayer
Identification Number & Transmitter Control Code.
Values for the account set up for the City of Salem are:
Name/User ID:

Andy Wooldridge









(Case sensitive)

* Used to logon to the FIRE system.

# The Social Security Admin. wanted the name of the person that
was the technical contact, not a role.
This Account User ID predates the current and prior
methods of submission.)
On the FIRE system, the existing user name login can be used
there is a link to create a new account.
City A.P. staff should consider doing this to create
a new User & Password.
The existing TCC # & EIN #, which identify THE CITY, not the
user/service provider submitting the file, should not be
changed for any new account.
@ Required to be entered on the Filing Information Returns
Electronically screen, and to Check File Status of
files submitted (tests or live files).


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AP 1099 Federal Electronic Filing Procedures


1. Click on either the Desktop icon or the Start/Programs/WS_FTP
folder icon
2. Enter the appropriate data:
Profile Name: WSFTP_32
HOST Name/File:
HOST Type:
UNIX (standard)
User ID:
3. Under Local System navigate to the appropriate network directory
Double Click on g- (Group on Civic1/Sys2)
Double Click on Name Finance
Double Click on Name AP
Double Click on Name 1099s
4. You can not change the Remote System directory.
5. Make Sure the Binary option (lower middle of the WS_FTP screen)
is selected!!!
6. Locate the file under Remote System.
The file is named o#######.out, where o is a lower case letter o
and ####### is the Request number of the request submitted to
create the output.
Right Click on the file name(s)
(you can hold the CTRL key down and select more than one file at
a time)
Click on (the left pointing arrow in the center of the screen)
to transfer the selected file(s).
7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for any other files to be uploaded
8. Exit WS_FTP


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AP 1099 Federal Electronic Filing Procedures


A test file should be submitted each year before submitting a final
live file.
A preliminary production run is a good choice.
Test files should be created or modified to have a T in pos. 28 of
the T record!

Specifications for filing 1099 data with the IRS is described in
Publication 1220.
This publication may be viewed at:,

link to:

Forms and Publications

Forms and Publications by Number

locate Publ 1220 Specifications for Filing Forms ...


Last Saved 1/20/2005 4:04:00 PM

AP 1099 Federal Electronic Filing Procedures

Ref.: Ctech1 \Sys2\COMMON\TAX\1099 NOTES.WPD
In Jan., 2003, the production output was placed in directory
In Jan., 2004 it was
The 2003 copy has been downloaded, and is stored as
Ctech1 \Sys2\COMMON\TAX\Pub 1220 2003-52.pdf.
The 2004 copy has been downloaded, and is stored as
Ctech1 \Sys2\COMMON\TAX\Pub 1220 2004.pdf.
In 2004 (2003 tax filing) it required a direct connection, NOT the
internet, so a PC had to be used that had a modem & phone
The P.C. in Tims office that is configured with an external phone
line & modem has had a browser connection setup for this
purpose. When that device uses the modem connection, it loses
its network connection, so the file to be sent must be copied
from a network drive to the local drive before transmitting.
For 2005 (2004 tax filing, the I.R.S. has upgraded their system to
use a secure internet connection (note the https address, vs. a
www address), and any P.C. with Internet Explorer and an
Internet connection can be used.
A test file was submitted for 2003. Results brought to light that
Oregon no longer participates in the Combined Federal/State
reporting system. This impacts the A, B, & K records.
This is corrected under the Payables Manager responsibility,
under Setup, Tax, Regions. This path lists the regions,
which are states. The entry for Oregon had the value 41" (the
state #) in the Code column. This value must be removed
before making the final run.
Historically, this file has required some manual cleanup to split
some records and make the record lengths consistent. B records
were produced in pairs, with spaces instead of Carriage Return
and Line Feed in the last 2 positions of the first of each
pair. By filing electronically instead of via magnetic media,
this issue became a non-problem.

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AP 1099 Federal Electronic Filing Procedures

Data cleanup for the TCC and other elements, such as contact info.
and the combined federal/state filing program fields MUST be
reviewed as well.
The TCC is supplied by the Control Code parameter when the request
to produce the 1099s is issued by the A.P. department. The TCC
and contact info. was successfully supplied when run for 2003.
Some issues arose with the 2003 filing that have to do with the
"Combined Federal/State Filing Program". Oregon used to
participate in this program, but has recently left. This
required a setup change, which was completed. However, all of
our Vendors that are receiving 1099s are from states not
But because we could have a Vendor from one that does, Oracle sets
the flag in the employer header record (pos. 26 of the A
record) that indicates participation in the program. As none of
the Vendors are from qualifying states, none of their detail
(B) records have the corresponding flag set.
When IRS got the file, they flagged as an error the fact that we
indicate we participate, but then have no vendors from states
that actually do participate.
The solution was to manually clear the flag in the employer header
from the file we submit as the production file.
Before rerunning, a FIMS setup change must be made. Oregon used to
participate in the "Combined Federal State Filing Program", but
has recently dropped out. To correct this, under "Payables
Manager", navigate to Setup, Tax, Regions, and locate the
region Oregon (in Description). The "Code" column contains
"41", which is the Federal # for Oregon. This code should be
removed, so it is blank (compare with Oklahoma). (This is also
discussed on a metalink article Tony located,
When the rerun is made, 1 parameter should be changed when
submitting the 1099 Electronic Media request. The 2nd.
parameter is "Control Code". This is a value that IRS assigns
to all entities that report. The City of Salem's number is
29282 (and has been for years). (This value goes into the


Last Saved 1/20/2005 4:04:00 PM

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