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Kumatamanda School for Girls.

Kumatamanda Sukulu ya Atsikana.

Kumatamanda School for Girls

Kumatamanda School for Girls 3309 Hannibal Rd, Ontario L7M 1R6 Telephone: 289-230-4747 Email: Website:

Executive Summary
Globally, more than 62 million girls are not in school, and barriers to adolescent girls completing school are particularly significant.
Nelson Mandela once said Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world. Of the 62 million
girls not in school, over 24 million of them, live in Sub Saharan Africa. This is a result of both poverty and gender inequality. According to Desmond Tutu, If we are going to see real development in the world, then our best investment is women.
In the underdeveloped region of Bangula, Malawi, there is a great need for change. Women in this region are viewed as inferior
and are not given the chance at the education that they deserve simply because they are female. Instead they spend their days
cooking, gardening, cleaning, getting water from the wells, and serving the men while their brothers attend school. Because of
this they remain trapped in the cycle of poverty and oppression. Barriers such as lack of resources, teacher-pupil abuse, early
pregnancy, household chores and expectations, malnutrition, poor quality institutions and the long distance from rural villages to
village schools all keep girls in Bangula from receiving the education they deserve.
The UN has agreed that the education of girls is essential in breaking poverty and raising the quality of life around the globe. Our
goals will support many of the goals created by the UN in their 2013, Global Goals initiative. Our project specifically will help
achieve goal #4 which is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for

Vision/Mission Statement
We will work to break down cultural barriers and beliefs regarding women and inequality and help women to grow in
status, confidence, power and skills. - Project Director, Alex Loten
The Kumatamanda School for Girls and Women will be a skills training school/educational school for women and girls, and will
strive to teach:
the basic skills of reading and writing, basic math and numeracy skills as well as
business and money management skills. It will also equip them with
a marketable skill such as sewing/tailoring, entrepreneurship, hair dressing etc.
health and reproductive education
Most importantly, we will teach women and girls about the power they hold and the importance of women like themselves within
their communities. In doing so, we hope to enable women to provide for their families and bring economic and social change to
the underdeveloped, impoverished, and poor economy of of Bangula.
Much like the targets of the UN Global Goals Initiative, #4 - Quality Education - our organization will aim to:
increase the number of women with practical and relevant skills for employment and entrepreneurship
eliminate gender inequality within the workplaces
change the mindset of the current generation in order to see more even ratios of girls to boys receiving quality education in
future generations by 2030
increase numeracy and literacy rates in the region
provide childcare during the day for mothers who have children that are not yet primary school age

Our organization sees the need that there is in Bangula for people who will stand behind and invest in girls and women. The
Kumatamanda School for Girls and Women will invest in and empower girls and women in Bangula by providing them with an
opportunity to raise their status and become powerful, educated, confident change makers in their families, villages and

The Kumatamanda School for Girls and Women - Business Proposal.

Goals & Objectives

Short Term Objectives:
Within the next year, we hope to:
- Partner with SoChange, Iris Ministries (Malawi) and to start funding and building the school.
- Complete construction of the facility.
- Outfit the school with desks, chairs, chalkboards, computers, textbooks, notebooks, pencils
- Find donors who are able to be long term supporters (donate annually)
- Start advertising in North America for the donor/sponsor child system
Within the next 18 months, we hope to:
- Begin posting jobs for teachers, Malawian headmaster, Canadian Headmaster/Director
- Begin interviewing staff
- Begin hiring staff (12 teachers, headmaster, vice principle).
- Begin advertising the school in the area
- Begin accepting applications
- Have enough sponsors for the first class
- Train teachers
Within 2 years, we hope to:

- Open the school!

