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Created by :
Awaluddin Imran
Dessi Apriani
Sri Wulayanti
Evellynd Glenny Pella
Wa Ode Munawar
Putu Aricha Darma P.
Jiach Sri Hartini
Nurlaela Wahyuni
Nur Cahya
Mutia Pratiwi

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Cedric: The reason Ive asked you here is because Ive had a brilliant idea.
Wilf: Excuse me while I shut out Tit-Willow, Cedric.
Cedric: Cee-dric. A brilliant idea. Terrific. I can explain to you now.
Wilfr: Im sorry, I missed that last bit, Cedric.
Cedric: Cee-dric.
Wilf: Oh, Cee-dric. Of course, of course.
Cerdric: Now that Jean is here and the four of you are together again, I put it to you that you
should perform at the gala the quartet from Rigoletto.
Cissy: Thats amazing! Ive Ive just been listening to us. The Rigoletto.
Cedric: Think of the publicity! The times, The Telegraph, Opera Magazine. We have four of the
finest singers in English operatic history.
Wilf: We already know the bloody thing. Wed hardly have to rehearse.
Cissy: But Jean wont sing it.
Cedric: Put your hand up.
Wilf: Put your hand up?
Cedric: Oh, but you must change her mind. Shes a huge draw.
Wilf: Dont you out your hand up for anyone.
Cedric: It would be as if Maria Callas were making a comeback.
Reggie: No, no. I dont think I want to sing with Jean again.
Cedric: Why not?
Cissy: They were married once, but it didnt work out.
Reggie: Cissy, please. I dont want to. It wouldnt be right.
Cedric: Well, its a shame. I cant count number of galas you have graced over the years with
your incomparable voice, and I mean that sincerely. I dont think you realize it, Reggie,
but people still talk about your Celeste Aida four years ago and your Ave Maria two years
ago. For what its worth, when I heard you sing Nessum Dorma at the gala last year, all I

thought was, Eat your heart out, Pavarotti. Reggie, I know you dont think you dont
think much of me, but with this one concert, we could get enough money to keep this
place going for the rest of the year. Or possibly even the next.
Wilf: Its true.
Cedric: You could help save Beecham House, Reginald. But, I have an important meeting now.
Do excuse me.
# Tit-willow #
Cedric: Oh, shut up! For sakes, shut up!
Wilf: And you could persuade Jean to sing.
Cissy: Its only one gala, Reggie.
Reggie: Why dont the three of us ask her out to dinner?
Wilf: Well done, Reggie.
Cissy: Oh Reggie! Thank you.
Wilf: Excellent.
Reggie: No, Ill, uh Ill write her a little note, Cissy, and perhaps you will be good enough to
deliver it.
Cissy: Yes.
Cissy: Sorry. (Door closes)
Wilf: Just two favours.
Dr. Cogan: Exactly what do you propose?
Wilf: The Swan restaurant. Just the four of us. Cissy, Reggie and me. If we could convince Jean
to sing at the gala, were talking serious money here. I mean, even Cedric reckons we
could charge Covent Garden prices.
Dr. Cogan: In by 10:30. No later.

Wilf: 12:30.
Dr. Cogan: No.
Wilf: You sure?
Dr. Cogan: Yes.
Wilf: What kind of cigarettes is it you smoke again?
Dr. Cogan: 12:30. No later.
Wilf: Done, Lucy.
Dr. Cogan: please call me Dr. Cogan.
Wilfried: Done, Dr Cogan.
Dr. Cogan: Why is it, Wilfried, I always get the impression youre up to no good?
Wilfried: Because Im normally up to no good. And please call me Wilf.
Dr. Cogan: Weve done this, remember? You dont have a buttonhole.
(chuckles) why do you persist in flirting with me, Wilf?
Wilf: Because youre a cracker, a thing of beauty. Youre one of that rarest of species. Youre a
woman, Lucy Cogan.
Dr. Cogan: Well, Im flattered, but I have professional ethics to uphold.
Wilf: Ah, throw caution to the wind. What if we were to make beautiful music together?
Your husband would never know.
Dr. Cogan: Thats reassuring, Wilf.
Wilf: Think about it, huh?
Dr. Cogan: No, Wilf.
Wilf: No one would ever know.
Dr. Cogan: I will know, Wilf.
Wilf: Older man. Vintage wine. Seasoned wood.
Dr. Cogan: Did you say wood?

