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Miss Phantom World

Some time ago, in the apparition world, next to the human world, the phantoms live peace and
joyfully. They do their action like human in for the most part. In consistently, the apparition has
one unique occasion. It calls Miss Ghost Worlds Contest. The challenge is trailed by the whole
phantom delegate in apparition world. The welcome is posted in the majority of the part in the
phantom world.
One day oblivious mansion, there experienced an old witch. She was picked as the delegate from
the west part. She sat on the seat and drank some espresso while was perusing the welcome.
The Witch : Hmm, Its a wonderful letter! (Open the envelope)
WHAT! Its the letter of Miss Ghost World. Goodness, I will be the finalist in that challenge. I
cant trust it! (Kneel)
The Witch felt so glad tolerating the welcome. Be that as it may, she was so pompous and
believed that she must be the victor. She has an enchantment power. With her enchantment stick
and flight sweeper she can do anything. She additionally has an enchantment mirror and she can
see everything from it. Subsequent to tolerating the welcome, shes taking a gander at her
enchantment mirror to see her rivals
The Witch : Well hold up hold up hold up..! This is a major and well known challenge.
There must be such a large number of phantoms from numerous nations will go along with it.
Ohh I must win this challenge and Ill do everything to be the victor. I wouldnt give them the
shot. I am the champ Yeah, I am the victor hihihi uhuk uhuk Ohh, a mosquito enters
my mouth. Its alright. I trust it can discover the peace in my stomach
(Strolled to the enchantment mirror)
The Witch : Now, I will look to my enchantment mirror. I am pondering to know the greater
part of my rivals, the finalists of Miss Ghost World
(Spelling some enchantment spells )
The Witch : Enchantment Mirror on the divider! Demonstrate to me the all of Miss Ghosts
Worlds challengers
(At the point when the Witch said the enchantment spells, the mirror was demonstrating the
Sundel Bolong playing the origami in Japan)
Sundel Bolong : Hmm, its an extraordinary creation! Its so delightful. Theres no phantom can
make a winged creature like this
(At that point, the mirror demonstrated the second contender. Its a Vampire)

Vampire : (brush her teeth)

Hmm hmm hmm Haiia,, its a sharp teeth ever!
(After that, the enchantment mirror demonstrated the Mummy. Its the third challenger)
Mummy : Hoo How poor I am! Take a gander at my body! Its loaded with gauze and it
generally free from my body. Anyone need to help me? Hoo
The Witch : Hihihi Oh, how poor you are! Demonstrate to me the following!
(This time, it demonstrated the Werewolf and Kuntilanak)
Werewolf : Auuuumm Look at my nails! Its so delightful. I can win the challenge with
Kuntilanak : Hihihi My hair is so long and dark. Its additionally a multifunctional hair. It can
use to compass, clean the dust, and shield me from the mosquitoes hihihi
The Witch : Ughh they are hard opponents. I must thrashing them in light of the fact that
nobody apparition can win this challenge, with the exception of me! Hihihi
The greater part of the competitors from numerous nations, one by one, went to the spot where
the challenge would be held and were gathered in the residence. They will live respectively in a
week prior to the opposition starts. The primary comer was Sundel Bolong
Sundel Bolong : Where is the other phantom? Why is the spot so quiet? In Japan, we are
dependably on time.
(At that point comes Vampire)
Vampire : Haiia there is still one phantom in here. I think I am the first phantom that comes
Sundel Bolong : Hello there, I am Sundel Bolong from Japan. Pleasant to meet you
Vampire : Haiia I am Vampire from China. Pleasant to meet you as well
(When theyre talking, there comes Mummy )
Mummy : Hoo Is there anyone who can help me? I feel hard to walk!
Vampire : Haiia Who are you?
Mummy : Owh Im the finalist of this challenge.

Vampire & Sundel Bolong : Finalist?

Mummy : No doubt, Im Mummy from Egypt.
Sundel Bolong : Hello there, youre an astonishing apparition. Your outfit is so pleasant. You
dont squander the outfit, do you?
Mummy : Hoo Dont be insane! I generally feel the chilly ordinary due to my poor swathes.
It cant shield me from the wind.
Werewolf : Auuummm What a quiet place!
(All of a sudden the Werewolf came and when shes arrived, the Witch came and hit the
Werewolf : Heii!!! Whats the issue with you? It is safe to say that you are blind?!
The Witch : Ooh, my cap ! Where is my cap? My flight floor brush ! Where are they?
At the point when the Witch Werewolf still battle one another and the other attempted to
independent them, there was Kuntilanak whos taking a stab at finally.
Kunti : Huft, its a far and a drained trek! Hey, you grandmother, give me a glass of water,
please. Hustle just a bit!
The Witch : What! Me..? You call me grandmother?! Dont you look my excellent face and
Im not your house keeper!
Mummy : Sto p! Try not to battle here. Its not a battle coliseum!
Sundel Bolong : Haiik, that is valid.
Vampire : Go ahead, how about we go into the house!
(When they were getting in the house, there was a Dracula whos now sat tight for their
Dracula : Hey women! Welcome to the Miss Ghost Worlds residence. Has everybody as of now
All Ghosts : Yes.

