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Dear Mrs.


September 11,2014

This week Ive read pages 1-149 of this great novel The Lightning Thief, by Rick
Riordan.The book starts off slowly and takes flight in excitement and so far is an
amazing book! Going off of what I have read so far, the book is about a 12 year old
named Percy Jackson who is a demigod. He finds out that he is the only living child of
The Big Three; Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades. He must return Zeuss stolen master bolt
before the summer solstice in order to avoid a war between the Greek gods.

I think the main theme of the book so far is that even if you're not as
smart as someone else, it doesn't mean you can't do the things they can do. This book
demonstrates that when, on page 5, it says But his wife hid baby Zeus and gave
Kronos a rock to eat instead. Here, Percy is showing that he has the ability to
remember important events from the past. Some kids without learning disabilities
probably wouldn't have remembered that, I know I wouldnt! Another example is on
page 55 when Percy is fighting the Minotaur, it says Without thinking I rolled to the
side and came up kneeling. This shows that even though his brain is slow, he can react
fast when it counts. Also, on page 88 it talks about how Percy's mind is easily able to
read Greek. This should be difficult for him since he has dyslexia but instead he is able

to read it easily. An example of his mind understanding Greek is when Annabeth says
Erre es korakas! He understands that means Go to the crows! On page 107 it gives
another example of Percys dyslexia helping him with Greek when Annabeth and he
were reviewing the gods and goddesses. On page 122 it shows a perfect example of
Percys ADHD helping in battle because he never stays still so he can take on multiple

Dear Mrs. Parrott,

September 11,2014

enemies at once. A further example, on page 88, is that his ADHD helps him battle
because he can't sit still so he was moving a lot and he would be a hard target to hit. In
addition, he sees things for what they actually are. At eh museum, Percy sees Mrs.
Dodds as a Fury instead of her disguise as a math teacher when noone else does.
Percy is a complex character with many traits. Percy is a very secretive person. I
found this out because on page 142 it says Anything else? No, I said Thats about
it. This is showing that Percy does not want to tell Chiron what else what the Oracle
told him. Also, he does not tell anyone he wants to go to the underworld to retrieve his
mother from Hades. Percy is also a very brave person. His bravery is shown on page 91
when he stands up to Clarisse and her friends in the bathroom by using his powers to
humiliate them. Another good representation of his braveness is when he defends
Grover from the Minotaur and then ends up killing it. He is also very curious because he
asks a lot of questions about what is going on. He never really knows what's going on
so he always questions what is happening.

So far this book keeps getting better and better by the minute and I cant wait for
the ending!
Nathaniel Wolsky

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