Compressible Fluid Flow by Oosthuizen

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Compressible Fluid Flow ‘MeCirav-Hill Series in Aeronautical and Aerospace Engincering $0 ide nest of sete Cnn ‘iene’ Ped der aioe circ Didzzoand Hoa Ener Cone Sytem eae SE oe se Sere coy at Berle tne genre Krad Plotkin: Low Speed TN easton Prin SE Fe Shy nomi ale Compre Fron end Ana Ata Snes rch Pwr nd a af he = Siew oa. Schaum's Outline Series {ott a eee Sn ert ing Seton rman sae Serge trons a yy So pains ecto rom Bogner Mae Per and Cie Somers Schaum's Software Series ‘She's Berne Tao Mecho! SE rat Pa Mechs and (Classic McGraw-Hill Handbooks Marks Sandi nso or Meshal Ma Compressible Fluid Flow Patrick H. Oosthuizen Dero Mech Eine ee ace William E. Carscallen National Rare Cnn of Cana rte ree McGraw-Hill ‘AD Tere Cpe ‘COMPRESSIBLE FLUID FLOW SERINE IT eat coms 8a en he, symone yo Ian parours pda ap boy 4 Fw Ro poy Sas Cpy tt pon {yo Cons Cap at Da ammo ‘To my wife Jane and my late mother Eileen forall thelr loving encouragement and help. Pao, To my loving wife, Elizabeth and our fou children, Peter, Laleah, Bnma, and Mather WE ABOUT THE AUTHORS PATRICK H. OOSTHUIZEN is Profesor of Mechanical Engineering at ‘Queen's Univesity in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He recive B.Sc(E0g), MSe(Eng), and” PRD. degess in. MechancalEngineeing trom the Unienity of Cape Town, South Alea, and an MASc. degree in [Acrospace Enginscing from the Uniserty of Toronto, Canada, He Joined ‘Queen's University ae teaching fr several year tthe Univer of Cape ‘Town, He does rear nthe areas of eat ranser and Bid mechanics and isthe author of more than 380 technical papers. He has received u numer of teaching and research paper awards He ho eon involsed with he orgie tion of many national an international conferences and as edited 3 umber of conference proceedings. WILLIAM E, CARSCALLEN is a Senor Researeh Ofer and Head ofthe ‘Tarbomachinery Aerodynamics Group within te Aerodynamics Laboratory ofthe Institute for Aerospace Research, National Research Counel of Canada (NRC). He bas an Honors Diploma from the von Karman Institute for Fuid Dynamics and recived his Ph.D. degre trom Queen's University. Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He is a recipient of an NRC Presidents Fuad Award, Dr. Carscallen has taught for a nmber of years tsa sesonal lctre at Carleton Univers in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and i the author of numerous publetion in jourals aed conference proceed- CONTENTS Profice si [Nomenclature a 1 Introduction 1 11 Comprssiiiy 1 12. Fundamental Assmptions 5 13. Unis 5 TA Conservation Laws ” 1S Concluding Remarks " 2 The Equation of Steady One-Dimensio Fluid Flow » 21 Introduction » 22 Control Volume 2 33 Continuity Equation 2 24 Momentum Equation (Euler's Equation) s 25 Steady Flow Energy Equation » 26 Equation of Sate Es 27. Entropy Consierations » 28 Use ofthe One Dimensional Flow Equations 3 29. Concluding Remarks M 3. Some Fundamental Aspects of Compresile Flow 36 AL Introduction % 132 Ienuopic Flow in a Steamtube n 33. Speed of Sound o 34 Mach Waves “ 35 Concluding Remasks st 4. One-Dimensional Isentropic Flow 41 Introduction 42 Governing Equations ss 43 Stagnation Conditions a 44 Cate Conditions s 43. Manimom Discharge Velosy ° ‘46 Leentropie Relations in Tabular snd Graphical Form n ‘47 Concluding Remarks. oo [Normal Shock Waves Si. Shock Waves ‘$2 Stationary Normal Shock Waves 3. Nonna Shock Wave Relations in Terms of Mach Namber The Pitot Tube in Superanic Flow 85 Moving Normal Shock Waves Si Concluding Remarks Oblique Shock Waves 61 Ineodustion 62 Oblique Shock Wave Relations 63. Reestion of Obigue Shock Waves 64 Ineraction of Oblique Shock Waves 5 Conical Shock Waver 6 Concodine Remarks [Expansion Waves: Prandtl-Meyer Flow 7A Inteodueion 72. Prandil-Meyer Flow 13 Refletion and Intention of Expansion Waves 744 Boundary Layer Effects on Expansion Waves 7 Flow over Bodies Involving Shock and Expansion Waves 146 Unsteady Expansion Waves 23° Coneiading Remarks Variable Area Flow A Inrodction 82 Meets of Area Changes on Flow 483 Equations for Variable Area Flow 84 Operating Characteristics of Nozses. 8S Converpen-Divergent Supersonic Dies ‘86 ‘Transom Flow over 4 Body AT Concluding Remarks atic Flow Introduction Flow ina Constant Ares Duet 933 Friction Factor Varistions 844 “The Fanno Line 913 Fricdonal Faw in Duet Preceded by an lenropie Nozle 546 ‘The Effects of Friction on Variable Arca Flow 27 Comiuding Remus, 1 Duct with Friction cs us be va tes 23 as 2 30 Cones 10 Flow with Heat Addition or Removal 20 104 Introduction 20 10.2. One-Dimensional Flow in @ Constant Arex Duct [Nepeting Viscosity 20 103 Entropy Temperature Relations 2 Wa. Variable Area How with Heat Addition co 10S One-Dimensional Constant Area Flow with Both Heat [Exchange and Fiction 106 eothenmal Flow with Friction in 8 Constant Area Dect 10.7 Combustion Waves 18 Condesstion Shosks 109 Concluding Remarks 11 Generalized Quasi-Cne-Dimensional Flow TA Introduction 11.2. Governing Equations and Inuene Coeicients 13 Solution Procedure for Generalized Flow with No Sonic Point 114 Flos wil 2 Sonic Pot 113 Concluding Remarks 12. Numerical Ar 121 Introduction 122. Governing Equations 123. Dacretzation 124. Stability and Accuracy as 126. Steady seaopc Subsonic Flow 127 Steady letropic Supersonic Flow 128 Unstendy One Dimensional Flow 129 Concluding Remarks 13 An Introduction to Two-Dimensional Compresible Flow TAL ateoduction TZ. Governing Equations 133. Vortcty Considerations HAA. The Velocity Potential TRS. Linearized Solutions TRG. Linearied Subsonic Flow TAT Linearized Supersonic Faw TAH Method of Craracterstis TR9. Numerical Solutions ass Pe a as ae on os m 2 a be 14 Hypersonic Flow 142 Characteristics of Hypersonic Flow 143 Newtonsan Theory GE Moses Newtonian Theory 143 Fowes ona Body 146. Concluding Remarks 15 High Temperature Flows 181 Iatrodvetion IS2._ Eft of Temperature on Specie Heats Peet Gas Law “Dissociation and fonization HS Noneguitium Fits 186. Concluding Remacks| 16 Low Density Flows Tet troduction 162. Koudon Number 163. Low Density Flow Regimes 164. Sip Flow 16S. Fice Molecule Flow 166 Concluding Renais Appendices ‘A. Using the Software 1B senropie Flow Tables for = 14 © Normal Shock Tables for 9 1.4 D_ Tables fr One-Dimensontl Adiabatic Faw with Friction e for 1 Tables or One-Dimensional Flow wth Het Exchange Tales for One-Dimensional Irothermal Flow with Friction fory tt Ohtigue Shock Wave Charts for = Lt Approxinate Properties ofthe Standard Atmosphere Properties of Dry Airat Atmosphere Prosure Comtants, Conversion Fast and Units ‘Optical Methods in Comprestle Fs Simple BASIC Prosrams for Compresibe Flow crecze 7 Bibliography a6 ae 6 ” 53 su 9 PREFACE Compressible ow occurs in many devices encountered ia mechanical and Sserospace engineering price sn a knowlege of the flats of comes ‘yom fw is therefore required by many professional mechanical end seroxpace engines, Most conventional course tyuence in ud mechanics tnd thermodynamics deal wih some aspects of compresible uid Bow butte {eeatment 9 ull reatively sopra. For ths reason, many mechanic and acospaceengioering schools offer a course dealing with compresible fui low at he senior undergraduate or atthe graduate ve. The purpose of Sch courses is lo expand and extend the coverage given in previous fd Imochunis and thermodynamics courses, The present book intended to provide the background mater for sich coures The hook also Lys the Foundation for more advanced coures on spied aspects of the subect sch as hypersonic Now, ths complementing the more vanced books inthis tea such a those by Anderson “The widespread use of computer software forthe analysis of engineeing problems has in many way, ineresed the nes to understand the sump tions and the theory on which sich analyses are based. Such an understanding isequied fo interpre the computer resus abd to judge whether a paral Piece of software wll pve results that are of adeguate accuracy Tor the Eppliation being considered” Therefore, while computer methods are dit ‘tied in this book and some computer software is oulined, the major “mphasie i on developing an understanding of the material and of the SSsumptions conventionally used in saalyzngcompresible fuid flows ‘Compared to avalabe textbooks on the sujet, then, the present book i, itis hoped, distinguished by is atempt to develop a thorough undesanding ‘ofthe theory and ofthe assumption on which this theory is based, y its ‘temps to develop inthe student a fcinalion withthe phenomena invoied in compressible ow, and by the breadth of eoverage Contents ‘Our goa in writing this now text was to provide students with a ear expla ‘on ofthe physical phenomena encountered in compresuble low, to develop ‘n them an sarees of practic stations in which compressinity eft ae likely tobe important to provide thorough explanation of he assim ‘ions used inthe analysis of compressible Rows to prove abroad coverage ‘ofthe subject, and to. provide «frm foundation for the study of more eee sn approach that will develop the stadt a fascination with che phenomena Involved in compresible No "The ist sven chapters of the book deal with the fundamental aspects of| the suet, They review some bckground material and discuss the analyss of isentipicfows, of noma and oblige shock waves and of expansion waves. “Thenet hee chapters cus the application of this materia othe study of rnomle charscteitcs of Irction elles, and. of heat exchange lcs ‘Chapters dealing with the analysis of genealiad one-dimensional flow, ‘with simple numeral methods, and with two-dimensional flows are then ‘Bven, The last thee chapters ih the book ave intereated and provide an Introduction to hypersome ow, to high temperstare gas effects, snd 0 ow 1 the ow i sid to he supersons I the Mach number fear und thee are regions of bath Sstsonie and rupersoni Row the flow i and to he transom Ifthe Mach Dumber very much greater than 1, the ot is sd to be hypersonic Hypersonic fow i normally associated with fows in which M > 8 ’As will beshown atria cis chaper. the sped of sound perez i sien by vant 62) “The speed of sound in gas depends therefore, only on the absolute tem perature ofthe gas. ‘ares Some Fundamental Anpecs of Compreie Flow 37 a ISENTROPIC FLOW IN A STREAMTUBE In order to ilustate the importance of the Mach number ia determining the ‘ondiion under which compressibility mist ete no account, entopic flow, ue, frtionss adiabaie Now, through a streamtabe wil be ist con Sire, The changes inthe Row variables over short ngthy diy of the Streamtube shown in Fig, 31 ate considered The Euler equation, e, (28), devel the previous chapter by apping the conservation of momentum principe and ignoring the eles of ton ses: ah vay poop Using the expression for the speed of sound a, given in eg (32) allows this ‘equation to Be writen 3 oy vw ’ rer cea) but AY = ¥ fas the sve equation can be writen a: care os My This equation shows thatthe magnitude ofthe factional presse cng, dps induted by 4 given fractional velo change, V/V, depends on the Squat ofthe Mach number "Next conser the eneray equation, Sine dist How i being consi cred eq, 217 gies ar av 5--aF 06 Rye en 1-1 i follows tha Porton of streamiue considerd 38 Comprenile Paid Flow 2B ayant 6a) Equation (3.2) can, therefore, be writen a a aww C Tego 69, “Thisequation shows tht the magitue of the fractional temperature change ATT. induced bya pen racuonal ely change, V/V, lo depends 8 the sare ofthe Mach aumber Tasty, consider the equation of state. As shown inthe previous chapter, tie oe “ dp _do aT it, an contig hs ction with (5) nd 29 sen es 4 ow so-meew® aan This equation indicates hat: tole. wiv From ths equation it willbe seen that for a given factional change in ‘elocty, ie, fora given dV /¥ the corresponding induced fractional change In densi wlll depend op the square of he Mach number For exams st 2 Mach number of 1 the faction change n density willbe {perce ofthe Feactinal change in velocity, at Mach numberof 0.3 it wil be about 10 ‘erent ofthis fractional change while ats Mach number of 0.4 i wil Be 16 event ofthis factional change. Therefore, at fow Mach numbers, the deity hangs wil be isgncant ut as the Mich number increases, the deity hangs. ie. compresbiy ees, will Become increasingly important, ene, compressibaity ects. become importat ia high Mach number flows The Mach number at which compresilty mist sat to be sented for depends very much on the fw tuition andthe acura rquted i the solution. Ava ough gid, sometimes assumed tht i > 03 then thee isa possibilty that compresity effets shold Be considered {eahoul also be noted that eh (29) gives arr ap “This indicates that i the Mach number is igh enough for density changes in the ow to be significant, the tomperstare changes inthe flow vl ko be Important, should be clear from the above results thatthe Mach number i he re ha dlermines the importance of compressibility eft in 4 Bom we ~o- pe ‘urn Some Fundaneatl Aspects of Compressible Flow 39 {Coote te barpie ow oar trough a dst who are is deensing ind {be pacts changes macy, dena. and pemure nda Wy 41 peat ‘etieon i ars for Mach aur between Od 09S, Sotation ‘The comity equation pes: oe rma Asin wing he xresion forthe sy ean nen in 8.10: oo, Me mya “Then sng the epesion forthe pes chang gen in (9) ges #2, 0 a=W tne psn ese 4= -001 50th above equntons Be woo oN a __oolywe 5 70a) Using therein he gies the esl shown in Table EI we air “he percentage changin density ths acres rom 001 pera Mash mtr 00.1109 prc as Mac rer of 09 ew ee tat eres Sigua at M1 Te consequences of this il be dese er 4B SPrep oF SOUND “The importance ofthe Mach number in derminng the charters of high spond gs Rows was ‘ade nthe preosing section, In order to eel 1M the loca sped of sound inthe as has o be known. An expression for the Speed of sound, which was used Inthe previous section, wil therefore be Slee in the pronnt section “The speed of sound af cous, the speed at which very weak peste ‘waves are Tansmited through the gas. Consde a plane infittesimally weak Pressure wate propagating through gs. cou, for erample be the of {Sa wave tat ib propagating dowa 3 dct after being gneried by 4 sll movement ofa piston atone end of the duct as shown in Fig. 32 ‘More genera a plane wave willbe smal eflectvely plane, portion of Spherical wave moving outwards through the gas rom 3 port sour of sibility elles in subsonic How. Now, by using the fll compressible ow ito ube equation i follows that aan tic sh acta vlc a v Ale an ‘On the other hand, ithe incompresiblefow ptt tube equation is used, the Velocity would be given bs pe=n ay “Therefore, the error ncured in using the incompressible low equation to fin the velo fom the measur presurediflerence, Le, = tat cs fs piven by: Gi Orson “Ths the esor depends only on the Mach number and its variation i ind ‘ated in Fig. 41. ‘omer: One Dimensional ltropi Flow 6? ™ Vasaton of erica by ws of Ineompreae pasta ue sation with From Fig. 4.1 follows thatthe incompressible Now equation can be wed to ‘termine velocity with errors of fs thant pesceat ithe Mach number i ess than roughly 0. However, the ero est almost § percent when the Mach umber fs 06, [Rpotsate ibe plac in abso seo. The sate pre and te ‘earns Now te eKPu and 27° reyes The rence ene Ie tr and st pesesimexored aa ound to be 524s. Find the i ‘Ruy sisming av compres Bow) suming compress Bow: Sottion “The density inthe ow ven by: ‘ofr pop 1.338, hi lation ges w= axon he hs M = 044 Th ly hei en omen oesa/I4sSH75 47 enc, he stn veo 2257 ms whe, when compres es retin, he sey a found fo be 286m ‘CRITICAL CoNDITIONS ‘The rita conditions are thos hat would exist if the ow was eneopically sceltted or decelerated nt the Mach nsmber wis uty. Le, they are the Conditions that would exit the Mach number was wentroicaly changed From Af to 1. These crteal conditions are usualy denoted by an asc te they ate denoted by the symbob Vp" pT and A. Using ee (88) (48) and sting M; equal to 1 then gives the Tlloning rations for the ential coat Ef sthd 29 fo [betstal! 425 £-[5 an _ «on ‘The elation between the ercl conditions and the stagnation condition an ‘be Tound by setting BY equal to 210 in the above equations. This ges 2 (420) aan 439) For the case of ai flow, these equation gv r e Powe Fro, Foose, La 060 Ia contin ina age ves at rene of 3OKPY ad temperate of 50°C he as expel from ths est through snows ul the Mach umber reaches a walae of Find the prea, toperatre a elect "hs pin nthe ow fe ue a) iran eure Sotto £4)" laws that the presue ft the pow gee West geo Gp2ay es TESS ks for strand 300 2/268) 80 ag RP tor har Temas ia shown shoe that ence sine Te 323K, lows that the temperature Ta the point where re Dagan aa2k AEC tor ae and MI /s0oN = Oasys the pit cosdeed Mt Hence, wing te tempertare vals sey foun, V = VTA GUTS = 389 mis V2 VST SIRS HD 4s "MAXIMUM DISCHARGE VELOCITY ‘The “maximum discharge wosty" o¢ “maximum escape velocity is the Select that would be gencrated If a gas was adiabatically expanded watt is temperature had dropped to absolute zero. Using the adiabatic energy ‘equation ps the manimum dscharpe veloc = ein Pov peat (439 poy tatae 433) “This can be rearranged to give = OTN = VET ae) [aa a=W ass We =) e 7 aw Th i heron ie sien veloc ht con be road in tne gon gration enpetture owen ance the mpertre te0 ‘thon hsm nels resce,te ch mb il be ne Src, ue thee enn, the sped of sound shoul be noted iat ie maximum dchare els) ea by the bore equation soul ot in be suns ce apa the gs wl ly ‘nce stam wna) nacre Pfam pa FTAs eae crane aire RBs ‘row csc hve sn sean net fw or Bo sie Sees oat Coheitaena suc because cts oat eee : wegypptnmen ‘Sha inoge Sow warner on ‘been solved using the eauatons directly o by using entropic tables or by sing the sottnare [NcEows ro lage veel whi te presre 300KPa an he temperate eG through o noc the pee at some sovton, scion fa the Shchrge muse i mesure ge MO KPa, fod the temperate aad eo a ths econ ifthe Mach sunber a ome other mcton sco 3, of he nore [51 nthe pes tert, ad elosy ats seion. Aste tat the ow ised, Seatops, abd one dinesional Inthe amor, =3BK [At seston 2p = 200/200 = 1.550 stone elton bis for = 1 ot ‘otimre pres M = 0M and T/T = V2 1/112 = 29K = 6 Hence, wig ¥ = Ma, it alow that: ¥ 2078 TER RSTASTROT ING = 69. _Acsston 3, M = 15x enzo lt eve R/T LAS and pip 38 0 T= sjtas=206 ns or ables for = 1 sevare Sx JARRE TRI. ‘Theron; rewure and empastre a seran pot nase al Bow. ate Gomis TP snd 8 reste. I the prewar sore eb pot ne fw’ Oka find the Mach nmber tenpertre, ad eos tht st th ‘Sou pin Amie tht the ow trop abd onecensoma 1M = 0) TARTAR ATES) = 180 [Aseton usin thi aie of M, eto eons or tals for 7 = Lt sotise pe T/T = 83 and pp 378 ty baa py dos ot ae Ie ‘enpi tow, low: ti nin pa Hence, sce ofp = 30/70 = 04286 fos ta: Pad na owns 4 One-Dinsiinal Hertope Flow 13 Fo his ale o ppt lions ote ry =I sft Be WPUDSAS and FF 0 Hence, Pecase Ty so docs ot chan in Be trop hw fs at tun nnn ene T= 28 165/210 214K. From hand he at hat Mss 245, ‘lowe ta Vy 22S» (TER TSIESROT TTRG = OT CONCLUDING REMARKS Although no lw is of sours, tal sentrpic the main characteristics of inany practically significant ows can be predicted using the equations ne ‘Surcd mts chapter The soneepsof stagnation point conditions and rite Snaitions have suo betn introduced in his chapter. The use of entropic {ables forthe calculation of one-dimensional, steady, entropic Hows was ao UTnevwed. Sch tables ae somes convert to use But must lays Be emenbered hata sven table apps only to a specie value of PROBLEMS 441. gas wi moar mas of and pie eat ao of 1.67 ows though fafble tends At sme pte the elt 200m andthe \Shpersare 10°C Ping the Mach nue he pata he Bow. A some ‘Sher putin the Howe tepratire 10. Fi the ely and Mack ‘mba hs pon the How suing atthe Bow Benton 42, Ales though x conperget-verget dct wth amin ae of Sem and In ait een of Scan At ihe int ston the a7 sacl 100m he ‘renure 6 S0DAPy ad the tempore st (DC. ibd the mass Bow ete Through he now and, asin weep ow, the pressure and wih 444. The exis ues om a oct nie ate sre bx a prt {nh pce hat a of [and a moa weight of 1. The ps ‘Xpand fom the omistion chamber tro he n-th ‘ude wher the rome seta aren 0.2 he pers epee, ad Mack sumer ae 1S00KPs S00 ad 02 respecte. A some ther Pst Inne nove the pest fond 1 be SOEDS. id the Mach suber ‘aperture and consol area tips. Aue oneecpal, ‘Sntropl Bow sStumed to bate asa pfs ae wih a spre Beat fa of 138. These ‘aca sceted trouph x noe At ce pn in the nie where the toresonl ane ofthe nos fs me he rere 100 KP the femperstae ix SO'C andthe seocty i 10m Fd the mass ow ete ‘Srough the nese and the sagnaonpresture and temperate: Ab find tbe ight slot tha ould be geerated by expending ths ow I the ‘ree at some ster poi othe note [004s Sn the epee Eid selcty ati pin in the ow nig the oto bone-in nd eno 45. A partara molar mas of dana spicata of 13. AL cera pit {nthe fw the steps and temperate ae SDP abd 1 espe {hey andthe velo [Um The as hen etre expanded nt ‘veloc sO ms Fi the peur empeaare and Mach mse tat ‘statin the reiting fom 46 Catton siosde Sows troup a varale ar dct At a cent pit fn the Sct he ey i210 mand he emperatre .At seme ber pot in the dec the lmperatre ie 15°C. Prd the Mach sumbers aod sagation {epertne at he wo poss Asie hat the Mos a 49. Aca certin point ine om, he eo i500 mi te pent i 150P hd the temperature 60°C Find the agnaion rere ad temperate 44, Hein, a pres of 120 and tenperatuse of 20°C Nowe at eacy ‘Soom. Had the Mach eumber andthe sagnatonteeraue and the Stepan posure 49. Inanspon ow the tempers ie 4'C andthe pretrial he stagstion PreurePind the Mash number and he wo the Sow 410, tf Consordeis fying ata Mach umber of 2, aa ate of 10000 inthe ‘Hand mospre fd the grain pres sd epee fo the Dow ‘ete cr -A11 I gsisowing a 30m and as a ese an temperature of 90KPo ad 20°C tthe masa pone wey tat sold be pert by expansion ‘ofthis ae the pa sean ba 4412 A potatai tate i placed i a soso iow. The tae teeta Premure in thea ow ate 3 and 10TAPa, respectively The diflence twee he pio and nate prosure i mesued wing «anor and Is {undo be 0m of were. Find he veloc. sing the Boo Be Incompresibe and aking compres eos ints acount 4413 A piotttie take paolo sit Bow. The tai rear ad tCaperture ae 101 KPa and 20°C respectively. Te diflecoce betneen the ae 6 a. a0. curren 4 One-Dimensional etropi Flow 7 pitot and stte press i mesudan ound tobe S7Ka, Find the nr ‘Alot be plac ioa siesta inde presre of IBF eos Mash numbers D8 deerine the ais prsre A pitot ube nds «peer of 188 kPa when placed ina. tum in AE ine temperate oC od te Moch ner 07 Fd the sae resin te Bow, Als the sapation emperatur i he Bo ‘A pot tube is place inten f carton one i which the pres is aie and ite Mach suber 09. What wil he pitt prestare We ner onsen sir weve How Woh a dt, At ein SOA TSRT Sg Tea htemyerte Can he FERECUMotbr Pd te ach oun na sug empertae Pees he yout ne fw he pert ape oe pt eae be fn Mach nome ad rane hs po ee ioe ti rt se i 3 et a The sk oe a ea ‘mer fc and the conusion ees Kae the mz tela Soto manda pest of 00a whch he ames he ambien pres ‘The tempers ofthe gas nthe combapion sea 400. Fd the Trpentne af he ps on the moze ae th pres i the cous Teteen sn the rst esp Assn at he pes haves pce at thip 3d anole as of Auuine at fhe fow ee aoa “The pres, enperatr and Mach umber at te entrance oa ut hough ‘thc a's owing are OKP, 3°, and La sopectey AX some oer om inte dart th Mach number found to be 2. Aste enone ow, tnd the copes, sty, and prose atte second section. Ao Adie man ow ate thoaph the act pe Square meter tthe sod eon. An sinzaftis hing ata Mach ber of 09 an aitade whee the presre ‘Siar andthe temperature 0° Ted at the intake othe eine Scere the Mach mabe fo 3a the nto the ene. Fin the prose ad tmpertre tent othe engine | coi finer bas a lt diameter of 15m. The pres, emperau, nd velosy athe et ote dite ae 104s, WC, nd Dm espe {hey re pesca the dae cat WAP fing thee amet of he “Tae contol tm for some ler sce eile es mitogen om hi Prose bei Won the whi bat to be mancuered, va opened ‘owing tos to fw Oot rough a seat ths generating a sit the devon najued to mavevre he vehi In piel syste, The Pes 76 Compre Fst Flow a, aud eperatr in these aha of th noe ae abou 16 MPy and 30°C ‘eect we thepromare in het th a xt pine eons 6a ‘taming thatthe Bow though the caine tn he elas ‘head ofthe naz teppei the temperate a the reo oF he Sogn onthe novel cut pie Ite rts requ a mansver he eh ISIN tnd he res fe nase ox planes he ssl mas ow ato! Drop tea base htthe ele ftv opera nsec Hydhoge eter ozs with ery low velo td at temperature and presto 30 Rand 100 pia respecte The pee on ct ple of Theneate 2 pas. Caclt the drogen ow re peru Rae a ar ‘Too trough he nae cn beamed fo be Beno An ira Re tsa sped of 20. Whats the ihe presse ‘ata be ating oo he sui of teu Conder an air ow with a sped of 650m, a preare of IKP, and 8 emperor of °C, What th Hagason prose an the Sapo ‘When an aia hing a subsonic velocity, he presse at no, iat the stagnation point, found to be ISOKP te abn peste and ‘emerture ae 1004s and 2°C respecte ld te speeds the Mach ber a ic he ara ying, A body moves trough ala vey of 200m. The pestr n enger toreinthe sr psn of be by se 10 KP abd 30 repent Fi the Frcs ta pt onthe body nh ey of he aloo he Fro) atcounting for compres and 2} suming compres om ‘sume tat he fo theatre Aicentersadatata pes of 30s empeaareo 10°F, and velosty {rst0 fe Atsome oer pon inthe ac te peu fund tbe 1 ‘suming that he flow a etropi he ert Mac nb st ‘Se poin inte ow, Consider racket engine that bars hydrogen and oxygen. The combustion ‘amber esperar and presare a 00K aod 1S MP recite ‘ely athe ombasion cuter beng very low The peste he es (plies '3Ka_ Asumieg thatthe Bow i wentope, fa the Mach eran the velocity onthe en pane. Assame ht the proc of So Iiston bla aa poet pas wth) 12vand R= sI¥@ Rg A ‘Ata point ina supesonc iow, the premare an tempers ae SP snd EI the apo po asp HOKP, i te Mach CHAPTER 5 Normal Shock Waves st SHOCK WAVES thas ben found experimentally