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Sandra Zavala

Mrs. Tran
English 1H
3 April 2015
Reading Analysis #2
I have read all 470 pages of Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver. The main protagonist
Samantha Kingston has been reliving several times the same day, February 12, in different
scenarios. Due to the fact that she is popular, Samanthas day consists of receiving flowers for
valentine's day, bonding with her best friends, and attending a party where she and her friends
are confronted by the girl they have bullied most of their school life, Juliet Sykes. Usually, after
taunting Juliet, Samantha and her friends leave the party drunk and end up dieing in a car
accident. But, Samantha has been desperately attempting to change her future by changing her
actions and hoping for the best. Sadly, her attempts were worthless since the result was that
people surrounded by her would die instead. Specifically, Juliet Sykes would commit suicide and
one of her best friends Elody would die.During her journey, she begins seeing and appreciating
important things in her life such as real friendship and the value of many peoples lives. Having
that in mind, each day she begins making new friends and in the end, she finds a way to save
Juliet Sykes by sacrificing herself.
The main theme for the book may be appreciate all the important things in life rather
than being selfish because one never knows the true value of life until it disappears. To clarify,
a person should know the difference between the value of their ambition and what is really
important in life. An evidence that supports this theme may be, Specifically, I thought of the

time in fourth grade when Lindsay announced in front of the whole gym class that she couldnt
have Vicky on her dodgeball team. Shes too fat, Lindsay blurted out. You could hit her her
with your eyes closed.[...] I laughed along with everyone else [..] Its no big deal. Theres
always going to be a person laughing and somebody getting laughed at (Oliver 4-5). Clearly,
the evidence shows how Samantha was involved in the act of bullying Vicky in order to not be
excluded from the crowd. Not to mention, Samantha did not realize how painful it was for Vicky

to go through that traumatic experience since she was inconsiderate by only

thinking of herself. Additionally, another piece of evidence that displays the theme may be, So
many things become beautiful when you really look.[...] I go to my mom and wrap my arms
around her. She yelps, surprised. I guess it has been a couple of years since weve
hugged,[...]Today Im going to save two lives: Juliet Sykess, and mine (Oliver 344-345). To
explain, the evidence exhibits how Samanthas values in life are changing. Before, she used to
believe that popularity was prominent, but now she is placing her family relationship and others
above her ambition. Furthermore, a quote that shows the theme is, Besides, this is the first day
of my new beginning. From now on Im going to do things right. Im going to be a different
person, a good person. Im going to be the kind of person who would be remembered well, not
just remembered. Ive been repeating this over and over, and just the idea of it is giving me
strength, something solid I can hold to, a lifetime (Oliver 369). Indeed, the evidence clearly
shows how Samanthas perspective on life has changed drastically. In fact, Samantha not only
hopes to bond, but also wants to express her real feelings in a positive way while still considering
others feelings. Samantha no longer wants to regrets her actions, but be proud of what she has
accomplished.Moreover, another quote that displays the theme may be, Floating images[...]And

a face above mine, white and beautiful, eyes as large as the moon. You saved me.A hand on my
cheek, cool and dry. Why did you save me? Words welling up on a tide: No. The opposite[...]
Thats when I realized that certain moments go on forever. Even after theyre over they still go
on[...] Im not scared if thats what youre wondering. The moment of death is full of sound and
warmth and light[...] (Oliver 468,470). This evidence suggests that Samantha was selfless for
sacrificing herself in order to save Juliet Sykes showing that she has learned the true value of
life. Indeed, she does not feel afraid that she has died since she is peaceful knowing that she has
died for a good cause.
At the beginning of the story, the writing style consists of an aggressive tone since
Samantha is first depicted as a pretentious girl. An evidence supporting this assertion may be,
The point is, we can do things like that. You know why? Because were popular. And were
popular because we can get away with everything. So its circular (Oliver 17-18). Clearly, this
evidence shows how blunt and self-confident Samantha is since she believes she is much
superior than most students in her high school. Another piece of evidence that displays
Samanthas aggressive tone may be, As usual I can feel all of them looking at us. Thats another
nice thing about being popular; you dont have to pay any attention to the people paying
attention to you (Oliver 59). To explain, the evidence suggests that Samantha does not
appreciate and consider others showing that she is indeed selfish. Throughout the story,
Samanthas character develops and shows her true personality in a compassionate tone. An
evidence that exhibits this tone may be, I wander through the halls and the campus, thinking
how strange it is that you can live your whole life in one place and never really look at it. Even
the yellow walls-what we use to call the vomit hallway-strike me as pretty now, the slender bare

trees in the middle of the quad elegant and sparse, just waiting for snow[...] Im past regretting
things now (Oliver 426,427).

To clarify, the quote displays how Samantha has come to

appreciate the little things in life regretting what she did before, but looking for a positive
change. Furthermore, Samanthas confusion and innocence displayed throughout the story causes
the reader to feel sorrowful since Samantha changes her actions and perspective in the true
values of life. An evidence supporting this assertion is, What would I do without you? I
crouch down and squeeze her in a hug, as I do seeing our whole life together: her tiny infant toes
and scalp that smelled like baby powder; the first time she tottered over to me[...] (Oliver 419).
Clearly, the evidence shows how Samantha loves her sister dearly after discovering the important
things in her life. Before, she always used to believe her sister was annoying, but now she is
appreciating the wonderful memories she has spent with her younger sister Izzy. Moreover,
Samanthas different actions build suspense and make the readers anxious because the repetitions
of her final day should be similar when in reality, Samanthas actions cause various scenarios.
Not to mention, her multiple questions that she asks throughout the story concerning what is
happening to her show her naiveness creating suspense for reader since the reader never knows
what other actions Samantha would make in order to change her future. A quote that displays
the argument is, Im desperate to spill everything to Lindsay and Elody at that moment, to ask
them whats happening to me-to us-but i cant think of any way to say it. We were in a car
accident after a party that hasnt happened yet. I thought I died yesterday (Oliver 87). The
evidence clearly exhibits how Samantha struggles between believing the strange reality that is
happening to her or disregard the strange events and attempt to move on life. Indeed, Samanthas

uncertainty creates even more tension to the story since it seems that she is leading the reader to
unexpected events.
In conclusion, the intriguing book Before I Fall has an interesting protagonist who has
difficulty facing the reality that is happening to her. With struggles and obstacles, including
herself, she discovers the true values of life once she begins to appreciate the important things in
life such as the relationship with her family. Indeed, Samanthas perspective on life has changed
because she now values her relationship with others instead of popularity since she is always
interacting with new people day by day. Furthermore, the tone throughout the story varies
because the main character Samantha can first be portrayed as a conceited person who only cares
about popularity above anything else, but then the tone changes once Samanthas real identity is
shown as a kind and naive teenager wanting to live life to the fullest. Not to mention, her
character as a confused teenager causes the plot of the story to develop and become suspenseful
since the reader never knows what Samantha will do next. Hence, this interesting book has a
brave protagonist who is attempting to improve her relationship with others while trying to
change her future.

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