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September 19, 2016

Speech #2

Emmalee Buehler

Social and Emotional Harassment

General Purpose: To Inform

Specific Purpose: The audience will be able to make a connection

between social and emotional harassment and abuse.
Organizational Pattern: Topical
Thesis Statement: Social and emotional harassment is a type of
abuse that is not frequently talked about.

A. Video
B. Preview
a. What is it?
b. Types
c. Examples
d. Statistic
e. Effects
f. Prevention

Transition: For the most part everyone has heard of

social/emotional abuse, but not a lot of people realize what
classifies as social / emotional abuse.

Topic 1: What Social / Emotional Abuse is

A. What is it?
a. Healthy Place Author Natasha Tracy
B. Types
a. Passive vs. Active
C. Examples
a. Teasing, Name calling, No kind words
D. Statistic
a. 80%, 21 yrs, child abuse, psychological disorder
b. ChildHelp

Transition: Emotional Abuse is not commonly thought of as

seriously as other types of abuse. But that is a mistake

Topic 2: Effects of Social / Emotional Abuse

A. Behavioral Problems

September 19, 2016

Speech #2

Emmalee Buehler

B. Increase Risk
C. Emotional Development
Transition: In a lot of cases, people just stand by as they see
emotional abuse happen, this is what needs to change.


Topic 3: Prevention
A. Dont be a bystander
B. Listen
C. Be Positive, and nice
A. Explain What Emotional Abuse is
B. Give two examples
C. Give the effects
D. Prevention

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