that, under some ccumstances itis possible for an amon spontaneous change to occur ia Bow, the veloc deeeasing and the peste iereasing through ths region of sharp change. The pos bulity that such a change can staal occur follows from the snas ven low. It as been found experimental nd it alo follows rom the sven below, that such rpions of sharp change can only occur if the inital flow i supersonic. The extremely thin repion in which the ranstion fom the person velocity, rlatvely low prestre sate to the ste that iavaves 3 ‘elavel low vlocty apd high pressure stemmed a shock wave. The changes {hat occur trough a nonal shock wave ie shockwave which straight ‘th the ware angles othe wav, shown in Fig 81. phatograpio "normal sock wae shown in Fig, 32 “Ashook waves extemely hn, Usually ony afew mean fre paths thick ‘Astock wave analogous in many ways oa “hydra jump” that osc in freesurface iid lows, hydraulic jump being shown schematically in Fig 'S3.A hydaule jmp occur, fr example inthe ow downstream of wet [A shock wave fn general, curved. Howeer, many shock waves that ‘occur in practical nuations are singh, being elder at ight anges (Le, formal) to o¢ a an ange to the upstcam How (See Fig. 84). straight ‘hock wave that atright anges to the upstream fow ae noted above, termed a normal shock whi straight shock wave that sa a angle to the {pstetn flow is termed an oblgue shock wave nthe case of normal shock wave, the velocities both abead (ie, ‘psteam) of the shock and after (ie, downstream) of the shock area tI ra ole a FIGURES right angle othe shock wavs Inthe case ofan oblique shockwave there fa ‘ange in flow diretion across the shock. This fr illtrted in Fig. S 5 TA complete shock wave maybe efecively normal in part of the flow curva in ether prt ofthe Hom, and eetvely oblige in other parts ofthe flow, as shown in Fig. 56 acne ofits importance and because, 8 wil be shown later, the oblique stock relations ean be deduced from those for a normal shock wae, he omal shockwave will be fist considered in the present chaper. Oblique ‘Shock waves wl then be dissed in fhe nent chapter Curved shock waves ‘reroute il to analyse and they will aot be discussed in dealin the present book. ‘Vel ehngesseroe normal nd bine Shonk wave with changing shape 10 Compressible Ft Flow [Normal shock waves oceurfo example, inthe ites to the engines in some Supersonic caf, in the exhaust sem of reciprocating enies, in Tons Givtance gos psties and n mine safes arena the ane of explosives ‘When ay yal shock wave ours, or example, na send) ow Brough duct, it 65t Gonary with vespct to the coordinate sstem which i xed Felative fot walls ofthe dot Sich shock wave weal 8 stationary hock wave. ince st not moving flv to the coordinate systm used, On the other band, when a sudden disturbance occu ina Row, such 35, for example the sen closing of valve. pipcne or sn exponve ees ffenerey at point ins ducts norma shockwave can be generated which ‘moving relive to the dct walle This ustrted in Fig 37 “Te analysis of tatonary normal shock waves wil first be cosiered and ten the appiation of this analast Lo moving normal shock waves wil be daewsed, To illustrate how «shock wave cam form, consider the generation of | sound wave ae cncsed mn Chapter 3. There wan asd that there as long dat containing «gts at est and that there was a piston at on end ofthis ict that was fly at vst Then, atime O, the piston was given sal ‘elocty into the dact ping re toa weak presse pulse en sound wane, {hat propapated down the dat into the ga (oe ig $8) Ifa was the velocity given tothe piton, which, of cours, the same as te velocity ofthe gas Behind the wave, then the increase in presse and temperature behind the wave are equal to pad? and (IT AV fa respee- tively Since pa and 7 ave al posite, this shows thatthe pressure and temperature Both increase across de wave. Twas also shown that he velo Atiwhich the wave moves down the dut is equal to V7RT, which i by Atniton the speed of sound. Therefore, since the temperature increases ‘cross the waves the spe of sound behind the wave wil te a= da, where ti is postive, Now consider what happens i some time after the piston is (@)Stanary and moving shook ‘uran S:Normal Shock Waves #1 (Geert of weak waves by piton overt sven velocity dV into the duct, its velocity is suddenly again increased to UV. e's cnt of the second increase im piston speed. a second weak pressure wave wil be generated that folows te fst wave down the duct as Shown in Figs Thissasond wave wll moving relative to the ga head of Itartho speed of ound inthe gue through whic is propagating, Dut the gas head of the ssond wave has velocity dV Hence, the second Wave moves Felative to the dacrattvlony a+ da + dV The fist wave moving a ‘locity of arlative to the duct. Therefor, ince both da and dare postin, {he scond wave t moving fase than the st wave ad, ithe duc ong ‘noth, the sosnd wave will overtake the rst wave. The second wave cannot passthrough the fst wave. Instead, the two waves merge ino a single ronger wave If therefore, the pston given a whole sti of sep increases in ylociy, 2 serict of wenkpresure wats ill be generated wh wl all ‘renaly overtake sue ott and merge int single strong wave the duct. {long enough Since the "back of hit wave" always tying to move faster than the ont of this wave,” the wave wll main thn. Because the changeit pressure arons the merged wave, Le» dp +a +dp ++ will n general be [ge the tmpesture gradients inthe nave wl not be smal and the fw process unlike tht Scone single weak wave, cannot be assumed to be FRenropic. This thin merged single wave across Which large change ia 12 Compre Fd Faw presse, temperature, ete gcc and across which he Rowe not nto {shock wave 32 ‘STATIONARY NORMAL SHOCK WAVES Atetion wil fst he given t the changes that occur through a stationary oem shock wave In order to analyze the flow through a stationary normal ‘hock wave, consider «control vlume ofthe fre indicated in Fig 39. “This contol volume has a crosesctional area of 4 norl to the Now retin ‘The shock wave relations ae cbtained by applying the laws Of ‘conservation of mast, momentum and energy to thi ontol vole TF the moss flow rate though the contol volume i, conservation of mas gives jew Vim ahs is) Since the only forces ating on the cont Yolune in the flow dicton are the pressure for, comervation of momentum applied to the conta value Boe pdm pA =~ ¥) “3 Combining this ihe, 51) the ge: p-p=nvithsH) “9 * Pome nts M) 4 ‘These to equation ca be esranget to give Vira ve 63) Vey aD ah wo Adding thse wo equations outer then es av 1a We-vicw-m(det 67 wm(ees) icone ss Cone vohme wed in nat of 4 ‘ouren 5: Normal Shook Waves 3 Lasty, comer the aplzaton of conservation of emg to the fow scr Sk save, Be ons dimnsoal Sow g one ‘Sear mo tage the we poperee nay iecton that normal ‘Chat re ln ue pa tnd oss sr atte pen and down thee ve thse 0 ‘Sacer ees yor o ay mie scone fo ‘eth Small sre ait eco eat ieee “gn Yeon Magna eon Tie stagunton lempraaethfoe dots nt chy sro shock. Ch ae EAT nd Rete hcp cn fe ena ve(S)aene(S)E oe oe = constant 6a, 3-1) a=) (2)G-) Using es (5.10) and (5:7) together then gies: (22)(@-2)-0-m(Li2) en Now, a alatonsip betwen the density ato, p/p, andthe presse rato, p/p being Sought This can be obained by multiplying e. (5.11) by nln to pre ) 69) G)G-8)-( This canbe earanged to give ‘which can be rearranged 1 give: Vi-vE 6) Alteanatiely, i ould have bean arranged to gi male + ee 8) yt), is next noted that the continuity equation, Leg. (5.1). Bes: as, ya] . “The temperature ratio sero the shock wae i obtained by noting that the equation of tate pes repr hich cam Be rearrange as mks 69) Bh i Using 9 (514, thi gation gies (na) ni), a nee an a=1) *r Equations (1) (510, and 19) relate canes in esi, voi, ad tempera actos «nora hock wae to the change presse es thesok nye The preset, p/m fen re he sent fe shockwave Thos eats hefner Pa/¥ an T/T to teens of the shock stength This et of equations fen Temed the Rankine Hagoit normal shock wate lain Now it wil bce hat (Sy can be renga Be See noes ‘rom this equation that fora prtclr value of gps there fam associated parca vale of 1s) YEW ag jon ay se. particle shock strensth is associa with a paticla upstream Mach ‘unter, This wll be discus further inthe next section Before doing this {he entropy changes acoss te shock wl be cused ‘While the application of consersation of mas momentum and energy friacpos shows that a shock wave can exist ie doesnot indicate whether fhe shock can be either compressive (2, p2/pi > 1) oF expansive {ies _3/e1< 1). Toexamine this, the second lof thermodynamics must be wed Now he eniopy change actos the shook wave i gen By vocen( a0) 620) rer an Gales G4 pears 52) jern+e 5 "a Now, the second law of thermodynamics requires that the entropy must femain unchanged ot must acease, Le equ at Byte 523) z ‘The variation of (=~ 11)/R with p/p fr various values of (yi always eater than I) as ven by eg, (5.2) shown in Fig. 510, wl Be sen from the resus piven in Fg 5.10 that fr eg. (828) 0 be sated, ie seoesary that ml coy therefore flows tha the shock wave mast alas be compressive, 2 that ‘alpe nus be greater than te. the pressure must always increase aeros he ook wave. Using egs- (3.14), (516, and (519) then indicates thatthe density aways increases, the velocity always decreases, andthe temperature always Increase arom a shock wave "The enteopy increas ares the shock i, basically, theres ofthe fact that, bose the shock wave is very thin, the pradens of eloaty and ricuRE su0 feet of presto on etry change ce aoa oa ave temperature inte shock are very high. As result the eft of viscosity and feat conduction are imporant within the shock leading to the caropy Fores sero the shock wave Bocas the Now ser shock is adahai, the stagnation temperate oes nt change atoss shock wae, Se (58). However, Deeaae ofthe ntrpy ire across a shock, the stagnation pressure always decreases erosta shock wave. This perhaps, mos easily shown by considering the flow station showa in Fig. 31 in the situation Being considered, gus ows from a lrg reservoir in “whi the sels eDuely zero and entropy expanded il the Mach numbers Mf A normal shock wave then oscars. After the shock, the ows intropialy deserted until the velocity fag eliely eo ia ‘cd lige reservoir Since the flow isentropic everywhere excep rest the shook ae, the presure in the fst reserve, py the sapnation Pessere everywhere inthe flow ahead of the shock wave while te presse Irate second reservoir, pn, ithe stagnation pressure exeryere inthe ow osensieum ofthe shock wave. Now, eq (520) apples between any eo pots i the Bow. It can, therefore, be applied between point in the fist Raritan # point inthe second reservoir to give wom-oh(#2)-ae(B) ean ut the stagnation temperature does not change across the shock, the first term on he righthand side ofc, (525) eo, ie 9. (25) ges: Flow sation wd analy of Staion presse chang sto # normal Tet ‘oaran 5: Normal Sbck Wave #7 fe nicune sn a ‘Variation of changes seross a normal shock wave with S Spee a om saa = ain (22) (526 However sn th fw sentria ali the shook wane nam and me an “heer, (526) se: non g(m tn a wan ) on at ‘exp [=(2 —)/R) om Because the entropy mast intease aos the shock wave this equation shows thatthe stagnation pressure must decrease across a shock, “The vations of the changes tht occur ates a normal shock wave with shook stength ae istated a Fig. 5.2, [oval ck ook at pia iow whee the prestueis 30 Pa and the terperatce 30. the pene rat ass th sok wave 27 nd the pes and perature dows lu) ths noma stock wat ahd the Rt a up of dows fhe shek wave As ‘Sangin he sapation pres sso he sok Forte shook wave Beng considered yp = 27a 4. Hee i: i ftows ta Ty = 6420164129 From thee resi follows tat AGN Sx Lee BLK Also se: 2720=H1kPa and =a vena )(E-2) Denil My = 899) TET = 68 on My = 218 /STETOTTS Heo, sins fr a Mach number of L868 pep = 4057, whereas for 4 Mach sumer of C69. pup 1Seh thee valor bing obese ny he ‘tionship pent Chapa or ung wentape ables or wn estas ‘Te change apaton one ss the shock wae ten Be ano (BE )n =O a2 4059 030-1 le the stagnation presre decree by IL47 KP acto the shock wae [Because the flow tough the wave i ada, here sour no chang fe sagmtion temperature thong te wane 3 [NORMAL SHOCK WAVE RELATIONS IN TERMS OF MACH NUMBER. Although the elation dersed inthe previous section forthe shangss ros a ‘normal shock in tems a the presse rai arous he shock interns OF he shock stength, are the most usefl form of the normal shock wave ‘elation for some purpose, its often more convenient to have these lations in terms of the upsieam Mach number, Mf. To obat thse forms of the formal shock wate relations, iti convenient to start again witha contol Solume across the shock rave such a that show i Fig. ad to apn ‘apply conservation of mass, momentum, and energy to tis comet volume btn this case to rearrange the rations in terms of Mach number In expressing the conservation laws, no generality i fost by taking the rea ofthe convo volume paral othe wave 38 