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y Rules & Laws
Section 1 - General Rules
(1.a) Bullying is not accepted in any way and
are punished by a permanent ban.

(1.b) Discrimination is not accepted in any way

and are punished by a permanent ban.

(1.c) Cursing and swearing are accepted in a

mature way and ONLY to be used in roleplay
situations. Racist or Nazi swearing are not

(1.d) Threatning a person in real life will not be

tolerated and will be resulted in a permanent
ban! If continuing to do so police will be

(1.e) The Admin team will ban people if they

think you dont follow the rules and have
broken them continuously. Ban appeal can be
sent in. But continuously breaking the rules

again will result in a permanent ban.

(1.f) Remember to always be in a Roleplaying

state of mind. And play as the character you
choose to. If you need to say something out of
the roleplaying character you are allowed to
write **example.

Section 2 - General Rules 2

(2.a) Vehicle Deathmatch (also known as VDM)

- Using your vehicle as a weapon (like running
people over, causing explosions, ramming,
etc), will result in you receiving a ban. Three
vehicles are excluded from this, MRAPS (Ifrits,
Hunters and Striders) can ram other MRAPS in
order to disable them, yet not to kill the
(2.b) Random Deathmatch (also known as
RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging
in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving
enough time for them to comply with your
order. Count downs are not considered quality
roleplay, please at least attempt to create an
interesting roleplay story before considering
shooting.) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a
(2.c) Using an sort of cheat to aid you will
result in a permanent ban, we have BattleEye

and other anti cheat software to detect it. It

will result in a permanent ban with out a
chanche for an appeal.

(2.d) Using any exploits such as looting dead

bodies, duplication of items or money, abusing
the Bounty hunter system to exploit money.
transferring / processing items through walls
and windows. Punishment is a permanent ban
without appeal. If you discover an exploit that
nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a
staff member privately in order to ensure that
it does not be abused in the future.

(2.e) Combat logging at any point during RP is

exploiting. Some examples of this include:
logging out during a firefight, being chased by
the police, arrested by the police, while dead
awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save
gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst
restrained/detained (Punishment is a ban,
which may be permanent. *) *Staff can make an
informed decision depending on if you've made
an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest
you attempt to rejoin the server and continue
the roleplay (try messaging them with the
mobile system first).

(2.f) Trolling - The following examples are

considered trolling however there are multiple
others so we advise common sense. Running
around the police/medics/anyone, throwing
yourself in front of vehicles, playing music in
any chat or on teamspeak, bombarding the
messaging system, buying multiple vehicles to
block spawn areas or using them to blow
things up, jumping off buildings without

RP,spamming the vote admin or vote kick

system, talking/playing music in the lobby
screen, playing soundboards/voice changers
ingame and open TS channels (Punishment is a
ban, or permanent ban depending on the

(2.g) Teleporting, Once you have spawned in

you are unable to respawn unless you have
been killed or are stuck in a position due to a
bug, For example you cannot respawn to get to
another location quicker - Punishment is a ban.

(2.h) EMS Medics -The EMS are here to help

and revive people and have less than 10 slots
on the server. It is a bannable offence to kill a
medic, take their vehicle or take them hostage

(2.i) Please keep all aviation 300m above any

greenzone (This is to make sure any roleplay is
not disturbed).

(2.j) Spawn Island - You are not allowed to visit

"spawn island", and vehicles on the island will
be scrapped. Anyone caught firing weapons or
stealing from those spawning in on spawn
island will be removed.

Section 3 - Roleplay Rules

(3.a) Roleplay Everything - You must stay in

character at all times. Please ensure you're not
on side-chat.

(3.b) Out of Character Chat - If you need to go

out of roleplay to advise someone of something
then please tell them you have passed them a
note and type ** in direct chat ** means out of
character, Please do not use this for extended
conversations. Take the conversation to
TeamSpeak if required.

(3.c) Microphones Required - Mr.Roleplay

operates microphone only servers, If you do
not have a microphone then unfortunately this
is not the community for you. Quality roleplay
can only be achieved with a microphone. As
such, anyone caught on our servers using
direct chat to type or RP will be warned/kicked
and if they come back and proceed to not use a
microphone, they will be issued with a ban
(Punishment kick/ban).

(3.d) Sidechat Roleplay - Roleplaying or

discussing players locations is not allowed in
sidechat. Anyone caught doing this will be
banned. Example (There are 6 players from
gang X about to rob the bank, I need help i am
being chased by the police, police/rebels are
camping drug dealer, etc)

(3.e) Restraining & Zipties - If you have been

restrained or detained, you must broadcast

your communications through direct chat until
your radio has been removed from you in
roleplay. At this point, you are no longer able
to use any communication to contact your
friends or gang members, This includes: group
chat/teamspeak/skype or any other way of

(3.f) Roleplaying of questionable subjects like

real life terrorism or questionable subjects like
rape will not be tolerated if requested by
someone involved to stop.

