Unit 15 Imaging Software 1 5

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Unit 15 Imaging Software

1.5 I can describe the context in which the images will be used

You now need to evaluate your poster and ask others in your group to give you feedback and
explain why everything youve included in your poster is suitable or NOT suitable for boys
of 16-25 years of age. And does your poster promote a new smartphone.
1. Insert an image of your poster
2. Evaluate your own work
3. Get feedback from one person in your group. Make sure you write their name, date and
include what theyve said about your poster

EBI: If I had more time then I

would have been able to use
more advanced features on
gimp and develop on my
WWW: I was able to make 1
picture of a phone and I got 2
pictures of an iPhone and
someone holding an iPhone on
Google images.

Syam Feedback: He has a

good background but not
enough information.

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