Wilf: Seasoned.
Dr. Cogan: (Chuckles)
(Trumpet plays)
Wilf: Remember wait until shes totally legless before we hit her with it.
Cissy: Yes, dont speak till shes legless. Legless.
Reggie: Shes coming. I should never have agreed to this.
Wilf: Here she comes.
Reggie: She looks fairly alright-ish.
Cissy: You look lovely, Jean.
Jean: Oh, thank you.
Wilf: You give a whole new meaning to the word chic.
Jean: Its so very, very kind of you.
Cissy: Its the least we can do.
Reggie: May I, Jean?
Jean: Thank you.
Stage 4
Wilf: For you, Jean, a little toast, from all of us make you feel welcome.
Cissy: Oh, oh, now, dont forget youve got to make eye contact or its bad luck.
Wilf: I never heard of anything like that in my life.
Cissy: Its the truth.
Reggie: Nonsense.
Cissy: Jean, do you ever listen to your old recordings?
Jean: Oh, no.

Cissy: I do. I listen to us a lot. As a matter of fact, Reggie was meant to be singing La Donna
Mobile at the gala concert. But even more exciting, guess what?
Wilf: shh, shh, shh.
Cissy: What?
Reggie: La donna e mobile. Qual piuma al vento. Women are as fickle as a feather in the wind.
Jean: Oh, I fell in love with you when I first heard you sing that.
Reggie: Yeah, thats why I never sang it again.
Jean: (Laughs)
Reggie: I took twelve curtain calls.
Jean: No. No, you took nine. I took twelve.
Wilf: (Sniggers)
Cissy: (Laughs)
Jean: Stop.
Reggie: If you say so.
Jean: You know, the other night I was at the Garden, I was Sir Georges guest, and I received a
standing ovation.
Cissy: (Cissy gasps)
Wilf: Oh, how lovely!
Reggie: Youre doing it again, Jean.
Jean: Doing what?
Reggie: Repeating yourself. Oh, whats it matter. In opera we repeat ourselves all the time, all
the time, all the
Wilf: In opera we repeat ourselves all the time,
Reggie, Wilf and Cissy: Repeat ourselves over and over
Cissy: Repetito
Jean: I think you two are drunk.

Wilf: I think I possibly am, although I find it very difficult to tell the difference at this age.
Cissy: You always drink.
Wilf: Lets have a toast to our quartet.
Cissy: To the quartet.
Jean: What quartet?
Cissy: Cedric wants us all to sing in the gala concert.
Jean: what, us to sing?
Cissy: He wants us to sing
Wilf: The quartet from Rigoletto.
Reggie: Its such an honour. Its a great honour, Jean.
Jean: Great honour.
Wilf: Very great honour.
Jean: The quartet? Is that why youre? I dont any this, please. Please. Is that why you asked me
for this dinner?
Wilf: No. We asked you because well
Jean: Why?
Cissy: Because we love you.
Wilf: Aye, yeah
Jean: Well, Im not singing in any quartet. I think you really are despicable.
Wilf: Phew!
Cissy: Did she say yes?
Wilf: No.
(Indistinct chatter)
Jean: Excuse me. Let me ask you something. When did you last sing? This morning in the
shower? Has anybody heard you recently? Any idea of the noise you make? I mean, what

were you think of? Why did you ask me out to dinner? Why didnt you just say you want
us average age, what, 198, to sing the quartet from Rigoletto? its an honour. Its not an
honour. Its insanity. Is this your idea of revenge? Im going to say something very rude to
you. (chatter)
Octavia: Cant believe it.
(Knock at door)
Jean: Go away!
Cissy: Jean? Its me, Cissy.
Jean: Just go away, Cissy, please.
Cissy: I know youre upset, so I brought you some flowers and I picked them myself. Arent
they lovely? Look. I thought these might really cheer you up. And Nobby doesnt usually
allow us to pick any flowers, and especially not the ones in the woodland, not even those.
And I really wanted to get you bluebells because I know you love bluebells. Because we
talked about them before. But I wondered also, would you like to talk about the quartet?
Jean: No! I would not like to talk about the quartet!
Cissy: (Shrieks) Oh!
Jean: Get out!
Cissy: (Wails) why did she do that? Why did she do that? Ahhh!
Stage 6
Cissy: Is this my house? Its a lovely place.
Sheryl: This is Beecham House. Its not your room. Its another room.
Reggie: Youve come here to have a rest, Cissy.
Cissy: Youre youre my friend.
Sheryl: Sheryl.
Cissy: Sheryl. Yes.
Cissy: Sheryl. Mm, hmm. And this is?
Reggie: Reggie.
Sheryl: And of course, this is naughty, naughty man.