Dracula : Well, Ill clarify you about this challenge. Youre the agents of your every nation why
shoulds chose be the finalist of Miss Ghost World. Youll contend to get the crown of Miss
Ghost World during the current year. This challenge will isolate into three segments; the first is
Scares Contest, the second is Quick and Smart, and the latter is Modeling Contest. Any
All Ghosts : NO
Dracula : alright, now you can take a rest and set yourself up to get the best. Ill see you soon,
The all phantoms began to live in the residence together and arranged all that they should be the
champ. In spite of the fact that they were in rivalry, they attempted to be inviting one another,
with the exception of the Witch obviously. In the extra time, they recounted their anecdote about
how they kicked the bucket.
The day is advancing. Dracula as the moderator of the Miss Ghost World Contest opened the
show. The greater part of the contenders were prepared to contend to be the Miss Ghost World.
Dracula : Women and respectable men, welcome to the Miss Ghost World challenge Before
we begin the opposition, let me present the all of hopefuls. The main is Miss Sundel Bolong
from Japan Next there is Miss Vampire from China Then Miss Mummy from Egypt Miss
Werewolf from America Miss Witch from England and the latter is Miss Kuntilanak from
Indonesia Ok, now for the majority of the challengers, take your own place.
(Dracula requesting that they be prepared, and the first challenge was Scares Contest)
Dracula : Women, would you say you are prepared?
All Ghosts : Yes, were prepared.
Dracula : alright, the first is Scares Contest. If you dont mind demonstrate your scariest face to
the crowds, one by one, please.
(One by one, the apparitions demonstrated their scariest activity)
Dracula : Thank you women. Presently well go to the second part, the Quick and Smart
Contest. Be prepared women!
(At that point the Dracula posed a few questions to the majority of the hopefuls and theres a
wild rivalry between them. After this areas completed, it proceeded with the last segments. That
was Modeling Sections.)

Dracula : alright women, at last we go to the last piece of this challenge. Its a Modeling
Contest. For this area, Ill give you 30 minutes to plan and make over. You may go to the
backstage at this point.
(At that point the competitors went to the evolving room)
This time the Witch made a tricky thing. She made the stage elusive furthermore other tricky
thing for alternate hopefuls.
Following 30 minutes
Dracula : For the greater part of the contenders, please go to the stage! Here comes the first
challenger Miss Mummy!
Mummy : (slipped) Aah Oh no! What is this?
Dracula : Miss Mummy, would you say you are alright? All things considered, here we go. It
would be ideal if you impending the following contender, Miss Vampire!
(At the point when the Vampire entered the stage, all of a sudden she cant move on the grounds
that theres an enchantment paper stamp in her temple)
Dracula : Goodness, I think there must be something incorrectly. Be that as it may, we need to
proceed with this with the following contender. Miss Sundel Bolong!
Sundel Bolong : (stroll on the catwalk) Ouwh
Dracula : Miss Sundel Bolong, whats the deal with you? You ought to need to turn back!
Sundel Bolong : No doubt, however theres something blew my hair until it shut my eyes.
Dracula : Go ahead Sundel Bolong. Why not say that you simply can walk straight? Alright,
next. Come in Miss Werewolf!
Werewolf : (Running to pursue the meat) Hmm, that is so scrumptious!
Dracula : Miss Werewolf Miss Werewolf Ouwh, where is she going? Ok, disregard her.
How about we proceed with Miss Kuntilanak!
(Miss Kunti strolled on the catwalk and demonstrated her additional long hair. This time the
Witch was neglected to trap the Kunti)
Dracula : Great Miss Kunti! Furthermore, the last, Miss Witch reveal to me your best!

(The Witch performed with carelessness in light of the fact that she felt that its difficult to
alternate hopefuls to win the challenge.)
Dracula : Thank you women. You

The Script of Radin Jambat

Once upon a time there was a beautiful land namely Punigaran that was governed by a wise and
great king namely Kyai Sang Ratu Jambi who had a dauntless and strong son namely Radin
Jambat. This story started when the king held a celebration for his one and the only son who had
grown up. At that time, that son who became a man would sail along the reaches of an ocean,
looking for a wife.
One day, when the king and his wife, Pelita Raja Nyawa were sun bathing, Mangku Bumi came
and planned to do the same thing, and here the story began..
The King

: Hey Mangkubumi!

Mangkubumi : Yes, your majesty.

The King
: You know that my son, Radin Jambat now has grown up and he has to look for a
wife, didnt you?
Mangkubumi : I really apologize your majesty. But I have an idea why dont we put Radin
Jambat in our troops? I will be ready to accompany him.
The King

: It is not necessary. I dont want to see my son looked so spoiled in other

The Queen
: Hold on dear, if there is no troop who will be accompanying our son, I will not
allow him to go by himself.
Mangkubumi : Pardon me your majesty, I have an idea how if I accompany him in his journey?
The King

: Allright. Please, Mangkubumis guard him!