WIthin the next 5 years, we hope to:

- Pay off all debt for start up costs
- Have had one graduating class
- Have multiple skills and trades being taught
- Have the supplies and resources to teach trades and qualified teachers
- Successfully run annual fundraisers
- Hold annual conferences with worship, teaching and seminars regarding education, empowerment and Christianity for women
and men from across the country

Long Term Objectives:

Within the next 10 years, we hope to:
- Become a respected school in the area
- Have had 6 graduating classes who are able to go back into their villages and create change
- Hope to see the noticeable impact of our school in the lives of former students
- Expand our facility and build a sister site in the norther region of Malawi
- Incorporate new trades and skills (and the appliances required once we have the resources to do so)
- Have night classes for women who are unable to make the 5 day a week commitment.
- Open up the boarding programs with childcare and primary education system.

The Kumatamanda School for Girls and Women - Business Proposal.

Market Plan:
What is the Need?
And how will we meet the need better than our competitors?

Bangula Malawi is the poorest region in what is now the poorest country in the world. Tradition in southern Malawi dictates the future for
many girls and women in Nsanje. The mans right is an education and womans rights are practically nonexistent. When a baby is born, its
gender determines its future. Boys receive primary and sometimes secondary education, while many girls receive no education and are
forced to stay at home cooking, cleaning, getting water from the well or selling produce in the market. Because of this, girls and women in
Nsanje have very little hope of ever breaking out of the cycle of poverty. Without an education, a skill or trade, and the chance to dream and
achieve, girls and women in southern Malawi are not even given the opportunity to explore their potential and succeed. In the southern
region of Malawi, in the Nsanje district, there are very few secondary schools and only one school that is for girls only. Many of the other
secondary schools in the region are run down, understaffed and overpopulated. There are no desks, text books, chairs or teachers. There is
great need for a secondary school that can equip learners to learn and to succeed. There is one skills training school in the area at the Iris
Ministries Base but it is not yet complete, and teaches many trades more traditionally targeted towards men (mechanics, plumbing,
carpentry etc.) There is very little opportunity for girls and women in Nsanje to be educated, and to learn a skill or trade. The Kumatamanda
School for Girls will do both of these things and will be the first of its kind in the rural farming district of Nsanje.

What is our market?

The Kumatamanda School for Girls will be targeted towards all girls and women in Bangula Malawi and the surrounding villages of Nsanje.
Students ranging in age from 12 years to 70 years are welcome and will complete an entrance test to gauge their level of education and
skill. They will then be placed in the corresponding grade and will have the ability to learn the skill or trade they want as well as receive
training in business and money management, leadership development as well as health and reproductive science classes based on age and
corresponding stage of development.

What are the Environmental Factors of the Kumatamanda School for Girls?
Because electricity in Malawi is fairly intermittent and our school will be fairly dependent on electricity for lights, fans, computers, and
technology appliances etc. we will use solar power to supply our school and will have battery back up and a generator for short term use.
We will try to rely mostly on solar energy however. Generator and back up battery will be used during rainy season when solar energy levels
will be lower. Water for our school will be supplied by a bore holes on our property and meals will be cooked on open fire. Food waste and
compost will be used in the KSG garden. Instead of chemical pesticides, we will use organic, chemical free pesticides on our gardens. One
of our larger environmental impacts will be the CO2 emissions from the cars we will use to make trips to the city to purchase supplies, and
the driving we will do around the region. Several bore holes on sight will be our primary source of water.

What is the Cultural, Geographical and Political situation?

The Nsanje district is located in the southernmost region of Malawi. It is hot all year round and often goes months on end without rain. Very
little grows and most years, harvests are destroyed by droughts. The southern region of Malawi is located in the Shire Valley at the east
African rift and it is 200ft above sea level. Temperatures reach up to 52 making it very hard to grow crops and without air conditioning,
makes physical labour challenging in such extreme temperatures. Poverty is a daily struggle for most people in Nsanje and hunger, sickness
and desperation are prevalent. There is very little development and the quality of life is poor. Their is a culture of desperation, struggle and
pain. Witchcraft is practiced often and the sense of hopelessness is evident. There is great need in this area for hope & opportunity.

Who is the Kumatamanda School For?

