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IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering | Volume 3 | Issue 03 | September 2016

ISSN (online): 2349-784X

Research Paper on use Zycosoil as an Admixture

in Bitumen Road Construction
Devangi G. Hattimare
PG Student
Department of Civil Engineering
Hasmukh Goswami Collage of Engineering, Vehlal, India

Construction and subsequent maintenance of pavements in good condition has become quite problematic especially in areas
where soft bitumen is met with. During Rainy season the natural bitumen become failure and pose serious problem. To the
movement of vehicular traffic, treatment and strengthening of bitumen appear to be the only solution for keeping the pavement
of surfaces serviceable. The pavements even when constructed according to the conventional methods are failing due to the
bitumen undergoing deformations during monsoon and become unserviceable. Treatment of the bitumen with Zycosoil has used
recently to obtain the desired strength. In view of the present investigation, an attempt is made to conduct different types of
experiments on bitumen mix with Zycosoil and to study the changes in the engineering properties of the bitumen. Penetration
,ductility ,specific gravity , flashpoint, Marshall mix Tests were conducted on the bitumen mixed with Zycosoil with different
percentages such as 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3% and 0.4%.
Keywords: Bituminous Mix, Zycosoil, Marshall Mix Design


Moisture damage in asphalt pavements has been considered to be a widespread problem in the United States and around the
world. Water that infiltrates the pavement structure can cause premature failure of hot-mix asphalt layers, primarily through loss
of adhesion between the asphalt binder and the aggregate or the loss of cohesion in the asphalt binder. Loss of adhesion can lead
to stripping and raveling. The stripping or raveling of asphalt films from the surface of aggregate particles results in the cause of
premature failure of asphalt pavement. Moisture damage is a function of several factors. Zycosoil was designed and is intended
for use as a water repellent for a wide variety soil, ash, gravel and aggregates. After numerous lab and field tests, specifications
were created to provide marketers, applicators and engineers with guidelines for use of this new technology. Included within the
specifications is a range of estimates for yield and dilution factor. It is important to note that there are virtually tens of thousands
of soil types throughout the world, thus it is recommended to test individual soil types whenever possible to determine the
optimum dilution and application technique for both performance and economic purposes.
General Instructions Zycosoil
Zycosoil nanotechnology leads to permanent anti-stripping of aggregate surfaces. It also acts as a binding agent with asphalt. The
most important development of asphalt industry in the last 50 years, lead to an improvement of the quality of roads and lowering
of the costs of maintenance. The Si-O-Si Siloxane bond is Mother Nature's strongest bond which survives for centuries.
Dosage of zycosoil varies between 0.05% to 0.15 by weight of asphalt binder. The specific gravity of zycosoil is 1.05.In
case accurate weighting balance is unavailable usage of 1 ml instead of 1gm zycosoil should be acceptable.
Zycosoil Technical Information
Color Clear to pale yellow
Solid content 45-50 %
Solvent Ethylene glycol
Flash Point 80oC, Nonflammable,
Viscosity (25oC) 200-800 CPS
Soluble in water in all proportions. Soluble in methanol, ethanol and isopropanol.
Benefits of Zycosoil
Increase the amount of filler and decrease the air void in asphalt mixtures.
Higher compaction on field by 1-1.5%
Enhances moisture and ruting resistance
Quick setting time.
Reduced tire pick up.
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Research Paper on use Zycosoil as an Admixture in Bitumen Road Construction

(IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 03 / 021)