unis, Conservation of mast ten pes aliens 6x) Diving his equation by ten gies manna ich can te eye in rms of Mach nambes a nM aKa «a» Nex coir conservation of mentum. This give fr he onto okie Mowe 5 ome nvin ot 63) Hens sin: (539 tomes es yy} 8 pvt Diving this through by then sve: ma) Control volume wid in deving ‘Stren forthe chung sree sich a be ranged to give: - (ey ean Last, consider the application of the consrtion of energy piniple to the ta a nny “ mle C=) which ca be rearranged give: (35) “he demi, 0 intl te (30 and 8) (5) Ga) Ge) = Th pt of tina nine en (539) Boren ee ected (F5ta) (ae) Tis ution an be eran (DAES ~ Mt) — 2M a at eo hwo ing ht he a chia the Mach number across the shock wave. This term can therefore be eancelled fut of eq, (337, ving fax(e ‘This equation relates the downstream Mach number to the upstream Mach number. Irean be used to done eapresions for the pressure rai, the temperature ratio, and the density ati tm terms of the upstcam Mach umber It's st ned that subwituing eg (5.38) into ea, (233) eves Mp +20g-M)=0 630 DI. Gaim) aay 2+(— Da ()-¥- pg fetheny ai=0-0) BW (0 n)2+-—na r { Genet } ee In onder to obtain an expression for the pesiue ratio i is noted tht the ‘Suuation of eat gives B-@R)- OG) oo no teal" T y= DEEZ TY i) 2-0-0) ‘The ight hand side of this equation can be writen as __ + apna Bw = b) 3K ia dean oy oo supe =v) . G+ b= ay ener, (54) gies the pressure rai a pb _bM-G-» 5 no FD “The density ratio can now be directly obtined by’ agin noting that the _— 2-28) Hence, using os. (5.42) and (38), te following is obtined: DM ‘ 2+6- DM Ce 92 Compe Fed Flow too pms mc wn ty ee, ta (152s) oy Hence, sine sing es. (542) and (54), the stagnation pressure change across normal shock i en By: (ee ea Le, sing 6. (5.8) to give fs and rearranging gives (Ga-Gyy"—ee ‘The stagnation temperature dos not, of cours, af mentions before change scot shock wave “he abote equations, some of which ae summarized below, give the ager ra, the deny ra he temperate rat, the downatem ach mum in term ofthe petra Mach member for ata he foeany wae oF fe be RMi-O-0) m__o+ DM Bo OF” a 2+q- Due z 1 man 42 af Gr “The variations of presure ratio, deny ratio, temperature ratio, and 62)--@) OO “The ht hand side of this equation cn be expressed in terms ofthe psteeam “Mach number by sing the vlationship derived above forthe pressure aed density ration, Using these ges: conren 5 Normal Shock Waves 95 sptone{[ ate [eee a sornm) } ‘The variation of (2 ~)/ ith Ms given by ths equation for various valves of 7 i shown a Fig. 5.15, "Now, the earopy must emain unchanged or must increase wl be sen ‘that this can only be the casei Met (49) Ittherefre follows thatthe Mach number ahead ofa shock wave must always he reater than and that the shockwave must, therefore as dscused above, lvaye be compressive, pp mst be rete than 1 t wllalso be ated that og (5.38) eam be rearanged (0 ae 64) ene, since 7 willbe Berwen | and 2. and sinc Mis always greater tha 1, itfoiows fom thi equation that My wl always be ls han Le tbe Dow downsteam of 2 normal shock wave wil lvaye be subsonic. These con- ‘Slusons about «normal shock wave are summarze in Fig. 5.16. Vasaton of entopy ung cross arma shock mit ose Mach ner Newt FIGURE Si6 Regus sas of aries for and ater & toma shock 96 Compresible Fé Flow “Limiting Cases of Normal Shock Wate Reltons 11s instructive to consider the imting ease ofa very strong normal shock, ia normal shock wave for which Ms ver args: Now. M5 8 ge, {he equations gen above fora normal shock indicate that For M1 wt Pes} 5 “Thus, if Ay tens to nis, p/p and 3/7 end to nity but gy tends toy Ip 1) and As tends to = 124, In ata fact, he aap tions on whch the above analysis of the change across normal shock ave teased, tht the ps emains thermally andcaoriclly perc, wil ease {o be vad when the shock very song besa very high temperate wil then usally exist behind the shock The above discussion concered the flow across a very strong shock wave Another ining ease i hat of very weak normal shock wave, Now the dscussion of the entopy change aro normal shock iniats that in this ‘teak shock cae the Row isentropic, that the vlaons for the presse 8nd density ratios derived for entropic ow in Chapter 4 apply arom such teak shocks. Now. the conn equation apps arose the shock wheter fr mot the flow is iseatropc. Therefore, even in the eas ofthe weak shock limit <9: (8.31 apples, Lethe folowing applies 650) But in setropic ow Therefore, noting tha: 9. (550) gies aa (ssn Buin adiabatic ow and therefore in isentropic ow the energy equation ies 639) ‘Substituting tis inte, (3.1) thea gives: g-p yy Dae Me z 653) (RB) ‘This equation gives the value of the dowastcam Mach sumber, Ms. ‘onrerponding to any specified valve of the upstream Mach number, My fora very weak shock wave. Once Mis found, the changes in presse. ‘ens, and temperature sevos the weak shook can be found BY wig the Isenuopic relations in conjunction with eq. (3.52). This procedure gives, for example, os) ‘To illustrate she relation tetween the strong shock, the weak shoe, snd th actual normal shock elaons the variations of i with Af given by thee ‘elation is sbowa in Fig 817 for the case of 9 = 14 Te wl be sen from the rests given in Fig. $17 that the weak shock relations appy if shoot 11 whe the strong shock relations only apy Ira i ver are FicuRE 17 Rektion betwen dome Mach mer ales gery Eiting tal aes ge by the al normal ‘Soak retons (= 14). sau) 98 Compresible Fit Flow [Normal Sock Wave Tables A number of sets of ables and graphs are available Which isthe ratios of the Saou flow vasabls such as presure,temperatre, and deny ross ‘ormal shockwave and the downstream Mach number as a functon ofthe “psietm Mach namber fr various gases, efor various vales of. Type headings in sucha Set of normal shock tables ae: a Tm ep a Ti ae era “The values in hese tables and graphs ae, of couse, derived using the equa- ‘ions given nthe previous sxton, Normal shock ables ofthis pe ae en ‘in Append C forthe case of) ~ 14. As wth entropic Now, instead of sing tbl, ite often more convient to ie software, such as that avaiable 16 ‘ippor this book, lo nd the changes across a shock wave. Altermatively, ‘ont clclator can be programmed to pve rests fora normal shock wave. ‘Toillustate how his canbe doe, ery simple BASIC progam that allows [Mj ot pup tobe entered and which finds te valves of some other changes ‘ero ara aoc ave Hited in Appendix I [Arsexpnel fom a larger eran which he esr and temperature are Soka and +C theaph arabe reduc A noah ssa at Pot ine det whos te Mach unter [2 Find he pes and tempest theo js dames of the sock wane Downstanm ofthe bec wae the ow i brought ost pote pe Yexewor Pd the press a tempera turin ths ese Assume that fe Sow st onedmenional eb Geatope erybere ep ough te shack wave MMe FIGURE ES4 Te ow upsteam of the sock mae an be asumed o be enti en trol ow réabone or bie ote stare efor th ow upstem othe Using the spies sepition point codons, the Flowing ae then ‘ouartan 5: Normal Shock Waves 99 y= s0o/17085 = 2934Pe, 7, = 308/225-1269 Next consider th hangs actos the Shock wave. For at ow ats Mach ruber of? norma sek clans or ables or the soar Bs ost, Ba7215 isis rm the above esl it lows tat: ante 1) = 210751069 = 926K ~ 196 “Thetloc,thepresre apd temperature immedately downstream of he sock Wave ae 308 KPa and 19°C respecte any conse te fw downs fhe ck. Ts ow ai tard tote heros entropic om elton or bles rte wwe ge fo eh ‘Therefor the downstream stagnation coos area allows: ‘me = 28 1196 = 20044 ‘Thee the presture and temperature ia the downstea rome te BOikiv and PC reget, ‘ewe noted that bese he entre flow asm ob aba thei so tang the stapnaton temperature. Thre however, att fe 4 ‘THE PITOT TUBE IN SUPERSONIC FLOW Consider ow near the front of a bunt body placed ina supersonic flow as shown in Fip S18 Bess the flow i supersonic, a hock waveforms ahead ofthe Body as shown a Fig. 518. “This shock wave is curved in general but ahead of the very font ofthe ‘body the shock i eflectvely normal tothe ow. Hence the conditions across the dhoek, xe, between points and 2 Fig 5.18, ae vlted bythe normal Shock relations. Furtbee sae the Now dowasteam ofa normal shock waves ‘vay subsonic, the desertion from point 2in Fig. 5.18 to pont 3 in this figre where the velocity is eflectively ero can, as discussed in the previous shaper, be assumed to be an isentropic process. Using this modelo he fw, the pressure atthe stagnation point can be calculated for any specified ‘psteam conditions 100 Compresibie Fait Flow ‘oo Mansel oy Te iow a he ecm ahead of fy hava Mach numbe faa tate presi LP. Find ee pene ‘ig oot oot of ths boy, Skt te Row tm ee ee ‘Sobaion Here = 1Sundp, = 408s. Bt normal sick eins or tables or saver: feasts Hee a= 3413 40= 1654 ‘The fw patie as showe schematic in Fig ESS. J 1GURE ESS When ptt tubes placed in a supersonic ow type of flow similar to tht init in Fig 5.18 ogcus. ie. he fow over pitt tbe ia supersonic Row ‘semble tat shown in Fig 18 ‘Sine there wl ea change i stagnation pesure aero the shock wave, it snot posible to use the subsons ptt tube equation in supersonic Row, However, as noted above, ver the small area of the low covered ty the presiue tap in the nose ofthe pitot tube the shock wave ise) nomal and the flow Behind ths potion ofthe shock wave in therfore, mt FIGURE a8 Stet Sepemoni ow or «Mun asd body, “ouran$: Normal Shsk Waves 101 a me HOURS = gE ar eo i te en subsonic and the deceration sentop, these assumptions being israted in Fig 520, The fw can, therefore, be analyzed a follows: 1. The pressure ratio across the shockwave, ps/p.can be found using normal shockwave relations 2. The presure at the stagnation point can be found by assuming that the isentropic rations apply between the Now behind he shock and the sagnaion point Hence, since te fe take 655) nome whee the subscripts 1 and 2 denote the conditions upstream and downsteam oF the shock wate respectively, using the relations previously give, This ‘uation becomes: ales } 656 a0 Hence using he expression forthe downstream Mach number, it follows that Cra Pa] foe paer2s") atime 6s (Ge)- Gf? ect acuRe 520 oe ome ov mart no et so — ae alo” 102 Compressible Fluid Flow —— ‘emanti)—Smmattty = ee Renceeeeeee “ e O° aie This equation is known a the Rayleigh supersonic pot tube equation, I and pv are measured, this quai lows ff foe found. Ta ale of pa is ‘tly sed in shock tables or even by sotware such a that wich support this book. This fact was sed in sling Example $3 Teahioud be noted that the sate presure ahead ofthe tock ware ep tous be measured. the fw i very nel parle toa plane wall her vl {e esentaly no state presnre changer arial othe ow deation tn an then be ound using a ttc hae the wala indeed in Fig However, it ha ale been found that potsate te cana be wed in supersonic How ice the shock wave itrscts withthe xpansion wanes ee lates) decaying rap to a Mach wave sn the presure downstream of the ‘iniy of the nose of the pit ube f thus ential equal top nga at inated in Fig. 5.22 [A ptt abe paced in wren ie ow. The sate prosue and teaerture inthe Row ate 4SkPu and “DC rexptnch Toe difloee ecwaen he ptt ad state pests is measured and und to be 3504Pa. id {He Mach sur andthe ar eo. ine the sap information sve ro = 850 45/48 = 8.78 But for p/p = 78, oral shack elton or ables or sata ge Tero: Vi = My ea) = 2586 VIR ~ 9m Hence te Mach amber an velo inte flow ae 2536 and Hs espe they ss MOVING NORMAL SHOCK WAVES In the above diseassion of normal shock waves, the coordinate sytem ws 0 chose that the shock wave way at rst In many cais, however iis ecesary to derive results forthe case where the shock wave fe moving rltive to the ordinate system. Consider the case where the gs ahead ofthe shockwave is tionary with respect othe cordate syst chosen and where the Ror hock wave is moving into thi ttionary gus Inducing velocity in the firetion of shock motion at indisted in Fig. 523. Such moving shock ‘eaves occ, for example, othe inlet and exhaust systems of internal combs Hon engines in air compressors, asthe result of explosions, and in pipelines following the opening or closing of valve. The ruied resis can be bined from tho that were derived above for statnary normal shock weave by noting tha the vlocbesreative to coordinate syste Bed to the Shock Wave are as indicated in Fig. 8.24, Hone, follows that igure s23 noe Ficune 524 Reaonfetwoen fo elie to Le UV [ene Rea to wal aan | n_ laiveto shock wae 104 Compre Fas Flow nau, Wau-¥ 638) ‘Sine the destin ofthe Now is obvious, only the magnitudes ofthe veloeis vl be considered hee. The Mach numbers upstream and downstream ofthe ‘hook wave relative to the shockwave ae given by. uw oe 9) a mol Lata rr) were wat and wt so) 1M, isthe “Shock Mach number.” Substituting the valve of forthe moving shock into the equations previously given fora latina) normal ‘hock wave then sve 7 » 6a) n__osiue ny T40- WMG Co) B_ (a) Bee mafltaw 0-0) 55 ‘The gas velocity behind the shock wave canbe obtained by substituting 9. (560) ince (5.38) and