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The Election

Breaking News!
By: Javier Velasquez
Donald Trump is president
here are some reasons
and questions why Donald
Trump sucks.

Interview Question 1:

Interview Question 3:

Interview Question 5:

How do you like that

Donald Trump is
president ? Karen: I don't
like it.Why because he is
rude. Also because he is
racist. He only wants white
people. He is really

What do you think Donald

trump is gonna to to
America? He is gonna kick
people out. He will take out
food stamps. He just want
white people. And white
people only.

How do you feel Hillary isnt

president? Disappointed
because hHillary did all of
that and she isnt president.
It just makes me mad. Also
so angry.

Interview Question 2

Interview Question 4
At least 6 sentences!!!!
Do you think trump will be
a good role model for kids?
No. Because he is racist.
He is also rude. He just
gonna make kids be racis.
Also and say hateful stuff.

At least 6 sentences!!!!
I think donald trump
shouldve never been
president because he is
just gonna make dumb
decisions. He also wants to
kick people out--- he is also
gonna gonna take away
everything. He only wants
white people.

you think
that Hillary
At least
6 sentences!!!!
should of been president.
Karen: Yea. Why because
she seems cool.She is not
racist. She will not kick
people out just because
their not white.She will be
the first woman president.

At least 6 sentences!!!!

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