Mangkubumi : Yes, your Majesty. Let me take leave.

Mangkubumi immediately left the king and queen and then he gathered all people from all over
Punigaran Land to celebrate Raden jambats party. After the celebration party was over, Radin
Jambat asked his parents blessing.
Radin Jambat : Father, May i have permitted to look for a wife. Hopefully, I will get an
adorable wife.
The King: Please, stand up my son. Wander and explore this world and find a nice wife and take
her to Punigaran.
Radin Jambat: Mother, I ask your permission to look for a wife. Hopefully, I can get an adorable
wife like you.
The Queen
: Go my son! Dont come home if you still dont get your ideal and adorable wife.
I will always pray for you.
After getting blessing from his parents, Radin Jambat was boating together with Mangkubumi.
Day by day passed, till they were arriving at the edge of a limitless ocean. The boat that became
Radin Jambats life passed. It didnt take any longer when they were arriving in a place named
Beringin Tanah Mayat, a place that was used to test the divine power. In this place, they were
stopping and resting. The next morning, Radin Jambat meditated under a banyan tree to ask his
will to Dewa. He burned incense. This thing made the door of heaven was full of smoke.
Suddenly, there was a Dewa who was coming to see him.
Dewa : Hey, Haga ngapi niku dija?
Radin : Pardon me for what has been done by me, Dewa. I,Myself, Radin Jambat, would like to
look for a wife. Would u mind help me, Dewa.
Dewa : Okay, I will tell you there is a woman whos perfectly matching you. I have
acquaintance in the north. I believe that she is really matching you because she has a gentle heart
and sweet heart. How about that?
Radin : If I marry her, she only will primp herself everyday and it will waste the time.
Dewa : All right if dont like this woman but I still have one more. She is in the north-west. She
is very rich and youll be happy with her.
Radin : Not really, Dewa. If I marry her, her riches will exceed my riches.
Dewa : Fine then. What types of wife do you look for?
Radin : I only want Betik Hati Princess, daughter of Ratu Rebut Agung.

Dewa : What did you say? Putri Betik Hati? Seemingly you cannot fulfill your will. You know
that she has 40 fiances. You cant handle it.
Radin : I dont even care about that. I still want her for sure.
Dewa : All right then, I understand if you still insist. I will give you many kinds of divine
Radin : Thanks, Dewa.
Dewa : Follow me.
After that, Dewa Subiji immediately transfered his divine power to Radin Jambat with all his
strength It didnt take any longer after transfering his power, Dewa Subiji left him. Then Radin
Jambat and Mangkubumi continued their journey. The next day, Radin Jambat and Mangkubumi
were arriving in Simpang Laut Tiga. They were confused to choose which one will lead them
to their destination. In the middle of the sea, they saw mythical bird that was eating branches.
Then, what happen next??
Radin : Hi mythical bird! Do you know the way to the daughter of Ratu Rebut Agungs place?
Bird : If that way that you mean, just walk in the middle of the road youve chosen before. It is
the most appropriate way.
Radin : Thanks mythical bird.
After that Radin Jambat and Mangkubumi were starting to paddle the boat to pass the middle

: What a fool men!! They were tricked by me!! hahaha

Radin : Hey mythical bird! Did you think we dont know that you wanted to trick us?

: Seemingly you heard what I was saying, didnt you?

Radin : Oh cmon , I can hear your louses voice even less!!

Mangkubumi: how dare you?! Trying to fool us??

: So youve all noticed it, havent you? Okay, Ill go!!

Then, they were wandering about and boating without any clear destination and indefinite
direction. But, Radin Jambat can find the way by himself. Finally, they immediately headed to
the upper course of the river, the place where Betik Hati princess usually took a bath. When

arriving in the upper course of the river, they left the boat. Then they have been resting for 2
nights. The condition remained silent and there was nothing happened. But when it was coming
close to the third night, in the middle of the day, Radin Setangkai Ali, one of the princesss
fiancs was taking a bath in the river while he was seeing Radin Jambats boat.
Setangkai : Who are you?! Dare to belay here without any permission from me.
Mangkubumi : Hey you! Dare you breaking our boats rope! I will smash you down!
Setangkai : come here and fight me!
Mangkubumi : what an insolent person you are!
Radin : Stop it Mangkubumi! What are you doing?! Dont be so harsh like that. We are guest
here. Just bind our boat with rope.
Mangkubumi : But, radin. He is really annoying by cutting our ropes 7 times. May i kick his ass?

: okay fine, you fight him.


Okay Radin!

The fight was so sardonic. Unfortunately, Radin Setakai Ali was defeated and back home. In the
next day, Radin Jambat and mangkubumi headed to Kampong to look around. And Radin Jambat
continued his trip to investigate 40 fiances of Putri Betik Hati. Then he arrived at a booth.
Radin Jambat : Excuse me.
Villager 1

: Yes what can I do for you?

Radin Jambat : Where is Putri Betik Hatis house?

Villager 2

: Yes Thats Right. Please come into the house first.

