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Narrator: Once upon a time in faraway kingdom lived a happy royal family.

KING: My dear, do not fear I am beside you.

QUEEN: I havent expected giving birth would be this painful (acts)
KING: Shall we thank the heavens for the gift of life.
QUEEN: *squeals, act as if giving birth*
NARRATOR: The queen gave birth to a healthy, handsome looking prince. But, them
overwhelmed with joy was followed by despair.
KING: I cannot dare to live anymore.
(Haifa appears gets the bby)
QUEEN: Hurry take the prince to his room
HAIFA: Yes your majesty
KING: *makes a heavy sigh pero yung parang nawawalan na ng hinga*
QUEEN: You shant die my dear!
KING: Take good care of our child my dear. I love you both. (Dies) (Peasants assist)
NARRATOR: The king was buried 6 days after their little prince was born. The king only spent a
minimum time with his child. The queen was sorrowful. The kingdom was silent.
( this scene is supposed to be at a cemetery where izons buried body lies and riandra and 3
other peeps are looking at it, after a minute alis na lahat. Punta sa likod ng curtains, labas
riandra with bayo. Sad lang riandra confuse bayo)
NARRATOR: The innocent prince grew up with his mother mourning over the deceased king.
Though young, he had to face a quest to save the life of the sick queen. (tumba riandra sa my
PRINCE: mother are you fine?!
QUEEN: I am sick my child
QUEEN: * sighs*
PRINCE: GUARDS! Find me the most skilful doctors in this kingdom or even out of the kingdom. I
want them here by dawn!
GUARDS: Yes your highness.
NARRATOR: And so the guards search for the entire kingdom, finding the skilful, intelligent
doctors. While back at the castle, the prince is eager to take good care of her mother.
( Riandra nasa may may bangko which is the bed. Bayo by her side, and Haifa somewhere in the
room too)
GUARD: *enters the room* Your Highness we have found you 2 of the best doctors in and out of
the kingdom.

PRINCE: Let the first one come in

*guard labas, enters ulit with the first doctor*
DOCTOR1: * bows* Your Highnesses
PRINCE: *bows head* Please, do all what you can to heal my mother.
D1: *does what all doctors do* Your Highness, Im not pleased to tell you that there is no remedy
for the queens illness
PRINCE: No, that cant be, this cant be something serious right? TELL ME!!
D1: My greatest apology your highness
*guard labas with D1, enters ulit with D2*
D2: *bows* Your Highness
PRINCE: Please, just heal my mother.
D2: *does what D1 also did* There hadnt been a case like this in history. We tried your highness
but this one is tough.
PRINCE: First I lost my father! I cannot let my dear mother die too! She has to live, she is all I
have. (cries)
*suddenly ive got the magic in me song plays in the background. Abiyr appears out of nowhere
and dances with the song*
WIZARD: My service to thee is free, I know a hint, a clue to cure thy highness illness.
PRINCE: Mother! Mother!
WIZARD: *appears beside the queen* Flee now child and seek for the purple flower. *disappears*
PRINCE: Mother, allow me to proceed with this quest. This is the only thing, the only way to let
you live longer healthier and stronger. Please my mother
QUEEN: *nods* Take with you your fathers sword it will protect you at any cost
NARRATOR: And so, the prince left the castle, the kingdom, all by himself and in the forest the
prince ventured. In the middle of the forest he saw a hermit.
HERMIT: By the look on your face I guess youre looking for a purple flower eh?
HERMIT: Now, I might know where it is but, I I..,.. well you have to answer my riddle first.
PRINCE: Oh no, no I-I am not good aHERMIT: Dare not to butt in again child! Now hear me. What is going to work?
PRINCE: Peasants?
HERMIT: WRONG! You stupid dingbat. (waras)

PRINCE: Please respected hermit (kneels down), I am in desperate need of your help. (hawak sa
damit ni hermit)
HERMIT: Touch me not!! (walks out)
NARRATOR: Saddened by the Hermits ill-attitude he continued his search.
HAWK: scree scree ( lipad bes)
PRINCE: What is that? (hanap)
HAWK: scree scree eek eeek (attack bayo)
PRINCE: (dodge) A cock! A huge cock! Help me! Help me!
PRINCE2: *hits the hawk* Legendary.
PRINCE: I express my gratitude sir.
PRINCE2: Have no fear, I am happy with my assistance. (both bows) But seriously you should
have used that sword of yours and its a very rare sight to see such exquisite piece of weapon
you know?
PRINCE: Oh yeah, I totally forgot about the sword.
PRINCE2: So what brought you to this dangerous forest?
PRINCE: You had not expected a wimp to be here, huh?
PRINCE2: Not really
PRINCE: I am in a quest to find the purple flower to cure my mothers illness.
PRINCE2: Oh? That flower that the old man was talking about?
PRINCE: Yes, maybe that, do you know its location?
PRINCE2: Yes, yes of course. That grumpy old man asked me an easy riddle though it went like
Whats going to work? so I said, TEAMWORK.
PRINCE: And you got it right?
PRINCE2: Sort of. He told me that the flower is near a house by the falls where fairies exist.
PRINCE: Wow thatsamazing! This might be strange but would you join me in my quest?
PRINCE2: Alright.. What is going to work?
NARRATOR: And soon enough both of them where coming close to their destination when
suddenly ..\
*play Ive got the magic in me,*
WIZARD: (boses muna ni abiyr) I believe you have called me to request assistance *labas abiyr*
PRINCE: Would you stop popping out from nowhere? You are giving me a heart attack.
PRINCE2: I think its awesome!