then using (S64). This ads 1: , 200 =) y= ao) ° Baga n+ Da ca Wis perhaps worth noting that for an infinitely strong moving normal shock eat Ley for My 2, the above equation shows that there isaimting value forthe Mich number downstream ofthe shock wave, Mi, which sven 2 (566) wy) ‘hus, for example, for st,» moving normal shock wave, no matter how strong. cannot generate a fow that his a Mach umber that greater than 9, “Te actual velocity behind a moving normal shock wave, Vis given by oon Normal shock wae ables ad softwar can be sed to evaluat he properties ‘of a moving normal sock wave. To do this, Af sot equal to M, and the {ables or software are then use to find the presre, densi) and temperature ratios rely. Further, sine and since My i given by the normal shock tables or software, can be found Also since cam alo be deduced using normal shock table or software [shock ne actos which the pester i 128s moving ao sla ata Drenare a Tike an stmpertre of °C Pd he oy, peer, td we hi ete to a (8) ow Here = 0K, sc, Foe tegen ops = 128 Ms T/T te obtain fom the sora shock ‘elaaoes o abo sete Ts My= 1102, My 09103, 13/7, = 1462 “Tet, the velocity downstream ofthe waves ie by: yeu, Me = M10) Ms xe = 102 VITAE — 09003 SRR TE TORR = 487-2191 sas “Te prewar dovnsteam ofthe hock sien by: p= 125% 100= Sh hie the emperature donszea of he sock ie en ‘Terre the ves, resend enpeatre eid the shook ware ate 52m 25kPa nd MTR GC) ropes ‘Aol sork wave, ron which the prema aoit 117, moves down ct ino tairats pes of 18 uP ad temperate 10°C Pde presse, enero si vey ofthe at beind te sock wave. This shock mane aes overs smal cla yner a shown in Fg, ESa:Astoning ti he ‘Bests ease the mal ernder, fd the pes acting ste sagt pt the inde afer the sbck has pane one Sottion Theflow rave tothe sock wane shown Fig EH is conde. Sic the Prstre ati son the shockwave 1, noma shock soos or ables oF we amon, Boro stteant_IGURE ESSE = 6 = — = omg GUNES ey steerer 5 ” terete =f ens ‘ren 5 Normal Shook Waver_ 107 ‘sing tie presureandteperatuse rat ale thn ge 17 105=1229KP, T= 106x203 = 3169 1 he spend of ound inthe a abe f the waves en by: VaRT, = VIET RS = 8.9.05 “The speed af sound hind he nati en by i Now = Mes But M,~ 30 the above aguton se Vy = LA 3449-09360 3568 = 29.380 “Tae inde ig. herfore,exoned to fom with Selsty of 9.37 ms lemperture af S169 and u promue of 1229HPa The Mach rer in Mow seal 0387386401 Non: Herp rian or ber or tare {Be fora Mach umber of 1, p/p O18 Theor the peur the ‘Sogaton port onthe ene 1085 12288= 123940 shock wae aco which the per rato 18 moves down a dsl Siesta peste of S04Pa and tenpertu of 501. Fad te tmpertre and ‘toty their end he shock me I ined of Beige fh ead Si oak se mig matt ests ety of 00m te ‘oiy of te ar teind the sbock wave ‘Solan Forth noma shockwave moving ints ai hich & sown in Fig. 9, te pin=115, =k, =e Cosieieg te Bom rave to the shook, fr 3/9. = 11S oa shock el My=108, My =0963, T/T = Lat RLS SE Se {G) No ow sea of hs () with ow shea of shock 108 Compre Fad Flow ‘There, te know inal conditions T= (21 +3) x 1041 = 354K 240) pra iSS0=575h My= Ufa, and My = (Uy VYfer it ftlows Y= Ma, — Mya: = 1.060 RRB = 0988 x VIA RTETSA = 351 m1 Hence, when te shook moving ito i, the tampetare and vst ‘behind he shock ae 122°C and 8 ns pent. "Net conse the eat nbre fhe head he shock i wo tet hi situation also Big sown tn Fg E59, Braue the prose to acta tie Shockwave ai 13, he owing si py M.= 102, My 098 Ty/T;~ L041 Ty QR +3 x 1061 ~3154K «2"e) ‘Bus ice he fw reltie othe wave Being consiee fom hat wry My OED saa ag ‘Using th settons hen sive: Vm Maas = (M0) 1) Mas = (1.060 START — 10 = 0983» IAT IETETA = -4 96 ‘Therefore, the voc behind the shock 649 mi. The pie sin ndash ‘the veloc teind the mae te pone Seton to et im wich te wae is moving OF cours he rest or te sea part th ston could fave ten det deduced fom tht fore fet fr of he Sesto by tung that sine the pre rato ns th hea Be ee oth ees i the Row changes relate to he upstream Row cnr he ‘me stn as del wi inte st par of he question ohtined. Tere, the alc tehind the wave rate to the upoear fw wl fe 381m Thess, the vty bei the nat ele fo the wa he Sut Wi be 381-10) = 649m a4 aban bce Brief consideration will now te given to the “rection” of « moving shock wave off th closed end ofa duc. Conse & moving normal shock ‘wave propagating into a gas attest in a duet, The shock, st discussed above, induor afow behind it inthe direction of shock motion. ifthe endothe dul is closed, however. tere can be no ow out ofthe dt, Lethe veloc of te 0s in contact withthe closed end must slays be ato, Therefore, anormal craran Normal Shook Waves 109 FicuRE sas Redstion of moving norma shck wae om te closed end ff dcr fre reaon (afer elston OF Lo) hock wave must be “reflected” off the closed end, the stength of this “reflected” shock wave Being just sufsent to reduce the Yeloaty to 20, “Thin ilsrted in Fig 525, (Consider ase of cordate attached othe reflected normal shock wave ‘The gas velocities relative to this refed shock wave are, therefore, 2 shown “eSNG (3) ‘These equations can be wed in conjunction with the normal shock celaions previously gen or shock table or the software provided to nd the proper Ses of the reflected shock. The procedure is Hlustrated in the following example ‘somal sect wae, cron which the pes aos 4S, moves down a dct instar ata pes of 10 KP anda temperate of 20°C. Fide presse sempre and elacy ofthe bite shook wave If heen fe dt ‘Sed he res actng on teen of he Git afer he sock sees ftom, Seton als % She fe Sal agle FIGURE 10 (a) nt shook wave eect shock wae Fit one he shack wav efor the efecton For hi wae: Pim = 148, p= 100KPS, T= 2rC=293K Consider the deine othe wave as sown, For uy = 148, arma shook Felton also amare pe M172, M0886, T/T) = 1187 ‘Tenfoe p= 145 100~ 15s Ty LAIST 293 =3263K (= 850) Mon Uj) and My (0, —Vilas Y= Mia Moos Hence Yy= Lima x VARKER 08567 “Theor; the pres, ropa nd lot ohn then hock wane He T4SkPa, 335°C, nd 988 [ext oer he nave that “eles” ofthe ced nd. Te suenth of thismate mat besch hat rings he ow ore Hence, the Mh ube {hetir ow apaveam nd downsteam of he efeied nae ele 8 wae ag Ttte Us 20d Mn = Ut veer Une the ety of he eat wave ano the spot of ound in he {ow downs of cute wave BO ge VAR = VERE RES seis Me ee ee wetting AES Mee wt Me Manette 0297 Now the salus of Map ahd Man af rea y the nor sbck equations thee estos so felting 3/7 10M. Tne guton pst. ero, Slow Hf tobe found. Wave gant methods of ding the slston ae thee foreach vals od Mun a T/T rom back eats oF lubes or Stvareand hen to dene ete of Many ~ (My 0239) / TT, ‘hecorest sas of Mart ht which asthe ae Mj genie ‘Re somal sock ties equal that per by he abow gunn Th soc tah tan be dred ror error aos Ag: Rel for asin abe fag areshown Table £50, Pom tee oui can be dedi tt wat Mag 2117 the tales of Man Be bythe sho elas and bythe above ‘Schon ae the me appoint 863) Now for an upeeam Mack mamber SFr normal shock laos orale or stare give ps L804. Hane the peer behead shock te pre cig on else nd High press ca thie be geotatl when & moving shok wane rated of sod end of Su, Last, consider what happens i esis owing ou ofa duct a steady rate when the end of the duct suddenly closed Sins he Velocity ofthe gs in contact withthe closed end must again be zero, a shock wave is gnerted that moves lato the moving pas bringing it to et the strength of the Shockwave must Be sich thatthe vost i reduced to ao bebind i This is ihstrated in Fig. 321 ‘A shock wave generated in this way can be analyzed sng the same procedure as used 10 analye arma shook wave rfc om 4 closed {End of dct This is ustated bythe following example 112 Comprsite Pat Flow oss eq | ‘Ar iflowing ou of adit at lest 0250 ml with tamper of °C and 2 peemue of DEP A ale a eed of he dt sodden ond: Find he ‘rosie Sting on he vate imme se the valve sos, ‘Sotation et See FIGURE ES ee raereen tae o = (8 tow eae o sock Conse the ow rain to he shock wave, ase the wave mst ring the toes mil seen hat iC, te wey othe eck wae Substituting ti into te cquton for Mees meee at he pod of und sha ofthe wan i = VORP ~ TAR ATRT. and ¥-= 250m the shove eatin gree: Me a ae Bam 0750 eats the normal sock elation deeine My and a/0 s fnton of the sbaye eaton tpt wih te nr sheck ean tne ed Setemioe Mf Although theese more ean etbods of obtain the a tin the te rc apposch to coos a seen fly of fy ten ae ‘sormal shock sont fi the gh hand ie Leo thea MiB ase For each of these aes of My The vale of My tat makes the ight Rand ide gulf can then te Sofa from the rts wt ff shown fo ‘Tbe ESA, te vals of pan yay beng deed for = 1 fom he mal shock enon or few nord shook ube er wning the Sofware 'RHS" isthe ethan ideo he above egaton rom tee esas wl be sen thal My = 138, Normal shook rao tubes or sfieare then pes up = 2634, 1 p= 2636 10 TSP 56 ‘CONCLUDING REMARKS ‘A normal shock wave isan extremely thin region at right angles tothe ow ‘ero which larg changes in the ow varuble can out, Although the Row within the shock wave is comple, it Was show that expressions foe the ‘overall changes across the shock can be ately easy ceived. Te was Shown that entropy considerations indkale that only compressive shock ‘waves, Le, only shock waves ass which the peessue increases cam occur nd that the Now abead of the shock must be supersonic. I wae also shown ‘at the How downstream ofthe shock is aways sobwonic. The analyse of ‘normal shockwaves tha fe moving though a as was aso dscused PROBLEMS ‘31, A nomalshsk wave dct in an ir ow ata point whee the eos it ‘aos te state prese SAP, and he tai emer Ped thereat, sta press, nd sac temperate Jowesteam of the shock 114 Compesiie Ft Few es ss. 6 ss. su ‘bo fin the stagastion temperature and sagstionprere ope and ‘own of he shock. ‘The peste ro sre normal shock wane ht os i siti 1.25. Aen te shock wane he pres i 100 Pa and the terperature 1°. Fd 1A pert ens Bows trough 2 staonry somal shack The got veloity creas om 80st Im rough the she I he reared te ‘enstyapeeam ofthe shack ae 62KPu and 134g ad the pose od ‘ensty downstream of he shock nd the peste eat aloof he i. ‘Aormal sock wave ows in ait point wt the vests ed ‘he sngmton empaatare ad prea re 300°C and KPa reps Fn te Mach number prem: nad tmp upteam tnd ow: tea of Ue sock wae Sow tat te dove Mach ourber of «normal sock approsces nina vals the ups Mach smb ceases ovary. ‘Wot s this minimum Mach number fr gas wha pes eat ef LT? Acs expan ienopcly fom a reserva in which the presre is Tica to's preare of 50D A normal sock ore is pit in Ais is eapandedetopcaly fom a rire in which the peice and Tenpertie se 150 pu and SP ton snk pram of 20pm A coral ‘hone ovation the Row: Find te Sa pretest empere- Tare abd tea lost behind the Shook. ‘Te exhaust ges fom a ose ng havea molar mass of 14. They can be amed to behave a pers ut with spent beat rao of 135 These {Bes ave aclertd through aconegen dierent za nora heck Find the pressure, cperatut, dens, and gestion preseason Dir shod wae Alc i expnded earopialy trom a esol in which the presze is {owotee andthe tempera ie 37°C un the posure as dropped ¢o 254. A normal shockwave ots at ts pot Fd the sai pres {ese temperate, the ar voy. al the Sagation ese ae tbe sock wave ‘A gas with amor mas of and pce at ati of 67 remand rom {ge ear in wich the peste ad tempera ate ID KP and 39°C espe troup nae yt unl be Mach number. aoa ‘Shork wave then ceca the flow Find the prereset Bb te Petre td temperature he re chabert 13 un aod 10°F sspoe Trely Atoome pt athe on whee the Mach number 25 nora sok Sve csr Fd te pres, epee sagnation ess nd ey ‘ehind he eck wave S12 A norm shook mae ois in a i Bow at pit whee the vay Sd mi the prewar SPs, td he ongerstar eH. Find the ety ‘818 Airis ietopcly expand from ag shame in wich the pres e Tb and be temperate °C an the Mach number ects ae of2: A sonal sock wave hc ocr ihe ow, Foowing the shock wave their enteopaly decelerated ut the veloc) apa eset 0 Fd the pest ad aperture th the xs ‘S14 Airis rpandel om sage reser in which the peste ad emperatte the SooKPuand 3° through a varsbleuea Sst Aonmal ack sure t pain the dt where pe Mach numbers Fa the preset Fert th we Somme ofthe sock wave. Downstate ‘Book nave the How is Hrugh ors st anher re er Fad tbe Prone and temperature in as reserve. Ase ha the How oe Ectal aed menrepe everywhere ere trough he shock wee {448 Ais expanded rom sven wich te pre sd terest are ‘inne a 100D4Pa and HC. At pot i he Bow a wh he Sta Drewes I0KPr anormal shock wave oery. andthe sate pear, te Ste tenperture, ad tei veloc beh te shack nae: Aste te ow {o be batons ewes eco brought shock nave ‘516 leis expanded tou a convecgent-, Hence, ifthe coordinate wstem moving paral to the wave ont at 4 ¥locy {L= Ly = Ly ls considered, the fo in tis coondnate stern through the ‘wave is shown in Fig. 63. In this coordinate stem, the oblique shock Fe pen pammen ‘An abge sock wave ee Soe a. 120 Comprenible Fad Flow Coie IGUME 62 ‘le Consol volume considered. relay component aval to mae, ety cmponet somal to ricuRE 63 Flow nora oan oblique shock wave ‘has heen reduced