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SEA Supplement
Robbinsdale Area Schools
District #281
Faculty Handbook
School of Engineering and Arts

Student Hours: 9:20 a.m. 3:40 p.m.

Teacher Hours: 8:20 a.m. 4:00 p.m.

The procedures outlined in this handbook are intended to help everyone work
effectively. Some policies are taken directly from the Faculty Handbook of
District 281. These are mandatory operational guides. Other policies specific to
SEA are expected to be followed by everyone, but may be revised according to
needs we identify as the year progresses.
Success in life can be judged by the lives you touch. There is no test or scorecard
to measure your impact on the lives of children. You do make a difference, even in
ways that you cannot imagine. Thank you for accepting what you are given and
making a positive difference in the lives entrusted to you.
Communication is important to the success of schools. My door is always open! I
look forward to building relationships with the students, families, and staff of the
School of Engineering and Arts.
If you have any questions or concerns see me or Kelley DeLaCruz.
Thank you,
Heather Hanson

Student Dismissal Procedures

Please follow the procedures as outlined below:
All walkers, Adventure Club students, and students being picked up will be
dismissed first with an announcement from the office @ 3:35.
A. Adventure Club students will go to gym.
B. Grade 3-5 students will wait in their classroom until their bus is called
and will line up in hall on the second floor by their bus sign near Mrs.
Gentrys class. They will then precede downstairs to their bus using the
Grade stairs (north).
C. Students that are parent pick up will go directly to the media center.
These students should receive from their teachers each day a green
parent pick up pass (K-2). The students in Grades K, 1, and 2 will line up
in the cafeteria and will be walked to the media center by a supervisor.
Grades 3-5 parent pick up students will go directly to the media center.
Once parent pick up students arrive in the media center they should sit
down, and wait for their parent/guardian. Parents will be instructed to enter
through the outside doors by front office, pick up their student/s from the
media center, sign their student out, and exit through the outside doors by
the front office.
K 3 grade students who ride buses will be led by their teachers to the
lunchroom with an announcement from the office. Students should be
instructed to sit down quietly in their classroom lines. There will be a
supervisor with a walkie-talkie assigned to each area. (Channel 9 or Event 5)
Administration or another designated person with a walkie-talkie will be
outside of Door 6 to record the order of the buses. That person will announce
the bus order over the walkie-talkie to the office. The first floor and second
floor will dismiss bus lines in that order when the office announces the bus #
on intercom.
Laminated bus number cards will be carried down the hall by a student
leader from each hallway in the order of the buses called. Students on the
second floor will exit using the north end stairwell and will be followed by
students on the first floor level out of Door 6.
Kindergarten students who ride buses will be led by their teacher to exit
through Door 6, and will be put onto their correct buses. No announcement
will be made. ***Kindergarten teachers will decide when they will begin to
dismiss from indoors.
After the first round of busing is complete, round 2 grade 3-5 students will
be dismissed to the lunchroom. Grade 3-5 teachers on duty will come down
to the cafeteria at this time with the students to monitor round 2 of busing.

School Wide Staff Development 2016-2017

Every Monday at 8:20am is Multi-Tiered Support System (TSAT)
Every Wednesday at 8:20am is Building PLC
Every Friday at 8:20am is Child Study



Staff Meeting
ILT Committee
PBIS Committee
PLC Committee





Equity Committee
Staff Meeting
ILT Committee







PBIS Committee
PLC Committee
Staff Meeting
Equity Committee






ILT Committee
PBIS Committee
Staff Meeting
PLC Committee
Staff Social







Equity Committee
ILT Committee
Staff Development with Staff Meeting
PBIS Committee
STEAM Meeting








PLC Committee
Equity Committee
Staff Meeting
ILT Committee
PBIS Committee
STEAM Meeting






PLC Committee
Staff Development with Staff Meeting
Equity Committee
ILT Committee







PBIS Committee
Staff Meeting
PLC Committee
STEAM Meeting
Equity Committee





ILT Committee
Staff Social
Staff Meeting





PBIS Committee
PLC Committee
Equity Committee

Conference Schedule
Fall Conference Nights:
October 4, 6 and 10
Spring Conference Nights:
March 14, 16, and 20
Family Nights: (Mandatory for all licensed staff to attend)
Thursday, November 10 STEAM Family Night w/Grade 3 Concert
5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 13
Night of the Arts Family Night
5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Friday, May 19
Spring Fling/Book Fair: 5:30-8:30 p.m. (1 hour mandatory)

Grade level music programs:

Thursday November 10
Thursday, December 22
Thursday, February 23
Thursday, April 20

Grade 3
10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Grade 1 & 4 10 a.m.
Grade 5
10 am. and 6 p.m.
Grade 5
10 a.m.