WIZARD: I cant really, sorry. Here are two pair of pink shoes wear this so both of you could run
and attack fast.
PRINCE2: I love the color.
WIZARD: I would take that as a Thank you. * disappears*
PRINCE: Are these shoes really necessary?
PRINCE2: I dont know, but shes a wizard, she has magic, so yeah. I think it is necessary.
*suot sapatos*
NARRATOR: The 2 prince head deeper into the woods. The forest became darker, scarier. And
then suddenly..
*play wolf by exo. The wolf will dance*
PRINCE: Is that a?
WOLF: awoooo
PRINCE2: staystill..
WOLF: awwoooo
PRINCE2: Shoot. RUN!!
*ttakbo, hinahabol ni wolf si prince2.*
*niscratch ni wolf si prince 2
*prince natumba umaakyat ng puno and nagtago dun*
*prince2 looks dead*
*wolf searches for the other prince and alis na sa scene*
*prince baba sa puno approaches prince2*
PRINCE2: You dimwit, you should have use your sword.
PRINCE: NOT AGAIN, im so sorry I totally forgot about the sword again. But can you walk?
PRINCE2: I think I cant, the wolf hurt my leg big time. But dont worry Ill be fine. Go on continue
your quest, dont let me be a hindrance on finding the purple flower.
PRINCE: *thinks* Okay. Take care, Ill let your kingdom know about this and get you here.
PRINCE2: Okay Good luck. Whats gonna work?
NARRATOR: The prince continued his quest. But every minute he found himself getting weak and
weaker on his journey, and unexpectedly he fainted.
*prince nasa bahay na ng princess*
PRINCE: *wakes up* *looks around*

PRINCESS: *enters the scene* Am I glad to see you alive. *smiles*

*play song next to you by chris brown*
*ipahina ang song*
PRINCE: Are you left?
PRINCESS: No, pardon me. Why?
PRINCE: Because I am the right one.
*stop song*
PRINCE: What happened to me?
PRINCESS: My cousin found you lying a few miles from this barns doorstep
PRINCE: And why is a beautiful lady like you is in a barn
PRINCESS: My father died when I was a kid and I wont be able to rule unless I am of legal age,
which left my aunt to be the only heir.
PRINCE: So, you are a princess?
PRINCESS: Before. But never mind. Why where you even in the forest?
PRINCE: Oh, well I had to find a magic purple flower to cure my sick queen mother.
PRINCESS: Youre a prince. II know where the purple flower is!
COUSIN: *boses lang* PEASANT! Why arent you in the castle *enters the scene* to wash my
PRINCESS: You asked me to look after this guest
COUSIN: Who told you to answer me? (galit)
PRINCESS: You asked me a questio- *sampal*
AUNT: *enters the scene* Darling, your suitor is waiting for you
AUNT: *looks at the prince from head to toe* my, what a handsome visitor you have their cinder.
Levana, quick come with me.
COUSIN: But mother this peasants guest seems better than my suitor! Just look at him!
AUNT: But he doesnt look like a prince, just follow me now. Ill check on him later.
*alis aunt and cousin sa scene*
PRINCE: AW! *holds right wrist bcoz my sugat*
PRINCESS: Oh stay still! Here, sit down here, Ill get the first aid kit.
PRINCESS: *ayus sugat ng prince*
PRINCE: *looks at the princess*
PRINCE: Will you run away with me?

PRINCESS: *stops* *looks at prince*

PRINCE: Will you?
PRINCESS: I- Im not sure because I- I
PRINCE: because what?
PRINCESS: *stands* Im not sure if I like you
PRINCE: What?!
*play what do you mean start from chorus and end it after chorus*
PRINCESS: My prince I am no princess. You cant love a girl that lives in a barn. You cant be with
me, Im just a peasant.
PRINCE: So what?! Thats not a reason for me to not love you. Im in love with you. But it feels
like youre tearing me apart
*play nobody compares start from chorus *
*kanta prince*
*end after chorus*
PRINCESS: Is it really fine with you to love somebody like me?
PRINCE: Nobody compares to you my princess.
PRINCESS: *kilig, smiles* Come Ill take you to the fairies
PRINCE: Fairies?
PRINCESS: Yes, fairies. They know where the magic purple flower is. They are my friends my
*Fairies labas*
PRINCE: Fairies, it is an honour to meet you.
FAIRIES: *giggles*
PRINCESS: Lend the way gals.
(mag open ang curtain Makita dun ang purple flower)
FAIRIES: Pick it now! (pabebe giggle)
PRINCE: *picks the flower* My princess, it really is the magic purple flower.
PRINCESS: And it looks like its the last magic flower
PRINCE: Im so glad we found it, Im so glad I found you.
PRINCESS: My silly prince, Hurry back home to your kingdom your mother may be at stake
already. Ill stay here. Take care of yourself on your way. Good luck.
PRINCE: What? Who says Im leaving you here? You are coming with me my princess.
NARRATOR: And so the princess went with the prince to his kingdom. The princess was nervous.

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