10 Bài Luận - Cô Mai Phương

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Free time activities

My number one interest is playing sports. I like playing every sport, especially
tennis. Behind my house, there is tennis court. In my free time, I enjoy playing
tennis with my sister or my brother, but sometimes I play with my father because
he is also a fan of this game. He says that tennis is a fashionable sport for young
people or old people. Besides playing sports, I would love to go for a walk with my
friends. We usually go for a ride to remote villages to get fresh air and see
wonderful views in the countryside. Alternatively, if I dont have outdoor activities, I
feel like watching TV at home with coffee and some biscuits. There are hundreds of
fascinating channels these days. Because I am busy with my study during the week,
I really appreciate doing things that I like in my free time. (148 words)
2. An important person
An important person who has influenced my life in the most positive way is my
friend, Minh. Firstly, Minh has a unique sense of humor. She creates the impression
that she perceives everything as a joke and she never complains about her own
problems. This attitude towards life has a great impact on me. I learn from Minh how
to be optimistic and positive. She makes merealize the importance of being open-
minded when interacting with other people, trying to find something I like about
everybody in order to create a pleasant experience for both sides. For the two years
that I have known her, other than becoming one of my best friends, she has
managed to make me reconsider my values, the way I view myself, and the way I
perceive life in general. I am indebted to her for all what she has brought to my life.
(149 words)
3. A memorable event (embarrassing)

Some things are easier to remember, and some are easier to forget. I can
remember my most embarrassing moment as if it happened yesterday. Every break
in school, my friends and I walked through the same corridor, where the science
labs were, that lead to the field. That day, however, was different. My friends and I
were joking and laughing around. As a joke, my friend shoved me. Never did I think
that such a little force would put me on the spot. Due to all the bags that were
scattered on the floor, I stumbled on a few and tumbled on to someone. I was
extremely ashamed to look at who it was. But I remember seeing some seniors
standing there. My so called friends were having a giggle while trying to help me
up. How such a stupid act! At that moment it was extremely embarrassing for me
but now we have a laugh about it. These small moments makes our life interesting.
(166 words)
4. 3 most important qualities that lead to success
Three most important traits that I think define what true success in life is all about
are passion, patience and honesty. Firstly, successful people inject passion into what
they do. In addition, a person with passion typically exudes confidence, and
confidence creates value for themselves and others. When you're passionate, you
make those around you feel excited and everyone wins. Secondly, we need to be
patient to be successful in life. Basically, patience is waiting with difficulties. It's
confidence in yourself, with a good feeling of hope. It helps you tackle difficult
circumstances. Lastly, honesty is the best policy. Honesty can breed trust and
trust makes it easier to build business. Life is easier for honest people to get a
successful business, since they can win trust from people dealing with them. To sum
up, I am convinced that being passionate, patient and honest will lead everyone to
success and happiness in life. (153 words)
5. Advantages Studying abroad
Studying oversea has become common in last few years. It is true that going abroad
for studying has had several benefits not only for the students learning oversea but
for the government and their countries as well. Firstly, studying in a different
country is seen as the best opportunity to obtain new knowledge as well as
accumulate significant skills for their future. Moreover, when living in the foreign
countries, the international students have to get along with teammates who come
from different parts of the world. Hence, they would be interacting with a number of
various cultures, which helps them to broaden their mind and building self-
confidence as well. In addition, these students will become key workforce for their
countries where they will go back after finishing the course in foreign countries.
From these points of view, the advantages of studying oversea are countless. (144

6. Bad effects of using facebook to students?

Using Facebook does harm the students in some ways. Firstly, the motivation to use
facebook is to socialize. The students irresistible need to connect with their peers,
coupled with the development of 24/7 accessible technologies, makes facebook a
time consuming tool. They push their homework aside to chat with friends, update
their statuses, taking some selfies or check up on all the latest gossips. Spending
too much time on facebook makes student become lazy in reading, doing
assignments, which leads to lower grades and their missing the right step to the
future. In addition, facebook does affect face-to-face communication. People
become so distracted in social networking that they often forget about