Radin Jambat : Introduce myself. I am Radin Jambat. Do you know where Putri Betik Hatis
house is ?
Villager 3
: Putri Betik Hati was the princess With prettiest heart Ive ever seen. Until now
no one able to get her heart.
Villager 2

: Thats right, it was hard to get Putri Betik Hatis heart.

Radin Jambat : Im more curious, can you show where Putri Betik Hatis house is?
Villager 1
: Well if you want to go to Putri Betik Hatis house, follow my path.

Radin Jambat : okay

Radin Jamban invited Mangkubumi to get around. Suddenly, he saw a man who was sitting at
Radin Jambat : Excuse me, good afternoon, sir. I radin jambat, the handsome prince of the
country punigaran.
Emak : Oh Why do you come here?
Radin Jambat : I want to meet Putri Betik Hati.
Emak : Well there is a time you can come here.
Radin Jambat : well then well excuse Maam, We will wander.
Emak came into the house and met her husband.
Emak : I had met Radin Jambat, my darling.
Bapak : where? Then what is his purpose?
Emak : He said he wants to marry our daughter.
Bapak : Really? I should see him first
The next day, Radin Jambat met Putri Betik Hatis mother again and asked for permission to too
see Putri Betik Hati.
Radin Jambat : excuse me, Your Majesty.
Emak : yes, Jambat. Why do you come here?
Radin Jambat : I want to meet and talk to your daughter.
Aunt : come with me.
Radin jambat and Ratu Rebut Agung walked towards the residence of Putri Betik Hati, when he
got there, he found her was sitting in a chair with a look full of tenderness, bright and seductive
expression. Her smile would make every man enchanted.

: Hi, I am Radin Jambat. Are you Putri Betik Hati?

: Yes, I am Putri Betik Hati. (shaking hand)


: Youre so beautiful.

RADIN JAMBAT : Oh Im sorry.




: Never mind.

Because were still shy they decided to communicate by letter. But, Radin Setakai Ali realized
that Putri Betik Hati felt in love with Radin Jambat. And he was very angry, so that he planned to
persuade other fiances to attack Radin Jambat.
Emak : Lets go, Putri! Your fiances will come here to attack Radin Jambat.
Radin Jambat : What happen? Why do you want to go?
Putri : Look, they are my fiancs! They looked angry and carrying many weapons. Im afraid
if something happens to you, Radin.
Radin Jambat : But I am the most handsome man in my Kingdom that have powerful strength,
Your Majesty and Putri, please go from here!
Then radin jambat proudly stood facing his opponents.
Setakai Ali

: Jambat, if you still want to live, leave this kingdom and leave Putri Betik Hati!

Radin Jambat : If youre brave enough, now we fight.

Raden Jambat and Radin Setakai Ali fought each other. But then, Radin Jambat defeated Radin
Setakai Ali. Radin Jambat didnt go back to his biduk, but, he went to meet Putri Betik Hati and
Ratu Rebut Agung to ask a permission.

: Putri, there is someone who looks for you.


: (Putri came closer) Radin jambat, what are you doin here? Its still early in the

Radin Jambat : I have something to tell you.


: What is it? Tell me now.

Radin Jambat : I will go back to Punigaran. But, before that, i will tell you that i want to marry
you. Would you marry me?

: Accept it putri, he is so adorable.


: oh, come on Mother.

Radin Jambat : I hope you could be mine.


: But i have 40 fieances.

Radin Jambat : Whatever, I want you to be my wife. If there is someone who tries to bother us,
Ill kill him.
Putri : but you have a requirement to marry me. You should request an approval to marry me
from my parents.
Radin Jambat : allright, it is easy.

: wait wait. It should be done in one night.

Radin Jambat : okey, ill do it tonight

Night came gradually, radin jambat started his magical words and burned incense. Then,
suddenly he went to putris house like a thunder.
Radin Jambat : excuse me, good night.

: who is that?

Radin Jambat : my name is radin jambat.


: oh radin jambat. Come in. Wah, you are so handsome. Kanda, putri, jambat is coming.


:jambat, what do you want by coming here at night?

Radin Jambat : here I come to tell you about my feeling to your daughter. Im falling in love
with your daughter, and I want to marry her.
Raja : What?! How dare you to talk like that?! Who do you think you are?! If you really love
my daughter you must pass my challenge first!! You must defeat all her 40 fiances!
Radin : Pardon me, my majesty. Not intending to be impolite, I just want to ask your permission
to take your daughter as my wife. With a honour, I, Radin Jambad would like to accept your
Ratu : Hold on my dear. Is that too much for him to be burdened by your challenge? Please,
consider it wisely before you give him that challenge.

Raja : Please, dont worry my dear. I only want to measure his power. I have to make sure how
far he can protect our daughter. It is his responsibility to protect our daughter.
Ratu : Okay, but I want to make sure again. I want to ask our daughter. How putri? Would you
marry him?

: if radin loves me, so i couldnt refuse it coz i want to accompany radin too till the end


: okey, if each of you are falling in love too.

