Mikrotik Netinstall

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Mikrotik netinstall

Netinstall is a program to install back the routerOs operating system after a crash.

Connect the routerboard with a pc or laptop through a network cable. To do this, use ether1
interface. Specify the network card of your pc or laptop where the router board connected to a
fixed ip-adress. Here in the example: subnet mask also. Fill in as demonstrated
above. Please Note!!! If you have a pc with windows 7 you need to disable the firewall

In windows xp you will get a notification from the firewall. Click "unblock".

Open netinstall, click on "netbooting".

At "client IP address" enter an IP address. Use an IP address in the same IP range that you have
given your network card on your pc. Click "ok".

Disconnect the routerboard from power . Press and hold on the reset button while you power up
the router board. The user led starts flashing. Hold on the reset button but still not let loose until
the led stops flashing, then release the reset button. The netinstall mode will boot up, after a few
seconds there will be an icon appear as above (red dot).

Click "browse" to locate the folder that contains the packages.

Select the file you want to upload and click "install.

The storage become partitioned and formated.

RouterOs is copied to the disk of the router board.

De volledige procedure is uitgevoerd.

You get to see a message that the successful netinstall has ended. Click "reboot" to reboot the
router board.

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