Wilf: Hi, Cissy.

Cissy: Wheres wheres wheres my, um wheres my my thing?
Wilf: I got your bag here, Cissy.
Cissy: Thats my bag. This is my
Sheryl: Mm hmm.
Cissy: Yes.
Sheryl: See?
Cissy: Thats mine.
Sheryl: Mm hmm. And what were you listening to?
Cissy: Mmm,
Sheryl: Whats that?
Reggie: Cissy this is our quartet. You youve been listening to us.
Cissy: Its new. Its new.
Sheryl: Mm hmm.
Reggie: Yes
Cissy: This is
Reggie: The one they re-issued.
Cissy: This is new. Yep. Thats mine. Wilf Wilf, thats thats my swimming costume.
Wilf: It certainly is, Cissy.
Reggie: Mmm.
Cissy: Yes. Yes. This this place is a concept for me. Because Ive got no husband and no
children. Ive got you.
Reggie: Mmm.
Wilf: Indeed you have, Cissy.
Cissy: All of you. (Sighs)

Dr. Cogan: I think she should get some rest.

Cissy: Lovely girl. Beautifully endowed.
Dr. Cogan: (Laughs)
Jean: Have you seen Cissy?
Wilf: Yes.
Jean: How is she?
Reggie: Shes fine.
Jean: Ill come back in the morning.
Sheryl: Yes, of course, Mr Horton.
Jean: You be sure to tell her I came see her.
Sheryl: Absolutely.
Wilf: Its the only trio we could come up with, Bobby. Well, the three of us must have sang the
Barber a dozen times.
Nimon: Youll need at least six sessions.
Wilf: Six?
Nimon: Mmm.
Cissy: Whos that from?
Nimon: Mr. Horton.
Cissy: Did she say yes?
Jean: Oh. How good of you to come. Please. Please sit down.
Wilf: Why dont you sit on the bed, Cissy?
Jean: Ive some little gifts for you. First, I want to apologize, especially to you, Cissy. What I did
you was appalling, and I am Im so very sorry.
Cissy: Thank you.

Jean: This is for you, Wilf.

Wilf: Oh, thank you. I dont even remember you throwing flowers at me.
Jean: This is for you, Reggie. There. I really am very sorry.
Reggie: My fault entirely. I think I know what it is. Lime marmalade.
Cissy: A CD of our Rigoletto. How lovely.
Jean: Yes, I know you have copies, but these are signed, so theyre rather valuable. And I
wrapped them myself.
Wilf: I thought perhaps you did. Well, is that it?
Jean: Yes.
Wilf: This should do rather well on eBay, I would imagine. Come on, Cissy.
Cissy: Have you changed your mind about the gala?
Wilf: Well, of course, she doesnt. I mean, why should she? Its only a celebration in honour of
the greatest composer for the human voice who ever bloody lived, thats all.
Jean: You must understand. I was someone once.
Cissy: I thought I was someone now.
Jean: I cant insult the memory of who I was.
Wilf: What are you talking about, memory? Whose memory? Your fans? Your fans are dead!
Gone, split, bought the farm! Expect the ones whove moved in here, and theyre just
waiting to die. Weve all aged. Its crept up on all of us without us even noticing. Im the
same old Wilf I always was, thankfully, with a little bit of testosterone to keep me
interested. Now, Im gonna say something thats a wee bit rude to you. Just fucking do it!
Jean: My gift deserted me.
Reggie: It deserts us all, Jean. Its called life.
Cissy: Oh, my darling. Old age is not for sissies.
Jean: No.
Reggie: Jean? Let go. Whats it matter now what anyone says or thinks? You might even enjoy it.
Jean: Are you telling me to go out and smell the roses?

Reggie: No. I am telling you to sing.

Cissy: The roses are long gone. But the chrysanthemums are magnificent.
Wilf: They certainly are, Cissy.
Cissy: Jean, if you say yes, Cedric will give us the finale instead of Anne Langley.
Jean: Anne Langley?
Cissy: Yes. She wanted to sing Violetta. And she was, of course, a very fine Violetta.
Jean: Oh, pull yourself together, Cissy. Violettas supposed to be dying of tuberculosis. She
sounded as if she was singing Falsstaff.
Cissy: Well, shes singing Tosca now.
Jean: Over my dead body.
Reggie: Is that a yes?
Anne: So, you decided to sing in the gala after all.
Jean: Yes, theyve persuaded me to join them in the quartet.
Anne: Really? I wouldve thought you would want to sing an aria, dear.
Jean: No, I prefer to sing with my friends.
Anne: How are you high notes nowdays?
Jean: Just a little shaky, dear.
Anne: Oh, Im so sorry. Now, when I sang Gilda
Jean: Yes, I heard it was a triumph. I remember my brother telling me about it.
# Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Octavia. Happy
birthday to you.#
Wilf: (Laughs) Speech! Speech!
Octavia: Now, when I play Gilda!
(Laughter) (Orchestra plays Bella Figlia dellAmore) (Singing echoed) (Music ends)