Radin Jambat : thank you my majesty. Now i will bring putri to punigaran.

: okey, be carefull my son.

Radin Jambat : now we should go.

Radin Jambat went to Negeri Tanah Mayat. In that place, Mangkubumi was waiting for him.
They were ready to beat 40 fiancees of Putri Betik Hati. First rival is Radin Setakai Ali.
Setakai Ali
: hey jambat! Who do you think you are? What do you mean by taking Putri Betik
Hati from me. I wont let you go easily. Ill kill you.

: I love Putri Betik Hati and she had agreed to marry me.

The fight was started and Radin Jambat succeeded to kill Radin Setakai Ali. Seeing his friend
was death, other fiances started showing their strength to beat Radin Jambat. Didnt take any
longer, the fiances were killed by radin jambat too. Then, he met Mangkubumi. They walked to
go to biduk. They ate and changed their clothes. After taking a rest for 3 days, they once again
made sure that there was no one of Putri Betik Hatis fiances alive.
Radin Jambat, Putri Betik Hati, And Ratu Rebut Agung went to Punigaran. On the way, Putri
Betik Hati got sick.

: my body is faint and i feel dizzy.

Radin Jambat : You look so pale. Can i see your hand. (taking her hand and saying his magical
words). How do you feel now? Better?

: thank you radin, i feel better now.

They went to radin jambats kingdom, Punigaran. After several days, they arrived. All people in
this place accepted them happily.
Radin Jambat : father, mother.


: jambat, is she the one who you need and you want ?

Radin Jambat : yes its true ibunda, she isputri betik hati.
Raja : you take a good choice, jambat. She is very polite and soft. My citizen, Tomorrow we
will held my marriage party of my son and putri betik hati.
Citizen : horeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Forza Roma

The Princess of Siger

Characters :
Elsye Yetti Frida

as Ratu di Galau Princess

Candra C. Gani

as Jolai sai Golai Princess

Abdul Haris Adnan as Rajo Tihang King

Dani Erfan Saputra as Siwo Mego Prince
Ferdy Aryanda

as Fairy Man

Fajar Prayoga

as Mr. Soleh (asistant of Prince)

Plot :
1. Ratu di Galau is a princess who hate by his mother and his sister.
2. Ratu di Galau forbid to go to Punduh Pidada Kingdom Party.
3. Ratu di Galau help by The Fairy Man.
4. Ratu di Galau go to the party and Siwo Mego prince falling in love to her.
5. Ratu di Galau leave the party, the prince come to her kingdom and marry her.
Script :

(Long time ago, in east Lampung there is a kingdom, Sukadano Kingdom. This Kingdom leads
by Rajo Tihang King. He has two daughters. The Older one is Jolai Sai Golai. The younger is
Ratu Di Galau. Jolai Sai Golai want to be the best, love to ask her sister doing many things. Rajo
Tihang also love Jolai Sai Golai more than Ratu Di Galau. Becasuse his wife dies after Ratu Di
Galau born. Thats why Jolai Sai Golai is more important than Ratu Di Galau in Rajo Tihangs
Oneday, The King gives a present to Princess Jolai Sai Wawai in front of Princess Ratu Di Galau.
The King

: Hei, Jolai! i have a surprise for you ! a beautifull gold siger from Palas

Kingdom. I promise, when you wear it, you will be more beautifull !

: O my God ! How beautifull is it ! Thank you daddy. you are the best

father ever !
Ratu Di Galau : (gloomy)
Not long after that, a person from Punduh Pidada Kingdom sents an invitation to the Sukadano
The King
Mr. Soleh

: Welcome in Sukadano! what can i do for you ?

: o majesty ! i come here to sent and invitation from the King of Punduh

Ratu di galau
Mr. Soleh

: What kind of invitation ?

: invitation for beautifull princess. Tomorrow night we will held a party in

our kingdom. With pleasure, we invite you all beautifull pricess.

(A person from Punduh Pidada come back.)

The King

: ohhh daddy.., i must go to that party.

: ofcourse honey, you must come to that party!

Ratu di galau

: Daddy, may i go ?
: Eh, you??? Want to go ? absolutely not !! look at the mirror, poor you !

(push Ratu Di Galau untill she falls)

The King
: Absolutelly not! I dont want see your face there . Only Jolai who will
attend the party. Get it ?
: Daddy.., we should prepare everything for tomorrow night. I will wear a
gold siger from you. And poor you !!! stay at home and clean the house.
(mocking to Ratu Di Galau).
Ratu Di Galau is sad, She comes to her bedroom and cry. She is really really really want to go to
the party. When Ratu Di Galau was crying suddenly fairy man comes to cheer up her.
Fairy Man
Ratu di Galau
Fairy Man
Ratu di Galau
Fairy Man

: Hai, Ratu di Galau ! Why are you sad ?

: (surprise) Who are you ??
: I am fairy man from the space
: Why are you coming here ?
: I come to help kind person like you. Why are you crying ?

Ratu di Galau

: I forbid to come to the party tomorrow night, fairy man. I am galauuuu.

