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) 11/1/16 Confessions of a Murder Suspect pg 23-72

I really like how there is a lot of secrets within the Angel family like Tandys missing memories and
what happened to her sister, Katherine. I feel like Uncle Peter knows something about Tandys
parents that she doesn't know herself. What came to a surprise to me is i didn't even know that
Tandy had a sister i thought she was the only girl among her siblings. I think that people who love
mysteries and murder should read this book because it is really thrilling and you find out very dark
secrets that can make a person want to read more.

2.) 11/2/16 Confessions of a Murder Suspect pg 72-99

I really don't like Uncle Peter. He is really mean to the Angel children and also he took over
Katherines room. I think the relationship between Tandy and her twin brother, Harry, is very
interesting because they are polar opposites. Even though they look pretty similar they have
totally different personalities. While Tandy is rational and stoic, Harry is very emotional and
creative and is grieving over the death of his parents more than the others.

3.) 11/3/16 Confessions of a Murder Suspect pg 113-143

I don't believe any of Tandys neighbors murdered her parents. Even though some of them had
motive they couldn't get into the apartment anyways. I wonder who this boy is that Tandy is
talking about that she forgot. I feel bad for the Angel kids though. They never got to have a real
childhood. Their parents hired a therapist to control their emotions when they were 3. That
shouldnt be done. They should be happy and carefree and not learning about politics when
theyre just barely walking. I wonder what Uncle Peter is talking about though with Matthew. As
Tandy says, Matthew only played poker every once in awhile with his buddies. It doesn't sound
like Matthew is addicted to gambling. I think Uncle Peter is trying to frame one of the Angel kids.

4.) 11/4/16 Confessions of a Murder Suspect pg 218-245

I wonder whats going on? Why did Malcolm give his children drugs to make them perfect? I
think it's wrong that he did that. He should have loved them the way they are. Not force them
drugs to give them supernatural powers like super focus and strength and pills to shut down their

emotions. And hopefully it isnt true that Malcolm is the father of Matthews girlfriends baby.
Thats just wrong.

5.) 11/7/16 Confessions of a Murder Suspect pg 260-279

I actually believe that Uncle Peter didn't kill Malcolm and Maud. He seemed to really love his
brother. But then who did kill them? Honestly the thing with the pills reminds me of a different

series by the same

author called Maximum Ride. In Maximum Ride the main characters

were raised in cages and experimented on and treated like lab rats, just like how Tandy described
how she felt about the drugs that shes been taking since she was a toddler. (Quote said by
Tandy: pg 256: Just looking at my uncles smug and unpleasant face made my insides smolder. I
thought about the memos hed exchanged with my father, discussing our pills as if we lived in
cages and would die in them, too.) I also can't believe that Matthew got suspended from the NFL.
hes dealing with enough problems already and this just adds on. I hope Tandy finds out who
murdered her parents soon before things start getting out of hand.

6.) 11/10/16 Confessions of a Murder Suspect pg 281-303

Wow I can't believe what Tandys parents did to her. They ripped her away from the boy she loves
and she only recently found out about him because of her missing memories returning. Were they
really that strict that she couldn't even be around another boy. I wonder where he is? I hope he
isnt dead. At least tandy is getting her memories back. It's bogus that her and her brothers got
kicked out of school though, just because they are suspects in their parents murders. I wonder
whats going to happen?

7.) 11/15/16 Confessions of a Murder Suspect pg 327-366

Wow this is unbelievable! I can't believe that Tandys neighbor, Nate Crosby, was spying on their
family for so many months. He even had a video of what happened to her parents! Why didn't he
give up that evidence? He put the angel kids through so much because of that. It's pretty sad but
romantic about how they died though. They both committed suicide just because they couldn't live
without each other. But it was selfish in a way because whos going to take care of the angel kids?

They're going to be homeless soon because of all the debts that their parents left them with.
Whats going to happen? I hope they get through this.