to normal shock and the normal shock slain must, therefore, apply tothe velocity components Nand Ns Further, since the Scalar ow propertis py and Tare unaeed by the coordinate system ‘ed, the Rankine Hugonoit relations mist apply without any modieaton Te abbgue shocks. Ths al the properties of oblgue shocks canbe obianed ‘by modieation and manipulation of the normal shock elation rowed that angle ofthe shock relative tothe upstream How is Known. However, iis ‘more insircive and, in some respects, simpler to deduce thew blgue Shock flaions fom the fundamental conservation of mas momentum, tnd energy laws, sing the normal shock relations when «par formally Stabiahe, ea ‘OBLIQUE SHOCK WAVE RELATIONS Consider again flow through control volume tat spas the shock wave and which, without any los of pneality, can be asimed fo have unt area parallel to the obique shoek wave. This coatol volume is shown in Fig 4 As shown inthis figure, 3s defined as the shock wave angle and 8 the change in Bow direction induced bythe shock wave ‘Theconservation of mas, momentum, and energy are ow applied othe ‘control volume showa. Since thre ino change in velocity parallel o the wae, the L velocity components can cary no net mass into the cond ‘lume. Conservation of mae thetcore give ny oy ‘ouren Obsqu Sbock Waves 121 se FIGURE 6 ‘Scene Control volume uid inthe analyst of an obliges “The conseration of momentum equation is pied inthe direction normal to the shook, ving : Pepe PN] PANE wy Because there are no gradients of temperature upstream and downstream ‘ofthe shockwave, the Mow through the contol volume must asia the ase of the normal shock, be adiabatic The enerey equation, therefore, ges ws (2a) E-t-tesuen ot z eqs. (6.1), (62), and (64) are compared with the equations derived for normal shock wave wl be seen that they are identical al respects excep that ands replace Vand PF especie follows, therfore, that hey ‘it alo Be reacranpod to give inthe same way efor normal shocks (Ns 122 Compresie Fi Few 69 ‘As with normal shock waves, it ery frequently convenient o know the relations betwee the changes acoss the shock wave and the upstream Mach number, Mf. Now since: ares (6106s nto mopenininnaitina-o 8 maemo ‘These are, of couse, agua identical o those wed to study normal shock, xcept that Psi oceurs in place af Vy and V8 (3 ~ 8} ours im pace of 1 Hence i'm the normal shock relations fireplace by Min und My ‘by My sin (3 ~ 8) the following relations for abiqu shocks are obtained wing equations piven in Chapt 8 DMs?) z = «0 2, (ot sin ha otoMars an Ese Disa ey 1_B4G=DMfsin' Dot sa? 3—O-D) gy) + DEM sit 2 Misi? 8 +200— 0) in’ os) ~ ME 9 2/er= 9 MeO 9 Se a ally D=T es Ie should be noted that since it was prove sng entry consis tht for noma shocks Ms bad be preter than Ish ow ahead Shock had tobe speronic it, tereore follows rom the above darn tht for obiqu shacks nero at Min > 1 (614) ‘urea Obigue Shsk Waves 123 ‘The minimum value tht sin cam have i therefore, 1/4 i iim shock ange isthe Mach ange. When the shock has this ange, 4 (610) sons that (s/s ual oT the shock wave is a Mach wav “Themanimum vale that Jean baveis of course, 90 the wae then being normal shock wave Hence, the limits on ae s(t) cos 9 should farther be noted that since twas proved thatthe ow behing 3 normal shock wave i subsonig,Le, Ms was es than Ti flows ha for a btque shock wave Mysin@—9 <1 19) enc, fran oblique shock wave, Mf canbe greater tha o ess than 1. In order to lize the above lationship to ind the proper f oblique stocks the elation Between 2, and Af hast be known Now iil be een from Fig. 64 that % % ng= 4, ngs = 2 or But twas previously noted that: beh and from the continuity auton it fotos that: m, ar Equation 617, therfore can be wet ge tan (96) _ ps _2+(— Min ine m+ Daa A “x, my (os) 9. (611) having ben used it fotows that which becomes, on rearrangement 12 Compresibe Fd Bow nme 6 Oblique Sock Waves 125 sang =20.AL=30, Sisgen FIGURE 66 $= Fans 1 Ser Osigue sock chan Substituting for rom e9. (618) then es = + DM] sin? 6 2— y= Dat si? Faas DMP ano + DAB ot Msn? B—) 2 Mr Fos 2 “This equation gies the variation of wth My and 4H willbe noted ea ‘he ring angle 4s to won cot =O and aso when fin Js gual © 9 20 when 3 = 9° sand g=sin 41/900) these two ints being of cour, normal shock and an infty weak Mach truve Thur as daca before an obbgue shocks between «normal shook Unda Mach wave sania n Fig. 6 noth ofthese wo Kmting 5s, there no turing o the low. Hetwecn these two baits reaches a maximum, “The relation between & My and 8 a8 ghen By cj (618) is sally presented graphically and resembles that shown in Fig. 6A Niger and More tecurste papi aven im Appendix G, The software that suppor {his book alo allows the relationship to be found. For ow over boa tht ae ueace set at an ange (othe oncoming ow, ths graph ot eq (619) Irom which is derived, or the software provided, lls the shock angle tobe found for any vale off. This Hosted in Fig 6 “The nrmalshock init andthe Mach wave iit onthe oblique shock ta iven vale of fy ae given bythe jtercepts ofthe curves wit the vertical Svat 30, The iseaed in Fig 8 It wl algo be se from the diagram given in Fig 66 that, as alieady ‘mcaioned,thete a maximum ange thro which 2 gas canbe turned at tBhen The ale ofthis maniam turang angle fr given Mi ca be buna by diferetating eq (619) With respect to 6 fora fed My and ‘etingdb/4)eyual co zero. Ths leads to the following expression for the ene Geoerton of an oboe Shock nave (wee Shaped ody) one ming css on oBtigue sock chart Stee ses FIGURE 6S ‘maximum turing angle: OE athe ESE Lining ess of a be shock si fa = 4 [Re [yor oC ttre titan) ser a th sok geht hen it ini ae 8 TNen "One Son hs bets ound ung tea) canbe ed 126 Compile Fad Fw to find the vale ofa. The vation of swith M0 obtains for = 14 Ipahowa ia Fig 89. Er flow over bodes nelving greater angles han this fiached shock oct astral in Fig 610. A detached sock is curved, Ingenta and not amenable to nalyccal eaten Te shoul also be nod that ge My increase, By Inereases so tha if 2 ‘sy imoling tien timing ani, acterates froma fw toa high Mach rembr, the shock can he detached at the low Mach numbers and become [rach st the higher Mach numbers Teil urbe be noted fom Fig. 6.6 that 8 es than fa hee are two pou solutions, eto posible values for fora sen Mf; and 28 Indiged in Fig. 6.11 “ie solution gtng the ager termed the strong shock solution and is indicat bythe dated ines i Fig. 85. The figure aso shows the Ms = T fowus an sows thats i avays les than Tithe strong shock case ‘Eaprimemtaly. tis found ha for gen Bf ad # nextel Bows the shock mg sally that corresponding the weak’ oF on tong shook “tons Unde some ereumstances, the conditions dowastteam ofthe shook. tna) cause the tong shack solution fo extn par of te ow. Tn the event of hohe information Beng availabe the nomstrong shock solation shouldbe thd, The saltware that supports this Book ives Both the weak and strong, tligue shock solutions. ‘Rvcarve that detennines when the Mach number downstream of the FIGURE 6? Visuton of simu ming ang with Mt orga ricuRE 610 Detach abou shock wie ure (hha 8 > fo Ze ‘ure & Ogu Shsk Waves 127 taegdctiny FIGURE 611 ae Seong ek ote sok wave te we) sock. ie. Af, sequal to sao given in Fig 66. The Mach number behind {he shock ia the stron’ shock ease wll be se to Be aba lee tha ‘Tas oblgue shock Waves rls ae ofen presented in the orm oa series of diagrams. However, ll calculations can be curd out using. single graph Biving the relation between 8,3. and AM, such ab that shown in Fig. 6, fogether ith normal shock table. This procedure is, fora piven Mand 8 toruse the dagram wo give dand then to culate Mf = My sin Sand 0 se "he normal shook rations or the ormal sock tables to ind Pn Ty/T, and Myx corresponding to th value of Mach momber. My then obtained by sting equal 10 Myy/Sin 34). Alleratvely, the salware provided can Be wsed 1 arr out this procedure [Allowing with o Mach umber of2 with pres of YORPaaod s temperature {30C pass over component ofan act hat san be moda a wee Sth an fal ng of eat saan nth the Row che Rw tre Through ae ange of, eading othe sneratin of am oboe Sock Nate. Fd ‘the pres acting o he sure of th Solation FIGURE Baan Tio Sanvenat ere the ow ro though angle and he Mach number wpstreae tie shck wave heh 36, Hen, aig te bg stock chart othe SSnoare ae 304" oe Fg Eo), Us as vale teh Myy = Min = 250334 = 110 ‘This validity given by the stare "Noval shock tons tb he software pve for an upstream Mack sumer 10 (Mh » “Theor: = 12820 = 9964 jes the peste downstemof the sock ma t 9.64, This wil be the [rau acing ont surface of the wage basse fhe Pow it unform Swe ‘ram of te shock wave 63 REFLECTION OF OBLIQUE SHOCK WAVES. Here, the “refstion” ofan oblique shock wave from a plane wall il fst be ‘considered Am alge shock i assumed to be generated fom 2 body that turns the flow through an angle at shown in Fig 612. Te ene flow on sing throwph this wave is then turned "downwards through an angle & Flowever, the Ro adjaent to the lower at wall mast be parle othe wal ‘Thi sony pose if rete” wave generated as shown in Fig. 612 {hat tame the flow hack "up" through& The changes through the inital and Fefeted waves are shown in Fig 6.12, a being the inital wave and b the ‘etcted wave ‘Sine the low downstream ofthe “reflected” wave must again be paral {o the wal both waves must produce the sume change inflow direction. Thus, tn onde to dstrmine the properties of thie rfesed wae, the Tollowing procedure is sed Rett bie shosk. wave 1 For the given Mand & determine Me and p/p 2. For his value of Ms and since the turing angle ofthe second wave so determine My ad p/p. 3. The overall pressure ratio, p/p i hen found from: bpm BPD: 44. The ange that the refed wave makes withthe wali + Sand since sets found in step 2 ths ange sane determined ‘A owing with Mach number of 25 with a rest of KPa a a emp {Gre of °C pases over ele which ture he How hough a ange Icing othe poration of an obo sock wave. Tis obiqu shock mae inpngs ‘on at wal whi spall to the Bow upstream of the wee, fn eect” from i Find te peste and wot being here ‘TResatin under onideation shown in Fig £62, ‘Upsteam ofthe tal wave he following codon ex: Ps, SKM =25 ‘The conditions downey ofthe inal ave, ei elon 2 ate is \GURE Eade = 186° Sin 266= 12 Hence My = ‘This ae io tly gen bythe softwar ‘Net ing normal nck rao orbs ov software for an pseu Mach numer 9112 (My) the elowing af obtain mesos, Bais FB But Ms= Msi -8) ae Condition end ie ese wan repo 3 wl ete dere by onsrig te change om pan 2 tenon an haw nF EO. Now or Hee ot the ota shock chao the sft gies ence Myx = Mein = 236650285 = 111 ‘Thi wale a dire sven bythe software ‘Next wing normal shock eon o bles o sofware foram pres ‘Mach umber of 1113 (i) the flowing ae ane Dims Moy 090196, B39, ut Mor~ Asin —9) sons—ay" 7 27138640 = LOUK rap Pont aK =k FIGURE 624 ‘rare Oblique Sbck Waves 151 2) = ORT, ~ TAR TATEB = MS mi roms reece ‘The prewure acting on the wall near am obi shock resin is ‘sco effets ae fnored, show in Fig 613 In rel fide, a boundary layer exists the wall in which the velociy| rope fom resem vale to vero tthe wal This means tht the Bow Sdjient othe wll subsonic and cannot stan the prewuredscontautios asocited with shock waves. Due othe prescace ofthe boundary layer there 's therefore, a “spreading out” of the pressure distbution which may thete- {ore vesembe hat show in Fig 6.14 “The actual frm ofthe presse distribution will depend on the spe of ‘boundary layer Bo. Le. laminar or turbulent the thickness ofthe Boundary layer and on the shock irenth. The nteracon an alo ene oa ep ‘om bubbe inthe boundary layer asshowa schematically in Fi 618: The ‘ompieity ofthe reeton that can ocr i also shown in ig. 16, “Another point coneming the reflection of oblique shock waves shouldbe noted. twas previouly indicated that for a given inal Mach number, thre ‘samininm angle through which en oblique shock wave can tun ow and FIGURE 613 ‘Nal pest dsribton sea pia a lige shook wave reese in ‘teen nals 134. Compress Fit Flow rane e4 | Mach rein ccs when the maxima using ange oreponsig he See teem inca aera or eno SRE ae ey arate weltse rsh te wg tage rods oe te ape es ite "nn eae approach wi ce A sng sae wl te mn te ta rte ee ema unl and he fess Arwen hs ci ale We idee agp sng il te ese Ts teed SF TE ES, oe Rich redoion wi ext The trang ang tat ks roca het te dela ae ees inthe bl ae drvl come te cae wht isan oD Now or 8 ‘he ou shock cat or he stare ie: Hence My = Ming “This ae asia sien bythe sft Nau inom bok atone or abs or softare for an wae Mach unr of 1391 (M9) the following btn Me = 0786 ae Ma Mya) 0706 eo9 a Me sapsm— 157 Now for M=2002 the obigue sock chart or the sofware ves baa BA Heowe ofan f= BOT 12= OY ‘Using this approach, the vals in Table E43 have Been re Tnersaing bees the ease the above tbe ten nates hat ee NS thecore th enne angle proguced by the wee ‘nov thn 1797 Mach eeton wl os. In the above discussion of the reflion of obligue shock waves it was asamed tha the sock wat ete ofa