(3.g) Name Tags - You are not allowed to

identify players in game via nametags. Police
and EMS ranks (only ranks!) are fine, as they
wear clothing with the rank on unless they
are undercover. (Not in their uniform or
masked.) (Punishment is a kick/ban)

Section 4 - New Life Rule

(4.a) A new life starts, when:
Your character has been killed by a cop.
Your character has died in a RP situation.
Your character has been involved in an

(4.b) A new life does not start when:

Your character has been the victim of a
clearcut case of VDM
Your character has been the victim of a
clearcut case of RDM
You disconnect (end of session)

Section 5 - RebelRoleplay
Roleplaying as a rebel or a criminal on the
server is an exciting roleplay opportunity and a
huge part of the game however to make sure
this is fun for all we have some important
guidelines and rules.

(5.a) Taking hostages must be roleplayed to a

very high quality.

(5.b) Killing someone must be carried out with

high roleplay, put your hands up or I will
shoot etc is considered low RP and may lead
to a ban for RDM/Fail RP.

(5.c) Using the in game phone to warn police,

You are unable to use the ingame phone to
warn the police for example "Any cops seen
within xkm will be shot on site

(5.d) Telling a EMS medic to " LEAVE THE AREA

" are only allowed to do when a bigger crime
scene has happened. Such as a big rebel gang
have done a big robbery and its a big shoot out
with the police. This is not allowed to be
abused to tell an EMS medic to go away for
something a small crime!

Section 6/7 - Whitelisted Roles

Must be 16+ to apply!
There are some roles that require you to be
whitelisted. These involve an application to
join. These roles can be very enjoyable and a
completely different way to play the game.
However these are also easily misused so we
have some rules.
Being in the Police of this server is a massive
privilege. So to keep the quality high there are
some rules.

(6.a) All police must have a microphone and be

NOW!!, Since we do not have a Ts3 server at
the moment, but you still need a microphone)
If your microphone is not working or you're not
on teamspeak then do not connect to the

(6.b) Police may not sell their equipment, or

willingly give their equipment away. If there is

a strong roleplay cause, exchanges can be


(6.c) Rubber bullets and tasers must be used

unless lethal force is ordered by the highest
ranking officer in that situation.

(6.d) Police must keep a high level of role play

at all times. Police are not staff, so do not say
"I am reporting you", there is a similar rule for

(6.e) Off Duty - While off-duty however you

must not abuse your role as a cop to help out
your friends. (For example: Removing bounty's
of your gang members)

(6.f) Do not rent vehicles or purchase

equipment as a police officer then switch to a
civilian to use them.
Roleplaying as a Medic is a special non-combat
role. While on duty within the EMS, your only
focus should be on your EMS roleplay. There
are some rules to follow.

(7.a) Medics are not allowed to follow gangs or

police around. Please patrol the full island of
Altis or whatever hospital area you have been

assigned to.

(7.b) If attending to a crime scene, consult

with the nearest police officer. If all the police
are dead and there are gang members or
rebels present and they shout out "LEAVE THE
AREA" or words to that effect, then please
accept that request and leave the area asap.

(7.c) Do not rent vehicles or purchase

equipment as a medic then switch to civilian
and use them.

(7.d) Combat Reviving - If combat is in effect,

or shots have been fired within the last 5
minutes, the area is not safe to enter for
rescuing the injured. Therefore, you cannot
revive at this time. This rule is exempt for
civilians using defibrillators.

Section 8 - Advertising
(10) Advertising - Advertising any of the
following services* on our
servers/website/teamspeak or social media
groups without permission is bannable without
Game Servers
Social Media Groups

Websites\Other Communities

Section 9 - The Staff Team

(9.a) Any decision the staff team make is final.

(9.b) Please refrain from messaging staff

members via private message/comments or
adding their personal social media/steam
accounts unless they invite you to do so.

(9.c) Any abuse of a staff position in any shape

or form will lead to removal and possibly a ban.

(9.d) Staff may not teleport, spawn in

items/money in order to help a player in any
shape or form. (Unless there is a just reason).

(9.e) Staff will not take payment or accept any

sort of bribe from anyone, this will lead to the
staff member being removed and/or community
banned, and the person offering the bribe to
also be banned.

(9.f) All rules apply to all staff members, apart

from in extreme circumstances where an
override is needed. (A member of the
management team will handle a situation
where you feel a staff member abused the
ability to make themselves exempt).

in and have a

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