8.) 11/18/16 Witch and Wizard pg 1-23

I started a new book called Witch and Wizard by James Patterson and wow it just jumps right into
action. Who is The One Who is the One? And why did the New Order break into Wistys and
Whits house and arrest their whole family. I also wonder what Wistys mom meant when she said
that her and Whit are very special and different. Also why couldn't the officers see Wisty? She
was standing right in front of them. Things are going to get interesting.

9.) 11/22/16 Witch and Wizard pg 23-27

I didn't get to read much today but i got a lot a info. Whit and Wisty are witches and wizards? How
come they only just found this out about themselves? They must have used some magic when
they were younger, because magic is hard to control most times when you are not used to it (or
so Ive heard). And what? The New Order is basically going back to the 1700s and arresting
anyone that seems like a witch? Thats kind of messed up. And why did their parents give them a
drumstick and an empty book? Those items seem really useless. I wonder whats going to


11/28/16 Witch and WIzard pg 27-43

Wow what is going on? Wisty burst into flames? And she didn't get one burn from the flames?
That is really crazy! And why was there like a tornado in their house? I don't like Byron Swain. He
seems like a stuck up snob. I also don't like the One Who is the One. he seems like a know it all.
But the N.O. is really messed up. Theyve been arresting all the kids in the city and putting them in
prison. What did they do wrong? I hope i find out soon.


11/29/16 Witch and Wizard pg 43-48

This last section was pretty funny. I love the way Wisty is so sarcastic. And byron deserved that
lightning bolt to the chest. But so far ive mainly seen Wistys powers. What are Whits? I wasnt to
find that out. And they're going to trial soon? What exactly did they do?


12/1/16 Witch and Wizard pg 56-79

The One Who Judges is really mean and cruel. Wisty and Whit are just kids and hes treating
them like they're the most dangerous, horrible, disgusting things in the universe. And the other
adults are worse. How come all of a sudden they don't act like normal human beings and act like
they're cockroaches? And then they are claimed of being guilty and are going to be executed?
Thats messed up. At least they're parents are out there somewhere. And also are the jails getting
so full of children that they have to put Wisty and Whit in an abandoned asylum? With a so called
barrier that blocks spells? If thats the cases then why was Wisty able to glow? I really want to
know what happened to Celia. She keeps on appearing in Whits dreams telling him to be strong. I
wonder who exactly the Visitor is? Ill find out soon.


12/2/16 Witch and Wizard pg 95-105

Wow Wisty and Whit are basically being treated like lab rats. They keep on getting succumbed
into tests every day. And now Wistys floating in her sleep? The Visitor is pretty cruel. He made
Whit scrub the bathroom with a toothbrush just because he talked back. And whats going on with
Whits arm? It sunk into the wall? Whats going on?


12/5/16 Witch and WIzard pg 105-130

Wow so Celia is dead and now a ghost? Thats so sad. I can't believe the N.O. murdered her
because of Whit and Wisty. The trial was pretty funny. I can't believe Wisty spawned in a bunch of
flies that turned into leeches. But i wonder why they're tests turn back to be normal. Theyve
obviously have magic. Wouldn't their tests come out not normal if they had magical powers? And
more tests? Their lives are already hell why make it worse? And they're going to get executed
tomorrow?! I hope they figure out how to get out of there before they get executed. And ha byron
got turned into a weasel, his true form! Thats hilarious hopefully he stays that way.


12/9/16 Witch and Wizard pg 139-168

Yay Celia! She managed to get Whit and Wisty out of that hospital. But wow the shadowland is
kind of scary. Especially since humans can easily get lost in there. Feffer also sounds so
adorable. I wonder exactly this Sasha person is. He seems like the class clown. But yet he can be
so serious. And what exactly are the Lost Ones? They sound scary. They're just big shadows with
yellow eyes. And they take body heat? Thats pretty scary to me. I hope they get out of the
shadowland soon.


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