flat wal. ln some circumstances. the ‘Stem ivolved may be designed so that the wall changes ditection sharply at ‘nara & Obigu Stock Waves 135 FIGURE «19 ‘Chane ofl ton at pit of the point of shock impingement. This shown in Fig 6.19. The Now down Steam of the cfd sock must be pal! to the wall dowastream ofthe fection, Hence, the turing angle produced by te reflected wave must be Fhe the wall ange bug mesure in the dreton shown in Fig 619, itesaConven comers ing taken as postive. For sucha convex cornet, then, the refleted wave wl be wenker than the wave that woud be efieted rom 3 fat wall IFS, 6, n0 relcied wave wil occu, Ve the imeient oblique Shockwave willbe “eancelled™ by the taming of the wall I, > 6) am “xpunslon wave ofthe type dissed nthe next chapter Will e generated [cata pre of kPa anda temperate of 20°C fows aa Mach mmber E55 orers neg ling tothe eneration ofan blue Sek wae. Tae ‘gue shock ve npn on wal whch "une aa rom he Bow by ‘cla te pnt whee te obigu shock nave pnt on the wal as Sing comet € corer atthe pnt morte fhe feet bac pes on SsscheBw pten I te lening edge ofthe wee 'm above ie wal war bd fh edge woul the change nwa ne have to ox? Shee te change in wal diston eae to he unig ane produc bine ncn shock the fw tnd th nent shsk pra othe val ‘Thee mil tuo, bono Tested wave the sock 6 ately he ‘Stn "he ow pam i tersore bes shows a Fig E63 ‘Noa au indicat the prenowso examples, fe My=25 be ‘he ous sock cart oF he stn: FIGURE a INTERACTION OF OBLIQUE SHOCK WAVES 1 be ote fom the esis md con gen ofthe prope of Shige shook wate ta «An oblique snk wave lays dese th Mach amber i Me mus be paral othe dow fram wl, peometrial considerations show that Nz > Ny. But Nz and Ny ust be related hy the normal shock wave elation and in deaing with Poel shock waves it was ahowa that an expansive shock was nt possible Since it would wot the second lw of thermodynamic It therefore not possible Yor 1; to be greater than Nand the flow over convex comer tnnot, therfore, ake place through a oblique shock. inorder to understand the acsal ow that occurs ben a supersonic ow ser sboxt conven corner, consider what happens im genera, when the Flow is turned chrough erential small angled, this producing dle ‘ntally sal changes dp dp. and AT nthe pressure density and temperature respectively, The present analysis appis wheter dis postive or negative, Tetwbuter the corners concave or conve, the changes through the dif ‘nialy weak Mach wave produced being wentops (ce te) By the reas ing previwsly given, the velxity component paral to the wave, Lis Unchanged bythe wave. Hence, considering unit are of the was, shown Fig 7 the equations of continuity and momentum sve N= (p+ dpKN + dN) les Pav +Ndp=0 on higher onder erms having teen neglected, and P(r dp) = PN + AN) ) ie p= pw aN on 150 Compresste Fit Few ricuRe 73 (Changes produc bya weak eave Substiuing fr a fom og. (72) nto eg (1) gives: wie os) Now: ih ga of vey weak we onsdred hd) wi be egal to the neve ofthe upstream sped of son =a of Naa 04, ‘ign Fe. 14 Poe ne aan by te ron of the daturbane, i follows that (+ dV )oosia~ dO) = V cos ies W +4V cosa 60840 + sin asin do) = Veoser Expnding and ignoring higher onder ems then gives: Veo + V sina dt +-d¥ cosa = V cosa: w Therefor: Yo tana “ as “Te eronemeieran raguner Parco coten 7 Expansion Waves: Pan Meyer Flow 151 ‘ce ignoring higher order terms C2})-P- IOS Aer HOE-F8 But by the previously made assumptions wat away oo $0 69, (7.6 becomes: ies on or using 9. (75) #. ay Porter, sn: de _dedop _ Naa’ _\dp po aee eps ap ‘i folows, wing (7.8 tha: eee 9) ovat ‘ Sima 10) Lastly, since: the differential change in Mf is given by: 152 Compresible Fil Flow vos) aaa so that Hence: cay “Thus ferential sll change in flow dreton produces an isentropic iturbance such that: a x40 apoa dpade aM x40 a these changes ls Being indicate i Fig 75 “This, flow around a corner, which may be considered to const of an infinite nuriber of difereatally small angular changes, 2 shown in Fig. 7.6.18 ‘onder, i allows from the preceding results tht for postive angular ‘hangs the Mach number dcresses and the waves converge to form an Sbiigue shock wave while for a nepatve angular change the waves diverge ‘Thus, for ngative changes in wall angle a region consisting of Mach waves is {snorted snd the ow remains setropic throughout, Such ows are elle Prand’Meyer flow and thr form tt a8 shown in Fig. 77 To order to nally determine the changes produced By sucha Bow, i noted that 25: 0.11) most eply lel atl pots within the expansion fan. Therefore, : Zo Chgset byw we nave TREES) Disturbance compen: ase ) urtance xpi Sipe . Mac waver some nth fae ane ricure 77 Pranat-Meyer fow. (a) Nonsenere (8) canted fon sf this eguaton i ineratod i wl give he relation betwes the Bow proper tes and the change in low drstion at any point inthe ow as indicated In Fig. 78 Integration of eq (7.11 gies - ay “The righthand sie of e712) easly iterated sing standard teck- niques Beore giving the rest, however, there are a couple of points to be tote. Firstly since the change ow dren must be negative for Pras “Meser ow 16 ent st convenient o drop the nega sign onthe ft hand Sie Secondly to expres the results in as convenient form as pose ome Sandard condition fr sed to evaluate the constant. The intial Boundary onion i therefore, arbitrarily taken as when Mal ie, 8-0: Veand Gad) ‘Tre application ofthe results to lows in which the Mach number ahead of the cornet not Il be dscstd late, Using (713) nog. (12) then ives 0 [Bhewt flac we! Ton ‘The relation beeen (usualy expressed in degrees rahe han radians as ino. (718) and Ma given bye (714) usualy sted i senropi ables ie pve inthe entropic low tie sm Appendix B. of sour, as 80 ‘meaning when is es than 154 Compresie Fluid Flow Before dissing the application ofe. (714) x worth considering the liming eas of Ms ln thiscase sac tan" @~ 5/208 gc i folows that as My as) 16) Thus, if a flow at « Mach aumber of 1 is turned through an ange of 130.5, an infinite Mach number is generated and the presue falls to zero Expansion through a greater ange Would, acording to the present theory lend toa tacuum adjacent tothe wal ay iiated i Fig 19" OF course 0 ‘eaity, the continuum and eal as asumptons cease oe va long before ths station is each. ‘Next, consider the aplication of eq, (7.14) to the calkulation ofthe Now ‘changes produced by a Prandl-Meyer expansion. Referring to Fig. 7.10 the procedure ia follows 1. From table or graphs or from the equation ind the value of corespond- ing to My, Thi i equivalent to assuming that the nal Bow was {Peated by an expansion around a bypothewal corner from # Mach umber of I the reference Mach number nthe abs, to a Mach number orm ricure79 Expuson fo 0 presse Spee AGU lw charge hough Prantl- 2 ‘cnaerin 7 Expansion Waves Prandt-Meyer Flow 138, ‘Anges tne wih ented eension ‘Calculate the @ for the flow downstcam of the corner. This wll be given by m=ae8 Find, sing tables or graphs or the equation, the downstream Mach mum her, Mp, coresponding to th value of 8 ‘Any other require property ofthe downstream flow is obained by noting thatthe expansion entropic and that the following relations, herefre oa _ aa a(n ak tery, whee salle eng Sow tbl an Be wed, teiay noted ht We sagan prs ru costal son the toes, ele the boundaries of te expansion wave. Tis done by moting that they ae the Mach ines coresponding to the uptream nd has to be known. To find the consder the wave tobe spt previously explained, into a Series of veaelets each produced by a direataly sal jump in piston velocity and ‘ich producing iferentlly small enange i Yelost, presure, ee If Ue Inca ga veloc im the nave iV the wavelet is propauted with yloiy (a1) rae to the tube walls de shown in Fig, 722. Consider the fom felative othe wave a indicated in Fig. 723. Applying the momentum ei fon fo the flow across the wave ges tasty expan wave Flow rae o wavelet conser 16s Compresle Fd Flow p(w dp) pala + dv) ~ a) But g ae = fa--f att 23) 2 (2) fetal) “Tiss the base equation of unsteady expansion wave ow. One (oy/a) is known, te other changes seros the wave canbe cleat by noting th the flow through the wave is isentropic s0 that: ) igure 20 FFE oy Untedy epson wave produc by iL sade opening th end ofa be a-GY" 8-() sah lr rere Acted er osoe aw see ee see Aas ane acre SS TSISTT bate a ctl aa ete tne nly lectern e Seana nga mone coder eparton ee cee ee oe te aw ae oe Teen + Pri fine manana capone SSprtan wnt to at tor pics ae 221 (5)2 0% ut the expansion i isenteopieso that @)-@)* - Ga)t-@) Which wives the veloity at wich the ps wil be dca from the rube i Interesting to note that mater How large the inal pressure, pi ee {Tmanimum elosty at which the gts wil be discharge, this being ps the atmosphere ie, % om 28) This is then, the maximum velocity which can be generated by an ‘unsteady expansion wae propagating into gas af ret Ht should not be onfsad with the maxinum eeape velocity previously discussed which was the maximum velocity that coud be generated by a steady isentropic expan 2 dhuphrap tthe ed of 4m ong pipe contig aia x pero 2008 ind temperature of °C Suen ruptures easing a expasion ave to Propaete down the pipe. Find the velo whieh the i dcr rom Siam ree Oh Ao Se ey et {oath the cd of epg ‘The oe shown a Fig. E76 Now was town above tha: no (2)-6)I In the preset ese T= C= 308K, fllows that: = va an sam UF, “Terr, th vel a whch Ie fro the pie 158 The font of he wave propagates a the cal speedo sou he unl tured sry teat 389 ms Thea of me propane at the lal pet of a-C3)(2) 123-00 Because the font of the wave is moving ata welosty of 489m, the ime taken forthe on he wane to ach he od of he pipe ey ies the ine or the ead of he wave to ech tend of the pipe O95, 00s An unsteady expansion wave i also generated when a moving shock wave reaches the end ofan open ducts indiatd in Fig 7125 and 7.26 Stations seins number of praca stations in which unsteady shockwaves and fxpanson waves are Stultaneouly generated. Perhaps the sme! example ‘tthe thew that occurs in a so-aled “shock tube,” Inte smplest ors, {his consists of a log tube of constant area divided into two sections by a iaphragm which i typiealy made fom a thin shet of metal which often has irooveveu int ito esure hat ican be eal and cleanly Broken. The tbe Contains a high pressure gas on one sie ofthe diaphragm and alow pressure 35 on the other sde ofthe diaphragm, as shown ip Fig. 727, When the ‘Kapbrgm is eoken ether by mechani meags or by aceasng the pressure fn te high peste ide of the diaphragm, shock Wave propagates nto the ak one FIGURE 725 Generation of exptson wave by refestin of FIGURE 726 Fg fr fom aoc with he iGuRE 727 ‘Arrangement of shsk be 172 Compre Fai Flow Spm bed Sk ricuRe 728 a ‘Wave enrol in shock be wing repre of Sprig, SS ' r Sedan pons low presure section and an expansion wave prope into the high pressure section at iusrated in Fig. 79, Betwoon the shockwave andthe expansion ‘wave a region of uniform velocity i generated that cam be used for many Aileen pes of experimental staes For example body can e placed 0 ‘he Now and te forces om it canbe messured. The how i & shock tbe ony lasts fora shor period of tine, ofcourse, because the waves ate reed off the ends of the tube However this device hus been widely used in many Suis of compressible Rows The velit that is eerated ina shock tubes determined by noting that the velocity end pressure behind the shock wave must be equal the velo 8nd pressre hing the expansion wave ts inicsted in Fp 729. The shock Weave increases the temperature of the gas whereas the expansion wave Aeceases the temperature of the gs. Ifthe temperatures i the high and low pressure sections ofthe tube are inl the same, i Tllows tha there sl tbe uniform Lemperatre betwee the shock nave and the expansion ‘eave, tis being shown io Fig 723 The way in which the ow generated ina shock tube canbe analyad is iusto i very hase way nthe following example [bec tke ently cont of long abe conning sr apd separate no {hosts ys aphrapm, The presume eof fe arg ar S0OKPs nnd SO\PL andthe temperature [SC te bo ecto he da Prag i suddenly raptar, te soy of heat Beas te owing ‘Sock nate and the moving exsnion wate tha ae pened soooy FIGURE ETI EY ORE Sd ‘Tew ht peered bythe paring ofthe phe i shove ie Fi Eva The spent sound athe undtural ate, insects 1 and 28 ph & 2) a= ART = VIER ~ S26 ‘The sent ofthe shockwave and expasion wane mast be ich hate SHEE ee theme fhe eng at Bech Oa PP and * “hore are many procedures fo otaising the soton bat avery sme trial- andertor type approach wil be adopted hee It this approach the peste {meen the to tans wile guste ete vale p= pil be posed. ‘epusy cued, Benue The vahe af the pre iv guowed, th to “tics loi gro he egal Caclatons il the be udtaken with Altea vals af the ues pres ad ten the preset aes the at oe pre sORPs, oj = MO2m sok, efor Sohne fr ¥ ge: ‘Neat oni the low sero the shockwave. The Now elatvetothe ok i ‘Se frp = S08Pa 14 Comprenibe Fd ow or iprmoetnt Bat Ms the hk Mach amber, Mon moa ence forthe psd pres: ut a