SEAbot Assemblies: Dates to be Determined

RTI Block Times:
RTI Time
10:00- 10:30

Grade 1

10:00 -10:30

Grade 3




Grade 2


Grade 4

Lunch/Recess Schedules
2:00- 2:30

Grade 5

Kin Lab
Kin Lab
Kin Lab
Kin Lab

Supervision Schedule
9:00 9:30a.m.
Anne Olson
Megan Fritz
Alicia Taylor
Larry Norton
Albert McGee

Lobby and Grade 5 locker area/halls

Bus Entry Area & Grade 3/4 bath & halls
Grade 2 locker area/halls
First Grade Lockers and Door 6
Outside- Supervise Parent Drop Off/Crosswalk
Greet buses

Cafeteria/Breakfast 9:00 9:30 a.m.

Taquanna Roberts
Day 1-5
Dr. Cara Rieckenberg
Day 1-5
Albert McGee
Day 1-5
Social Worker
As needed within work schedule/hall duty when available
As needed within work schedule/hall duty when available
Cafeteria/Lunch EA Supervision
SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE posted in Cafeteria
Recess EA Supervision: SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE posted in Cafeteria
End of Day
Megan Fritz
Brian Witzke
Krissy Quiring
called Round 1
Tom Luu
Albert McGee
Anne Olson
Alicia Taylor
Andreaua Adams
Taquanna Roberts
Kelley DeLaCruz

Bus Duty Lead bus dismissal in cafeteria

Media Center- Parent Pick Up
Grade 3-5 Supervise upstairs while bus #
Outdoor busing
Bus duty cafeteria
Office- Announce buses over intercom
Pick up Kindergarten-2 Walkers & then Cafeteria
Bus signs upstairs then walk to cafeteria
Special Ed. Busing then Parent Pick Up
Direct buses/busing

Larry Norton
Heather Hanson

Safety Patrol at crosswalk & traffic control

Direct buses/busing

Committee/Team Information 2016/17

Grade Level
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Grade Level
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade

Team Leader
*Heather Hanson
Julie Pitkin
Carol Callen
Zach Johnson
Ann Wulff
Erika Gentry
Jody Durand
Krissy Quiring

PLC Lead
*Cara Rieckenberg
Maren Mayo
Carrie Casey
Michele McDonald
Jessica Schultz
Erika Gentry
Chad Belling

Equity Team
*Albert McGee
Mary McLaughlin
Carrie Casey
Michelle McDonald
Karen Gellner
Eric Wulff
Carrie Ehn
Krissy Quiring
Tom Luu

*Kelley DeLaCruz
Maren Mayo
Tobi Kreifels
Tonya Larsen
Jessica Schultz
Liz Kinville
Chad Belling

Child Study (Meet Fridays)

Heather Hanson
Kelley DeLaCruz
Marcy Alexander
Sonja Deretich
Amy Frink
Jana Schneider

Multi-Tiered Support System (TSAT)

Amy Frink
Marcy Alexander
Sonja Deretich
Heather Hanson
Kelley DeLaCruz
Albert McGee

Staff Socials
Refreshments will be served on the days indicated below. The group for the month
will plan, share costs and put a reminder up in the lounge/mailboxes.
**The first person listed is in charge of the month. **
If your name if not here any you would like to help please let the office know and
we will add you on.
Thursday, December 22 *E.Wulff, Schneider, Roberts, Luu, Witzke, Hanson,
Detrich, DeLaCruz, Rieckenberg, Robinson, Olson, Fritz, Kreifels,
Schultz, Durand, McDonald, Frink
Friday, May 5 *Ehn, Adams, Kinville Casey, McLaughlin, Larsen, Gellner,
Gentry, Belling, Quiring, Spreeman, Pitkin, Callen, Kaminski, A.Wulff, Johnson,
McGee, Alexander
Pay Day Treats There is a sign up in the lounge to bring pay day treats. If you
would like to enjoy treats please sign up to bring treats also.