communicating in the most influential way and they have little hope of being
connected to people personally. Instead of meeting in person, many people choose
to virtually chat via Facebooks instant messenger or comment section. To sum up,
the bad effects of using facebook need to be considered despite the fact that people
are becoming more and more addicted to it. (172 words)
Everybody has an idol in their life and it can be a source of inspiration to walk on.
Idols inspire us in many ways from life style to behaviour or characteristics. For me,
I particularly admire NickVujicic, who is wellknown for his extraordinary fortitude.
Born without arms or legs, Nick Vujicic overcame his disability to live not just
independently but a rich, fulfilling life, becoming a model for anyone seeking true
happiness. Now an internationally successful motivational speaker, his central
message is that the most important goal for anyone is to find their lifes purpose
despite whatever difficulties or seemingly impossible odds stand in their way. Nicks
life has no worries but is always filled with joy. He can play football, skateboarding,
and swimming. The way of his living has inspired millions of people in the entire
world. Therefore, he is always an idol in my mind. (148 words)
In the age of advanced technology, the computer is one of the most widely used
technologies and it plays an important role in every field of life. It now enables
people to solve many problems without much loss of time. For instance, people are
using computers for paying their bills, managing their home budgets, searching for
information or even working from home. it also makes it possible for people to stay
at home and enjoy what they want by giving access to their favorite songs, books,
films and computer games. Additionally, the computer is being used in other fields
of life such as medicine, business, industry, airline and weather forecasting. For
example, many organizations and banks are using computers for keeping the
records of their customers. Thereby, management processes are easier and more
convenient. Therefore, it could be said that computer is an indispensable part in our
lives. (148 words)
London, which is the capital city of England, has been a great settlement for
thousands of people in several decades. located on the River Thames, London is a
leading global city with strengths in arts, education, entertainment, finance,
healthcare, services and development in the last ages. As a result, London has been
described as the worlds cultural capital. Another interesting feature is that London
is known as a multiracial city, which has a diverse range of people and cultures and
more than 300 languages are spoken within its boundaries. Additionally, London is
home to numerous museums, galleries, libraries such as The National Gallery, The
British Museum. Thanks to the development in many fields, London today has
become one of the most modern cities in the world. Consequently, it could be said
that London is a perfect place for those who want to settle down and colonize. (146
Education plays an indispensable role in the development of modern society.
Consequently, university, which is a nice medium to gain more knowledge, new
experience, career preparation and many useful lessons in human relations, has

become the best choice of many students after graduating from high school. First
and foremost, with the knowledge learned at a university, we have a deep
understanding of our society.Furthermore, high-paid jobs always require capacity
and qualifications. Thus, by obtaining a university degree, we are able to get a
decent job. Additionally, a university is like a small world with numerous types of
people where we have chances to meet and talk to people of different
charactertistics. Thereby, we learn how to interact with other people appropriately.
In truth, university is the key to open almost every opportunity in life. Therefore, it
could be described as a great environment for people to learn and grow up. (154
It is hard to visualize the changes of the world in every aspect of our lives. First of
all, global population reaches nine billion and rapidly advancing technology will
constantly progress ever more rapidly. For instance, internet will continue to
radically transform media and substitute for traditional model of what a news
organization is. Environmentally speaking, it is likely out of control rises in sea
levels, enormous crop shortfalls, and global warming. Besides, rainfall intensity will
increase by 20%; majority animal and plant life will be extinct. In other fields of our
daily lives; such as health issues and education, humans will live longer and remain
healthier because people will have vaccines and cures for many diseases, and have
more opportunities for learning and working. Therefore, it could be said that what
humans do today will create a perfect world in the future.
Today, environmental problems have become more crucial as the world is moving
into a constantly advanced industrialization. We all know that a clean environment
is very necessary to live a peaceful and healthy life. But in fact, our environment is
getting dirty day by day because of some negligence of human beings. Thus, it is
high time we acted to protect the environment. Fundamentally, reducing, reusing
and recycling are some of majority ways to keep surroundings cleaner. For instance,
recycling is the best way to lessen and avoid global warming and climate change.
Additionally, it also helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste and uses less
energy. In this way, we have contributed much to preservation natural resources for
the future. More importantly, our health is also improved that brings a better quality
of life. Therefore, the protection of the environment could be described as such a
duty that people have to do

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