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The Eagle Post

Breaking News!
By: (xavier illescas)
Do you know about the
election we'll think of what
we think about it the 5
question about the

Interview Question 1:

Interview Question 3:
Nilson thinks donald trump
He thinks no because
won because he had the
would take a long time.
most points.he also thinks
Also he would have to get
donald trump said stuff to
it approved.and lots of
get people on his
people would say no.also
side.made he said stuff he
he can't do it because he is wasn't going to do but
not in the white house. So
people liked.
he does not have power to
do anything.

Interview Question 5:
Nilson thinks donald trump
will change it in a bad
way.he would make
enemies with the mexican.
he would also make the
people who voted for hillary
mad.he would change the
place with the wall.

Interview Question 2:
He feels a little scared. The
reason he feels scared is
because he doesn't know
what will happen.he also
did not want trump to
win.he does not agree with
trump's plans.he does not
know if trump is really
going to do what eh said.

Interview Question 4:


Nilson doesn't like donald

trump. The reason he does
not is because he is rases
and mean.he also was
rude to mexicans.he also is
trying to put hillary in to
prison.he is going to build a
wall so people don't come

I asked nilson about

donald trump. To meit
seems nilson does not
like trump. I don't think
he does because the
way he answered the
question.overall he does
not like trump.

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