These are the policies affecting both students and teachers concerning regular
employment, attendance hours and mandatory procedures concerning being in the
building or leaving the building during those prescribed hours.
Staff & Student Hours:
The regular and minimum employment hours for teachers are 8:20 a.m. to 4:00
Contract employees, part-time employees and other staff that spend a day in the
building must conform to the building hours.
Reasonable exceptions for teachers to be out of the building during employment
hours will be honored. Please be sure to sign out in the office.
The regular attendance hours for students are 9:20 a.m. to 3:40 p.m. They are
expected to be on school premises during these prescribed hours.
Students Off School Premises:
Students who are taken off school premises must be under approved supervision
including the teacher and other responsible adult(s).
No child or group of children may be taken off the school premises without the
principal and secretary being informed as to the names of the students, activity,
time of departure, time of return, and supervising adults. When the usual field trip
applications are processed through the office such information is automatically
provided. If groups are taken out without the usual field trip application form
being used, teachers are required to provide the required information prior to
students and teachers leaving the building to parents and to the office.
Parent Notification:
Parents must be informed when students leave the school premises during regular
school hours. This will be done through an information letter outlining the details
of the field trip. This information should be provided to parents for each field trip,

which means any trip off of school property. If the parent has not signed and
returned the permission a waiver form (pink), this form should be sent home,
signed and returned. Please notify administration when there is a lack of a
permission form. Steps will be attempted to have the student attend the field trip.
Sign Out Procedures:
All staff members are expected to sign out and sign in at the office, if they need to
leave the building during working hours.
Approval of Pay Deducted Leave/Personal Leave Days:
Each building principal will receive the requests and can approve or deny requests
based on the building staff needs. According to district policy, 5% of the staff will
be approved for days off prior/after district noted days off.

Facts for Staff

School Hours: Students: 9:20 a.m. - 3:40 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Staff hours: 8:20 a.m. 4:00 p.m.
Children begin to arrive at classrooms by 9:20 a.m. Teachers are expected to
be in their classroom at this time greeting students at the door.
Announcements (via SEA News or office announcements):
Messages given during morning announcements are important and bring
unity to our school. (Please view daily if on SEA News via media
Everyone will be expected to stop whatever they are doing and
listen/watch the information given.
Special reminders and praise will be given each day regarding common
Shouts Outs can be shared with office staff or media specialist
Hallway Walking:
Please make sure your students are supervised in the hallway, particularly in the
locker area. Teachers are expected to escort students to recess, specialists and
after lunch.
Students will have recess before lunch except kindergarten.
Students will be brought to their lockers to put their coats away in the

Grades K, 1, 3, 4
Will enter in door 6.
Each grade will wash their hands by the sink located in their grade
During cold weather, students will put their coats away in their
Grades 2, 5
Will enter door 5
Each grade will wash their hands by the sink located in their grade
level. Note: Grade 5 students will wash their hands in the second
grade wing until they need to use their lockers
During cold weather, students will put their coats away in their lockers
Bus Supervision:
Please see separate bus supervision schedule (will be sent via email)
Staff Meetings
Attendance is required at all staff meetings. Staff is expected to arrive on
time at all meetings. Please do not bring any non-related work materials to
meetings for busy work.
PLC Meetings:
Minutes of PLC meetings should be put on Google Docs after each meeting.
Professional Library:
A professional library is in the conference room.
Classroom Care:
All classrooms need to be put in order at the end of the school day. Have
students pick up paper and items off the floor, empty the recycling, put chairs
on top of tables, and other housekeeping duties you feel are necessary. Please
keep top of desk clean, and do not allow students to sit on top of the tables.
Cum Files:
Cum files will be stored in the office. Files may be checked in and out of the
office as needed. Teacher signature required on yellow sheet each time
Please make sure computers are logged off when you leave your room.

