Studentinterviewnewsletter Javierpereira Fuentes

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The Republic Post


Silver Spring, Maryland September 7, 2016 2 pages $1.00


All About A FSK Student !

Introducing one of Francis Scott Keys greatest
Author: Javier Pereira
Question 1:
Where were you born?

Dion was born in the

Dominican Republic.
said it is hot their.
Dion said he likes to
go to the beach when
he is their. He said it
is a island and their is
no traffic their. His
family is from their
but he was born in
New York.

Question 2:
What are you into?

Dion likes to play

sports and likes video
games. Dion likes to
play games that you
have to think. He likes
to play GTA. He likes
to also play

Question 3:
What do you wanna be
when you grow up?

He wants to be in the
NBA when he grows up.
He wants to be Point
Guard and in the Los
Angeles Clippers. He
wants to be a basketball
player because he likes
to play basketball a lot.
Question 4:
What do you like to eat?

Dion likes to eat white

rice, black beans, and
fry chicken. He likes to
eat it because he said it
tasted good and he
loves to eat it on
holidays. He also likes
to eat it when he is
hungry and when he got
nothing to do. He says
he also likes it because
it makes him full and
feel good.



Question 5:
What college do you want
to go to?

Dion wants to do to the

University of Maryland.
He wants to go their
because he thinks it will
be fun there and he
wants to join a
basketball team their.
He said if he does not
make it in the
basketball team he
wants to study for a
game designer. He also
wants to stay at the

He is in a basketball

camp of the University

of Maryland.

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