The Kumatamanda School for Girls, will be for girls and woman ranging in age from 12 to 70. Based on their results from the entrance
exam, students will be placed in the grade best corresponding with their skill level. The idea is that all people are welcome however, this
may not be feasible. People who wish to attend the school must be willing to make sacrifices in order to commit fully to their education at
KSG. This will require a sacrifice on behalf of the women, the spouse, and the family. People who arent able to devote themselves to their
schooling, may have their spot given to a more committed student. Within 5 years, we hope have night classes for others who are unable to
commit to 5 day, schooling so that education can be more accessible to people of all ages. Enrollment will also be open to students who
are able to pay tuition fees, however, majority of the students will be part of the student sponsor program as our desire is to make quality
education accessible to all.

The Kumatamanda School for Girls and Women - Business Proposal.

The Day to Day:
Our school, while unlike most secondary schools in its format and curriculum, will run from 7:30am to 2pm Monday - Friday much like a
normal school. The schedule will be as follows:

Form 1: English

Form 1: Business &

Form 1: English

Money Management
Period 1
7:30am - 9am

Period 2:
9am - 10:30am

Form 2: Math &


Form 2: Leadership

Form 1: Business &

Form 2: Leadership

Form 3: English

Form 3: Business &

Money Management

Form 3: English

Form 4: Leadership

Form 4: Math &

Form 4: Leadership

Form 4: Math &





Form 1: Math &

Form 1: Leadership

Form 1: Math &

Form 1: Leadership





Form 2: English

Form 2: Business &

Money Management

Form 2: English

Form 2: Business &

Money Management

Form 3: Math &


Form 4: Business &

Money Management

Form 3: Leadership

Trade Training
10:30am - 12pm.

Trade Training

Form 3: Math &


Form 4: Business &

Form 4: English

Money Management

Health Sciences
(Junior ages)

Period 3:


Money Management
Form 2: Math &

Form 3: Business &

Money Management

Form 3: Leadership


Form 4: English
Health Sciences
(Junior ages)

Trade Training
Health Sciences
(Intermediate ages)

Health Sciences
(Intermediate ages)

Form 1: Bible

Form 1: Bible

Lunch 12pm - 12:30pm

Period 4:
12:30pm - 2pm

Trade Training

Form 2: Bible

Trade Training

School day ends at

Form 2: Bible

Form 3: Bible

Form 3: Bible

Form 4: Bible

Form 4: Bible

lunch on Fridays.

Each student will be put into Form1, 2, 3 or 4 depending on their skills and ability and level of previous schooling. Classes will
have students of many ages however health classes will be organized according to age and stage in life. Skill training classes
will be for different ages and grades and people of different skill levels will be working and learning together.

The Kumatamanda School for Girls and Women - Business Proposal.

We hope to fill these positions in the next five years:
- Malawian Headmaster
- Canadian Headmaster/Director
- Teachers (English, math, health, money management, leadership development). (x5-6)
- Trade Teachers (an expert in each skill who is able to teach said skill to the learners who are learning that trade.)
- Cooks (x3)
- Drivers (x2)
- Cleaners/Groundskeepers (x5)
- Guards (x12)

With the exception of the Canadian headmaster/on the ground director, all our staff in the school will be Malawian. Teaching jobs will be full
time and salary will be covered through donations and money from tuition paying students. They will be paid a daily wage which is higher
than minimum wage as minimum wage does not pay enough to provide for an individual/family in Bangula.
Full time teachers and trade trainers will receive 8000K/day + 500/day (to cover housing costs) + 500/day (pension contribution) + 500/day
(health coverage plan) = 9500K.

*minimum wage in Malawi is 750K/day however this is not nearly enough to live on nor is it enough to draw people to what is considered an

undesirable region of Malawi.

Employee Requirements:

Salary: 12,000K/day

Ideally, our headmaster will have a secondary school diploma and a post secondary degree in teaching. We are looking for someone who
has had leadership and teaching experience in the past and is able to lead our teachers in staff, and set an example to our learners and
teachers. We are looking for someone who is able to help problem solve and assist in ironing out the wrinkles of our program in the early
years of its development. We would like someone who is fluent in both English and Chichewa and grew up in Malawi and is familiar with the
culture and the barriers which Kumatamanda is striving to overcome.