Please make sure your computer is closed down when you leave for the day.
Lesson Plans:
Be sure your lesson plans are readily available and visible on teacher desk.
Substitute Folder:
Please complete in detail the substitute folder that will be kept in the office. Be
sure to keep information up-to-date in it. Complete your substitute folder and
return to the office by the end of the first week of school.
Long Term Substitute Teachers:
If you will need a long-term substitute, you need to plan with the building
principal on whom we should request. This should be done prior to ever saying
anything to any substitute teacher regarding a long term position.
SEA Notes:
This should help you plan your upcoming week. If you want to add
announcements submit it to the building secretary by Wednesday of the
previous week.
SEA Master Calender on Shared Google Calendar:
Building information can also be found on the buildings Master Google calendar.
Please see the office secretary to add field trips, important dates, speakers, ect to
the Master Calendar.
Student Issues:
Please keep the administration informed about possible issues brought to you by
parents. It helps to have the facts when dealing with conflicts.
Discard your leftovers in a timely manner that way there is enough space for
staff lunches daily. There will be a schedule posted for refrigerator clean up.
Each team will be assigned a month for lounge duty. (See refrigerator for list
of responsibilities)
Data Privacy and Confidentiality:
It is a violation of the Code of Ethics for Minnesota Teachers to discuss
confidential information about students and/or families with others unless they
are working with the student and the information is pertinent to the situation.
When you talk about students or colleagues in the public areas of the school
students or visitors could hear your conversations. Address your concerns to
the person or persons whom can best help you with a situation. *Be cautious

when using walkie talkies to not use specific names of students and behaviors.
(You could use initials of student, if needed.)
Room Usage of Common Areas:
If you need to use an open room, please sign out the room for the time you
need. The schedule for open rooms can be found on Google Calenders (E-Lab
and Conference Room). The Computer Lab and Media Center schedule can be
found in the Media Center Link on the SEA homepage.

We do not have a lot of room for storage at SEA. Please bring personal items
home if you are not using them. School district property will be shipped to
central storage if it is not going to be used.
Grade Books:
Your records on students progress should be kept for the school year in case a
parent should questions grades a child earned. Your documentation of the
childs work is critical to answer questions that may come up.
Purchases of Equipment, Materials, and Supplies:
All purchase orders go through the building secretary and approved by the
building principal.
Storage Rooms/Supply Rooms:
Please be sure to leave these rooms neat and organized. These rooms should not
be used for personal storage.
Room/Building Care:
Good housekeeping is important for a positive learning environment. It is the
class and teachers duty to see the classroom is kept neat, orderly and attractive.
This is a daily task. Tables should be cleaned often. Attempt to make things as
easy as possible for cleaning in the evenings. The night custodians are limited
to the amount of time they spend in each classroom.
Playground Rules:
Fighting, games, and other activities, which could lead to injury, are banned.
The playground supervisors will attempt to use good judgment during their time
outside. However, teachers should establish with their classes knowledge of
playground rules and the need of cooperation and safety. This should be
emphasized continually within the classroom if effective control is to be

Lunchroom Policy:
Children/Parents/Guardians are requested to purchase lunch credits in the
cafeteria before school starts. Children do not receive tickets, but will be
credited with the number of lunches purchased. When they are served a lunch,
their account is charged for a lunch. Those bringing their lunch as they go
through the lunch line can purchase milk. Pop/carbonated drinks are not
allowed at lunch.
Applications for free or reduced price lunches are available at the office. All
breakfast/lunches (full price or free) are handled exactly the same way. Thus
students never know what type of payment method is used.
Students will be expected to use the following manners in the cafeteria:
Using please, thank you and kind words with students and adults.
Sitting on their pockets while eating.
Keeping their table, seat and floor clean.
Using indoor voices while speaking to only those near you.
Raising their hand to be dismissed.
Quietly walking through the cafeteria and halls.
For safety reasons, eating only your food.
Animals/Pets in the Classroom:
Animal/pets are not allowed at schools without district approval. See
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS):
PBIS is a School-wide behavior tool that is used in all district buildings.
Teachers are expected to follow the procedures and guidelines that have
been set up. This includes the use of a classroom matrix; hallway tokens
GEAR Up slips, etc.
Non-Discrimination Policy:
District 281 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
sex or handicap in admission, treatment or access to its programs and activities,
or in employment in it programs and activities. The district has designated two
individuals to coordinate efforts to comply with federal laws and regulations.


