C13 Forest Place Parklands

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LOI &Rey SA INVESTOR RENTALS E-MAIL APPLICATION TO info@sainvestorrentals,co.za 087 230 9863, APPLICATION TO LET ‘COMPLETION OF THIS FORM DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL BE ACCEPTED AS A LESSEE. FINAL ACCEPTANCE IS THAT OF THE LESSOR ‘Accommodation applied for, C1 REST PLACE Unit Number:_C. 13. Building: Foaesr PLACE Occupation Date: ASA cn 15° Ocreten Lease Period (6.or 12 Months);_'2_ MOTH S Rental; 5700 ist Applicant Full Names: (Dr Nir / Misi Mrs / Miss DaectBA os /oq | jage Wats once aN Oncecole Pesos 1 Rema cane Ho Oe Justis So Srackente Lk Postal Code 2560 E-Mail NyaghaSonteeCeyclova: cov 2a Ol Mobile Number O63 24g gage on Bg¢ 25g 3566 —__ Tek) ‘Ave you the Owner of the property where you currenly slay? Yes No Years occupied Present Landlord Agent Tel No Cel No Rent paid Initia LOIN "nN. SA INVESTOR RENTALS Next of Kin: Name and Sumame Ocraun Tatercttia.a adress 1g Penmycane Ho Ce Vunens Srncer Reacueneece Postal Code 7560 EMal O clavie abachira @ Gpefova-gay-24 OR ocbyrabachira@ qmail om wT GalNo 066367 774 M a Tel (W) Full Names: (Or/ Mir Ms Mrs / Miss Y sss Date of Birth Marital Status Identity Number Present Address: Postal Code Ewa ‘Mobile Number Telli) ‘Are you the Oamer ofthe property where you currenly tay? Yes No Years occupied Present Landlord / Agent TelNo CallNo 7 Rent paid Initia..2°S Next of Kin: Name and Sumame ‘Address Postal Code EMail CallNo Tel (Ww) Number of Persons to Occupy Ur duit Male Nor [a _| Names NyAg itt Sw0oo gels 20 fk Female | Ne [anes ; [Chi Male No! [Names [—_—_—_—— loncrenaet te [ | Nana Contact Numbers for Occus FULL NAME CELLPHONE NUMBER WORK NUMBER: E-MAIL ADDRESS Ny Agta Sup s0g 063 24g ahge he Su eh copelo 2: L— ment "APPLICANTS: FIRST APPLICANT SECOND APPLICANT Employer's Name Employer's Address A™ fete, Fire ances Gut Py ‘Occupation Sab Ob Consus net 4 Anad eT ‘Monthly Inoome AND Payment Date A T6 00, PayelTax No N00 | Period Employed 7 MONTH Tel No a) Sit 672) Permanent / Contract, ‘Comphac TR Contet Person and uber Texes Regwsin og AGO 4975 J NS Initia. LOR SA INVESTOR RENTALS Banking Details First Applicant Neosans Nioaano I6ECAR in 33348308 Bank Branch Name Branch Code sie ore | ea] fai Serna i cote segdan ‘Account No Number of vehicles at Premises Za 1 Type Registration 2 Type Registration 3. Type / Registration 4. Have you (or both of you) ever had any judgments / defaults granted agains! you? | ves No Ir Yes, please give details Upon acceptance by the Lanclord andthe presenting ofan Agreement of Lease, lve aaree to pay the folowing Pro-rata rent Fist Month rent [R aete s700 ret k LOIN SA INVESTOR RENTALS ‘SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS TO BE ATTACHED WITH THIS APPLICATION FIRST PERSON [SECOND PERSON Certified RSA ID Document/ Passport Certified RSA ID Document / Passport Certified Proof of current address Certified Proof of current address [3x Cettiid Pay sips 3 x Certiied Pay slips |Ceriffed 3 Month's Original or Bank-Stamped bank statements J. [Cerifed 3 Month's (Gnal or Bank-Stamped bank statements [Cerified SARS Tax Number Verification We declare that the above information is correct. All maintenance and repairs are subject to the Lessor's final approval, I the application is successful \twe agree to sign SA Investor Rentals slandard lease agreement within 2 days of being requested todo so and, ‘Wwe shall be bound by al terms an condilions thereof. No agreement of lease shal be deemed to exist between the Lessor(Agency) ‘and mysel unt th lease tas been sign by, or on behal of, the Lessor We hereby authorise the Landlord of Agent to: Contac, request and obtain information from any erect provider (or potential credit provider) or registered credit bureau relevant fo an assessment of my behaviour, profile, payment pattems, indebtedness, whereabouts, and creditworthiness; Furish information concerning my behaviour, profie, payment patiems, indebtedness, whereabouts, and creditworthiness to any ‘registered credit bureau orto any credit provider (or potential credit provider) eeeking a trade reference regarding my dealings with the Lessor Signed by the First Appicant at Cretyn _Lontiote | 107 devo Seniembe || 16 FIRST APPLICANT [Sanedbyihe Second Apnicantat | day of onthisthe | ‘SECOND APPLICANT {SIGNATURES REQUIRED OF BOTH HUSBAND & WIFE, OR PERSONS SHARING) tia"

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