B8 Carlton Mews Parklands PDF

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SOI". SA INVESTOR RENTALS E-MAIL APPLICATION TO info@sainvestorrentals.co.2a 087 230 9063 APPLICATION TO LET COMPLETION OF THIS FORM DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL BE ACCEPTED AS A LESSEE. FINAL ‘ACCEPTANCE IS THAT OF THE LESSOR Accommodation applied fon. BS CAALTEN MELS UnitNumber 8% Building: CARTON Me Occupation Date: AGAP om 15° Octo fe Lease Period (6 or 12 Months): 2 Months Rental:_SA° st Applicant Full Names: (Dr / Mr / Ms/ Mrs / Miss Date of Birth 2s loa, / 12K Waal Sa cee Wently Nome On Cero 1G Prosentadsiess 6 Remy unne Ho De Vues Srecer SiacnenPe LL Postal Code 2560 E-Mail Nyagha Svrndee@encdova avn Oh Nobie Number > TT Pr coleMumber OG 2 245 gage ok Wed 256 3586 Taw) ‘Ace you the Owner of the property where you currently stay? Yes No ‘Years occupied Present Landlord / Agent TelNo Cal No Rent paid Initial oN SA INVESTOR RENTALS Name and Sumame Octawa J arkcactiaA ‘adress tg Penmycane Ho Oe Vunreas Cancer Boncven eee PosidlCode ey EMal Cclavia Slabs in@ Copetoun op aa OR od echachira@l gmail cow CeANo 060 367 774 s Tel(w Full Names: (Or /Mir/ Ms! Mrs / Miss Date of Binh Marital Status Identity Number Present Address Postal Code E-Mal ‘Mobie Number Teli) 7 jae One epee you one Sa? Ye Wo Years occupied resent Landlord / Agent TelNo Call No Rent paid Initia, 2S SS SA INVESTOR RENTALS Noxt of Ki Name and Summame ‘Address Postal Code EMail Cal No Tel(W) ‘Number of Persons to Occupy Unit fAdutwale | No | y | Nemels Naagia Swaoo gels 20 fAdut Female | No: Namal Peis = child Male No: Names gels Chie Femalé | No: Namels Agels Contact Numbers for Occupants: FULL NAME CELLPHONE NUMBER WORK NUMBER: E—MAIL ADDRESS D3AsiA Spndg 063 BAS ange Nyasa Sipe captors o J. Details of Employment: [APPLICANTS FIRST APPLICANT. SECOND APPLICANT. Employer's Name Nevex Acaren Conmaperisd Fea CoCT. Employer's Address a™ Gove Prax Caracas Geet Max Covad) Ozeupation Sie BK Conses ther A AW ABIST Monthly income AND PaymeniDate__[ 2 v6 ov) PayerTax No N00 | Period Employed i MOTH TeiNo ai Si 672 Permanent / Conract HR Contact Person end number Cant Act heres Regwrory on) 2€0 4995 ms LOO Ken SA INVESTOR RENTALS Banking Details First Applicant NEOs ANAK 1eec4a | [pagzasgos Bank Branch Name Branch Code ssctn nse 2] 1 Bank om Neme ee Code nt No ‘Account No Number of vehicles at Premises = +. Type Registration a a 2. Type Registration “ 3. Type Z Registration - = 7 Have you (or both of you) ever had any judgments /defauls granted against you? Yes No. I. Yes, please give detalis Upon acceptance by the Landlord andthe preséitng ofan Agreernent of Lease, live agree to pay the folowing: Deposit Lease fea Pro-ata rent st Month rent R Sq 60 Total R SA INVESTOR RENTALS ‘SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS TO BE ATTACHED WITH THIS APPLICATION FIRST PERSON [SECOND PERSON Cerifed RSA ID Document/ Passport Certifed RSA 10 Document Passport Certified Proof of current address: vw Certified Proof of current address 3x Centied Pay sips VW [sxCenties Pay sips Certified 3 Month's Original or Bank-Stamped bank statements Certied 3 Month's, (Ginal or Bank-Stamped bank statements [Peril SARS Tex Number Verification 85 Tax Number Verification Hy We declare that the above information is correct, All maintenance and repairs are subject to the Lessors final approval. Ifthe application is successful, ‘Vie agree to sign SA Investor Renta's standard lease agreement within 2 days of being requested to do so and, we shall be bound by allterms and condltons thereof No agreement of ease shall be deemed fo exist between the Lessor(Agency) and myself unl the lesse has been signed by, or on behaf of, the Lessor. (We hereby authorise the Landlord or Agent to: Contac, request and obtain information from any ordi provider (or potential credit provider) or registered crecit bureau relevant fo an assessment of my behaviour, profile, payment pattems, indebtedness, whereabouts, and creditworthiness; Fumish information conceming my behaviour, profile, payment patterns, indebtedness, whereabouts, and creditworthiness to any ‘eqlstered crecit bureau orto any creit provider (or potential edt provider) seeking a rade reference regarding my dealings with tho Lessor, [Sioned bythe First Appicanta Cuero ynd enttiste | 12 "| deyot | Sennemae [20] 16 \ 9 Bry ¢ FIRST APPLICANT [Sioned byihe SecondApnicantat | on this the [ewer] 20 ‘SECOND APPLICANT {SIGNATURES REQUIRED OF BOTH HUSBAND & WIFE, OR PERSONS SHARING) Initial." S

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