Students should have a note from the teacher to use a phone in the office.
Youll have the option of having the student use the phone in your own
classroom. Students shouldnt use the phone without the teachers
Personal cell phones or other student technology devices are not allowed at
school. Bringing any of these devices are at the students risk. The school
personnel will not be responsible for investigating lost or stolen items. If a
student happens to bring an item to school, the staff member should hold onto
the item until the end of the day. Please do not have the students put the item in
their locker.
Sending Pupils to the Office/Nurse:
If a student is removed from the classroom, the teacher must adhere to the
District Discipline Policy. There are specific obligations to the student and the
parents/guardians. In all cases, the district forms must be used. Students
should be sent to the office only if there is an immediate need.
If a student is sent to the nurse, please send a pass with the childs name,
classroom number and an explanation of the circumstance.
Students are to be supervised at all times. Students cant be in a classroom
unless they are supervised by a staff member.
Robbinsdale Area Schools is committed to the health and wellness of its students.
Birthday celebrations at school can provide a unique way to shift focus from
unhealthy foods (cakes, candy, etc.) to celebrating the child. Therefore,
Robbinsdale Area Schools discourages edible birthday treats.
Students will not be allowed to bring treats from home to share with others
due to an increase in food allergies and the negative effect of sugar on
learning. Thanks for your support on this policy change regarding birthday treats
at SEA. We also ask families to refrain from sending birthday party invitations to
school for distribution.
Releasing Students:
Students are to be released through the school office ONLY. Parents should
send a note with the child requesting to be excused. Teachers should have all
notes brought to the office in the morning. When parents come to the office
they will sign their student out. The office will notify the teacher when to send
the child. Students should not be released from a classroom until phone

notification is received from the office. Parents must inform the school no
later than 3:00 p.m. if there will be a change in their childs end of day
procedure. After 3:00 p.m., students are to be dismissed in their normal
Restroom Breaks:
In order to help alleviate the discipline problems that arise in the bathrooms and
prevent disruption in nearby classrooms, classes will be expected to take
all-class restroom breaks. The recommended procedure is to line up with
your class near one restroom and let the students of that gender go a few at a
time. Students may get a drink and then go to the end of the line. The class
will then proceed to the other restroom and repeat procedure. Of course,
students can go to the bathroom if there is a need outside of a classroom break,
but this should be on a limited basis.
Grade levels should have common uniform homework at each grade level.
BUILDING WIDE Reading Focus:
SEA will have a School Wide Reading Focus and Plan for activities
instilling a love of reading and intentional effort to emphasize the value of
reading skills for life-long learning. (See separate plan each year)
Staff Protocol for Children of Employees who Attend SEA:
These following guidelines were set with the input of the Advisory Committee to
help staff create a positive environment when addressing needs by either party.
1. Staff with children in the building will:
a. Establish what greeting process will be used when meeting
child/parent in the halls, etc.
2. If parents with children or building staff need to address an issue
concerning a child, the issue should be addressed before or after school.
This protocol should be used by all parties, which is a reflection of how
families/teachers normally communicate with each other.
Teachers must have the principal or program coordinator approval for all
field trips.
Field trip fees are collected from students to cover costs.
Classroom teachers are responsible for the collection.

Please keep a detailed list of who has paid for a trip and who needs a
scholarship. Field trip money should be brought to the office daily.
Adequate supervision means at least two adults per classroom. We have
additional support staff that will participate where there is a need.
Busses can leave after 9:30 a.m. and must return by 3:00 p.m.
Please inform the kitchen at least 2 weeks prior to a field trip where
students will need lunches indicating how many lunches are needed and
which students will need the lunches.
Please inform the nurse/health aide at least 2 weeks prior to a field trip.
Visit the nurse the morning of the field trip to collect any medications you
might need as well as a first aid kit.
The pink permission and waiver forms should be signed by all parents. If a
parent has not signed the permission and waiver form, please provide
another form to be signed prior to the field trip. Parents must be informed
any time their children are taken off the school property during the
school day. This will be done through an information letter outlining the
details of the field trip.
Office, Administration and Nurse must be informed of students who are
staying back from the field trip. Approval from administration is needed
in order for a student not to attend a field trip.