Fairy Man

: alright, cheer up. Dont be sad.

(and than Harlem Shake team come and Ratu di Galau cheer up again)
Fairy Man
: Are you okay now dear?
Ratu di Galau
: wkwkwkwkwkwkw, what a ridicolous thing fairy man.
Fairy Man

: Alright Ratu Di Galau, i must go.

Ratu di Galau

: But fairy man (fairy man disappear)

Suddenly Jolai Sai Golai comes to Ratu Di Galau bedroom because she feels curious why Ratu
di Galau was laughing.

: Heh poor ! why are you laughing lonely, are you crazy ?

Ratu di Galau

: oh just so so Ngah, maybe you are right, i am crazy. (Ratu nervous)


: Huh crazy poor girl!!!! (Leave the room)

(After Jolai leave the room, Ratu calls fairy man to come back, she wants to ask something.)
Fairy Man

: *clingggg* , what happen to you call me again a beautiful princess?

Ratu di Galau

: hmm, why did you disappear ?

Fairy Man

: Oh, i only want to meet with someone that i want to meet. Hehehe. Oh,

ya, what are you goint to ask me ?

Ratu di Galau

: How i can go to that party ? my father and my sister not allow me.

Fairy Man

: That is easy ! believe me. *smiling* J

Ratu di Galau

: Thank you fairy man, you are my hero. cemunguuuuuudddh

eeeeaaaaaaa! Ganbateeee (#-)9

Fairy Man

: eeeeeeaaaaa, urwelcome *clinggggggg and dissapear*

( In the morning Jolai Sai Golai was busy preparing her self to the party). She is really spiritfull
because Punduh Pidada Prince was famous, hansome, and rich. So, Jolai sai Golai want to look
prety to fascinating him.)

: ( in front of the mirror ) If i wear this siger, the prince will falling in love

to me.

: ( Come to Jolai room ) How beautiful my princess is !


: Of course daddy, i want to look beautifull this night.


: Alright ! make me proud dear.


: Where is that poor girl?? Galauuuu Galaauuu come here!!! ( Shouting to

Ratu di galau)

: Iyaaa Ngah, why are you calling me ??


: Take my siger, Quickly !!!!


: Ok Ngah.

(Ratu take the siger and give it to Jolai Sai Golai)


: This one Ngah, im sorry for waitting.


: Poor girl, go out !! i not want to see you.

(Night come and the party ready to begin. Ratu is sad in her room. Her expectation to go to that
party will not happend, and suddenly, fairy man comes.)
Fairy Man

: Bonjour Ratu. Alohaa.


: Eh fairy man, i am really happy to see you !

Fairy Man

: Kok sepi sih?

(music: Kata Pujangga) (dance)

Fairy Man

: Why are you sad Ratu?


: The party was beginning, i cant go there. I really really want to go fairy

Fairy Man

: well Ratu, i will do something for you. I will change Ratu di Galau

become more beautiful like Mulei lappung. Sim salaaaaaaabim hejo

(Ratu di Galau look so beautiful, she is happy for coming in the party as beautiful lady)
Fairy Man

: Thank you fairy man, i look sooooooooo beautifull.

: Wait a momment Ratu, i have something for you.


: What is that fairy man ?

Fairy Man

: (show a Siger) This is made from shwaroski diamond, a present from

Harlem Shake contest in Youtube.


: uhwaaaaaaaaw it is so beautifull ! thank you fairy man.

Fairy Man

: no problem, hey, what time is it? Time to go ! come on !!!

(Fairy Man brings Ratu to that party. Arrive in there, the guest so crowded, traditional dance
begin. Not long after that Ratu di Galau come to the hall. All eyes look at her. She is so
beautifull, a lot of prince falling in love, one of the is Punduh Pidada prince.)
: Wahwho is that girl ? she is so beautiful.
(talk to his assistant)
Mr. Soleh

: Yes sir, look like Zaskia Gothic


: You know Sholeh, i am falling in love with her.

Mr. Soleh

: Ask her to dance, come on my prince !


: Alright, Wish me Luck.

(The prince comes to Ratu and ask her to dance.)


: Pardon me, i am Punduh Pidada prince, may i know your name beautifull

princess ?

: (smiling) i am Ratu di Galau, a princess from Sukadano kingdom.


: Princess Ratu, whould you dance with me?

(Ratu accepts the prince request to dance. Music play)

(Music: Flawless bird, American Mouth)
When the prince and Ratu was dancing, Rajo Tihang King and Jolai sai Golai come.

: i am sorry my prince, i must go!!!


: Wait Ratu!!!!!!!

Ratu runs leave the prince. The prince ask his assistant to bring her back but the assistant failed.

: Soleh come here..

Mr. Soleh

: What happend my prince ?


: Bring Ratu di Galau back.

Mr. Soleh

: Well done my prince.

(Mr. Soleh comes and bring Ratus siger which is falling down when she ran.)
Mr. Soleh

: I am so sorry my prince, i cant catch her, but i found this. (give a siger to

the prince).

: It belongs to Di Galau princess, i must give it back and meet her.


