TOEFL® Vocabulary Test (A) Adjective Kata Sifat (V) Verb Kata Kerja (N) Kata Benda

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TOEFL Vocabulary Test

(a) = adjective = kata sifat

(v) = verb = kata kerja
(n) = kata benda
1. Fertile (a) = subur
Productive, bearing or capable of bearing fruit in large quantities
Eg. The land by the river is quite fertile and many crops are grown here
Crops = tanaman
Grown (a) = tumbuh dewasa, besar
2. Minuscule (a) = amat kecil
Very small
Eg. The minuscule gem was very hard to see without magnifying
Gem = permata
Magnifying glasses = kaca pembesar
3. Conjugal (a) = berhubungan dengan perkawinan, suami istri
Of marriage, marital relationship
Eg. One should think seriously before entering a conjugal relationship
4. Exterminate (v) = memusnahkan
To kill of, to get rid of (untuk menyingkirkan)
Eg. The Schaeffers hired a company to exterminate the cockroaches
living in their house
Cockroaches = kecoa
5. Verbalize (v) = mengungkapkan dengan kata-kata
To express in words, to put into word
Eg. Sometimes it is difficult to verbalize ones feelings
Ones feeling = perasaan seseorang
6. Admit (v) = mengakui
To accept, to confess, to allow entry
Eg. I must admit that even though you didnt like the movie I did
7. Ply (n) = lapis
A layer
Eg. Two ply tissue paper is stronger than one ply

8. Rupture (v) = pecah, memecahkan, memutuskan, membocorkan

To break or burst (ledakan, letusan, rentetan)
Eg. The water bed ruptured and the water flowed onto the floor
Flowed (flow) = mengalir
9. Junction (n) = tempat pertemuan
The place at which two things join
Eg. Deborahs house is at the junction of Hill and Maple streets
Tangible (a) = nyata, jelas, berwujud, dapat diraba
Able to perceived by touch, physically real
Eg. Many people want tangible proof or something before they believe
it to be true
Tangible proof = bukti nyata
Effigy (n) = patung
A figure respresenting a disliked person
Eg. The children made an effigy of their nasty neighbor
Nasty = menjijikan, buruk, keji, kotor, mesum, parah
Accretion (v) = pertambahan, pertumbuhan
Growth by gradual addition
Eg. The accredtion of dirt on windows is sometimes hard detect
Prestige (n) = gengsi, martabat, wibawa
Respect for a person or a thing
Eg. There is a lot of prestige associated with occupying a political
Occupying = menduduki, menempati
Occupy = terisi
Receive (v) = menerima
To take, to acquire
Eg. Imelda received many letters in the mail today
Format (n) = ukuran, sususan
The shape and size of something, the arrangement of something
Eg. The format of this class will be half lecture and half class
Versatile (a) = serba guna, aneka guna
Capable of changing or adapting, useful
Eg. When used correctly, a computer can be a versatile tool
Docile (a) = jinak, patuh, penurut
Obedient, easily taugh (mudah diajarkan)

Eg. Mr. Galindez wants to buy a docile dog for her son
Credulous (a) = yang mudah dipercaya
Too ready to believe
Eg. The credulous child believed the story about flying horses
Novice (n) = bibit, orang baru
A newcomer, a beginner, someone new to something
Eg. Bjorn is a novice when it comes to playing poker or other card
Benign (a) = jinak, ramah, lunak, subur, ramah tamah, tdk
Harmless, mild, gentle
Eg. The doctor removed a benign tumor from my neck and I went
home some day
Audible (a) = terdengar
Can be heard
Eg. Your voice is barely audible over the sound of the train whistle
Barely audible = hampir tidak terdengar
Corpulent (a) =gemuk
Having a large body
Eg. The corpulent politician jabbed a fat finger in the air
Jabbed = menusukkan
Verve (n) = semangat, kegairahan hati, bakat
Enthusiasm (antusiasme)
Eg. The cheerleaders showed verve and school spirit at the football
Sentimental (a) = mudah terharu, menyentuh perasaan
Marked by feeling or emotion
Eg. Lauren has a sentimental attachment to that quilt because her
great grandmother made it
Sentimental attachment = keterikatan emosional
Quilt = selimut
Diagnose (v) = mengenal, menentukan diagnose
To recognize (disease) by symptoms = untuk mengenali (penyaki)
dengan gejala
Eg. The patient was diagnosed with Lymes disease

Native (a) = asli, asal, alamiah, bawaan dari lahir

Belonging to a place by birth, indigenous (asli, primbumi)

Eg. Turkeys are native to north America
Turkey = kalkun9999999
North = utara
Credible (a) = masuk akal
Can be believe, reasonable
Eg. The witness gave a credible account of the accident
The witness = saksi
Concede (v) = mengakui, menyerah, mengizinkan,
To accept as true, to yield, to allow
Eg. I conceded to her point of view
Annals (n) = sejarah
Record of events, historical records
The annals of the organization are kept in notebooks
Inspire (v) = mengilhami, membangkitkan, mengobarkan
To stimulate, to fill with a feeling or desire (keinginan)
Eg. Students are often inspired by their teacher
Unison (n) = serempak
At the same time, at the same pitch (nada)
The two singer sang in unison

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