Something that you work toward
Empathy: To understand another
persons feelings; to notice
how other people are feeling

To be positive in your actions


Thinking and acting in a

positive way about self and

Outdoor Learning Expectations:

When taking students outdoors for learning, students need to abide by the same
expectations as they would in their classroom. Since being outdoors lends itself to
unique experiences not otherwise found in the classroom, the SEA community
practices the following guidelines for outdoor learning:
Use quiet voices and feet

Stay on the trails or where your teacher tells you is safe

ALWAYS be in a spot where you can see the teacher and the teacher can see
Unless directed, leave nature where it is (leaves on the ground, twigs on
trees, animals, insects etc.)
Selectively choose samples (dont pick all the leaves off one tree for
Return samples to where they were taken
Keep up with the teacher so you dont miss anything
If you see litter, pick it up or tell the teacher
Listen for the teachers whistle:
One whistle blow-stop, be quiet, look and listen to the teacher
Two whistle blows-return to designated spot and be quiet
Three whistle blows-return to the door where you exited school and return to
classroom, put heads down and wait quietly
Before heading out, ALL staff must let the office secretary staff know they are
going outdoors and where they will be located. They must also either pick up a
walkie-talkie from your grade level lead or the office. Make sure the walkie-talkie
is on a Channel 9 or Event 5.
**When taking students outdoors for learning opportunities, please teach and
remind children to leave animals (mammals, insects, birds, etc.) and plants
alone. Teach that these critters and plants are living creatures and deserve the
same respect we have for one another. These critters should not be touched and
need to remain where they are found. Plants (leaves, flowers, bark, mushrooms,
etc.) need to also be left alone for others to continue to make observations.
These outside living organisms are to be viewed by sight only unless otherwise
directed by the teacher. While we do not want to squash curiosity, we want to
teach our students to be safe.


At all times, follow the instructions of the recess EAs.
When a whistle is blown follow the direction of the whistle:
1. Follow direction given
2. Line up to go in right away
Swing Area
Avoid walking closely in front of and behind swings
When getting off the swing, stop the swing to get off
When riding the swing, stay seated the entire length of your ride
Do not use the handicap or baby swing
Zip- Line
Only one ride per recess
Stay clear of the zip-line pathway
When playing stay aware of the zip-line area
Stay seated when riding the zip-line
Wait until the zip-line has stopped to get off
Main Play Area
Only 1 person should go down the slide at a time
Only go down the slide seated (no head first)
Only enter the slide from the top (no climbing up the slide from the bottom)
Monkey Bars: Only use the underneath part of the bars (no climbing on top)
Do not jump off of the rocks onto the monkey bars
(Monkey Bars are for grades 3-5 only-per district regulation)
Smaller Play Area: Do not climb on top

Rocks are there to be climbed on (Please do not climb on the table and
Playing tag is not allowed in the play area. Tag is not allowed to be played
on the equipment. Tag can be played in the field or on the blacktop.
Please keep the woodchip on the ground.
Be aware of your surroundings at all times
Only touch football can be played. No tackle football.

Classroom Strategies and Interventions

Build a relationship with your students.
Be consistent
Have a structured classroom
Teach, model and reinforce expectations
Intervene early
Establish and post rules for classroom conduct
Talk to the student about his/her behavior
Often review classroom expectations with students
Explain natural consequence to misbehavior
Increase teacher interaction with student
Maintain visibility to and from the student
Reinforce students who behave appropriately
Catch the target student behaving and reinforce
Try to attend to 5 positive behaviors for every negative
Use predetermined signals to stop behavior
Use proximity control (teacher move around room and stand by student
Scan the classroom frequently
Seat student near the teacher
Reduce classroom stimuli
Write a behavior specific contract with student/group
Teach/model behavior to the class
Teach student self-monitoring skills
Communicate with parents often regarding behavior concerns

Evaluate assigned task for appropriateness in level of difficulty
Evaluate assigned task for appropriateness in length of assignment
Give students many opportunities to respond
Shorten work tasks
Assign a peer as a buddy helper
Provide different types of learning experiences
Be aware of and teach to different learning styles
Try various groupings
Provide many opportunities for students to interact with peers
Reduce threatening situations (announcing test scores, having student
read, reprimanding students in front of others)
Set up contingency contract (work done = free time earned)
Provide the student with an opportunity to ask for help or clarification
One of the most effective components of effective behavior management involves
staff efforts to encourage students to strive for excellence, both behaviorally and
academically. Remember, for every one instance of attention given to negative
behavior, there should be five instances of attention given to positive behavior. A
positive staff contributes to a positive student body.