: You right my prince, how if we go tomorrow ?


: Yes, tomorrow we go to Sukadano Kingdom. Prepare everything, we go

earlier tomorrow.
( The next day, The prince with his assistant go to Sukadano Kingdom and bring Ratu di Galaus
(After several hours, they arrive in Sukadano Kingdom. The King know the prince arrival, he is
really happy, he thinks the prince will ask Jolai to marry him. The King calls Jolai.)
The King

: JolaiJolai.. Jolai come here!


: what happend daddy ?

The King

: Look! The prince come to marry you, make over your self, you should

look beautifull in front of him.


: Oh my prince comes, alright daddy

(Jolai goes for make up and The King is welcoming him )

The King

: Welcome in my kingdom Siwomego prince !.


: A big happiness for us to come to your kingdom my majesty !

The King

: i already guess you come here for princess Jolai.


: Oh no ! my majesty, i want to give this Siger.

The King

: What do you mean my son ? i do not understand.


: Soleh ! bring The Siger here !

Mr. Soleh

: This one my prince !

The King

: Emm This isnt Jolais

(And than Jolai comes with Ratu Di Galau.)


: Jolai, is this yours?


: No daddy, i wear mine now.


: You right, it is yours, beautifull princess.


: Me ??? ( Smilling )


: Im so sorry, not you. ( The Prince comes to Princes Ratu behind the

Jolai). Yes you are, a beautifull prince that dance with me tonight. I come
to give this siger.

: Thank you so much my majesty. It is really important for me.

The Prince put the Siger on Ratu di Galaus head.

Not long after that, The Prince marry to Ratu di Galau princess. They live happily ever after. The
King also love her youngest daughter now. To express his love, Siwomego Prince builds a Siger
Monument in South Lampung. (happy song)

Miss Ghost World

Once upon a time, in the ghost world, beside the human world, the ghosts live
peace and happily. They do their activity like human in generally. In every year, the
ghost has one special event. It calls Miss Ghost Worlds Contest. The contest is
followed by the entire ghost representative in ghost world. The invitation is posted
in all of the part in the ghost world.

One day in the dark castle, there lived an old witch. She was chosen as the
representative from the west part. She sat on the chair and drank a cup of coffee
while was reading the invitation.

The Witch

: Hmm, Its a beautiful letter! (Open the envelope)

WHAT! Its the letter of Miss Ghost World. Oh, I will be the finalist in that contest. I
cant believe it! (Kneel)

The Witch felt so happy accepting the invitation. But she was so arrogant and
thought that she must be the winner. She has a magic power. With her magic stick
and flight broom she can do anything. She also has a magic mirror and she can see
everything from it. After accepting the invitation, shes looking at her magic mirror
to see her competitors

The Witch

: Wellwaitwaitwait..! This is a big and famous contest. There must be so

many ghosts from many countries will join it. Ohh I must win this contest and Ill
do everything to be the winner. I wouldnt give them the chance. I am the winner
Yeah, I am the winnerhihihiuhukuhuk Ohh, a mosquito enters my mouth. Its
ok. I hope it can find the peace in my stomach

(Walked to the magic mirror)

The Witch

: Now, I will look to my magic mirror. I am wondering to know all of my

competitors, the finalists of Miss Ghost World

(Spelling some magic spells)

The Witch

: Magic Mirror on the wall! Show me the all of Miss Ghosts Worlds contestants

(When the Witch said the magic spells, the mirror was showing the Sadako playing
the origami in Japan)


: Hmm, its a great creation! Its so beautiful. Theres no ghost can make a bird
like this

(Then, the mirror showed the second contestant. Its a Vampire)


: (brush her teeth)

Hmmhmmhmm Haiia,, its a sharp teeth ever!

(After that, the magic mirror showed the Mummy. Its the third contestant)


: Hoo How poor I am! Look at my body! Its full of bandage and it always loose
from my body. Anybody want to help me? Hoo

The Witch

: Hihihi Oh, how poor you are! Show me the next!

(This time, it showed the Werewolf and Kuntilanak)


: Auuuumm Look at my nails! Its so beautiful. I can win the contest with this


: Hihihi My hair is so long and black. Its also a multifunctional hair. It can use to
sweep, clean the dust, and protect me from the mosquitoeshihihi

The Witch

: Ughh they are hard rivals. I must defeat them because no one ghost can win
this contest, except me! Hihihi

All of the contestants from many countries, one by one, came to the place where
the contest would be held and were collected in the dormitory. They will live
together in a week before the competition begins. The first comer was Sadako


: Where is the other ghost? Why is the place so silent? In

Japan, we are always on time.

(Then comes Vampire)


: Haiia there is still one ghost in here. I think I am the first ghost that comes


: Hi, I am Sadako from Japan. Nice to meet you


: Haiia I am Vampire from China. Nice to meet you too

(When theyre talking, there comes Mummy)


: Hoo Is there anybody who can help me? I feel difficult to walk!


: Haiia Who are you?


: Owh Im the finalist of this contest.

Vampire & Sadako

: Finalist?