Subject Teacher & Trade Teachers

Salary: 9500K/day

We are looking for Malawian teachers who have post secondary training and education to be a secondary school teacher. They must have
some experience teaching, must be fluent in both English and Chichewa and must be passionate and on board with Kumatamandas vision
to educate and equip girls and women of all ages. We would like our teachers to be Christian and would like them to have strong leadership
abilities, time management skills and a willingness to put in the work required - especially in the beginning years - to get Kumatamanda off
the ground. We are looking for several teachers who are able to write letters and updates that can be sent to donors and supporters in the
west and eventually, would like to be able to take several of the most influential leaders among the teachers, to Canada for leadership
training and an opportunity to share to supporters and donors the mission and success of Kumatamanda. (These teachers may receive an
increased salary however this will be negotiated accordingly.) It is likely that in the beginning years, salary may be low, and work hours may
be high. We are looking for teachers who are able to committed to our vision and willing to not see personal benefits until the school is
established and stable. The first few years will be challenging however, the teachers will reap the reward of their work in the long term.We
are looking for skill teachers who posses the same skills and abilities as our subject teachers however, are specialized in a trade and are
able to train learners in that particular skill.


Salary: 7500K/day

We are looking to hire several cooks who can prepare lunches for students and cleaners who can come twice a week after school hours to
clean the building. We also need groundskeepers who are able to tend to the gardens and grounds three times a week.

Guards & Drivers:

We need 12 guards who can work day or night shifts 12 hours in length. (3 guards at a time, 4 rotations).
*like most places with valuables, the property would be walled and gated with 24 hour security

Salary: 8500K/day

We also need drivers who will do drives to town for groceries and supplies, pick up and drop of students who live somewhat far away, pick
up visitors from airports and help with fixing vehicle issues.
The Kumatamanda School for Girls and Women - Business Proposal.

The Kumatamanda School for Girls will be based out of Bangula Malawi. In the future, our hope is to have several sister schools throughout
the country however our first and main site will be in Bangula. We chose this location because of the extreme need there is in this area for
development and opportunity. Because of the lack of economic development, and the undesirable living conditions, the Kumatamanda
School will be in the area is is most needed and will be unlike anything else in the region.

Projected Start-Up Expenses:



Building/Construction Costs

$100-150,000 (53,000,000k)

Outfitting School
- Desks
- Chairs
- Lights
- Chalkboards
- Computers x20
- Ceiling Fans
Builders Wages
(plumbers, carpenters, electricians, brick layers, contractors, laborers)

$50,000 (26,250,000k)
---------($4) 2000K/day - contractors x4
($3) 1500K/day - laborers x12

Bore Hole

$8000 (4,000,000k)

Solar Panel Installation

$8000 (4,000,000k)


$5000 (2,500,000k)

Total: $221,000 (110,500,000k)

Projected Annual Expenses:



Textbooks, Notebooks Pencils/pens

Food and resources
$50 - 60,000


Solar Power Upkeep


Staff Salaries


$88,000 annually
The Kumatamanda School for Girls and Women - Business Proposal.

We hope to partner with the following organizations to assist with the funding for the construction, and the continual financial demands of
the Kumatamanda School for GIrls:

SoChange is an organization based in Oakville, Ontario which helps NGOs and charities to create the kind of healthy, dynamic change that
makes your team better and makes the world better. Through partnering with SoChange, we will be able to attract the attention of
potential donors and supporters.
- SoChanges assists with:
- Proposal writing
- Creating creative campaigns
- Inviting key celebrities on board to energize and publicize your work
- Writing strategic proposals and plans to fuel and build your projects

Iris Ministries Malawi

Already established in Bangula Malawi, Iris Malawis primary school, childrens homes and bible college is well respected in the region and
has a large pool of sponsors and donors across the world. They do not however have a secondary school or training school and as many of
their children are graduating primary and secondary school, they are searching for a place where they could send and equip their students
for future careers and success. Through partnering with them, and taking on many of their students who are not university bound, we will
be able to tap into their donor base and receive funding through Iris.