Teacher/EA Expectations
Use language that is positive and firm not demeaning, insulting or
Focus on the positive interactions
Try to avoid confrontational interventions
Be aware of your own body language
Send positive notes home; call the childs parent/guardian (teachers only)
Be aware of the special needs of children with medical diagnosis
(ADHD, depression, FAS, D/HH, blindness). Treat these children with
techniques appropriate to the diagnosis. Be sensitive to their needs.
You can teach appropriate behavior/expectations
Behavioral mistakes happen
Be positive role models/model positive behavior

School of Engineering and Arts

Student Behavior Policy

The purpose of this guide is to provide you with an explanation of the behavior
policy for the School of Engineering and Arts. Our policy will work with our
students when we know it and use it consistently. The policy for all students in the
district is in regular print in a handbook from the district. Our individual school
behavior policy is included in the following pages.
Office Referral
1. Use the student behavior report form. The form gives the assistant
administrator and principal the correct background on the referral.
2. Fill it out as completely as you can.
3. In the description of the incident section, describe the behavior. Do not
editorialize on personal characteristics of the student or use another
students name: its for your protection. Others, including parents, may
read the referral.
4. Also include any interventions or actions you have used prior to writing a
behavior report.
5. You will get a copy of the referral after the assistant administrator and
principal has completed seeing the student, usually within a day.

Procedure for Office Referral:

1) Fill out the Office Discipline Referral (ODR) Form and send it down to the
office as soon as possible. Please be aware of data privacy guidelines.
2) Delay sending the student if it is not an emergency or if it does not require
immediate intervention. Instead, send the referral to the office. It will be
followed up on. The student can be called in later. Send only when
3) Remember there are times when the principal is not available. The office
secretary/EA end up monitoring the student. They are not trained to monitor
students in crisis.
4) Sitting in the office can be reinforcing. There is a lot of interesting action
5) If the student is out of control, call the office and report that you have a
student in crisis and need someone to your classroom immediately. The
office will notify an appropriate person who will go to your classroom and
accompany the student to the office. Separate students in conflict. Avoid
interventions that might escalate a situation.

Tornado Procedure: (Bring grade level walkie talkie with for communication)
Listed below are placements for your room during a tornado procedure. We have
both a Phase I and a Phase II. Phase I is when we have a tornado watch. Phase II
is when we have a tornado warning meaning a tornado has been sighted. Make
sure students are away from doors and windows in the halls.
Phase I Students are seated on the floor facing
the wall.

Room 120 (Johnson)

Cafeteria-west wall
Room 121 (Larsen)
Cafeteria-west wall
Room 122 ( McDonald)
Cafeteria-west wall
Room 123
Cafeteria-west wall
Room 141 (Callen)
Cafeteria-east wall
Room 142 (Casey)
Cafeteria-east wall
Room 143 (Kreifels)
Cafeteria-east wall
Room 243 (Gentry)
Room 140 (Adv. Club Office) Cafeteria-east wall
Room 152 ( Pitkin)
Small room on north
side of cafeteria.(Rm.150)
Room 151 ( McLaughlin) W
omens Staff Lounge
Room 132
Stay in classroom
Room 220 D urand)
Music Room 132
Room 221 ( Ehn)
Music Room 132
Room 222 ( Belling)
Music Room 132
Room 223 ( 5 Gr Workroom) Music Room 132
Room 241 ( E.Wulff)
1st floor-girls

Room 242/240/253
(Kinville, A. Wulff)

Staff Lounge

Phase II Staff & students

should be in crouched
position with heads covered
by hands. Remain in the
same area.