eased in Chap 6: trom wiht follows at P= Vo= Mey = 1178-0598 484 = 468.7 nce when cs gms tht y= p= ISO, iti fod hat Y= 104 Chelation ois pe ve en cared ot fora number of thr values the gud pers the ee of some of tse elculatns eng gen i {Tvle E77'By imerolassa bene thoe fess cn be deded that PSV when pyonpe= Hoke a ha a ths presue 95 = Va= 2 ms 12 taloy ea ren the moving shock wave ade move expansion sen me Ti nn Me Meats only eis) wld CONCLUDING REMARKS CObiique shock waves are associated wih rs in presute over avery thin region, the fw through such a wave belag nom sentropi. These waves ae Assocated with a turning of the ow “towande uel ie, with concave ‘comers. When the flows tured “away from itl” an expansion wave Is {sterated Le, an expansion wave & generated at conver comes, Such © ‘wave, whichis termed a Prandi- Meyer wave, i not thin, in genta, and the flow throvgh ii enuopie. The characteristics of such waves were discussed in ths chipter A teatad type of ow, an unsteady expansion ‘rave, was so considered PROBLEMS “TA Aris towing ove at wall. The Mach mabe, pes, and temper ip the airstream are 3, SOKPa abd 20°C repr Ifthe wll ee ay from the ow rough an angle of 10" eating oh oration of an expan wave, what wil be the Mach rambo, pest, and temperate be Bow 172, Air Bons ong a at wall at Mach suber 02S and apres of 1004s ‘Te wal ue awards the ow thugs an ani of "lading othe era to ofan abu sock wane A sont tne dwoaten othe wal ‘arms away tom fe flow tough se angle of lading tothe eneston of "pation wave casing the fw to Be all nial ron Find ‘he Mach nner and ese Gounseam the expansion we 7A. Alri owing ata Mach aumber of? at temgeritue and pes of 100P {nd OC down a dct. Oe wal is dc tn though anang o a¥y tom the fw ing ote formato of an expanse nave. Tis epension swivel retocdefthe fat oppose wal fhe dat Find the esr ad Temperate bb the eed wane 74. Ales oing through ide canal a Mich namber of 1.5, be rete {og 1204s. The epper wal ofthe channel fre through a agi of sym he Ro easing the geen of expen wate. Ts ‘pansion wave “yes fhe ft lower sae ote chan Find tbe ‘Mich umber nd pres ater th ston. 7S. Air Roning ats Mac umber of sum hough an ange hat eds the feneron ofan xptate wave aoe whch he ee erent 99 SE Find the angle that ibe opseam and Jownteam dr of expan Hoe ‘nak ot tal flow doesn. 76 Anaicstrum towing a a Mack umber of ts expanded around cose orn wih an angle of eg fo the peertion fa apanson nave ‘Some ditance dounsrm of this the ir Hows around conve corer Icing to the sncraton a a bg shock wave and reli he Boo ional dtc, If the rss inte eal ow 6D KP ne prcsure downstream of th ose sock wave 179. Amobique xk mae occur ala in wich the Mach umber 2, {shoot wave trig the fow though 10 The ss ve png on fee bounday ans which the rear consat nd eal ota sing Size of the abock wate. The shock ref” fom ths oun) a8 ‘amsion wate ind he Mack nantes ow drason dwt fit 7. Alcs towing though a wide channel a Mach sumer of? presi of {Soka Te upper ml he channel une ough a ange a © ay ‘om thc Bo lending to the nerton aan exanso wae, we he omer sto he cana! ture trough an sale of am" frm he fw ss ‘Ein tothe pematon of am expnson wave, The two enpunoon wanes Interac and ps though eth thr Fad he ach ume Row esto, "nd preset dota of th teraton 19. A smmeticldowbe-wedpe sage body with an ical anh of 5° ‘Signed mth an ir fw mh The Mach manber andthe pes DADs The dw stanton therfore a shown n Fig PA. Fi the re 4 <>" 7140 A single wing may erode 0. m wide apa st at am angle of 0 Ah aifow a «Mach number a 3, the prestrenthi fow beg 404Pa ‘stung tha the ow’ over the we two-dimensional, saat te nd apr per mee spa de athe wave formato ote wing. What ‘ther fear sues dao heme! 1, Conder wo-dineesinal Now ove the doubled sic shown in Fi Pri Find ht and repr mtr span acing othe raw seth ‘ow pte How dos te presse vary oe the uc of thea? alte, 02 LGURE Prat frieepttan, 71% For the doable wage si shown in Fig. 712. fn the Bt pe mer span the Mach ube ad presen the unter sr ow aead ofthe aioe nd OuPa respecte ‘urn 7: Espnion Waves Pranl-Meyer Flom 177 FIGURE Pra 73, A suey diaphragm atte ed of 13m og pipe containing ara pressure of {hUPa ss tempertre a 10-C suddenly aptarn,causng a epanion ara fem te pipe the ely othe oo a the bck fhe we, sd “be tine ake forthe fon ofthe wae ofeach the ed othe pipe. Ae ‘hat he amb press of th i srousing he pipe 100. 7.44 An unsteady expusion wave popaats down ads contanng sit saa Pree of Ska and» tenga of 308°C. The peared the Sve S004Pa Find te velo and he Mach amber nthe ow ta AS As owing though along pipe aa veo of Sms at pres and Seri san rp. Yo a ht sd 0 fread the pipe fing valve crue and nd the pres ig om Etch ve imme Tong te valve ore 746A tong rg is comeing ns a pessure and temperate of 1S0KPa and Tet eeapavl at svc of Dene Valera ited a bath he inet tnd the sat tothe pp Diam what aver wil be developed tad wt Prue lst ont ae (1) he int vale suey sed, 2) the ‘pecs On eof te takes suey opened to the suroundig so ‘Sle At what wloky dct tea le the open ea of the te the niet pressure 1004 7.18 tong pipe contig a separated into wo etn by a laphrngm. The resus on oe siete daprap I S00KPa an the sea on the eet ae of he daphram 100K? thea tempera Bing AC BO ‘ssons If th apr suddeny rps une» shock wave to move Iso te low per sccton, ahd ta expumsion wave to move to Ue igh reset ae presse and i soc inte tepon bem he 19, A sok tube contac ait is inl pressures on the wo sds of the Suprapn of 400KPa snd 10K? he temperate of fe a hang 25 foi ccion. Inthe daptragnscurting thet ston sud op {edi the sec: pres and tepeatre afte ir betwee te ‘Bovsg shockwave a he moving expansion wave ha ae generated 174 Compre Fad Flow ‘Theale press in he high an ow esse ations of constant ater ‘hook ithe ar sD RPa an 20s respec Te temperate in Boh Steions are SC. Afr the dpa that parts the wo sens ap ‘Sirs oct wave popes tothe lw pcs sen snd an epi trveropaptes io the Moh rere ston. Find the so aed ‘Cnprseres fevers te to wanes ath weloty of he sok wane CHAPTER 5 Variable Area Flow a INTRODUCTION Steady Now of gs through ductor steam which has a varying cross Sectional area wl be considered in this chap. Such ows, i. compresble [slows trough 4 Got whore crosesetionalaea varying. osc in many npineering devices, eg. in the aozle ola Tocket engine and in the Bade sages in turbo machines Tell be assumed throughout ths chapter thatthe fow canbe adequately ‘modeled by assuming it to be one-dimensional a al sections ofthe dt, te ‘Quis-one dimensional ow wil be assumed in this chapter. This meas, by Virtue ofthe discussion given in Chapter 2, thatthe rate of change of eros sectional area. wth distance along the duct isnot very large. It wl also be ‘ssumed in ths chapter in studying the ects of changes a atea on the Mow thatthe Bowie entropic everywhere except trough any shock waves that ‘may oscur in the lon. This assumption is ustlly quite adequate since the ‘Hess of faction and heat wanser are usualy reste to thin boundary layer inthe types of flows here being considered and thei eects can often Be |gnored or be adequately accounted for by introducing empiial constants, ‘The presence of shock ates wll hae 10 be aeounted Torin the work of this chapter andthe flow through these waves as discussed before, Bot lsentropc a2 EFFECTS OF AREA CHANGES ON FLOW Consider, Sst, the general ees ofa change in area om te isentropic ow Ahrough 9 ehsonel The situation considored shown in Fig Bl, 48, the ‘ffs ofa dierent small change in area, 44, onthe othe variables. ie. Vp, T. and pare conidere. The eflcts of do the change a peste, [Nex it is recall that the energy eqution gives: ote hich gives fr the stustion being considera cm waar? ot meer sary ewe ict fit onder accuracy eat +Vav = e Furter, he equation of sate, ies Po eRT and p+dp= (0+ dp\R(T +dT) Sobiratng these two equations and dividing the esl bythe ist ofthe two uations ges to fist order accuracy 64 Lastly, since the flow being considered is, by assumption, Hentopi, fotos that 65) Because dp/p ad dp are by assumption smal the second ofthe above two quatons ges to rst order accuracy: co a ‘Combining tis with the rst equation ing, (5) then gives to fst order b_ do #_ 4% 66 tion (6.2, (8.3, (84), and (8.6) together ate sufcient to determine the reguted ress, 12, to determine the relationship between the Tou? arable d/p, dV /V. dP/T, and. dp/p and the fractional ates change A/A. Fest combining eg. (88) and (84) ges en hich can be substituted into eq (6.2) to give do, av o- 08+ EF =o ay pat Demo me 182, Compressible Fluid Flow: So 03 (68 can be writen a to wot a» Subsiuing this into 9. (2) then ives Beup yt (810) 4 v which ey alternatively be writen as: a“ 4 Hoary ey Because and V ate poste it may be conlude from the shove two 1. IPM <1, ies if he Mow is subsonic, then dt has the opposite sign od, et decreasing the are inereates the velocity and Wie vere. 2. If Iperf thew i supersonic then hae the same sign as dV, i decreasing the aren decreases the velocity and vie vers, 8. Wirt then da =O and reaches an extremum, Fron (1) ad (2) Follows that when M1, mast bea minim Further important conclusions regarding the effets of varying ares on the flow variables can be obained by wating og, (8.10) 3: yn yaar Soap) Se «2 However, by noting that = Mit fllows tha: av _aM de Fae 6) Funes a= VFRT and ob de= VGRP PAP) Tend of en ino ato a: odes yanr(i42) Hence dividing this esult by the Bist ofthese equation gives eter 27 ad sine the energy 9.3) ves: ‘omrren 8 Variable Ares Flow 183 (5! aot aw SFE] an Sebutitting thi intr, nto eg (8.12) gies (9 From this equation i follows that: 1. When <1, dt has the opposite sign to dM, e, when 4 increases, Mt decrees. 2. When AY > 1, has the same sign as d8f eg when A increases, ME 3. When = 1, d4'=0, Le, Aisa minimum when M = 1. dean eso be zero when dif 3s 20, 1s, minimum in the flow aren can alo be ‘ssoiated with a maxi or nisi in the Mach number ‘The results derived above concerning the effl:t of area changes om the Mach mumber andthe velit are summarized ia Fig 8.2. From these results, ills that subsonic ow ito be acest fon wupersoni oct it rus be pased through a comsergent-dvergeat passage oF noe, The com Vevgent orton accelerates the fow up to'a Mach aumber of | andthe ‘verge portion thn accelerates the Bow to supersonic velocity. At the lroat, since 4 0, the Mach numer sequal oT. This x summaries in Fig £3 Of course ia sich anor, the peut will decrease continuously throughout te nozle. I the end pressure isnot low enough, the Row ill remain subsonic throgghout asm Venturi mer, te supersonic Row will, fot be peeratd ln ths sto, since di sl Pro a the thos, and «1a mst be 20a the throat. Le, te velocity and Mach number both reach ‘maximum at the throat (ee Iie for a detaled discusion of the actual ‘perating characteris of toch moze), na similar way, i the flow entering the nozzles supersonic wo possi ‘ities x. iter the Mach nomber wl dscras oI atthe throat aad hea ‘continue to decrease to sbsoni ales nthe divergent portion ofthe moze, ‘or the Mow will emain supersonic thoughout the ovale, the Mach number 14 Compresble Fit Flow sonar FiGuRE 82 ii et fae cng on SS Mach Sumber sly: <3 coe (a) sata om ear (8 Sipe ow i FIGURE RS Ce Generation of superion Bo i ones ‘and velocity, inthis ease, decreasing in the convergent portion ofthe now Feaching minimum although sil supersonic ulus a the throat, and then increasing again in the divergent portion ofthe naz a EQUATIONS FOR VARIABLE AREA FLOW Attention was given inthe previous etion to the changes in he Bow variables produce by aliferenaly small change in area Equations forthe changes in fhe Bow variables produced by nite changes inthe Roar wl be derived in i preset section. The presence of shock waves inthe fow will forthe sent, be ianored. The fw is then, as previowly discussed, analyand {sng the assumption that sie one-dmnsonal a al ations and als that itistsentropic. The required elation could ive ben obtained by iterating the diferent relations gven Inthe previous Seton, Ite eos, however, to denve the relations by diet appving the Tull energy and continuity uations. ‘rapran 8: Variable Area Flow 185 Flow through convergent-divergent duct (cio | an be any the ds. Consider the low of a gx from a large reservoir through some duct system as showa in Fig. 4. Because the reservoir Is large, the stagnation ondtions exis inthe fervor, Ley the pressure, deni. and temperature fn the reservoir ae yp, and Ty eespeivey. The equations governing the Aw at some arbitrary scion | are the comity equation: ‘nVady = constant = mas Bow rate, on and the energy equation: 2 oi) ‘The momentum equation could have been uscd instead of the energy uation snc, a disused ear, they ead to the sume resus in eno ow. ‘in adtion to eqs. (8.17) and (8.18), the isentropic relations apply a ll ™ e@-@-@" anita section of the ditto the pressure vali, py, eusing at this ‘ection To-do ti, tis noted that the energy exstion (18) gives (et-@)] ()-@ MAE ne as «ey

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