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

CIDA is an organization that provides grants for Canadian NGOs whos projects and initiatives are in line with the UNs 2015 Global Goals.
*(Goal #4: Quality Education for all is the foundation of our mission statement and vision.)

We will have many fundraising events and opportunities in Canada. One of these will be our dinners and galas. We will have dinners and
presentations several times throughout the year where we will invite donors and supporters to attend and here about our work and
progress. There will be an opportunity for people to ask questions, look at pictures and hear firsthand stories of the lives that have been
changed because of their generosity and support. The hope is that supporters would invite friends to attend this event and that through the
course of the evening, people who had not heard of our ministry, would be compelled to also support our ministry.

In the Kumatamanda School, many of the girls and women will be learning their trade through hands on practice. For instance, the women
learning the skill of sewing and tailoring will be learning this trade through working on actual projects. The items they make in their training
such as headbands, purses, pillow cases etc. will be sold in Canada as part of the way we continue to fund the Kumatamanda School for

Student-Sponsor Program:
Part of the vision for Kumatamanda is to provide education for those who are denied access to it and one of the major reasons girls and
women in Bangula are uneducated is because of finances. At Kumatamanda, we want students to be given that opportunity. Each of our
students, will have a sponsor much like World Vision where their tuition is paid by their supporter. Students and sponsors will communicate
often and the students will send sponsors letters each month so that the student-sponsor program is more of a relationship than just a
donor paying tuition. The hope is that this system will foster relationships and support financially, spiritually and academically.

The Kumatamanda School for Girls and Women - Business Proposal.

The Site:
Where will we be?
Malawi is a small country in south-eastern Africa. It is bordered by Tanzania, Mozambique, and Zambia. Located at the end of the great rift
valley, temperatures in southern Malawi can reach up to 50C and regions like Bangula are often subject to droughts making living conditions
harsh and growing conditions challenging. Because of this, there is very little economic development for this agriculture based economy.

The Kumatamanda School for Girls will be located in Bangula, Nsanje which is the southernmost region of Malawi. Bangula is also the poorest region of
Malawi. As the poorest region in one of the poorest countries in the world, there is great need for economic and social development. This is the primary
reason that we have chosen to build the Kumatamanda School in Bangula.

Iris Ministries Malawi is a project in Bangula founded by

David and Joanna Morrison. Iris is known around the country for the work they do. They feed over 8,000 people in
Bangula each month and teach and train pastors from
around the country. They are well respected throughout the
In partnership with Iris, our hope is to build the Kumatamanda School for Girls on the Iris second property which is
currently un-developed and has been reserved in the hopes
of building, or helping to build a secondary school for the
region. By building our school on the Iris Base, we will be
able to draw from many of Iris donors and supporters and
use Iris positive reputation around the region to gain momentum and respect from the community

Iriss second property

The Kumatamanda School for Girls and Women - Business Proposal.

Works Cited
ASAP. (2016). Retrieved, from
Build Africa | Charity fighting poverty through education. (2016). Retrieved from
Canadian Dollar (CAD) and Malawian Kwacha (MWK) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator. (2016).
Retrieved from
Charles Mkula. (September 2014). How women in Malawi are turning waste into wealth. Retrieved from
Educating Girls Matters. (2016). The Challenge Today. Retrieved from
Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi Limited (ESCOM). (2016). Retrieved from
Filipovic, J. (2014, January 01). In 2014, it's unacceptable for girls in Malawi to be unable to go to school | Jill
Filipovic. Retrieved from
Girls' Education. (2016). Retrieved from
Google Maps. (n.d.). Retrieved from,
Gwadamirai Majange (2016, December 14). Six things Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu said about Women.
Retrieved from
Sochange. (2016). Retrieved December 17, 2016, from
UNITED NATIONS GIRLS EDUCATION INITIATIVE. (2016). Retrieved December 17, 2016, from
Iris Malawi (2016). Retrieved from

The Kumatamanda School for Girls and Women - Business Proposal.

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