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Form 4 Biology

5. Cell Division

New cells are needed for these purpose:


The necessity for new cells to be genetically identical to parent cells:


New cells are produces from one cell, by a process known as _____________
This process involves of nuclear division called _____________ followed by
a cytoplasmic division called _____________________.

Chromosomes and Chromosomal Number

1. _________________ are formed through mitosis while the reproductive cells (or
_____________) are formed through another variation of cell division called
2. Every cell has thread-like structures in its nucleus called ________________.
The number of chromosomes present in the cells of each species of an individual
organism is constant. This number is referred to as the ________________ of the
3. Same species have same chromosomal number, different species different
chromosomal number.
4. Since chromosomes in the nucleus exist in pairs, the chromosomal number is said
to be _______________ and is designated as ________.
5. The gametes contain only half the number of chromosomes ( a single set). The
chromosomal number is said to be ___________ and is designated as _______.
6. All somatic cells have two sets of chromosomes; one set inherited from each parents. Therefore, one set of the chromosomes is of ____________________ whereas the other is of ________________________.
7. Two chromosomes in each pair have the same structural features and are referred
to as ________________________. Each member of the pair is called a

The cell Cycle

The cell cycle is the period that extends from the time a new cell is

________________ until the time the cell completes a ________________.

The Cell Cycle

2 major phases

Divided into 3 shorter stages

2 major parts

4 phases




1. The cell which enter this stage begins to acquire and synthesise the materials
required for cell division.
2. Proteins and new organelles are being synthesise.
3. The metabolic rate of cell is high.
4. Cell will decide whether or not to divide and complete the cycle to form new
5. At this stage, the chromosomes are known as _________________. Chromosomes are extremely fine and cannot be seen under light microscope

Synthesis of DNA (genetic material) occurs.

The DNA undergoes ____________________.
A duplicated chromosome consists of two identical ___________________.
Both sister chromatids contain identical copies of chromosomes DNA molecule.

1. The cell continues to grow and remain metabolically active.

2. The cell accumulates energy and completes its final preparations for division.




Cell cycle

The process of Mitosis and Cytokinesis

1. The chromosomes ________________, become shorter,
thicker and visible under a light microscope.
2. Each chromosomes consists of two ____________________
joined together at the_____________________.
3. __________________ begin to form between the centrioles.
Each pair of centrioles then migrates to lie at the opposite
poles of the cell.
4. The spindle fibres from the opposite spindle poles are attached to the __________________ of each sister chromatid.
5. In plant cells, the spindle forms without the presence of
6. At the end of prophase, the nucleolus disappears and the
nuclear membrane disintegrates.
1. The spindle fibres are now fully formed.
2. The chromosomes are lined up and arranged randomly on
a plane across the middle of the cell called
3. The two sister chromatids of each chromosome are still attached to each other at the ____________________.
4. Metaphase ends when the centromeres divide.
1. The two sister chromatids of each chromosome separate at
the centromere.
2. The sister chromatids are pulled apart to the opposite
poles by the shortening of the spindle fibres that connect
the chromosomes to the poles.
3. Once separated, the chromatids are referred to as
4. Anaphase ends when the chromosomes reach the poles of
the cell.
5. Each poles of the cell will have a set of complete and identical chromosomes as in the parent cell.
1. Telophase begins when both sets of chromosomes reach
the opposite poles of the cell.
2. The chromosomes start to uncoil and revert to their extended state (chromatin) again.
3. The spindle fibres disappear and a new ____________
forms around each set of chromosomes.
4. The ____________________ reforms in each nucleus.

In animal cell:

1. The cell membrane at midpoint of the parent cell constricts in to form a

2. Constriction continues and finally the cell membrane on each side joins
up, separating the cytoplasm into two separate daughter cells.

In plant cell:

1. Vesicles containing carbohydrates gather at the equator of the parent cell.

2. The vesicles fuse together to form a _____________________.
3. Gradually, ________________ builds on each side of the cell plate forming the
______________________ of two daughter plants cells.

Controlled & Uncontrolled mitosis

Controlled mitosis
1. ___________________ is the ability to restore lost or damaged tissues, as well as organs or limbs.
2. Plants have the best capacity to regenerate - all the plant parts can regenerate from precursor cells.
3. Examples of regeneration in animals are seen in starfish, house gecko, earthworm and
so on.
4. More primitive animals have higher regeneration capacity than more complex multicellular animals.
5. There are three types of cells based on their ability to regenerate:
(a) cells that divide continually,
(b) cells that do not often divide but retain the ability to do so.
(c) cells that never divide.

Uncontrolled mitosis
Sometimes mitosis in cells run out of control, causing cells to divide continuously,
producing a mass of cells, called _______________________.
Uncontrolled mitotic division causes ____________________________ and
__________________________ (cancers).
Some factors contributing to cancers are genetics, carcinogen, radiation, age and viruses.

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