Non corrosive.
Improve mix tensile strength and Marshall stability , maintaining flow value
Limitations of Zycosil
Adverse effects of the solvent used- ethylene glycol
A lot of precautions to be taken
More effective on pre-existing cracks than cracks which occur after the application
Applications of Zycosoil
Unpaved aggregate roads: - Saturate the aggregate-soil surface including 2 meters each on both sides of the road with
diluted Zycosoil solution @ 3-L/M2.
Black topped roads: - Spray diluted Zycosoil solution @ 1.5- L/M2 on black top, shoulder and slope. Sun dry for 2-3 hours
and check for water repellency by drilling a hole in the soil area
Features of Zycosil
Permanent water repellent layer on all types of soils, aggregates and other inorganic road construction materials.
The technology addresses the critical subsurface drainage problems in road making and repairs.
Zycosils reactive bonding ability with the aggregates and asphalt helps to eliminate stripping of aggregates great extent.
Data Collection and Results
Table 1
Summary of test results of vg 30 grade bitumen with and without zycosoil
Characteristics of tests VG 30 VG 30 +0.1 %Zycosoil VG 30 +0.2 %Zycosoil Min. Limit
Penetration (mm)
Softening point (C)
Min 47
Ductility (cm)
Min 40
Table 2
Marshal Mix Design Test Values without Zycosoil
Bitumen content by weight of total mix %
2.770 2.770 2.770 2.770
2.437 2.454 2.466 2.458
2.560 2.542 2.542 2.507
2.320 2.326 2.326 2.307
VMA in%
16.24 16.02 16.01 16.71
VIM in %
VFB in %
69.70 74.17 81.44 88.33
Stability in kg
Flow in mm
Table 3
Marshal Mix Design Test Values with Zycosoil
Bitumen content by weight of total mix %
2.770 2.770 2.770 2.770
2.472 2.470 2.480 2.451
2.560 2.542 2.524 2.507
2.341 2.339 2.301
VMA in%
15.52 15.48 15.55 16.93
VIM in %
4.023 2.832 1.743 2.23
VFB in %
74.078 81.70 88.78 86.83
Stability in kg
909.93 1018 1061 946.6
Flow in mm
CDM: Compacted density of mix.
SGMA: Specific gravity of the mixed aggregate.
SGM: Specific gravity of the mix.
CDMA: Compacted density of the mixed aggregate.
VMA: Voids in the mixed aggregate.
VIM: Voids in the mix.
VFB: Voids filled by Bitumen.

IS 1203
IS 1205
IS 1208

Following conclusions are derived based on laboratory investigations keeping in aspect procedures of codal practice:

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Research Paper on use Zycosoil as an Admixture in Bitumen Road Construction

(IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 03 / 021)

Consequently the conclusion was drawn that Zycosoil has a potential for minimizing water damage occurring in asphalt
mixtures and could be used as an effective anti-stripping agent capable of improving the resistance of asphalt mixtures to water
It is however recommend that quantitative binder and mixture tests be performed in the near future to draw a stronger
conclusion of the effectiveness and suitable use of Zycosoil as an anti-striping agent.
It must be noted that this study evaluated Zycosoil with only one binder and two aggregates. It is well known that mixtures
performance is highly dependent on aggregate and binder type.
It is therefore recommended that the evaluation be extended to other types of aggregates, such as gravels and limestone, and
other types of binders that are normally used in cold climate condition.
First and foremost, I would like to thank God, The Almighty, for blessing me with the opportunity and ability to complete this
I would like to express my sincerest appreciation, solemn gratitude, and heartiest thanks to Professor Vrundani Vaidya for her
thoughtful guidance, unparalleled support, constant encouragement.
I am very thankful to Prof.V.A.Vadhel who has given me such great guideline regarding my project work and also he has
given me benefits of his deep knowledge.

Manual on Zycosoil by Zydex Industries Pvt. Ltd

Zycosoil Product technical Information by Dr Prakash Mehtha.
GERI (Gujarat Engineering Research Institute) Road Research DivisionVadodara.
IRC: SP: 72-2007, Flexible Pavement Design for Rural Roads.
IRC: SP: 72-2007, Flexible Pavement Design for Rural Roads.
IS: 1202- 1978, Methods for testing bituminous materials: determination of specific gravity.
IS: 1203- 1978, Methods for testing bituminous materials: determination of penetration.
IS: 1205- 1978, Methods for testing bituminous materials: determination softening point.
IS: 1208- 1978, Methods for testing bituminous materials: determination of ductility
S.K. Khanna and Dr. C.E.G. Justo, Highway Engineering Published by Nem Chand & Bros. (Eighth Edition-2001)
Association of state Highway and Transportation officals (AASHTO) Standard
Zycosoil Product technical Information by Dr Prakash Mehtha.

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