Jean: I may crack on the high notes.
(Toccata and Fugue in D Minor) (Silent, as Toccata and Fugue in D Minor Continues)
Dr. Cogan: And then Sir Thomsd Beecham did the same in Britain. Hence Beecham House.
Nimon: Ladies?
Dr. Cogan: Lady Mayor. Sorry. Thank you. Thank you so much for coming.
Cedric: Ah. Hello there. (Laughs). Nice thank you. Yeah, one more. Lady Mayoress, will you
come this way, please?
Reggie: Well, I dont think thats is that going to be too late in the day for that? Id say
something like Verdis Rigoletto is a masterpiece and the quartet is one of the great
milestones in the history of opera. Now, look at that. Perfect. And then Ill introduce
each of us in turn.
Jean: No. Wait a minute, Reggie.
Reggie: What?
Jean: Ill go on last.
Reggie: (Laughs) Im sure we can live with that.
Wilf: We certainly can, yes.
Cissy: I remember.
Jean: What?
Cissy Ive got to do Anne Langleys make up.
Jean: Its not make up she needs. Its a paper-hanging job.
Reggie: (Laughs) Thats very naughty, Jean.
Jean: And very true
Wilf: Make it nice and tight. Make sure the middle bits tight so it stays that way. Cause it ends
up listing to starboard.

Reggie: No, no. I promise you

Jean: This too much, Reg? Do you think its too much?
Reggie: No, no. Lovely
Jean: Well, I dont think itll wor.
Reggie: I do.
Dr. Cogan: Hello, good afternoon. Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Beecham House and
our annual gala in honour of Giuseppe Verdis birthday. First of all, I would like to
express our debt of gratitude to the amazing Mr Cedric living stone for organising
the event. Thank you so much.
Cedric: Thank you, thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Let me just say, in all modesty, that all
great artist need a great director, you know. And IHere I am.
Cedric: Thank you so much.
Dr. Cogan: Thank you. This year, in aid of our rebuilding program, you have all given so
generously, and we thank you for that with all our hearts. And, because of that, the
quartet and you have done it Beecham house lives on!
Dr. Cogan: Id also like to thank all those taking part in the gala itself. The preparations and
rehearsals have kept everybody busy and very excited for the past few months. I
and all my staff here feel highly privileged to have in our care such talented
performers, gifted musicians who seem to find renewed energy when they anticipate
performing before an audience. It keeps them young.
Dr. Cogan: And, actually, let me just say something else, if I may, before we start. I, and all my
staff here at Beecham House, we owe those in our charge an enormous debt. They
inspire us. Their love of life, as you well know, is infectious, and gives us all faith in
the future. I mean that, Thank you so much.
Cissy: (Sighs) oh, my darling! Its so exciting! They loved the Brindisi.
Jean: Oh, good.
Anne: Nimon, quick! Come and do my dress.

Nimon: Ok. Ok.

Anne: Make sure theres no black showing yeah?
Nimon : Ok.
Anne : Ok.
Nimon: Dress is done.
Jean; Reggie likes this one, but I think I think Ill wears this
Cissy: Yes.
(Sings) Vissi darte
Wilf: Hey, Reg, remember the Barber of Seville in the 60s covent Garden?
Reggie: Yeah?
Wilf: Who was that big, fat, mezzo-soprano who was doing it with a little tenor in the bathtub?
She got suctioned in. What was her name?
Reggie: I cant remember.
Wilf: London. Remember. The wee guy couldnt get out! She was Italian. The tenor had to dial
the emergency services.
Wilf: What was her name?
Reggie: Oh, uh uh Elizabeta Botticeli.
Wilf: Thats it. Elizabeta botticeli. They say her high notes were never the same again.
Reggie: True.
Cedric: Brava!
(Cheering, applause)
Cissy: Jean, is that too much?
Jean: No.
Cissy: Im so happy to be here doing this. And you and Reggie are friends again. How long were
the two of you married?

Jean: Nine hours.