: Yeah, Im Mummy from Egypt.


: Hi, youre an amazing ghost. Your costume is so nice. You dont waste the
costume, do you?


: Hoo Dont be crazy! I always feel the cold everyday because of my poor
bandages. It cant protect me from the wind.


: Auuummm What a silent place!


(Suddenly the Werewolf came and when shes arrived, the Witch came and hit the


The Witch

: Heii!!! Whats wrong with you? Are you blind?!

: Ooh, my hat! Where is my hat? My flight broom! Where are they?

When the Witch and Werewolf still fight each other and the other tried to separate
them, there was Kuntilanak whos coming at last.


: Huft, its a far and a tired trip! Hey, you grandma, give me a glass of water,
please. Hurry up!

The Witch

: What! Me..? You call me grandma?! Dont you look my beautiful faceand Im
not your maid!




: Stop! Dont fight here. Its not a fight arena!

: Haiik, thats true.

: Come on, lets enter the house!

(When they were getting in the house, there was a Dracula whos already waited for
their coming)


: Hey ladies! Welcome to the Miss Ghost Worlds dormitory. Has everyone already

All Ghosts


: Yes.

: Well, Ill explain you about this contest. Youre the representatives of your each
country whos been selected to be the finalist of Miss Ghost World. Youll compete to
get the crown of Miss Ghost World for this year. This contest will divide into three
sections; the first is Scares Contest, the second is Quick and Smart, and the last is
Modeling Contest. Any questions?

All Ghosts


: NO

: Ok, now you can take a rest and prepare yourself to get the best. Ill see you
soon, good bye!

The all ghosts started to live in the dormitory together and prepared everything
they need to be the winner. Although they were in competition, they tried to be
friendly each other, except the Witch of course. In the spare time, they told their
story about how they died.

The day is coming. Dracula as the presenter of the Miss Ghost World Contest
opened the show. All of the contestants were ready to compete to be the Miss Ghost


: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Miss Ghost World contest Before we
start the competition, let me introduce the all of contestants. The first is Miss
Sadako from Japan Next there is Miss Vampire from China Then Miss Mummy
from Egypt Miss Werewolf from AmericaMiss Witch from England and the last
is Miss Kuntilanak from Indonesia Ok, now for all of the contestants, take your own

(Dracula asked them to be ready, and the first contest was Scares Contest)


All Ghosts

: Ladies, are you ready?

: Yes, were ready.


: Ok, the first is Scares Contest. Please show your scariest face to the audiences,
one by one, please.

(One by one, the ghosts showed their scariest action)


: Thank you ladies. Now well come to the second part, the Quick and Smart
Contest. Be ready ladies!

(Then the Dracula asked some questions to all of the contestants and theres a
fierce competition between them. After this sections finished, it continued with the
last sections. That was Modeling Sections.)


: Ok ladies, finally we come to the last part of this contest. Its a Modeling
Contest. For this section, Ill give you 30 minutes to prepare and make over. You
may go to the backstage now.

(Then the contestants went to the changing room)

This time the Witch made a crafty thing. She made the stage slippery and also other
crafty thing for the other contestants.

After 30 minutes


: For all of the contestants, please come to the stage! Here comes the first
contestant Miss Mummy!


: (slipped) Aah Oh no! What is this?


: Miss Mummy, are you ok? Well, here we go. Please coming the next contestant,
Miss Vampire!

(When the Vampire entered the stage, suddenly she cant move because theres a
magic paper stamp in her forehead)


: Oh, I think there must be something wrong. But, we have to

continue this with the next contestant. Miss Sadako!




: (walk on the catwalk) Ouwh

: Miss Sadako, what are you doing? You should have to turn back!

: Yeah, but theres something blew my hair until it closed my



: Come on Sadako. Why dont you say that you just can walk straight? Ok, next.
Come in Miss Werewolf!



: (Running to chase the meat) Hmm, thats so delicious!

: Miss Werewolf Miss Werewolf Ouwh, where is she going? Ah, forget about
her. Lets continue with Miss Kuntilanak!

(Miss Kunti walked on the catwalk and showed her extra long hair. This time the
Witch was failed to trap the Kunti)


: Good Miss Kunti! And the last, Miss Witch show me your best!

(The Witch performed with overconfidence because she thought that its impossible
to the other contestants to win the contest.)


: Thank you ladies. Youve already done all of your best. Congratulations!



: Now, Its the time to announce who is the winner and be the Miss Ghost World
for this year Be ready girls! And, the Miss Ghost World of this year is Oh, its
the first time in the Miss Ghost World History, the contestant from Indonesia! Miss
Kunti youre the Miss Ghost World! Congratulations! Give a big applause for her!

The Witch


The Witch


The Witch

: What! No, its impossible. It must be me as the winner!

: No Miss Witch. Youre sly, I know that.

: How do you know that?!

: Because I also have a magic just like you! And now, Ill turn you to be a frog!

: Noooooo!!!

Then all of the contestants make a party to celebrate the Miss Kuntis winning. After
that they came back to their own countries


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