Room 251 (Gellner)

Kitchen Office

Room 252 (Schultz)



Gr K-1 bathroom

Room 232 (Mayo)

Room 231 (eLab)
Room 230 (Comp Lab)
Room 234 & 236

afeteria West Wall

Go to Grade level area
Go to grade level area
Cafeteria-south wall

(Quiring & Witzke)

Sped (Frink)


West Wall

2 Grade bathrooms/Area

by Stairs

Media Center


In room along the wall

Back Room,
Cafeteria- Go to grade
level area

Tornado Procedure:
1) An announcement will be made when it is necessary to use the tornado
emergency procedures. Keep calm.
2) Have a headcount of your class. Use the emergency folder attached to your
wall which should contain a class roster. This is also for fire drills.
3) DO NOT let parents take a student unless they sign out child in office.
4) Walk quietly and take your places. If the power is out, Ill send a runner with
the warning.
5) If you are outside and we are put on a tornado watch Supervisors will blow
3 short whistle blasts. This means to clear the playground.
6) Questions? Please see the principal or assistant administrator.

Safety Tips for the SEA

Make sure you are not alone in the building. Make sure the office, a
custodian or another staff member knows you are in your area.
Do not go to the parking lot alone after dark.
Do not carry heavy loads. Carts are available in the office or custodial
If you are injured, report it to the office immediately.
If you see a safety risk, report it to the office.
Ask anyone without a visitor badge or staff ID to check in with the
All staff must wear Staff Picture ID.
All outside doors remain closed and locked.

Armed Intruder:

Administration will announce an emergency code phrase. Our buildings

phrase is We are in a lockdown. Do not confront an armed and violent
Call 911 immediately then notify office. Inform them as to where you
are and how many intruders there are.
Lock your classroom doors. Turn off the lights and have everyone sit on
the floor as far away from the door and windows as possible. Stay in
your classrooms until you are informed the building is safe.
If a situation happens during lunch, lunchroom supervisors should move
the students from the cafeteria to the classroom that is closest
If a situation happens when escorting students from one classroom to
another, teachers should get as many students as possible into the nearest
classroom and then follow the classroom procedures.
If a situation occurs outdoors, outdoor staff will blow three whistles.
Student should enter via the closes door and go to the nearest classroom.

Bomb Threat:
1. Staff will be notified
2. Everyone will leave the building. According to given instructions.

Fire Safety:

(Bring grade level walkie talkie with for communication)

Our goal is to educate children about smoke, fire, and evacuation.

1. When a fire alarm goes off in the building, please exit at the proper
door according to the exit maps posted in each room in the building
2. A classroom or grade level may need to exit out a different door if a
hallway or door is blocked by fire.
3. A staff member should call 911 immediately and then the office if
they witness a fire in the building.

Safety Guidelines:
1. According to state policy, all schools will have 5 fire drills, 5
drills and 1 tornado drill each year.


2. The safety of staff and students at SEA is very important. It is important that
the following guidelines are reviewed and followed.
3. A copy of these guidelines with an updated class roster need to be in each
emergency packet that is attached to the wall in each classroom.

School Lockdown:
Securing the school by implementing lockdown procedures may be called for in
the following instances:
A. Lockdown procedures:
1. Building administrator will announce, We are now having a lockdown.
Please begin lockdown procedures.
2. Staff should direct all students to the nearest classroom
3. Staff should clear hallways, restrooms and other rooms that cannot be
4. Staff should close all windows, pull shades, and keep students away from
5. Staff should lock doors and move students to a safe area in room away
from doors and windows.

6. Building administration will announce all clear when the incident has
ended. Staff and students will move on announcement only.
Students that are in the following locations should report to the stated area
listed below:
Media Center
Gym (Kin Lab)

Engineering Lab/ELab
Gym office
Kitchen/kitchen storage area/Closest classroom
If an intruder is in the building, students will be
escorted to Calvary Lutheran Church by the playground
supervisors. If the intruder is outside, students will be
brought into the building immediately and teachers
should follow the lockdown process.

B. Reverse Lockdown
1. The playground supervisors will blow 3 short blasts on their whistles, pause,
then blow 3 more short blasts to indicate that students should immediately
enter the nearest door that has a playground supervisor at it.
2. Playground supervisors will escort students to the closest door. Students
entering door 6 or 7 will be sent to room 143, the staff lounge or the storage
room off the cafeteria classroom. (In a real situation communication would
be made from room to room to help locate all children grade levels

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