Cissy: Nine hours?
Jean: Yes
Cissy: Ha! Nine hours!
Jane: We were together for about a year, and he finally got down on his knees and asked me to
marry him and I said yes, hes very old-fashioned.
Cissy: He still is.
Jane: I know. And we were gonna get married in the January and then I got that offer from La
Cissy: I remember that. I remember.
Jane: But when I was at La Scala, I had a fling with a tenor.
Cissy: Why on earth would you do that?
Jean: Because Id had too much champagne I was pissed.
Cissy: Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Jane: Whats his name, that tenor?
Cissy: I know who you mean. Roberto di Angelis.
Jane: (Whispers) But he was so persuasive.
Cissy: I know.
Jane: Anyways, we came back. We had this wonderful wedding breakfast, champagne and
scrambled eggs. And I told him about Roberto.
Cissy: Why on earth did you do that?
Jane: I wanted to be honest. Anyway, he was very angry.
Cissy: So he walked out?
Jane: He ran. He was heartbroken, Jean.
Cissy: So was I. it was the biggest mistake of my life.

Cissy: Darling girl, you still have your future. Theres not a lot of it. Most of its been.
Reggie: No, it hasnt.
Cissy: Do you know, darling, I last wore this in 1983? Arts Council tour of India. And I fell in
love with the maharajah.
Jane: Ill help you with it.
Cissy: Ooh, thanks. Yeah. (Grunts)
Jean: Oh, this isnt God, this is tight, Cissy.
Cissy: Whats whats the matter?
Jean: I cant fasten it.
Cissy: Oh. Come on. Well, I altered it. I altered it.
Jean: Yeah, well, Im Im trying, Im try I cant do it.
Cissy: Well, try. Just try
Jean: I cannot fasten it, Cissy! I cant fasten it.
Cissy: Oh, alright. Well, Ill Ill let it out a bit more.
Jean: Alright. Well, Ive to got some safety pins somewhere.
Cissy: My scissors.
Jean: Cissy? Cissy? Cissy, where are you going?
Cissy: I I have to go home.
Jean: What are you talking about?
Cissy: Mother and Father are waiting for me.
Jean: Cissys gone walkbout! Reg, Wilf!
Wilf: Cissy?
Cissy: (Gasps) Oh! I nearly forgot to say goodbye to you. Goodbye, Wilfred. Goodbye, Reginald.
Wish me bon voyage.
Wilf: Cissy?!
Cissy: I am late!

Reggie: Cissy!
Wilf: dont let them see her like this.
Reggie: Cissy.
Cissy: I have to go.
Reggie: Cissy. You mustnt leave. Were doing the quartet, Cissy. The quartet fro Rigoletto.
Cissy: No. I want to go home.
Reggie: Jean?
Cissy: Is that Jean Horton? I thought she wouldnt sing anymore.
Jean: Cissy. Come with me and well get your luggage.
Cissy: My big case?
Jean: Yes, your big case. Come with me. And your passport.
Cissy: Yes.
Jean: Yes. There we are. The ship doesnt leave two weeks, you know.
Cissy: Doesnt it?
Jean: No. Weve got plenty of time.
Cissy: its the little things that get you down.
Jean: I know. But well get your dress fixed.
Reggie: That was a close one.
Wilf: Jean was very good.
Reggie: She was indeed.
(Music ends) (Claps alone)
Cedric: Shh!
(Music resume)
Nimon: Were getting close, gents.
Reggie: Thank you, Nimon.

Wilf: Thanks, Si.

Nimon: Getting near, ladies.
Cissy: Ready! Where shall I?
Reggie: Its through there, Cisy.
Nimon: (Whispers) Mr Peget. Youre on next.
Reggie: Thanks.
Wilf: Jean, I was thinking about the sticks. I think we could get through without them.
Jean: Oh, no. no, I dont think I could. My hips very bad today.
Wilf: Well, Im not so good, but I think we should try. Its more distinguished, more operatic.
Jean: I may have to learn on you.
Wilf: Learn on Reg. youll be much safer. And hell love it because he adores you. Trust me.
Jean: How do you know?
Wilf: I dont believe he ever stopped loving you.
Jean: (Whispers) How do you know? Did he say so? (Whispers) Wilf!
Cissy: Its the man opera from Opera Today.
(String quartet finishes) (Applause)
Jean: You look very handsome.
Reggie: You look very beautiful.
Jean: Were both very old. Thanks.
Reggie: Then lets get married.
(Cheering) (Thunderous cheering, applause)
Jean: Were you serious?
Reggie: Yes.
Jean: Ok.
And then they are sings together.

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