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Weekly Reading Report #5

Directions: After reading and annotating, complete the following table and collect it with other weekly reports
to help you develop your findings and prepare for the assessments.
Author:_________________________________________ Pages read:____________________________
Guiding Question(s):______________________________________________________________________
Summary statements of the authors main ideas

We are introduced to Art Money and how he is going to make an impact on cyber
warfare. We are also introduced to Hayden and his plan to reform the NSA. We
learn that one of the problems with the NSA was the broken personnel system. So
Hayden wanted to fix/change this so he started his one hundred days of change.
Hayden updated computer systems for the NSA because of a computer crash.
Later on America forms the Office of Tailored Access Operation(TAO). This group
would be able to track computers and hack into hard drive to retrieve files. Though
the TAO used weak methods to hack into computer and had to learn new and more
complicated ways to hack into the computer. Though as they learn new ways it
becomes harder to hack as well so it will be a never ending cycle for the TAO to
learn methods. Then came for the CNE Computer Network Exploitation. It was a
combination of the Computer Network Defense and the Computer Network Attack.
The CNE would be able to hack into a network to retrieve information. This is was
important for the United States because now there was a group that could be used
for cyber offense and defense.
Though once George W Bush became president America went back to where they
started because he threw out the idea that Clinton started for cyberwarfare. George
W Bush did not care much for Cyberwarfare.

Embedded quotation (page #)

The U.S is making an

attempt for advancing their
cyberwarfare, The CIA had
created the Information
Operations Center during
the Belgrade operation, to
plant devices on Serbian
communication systems,
which the NSA could then
intercept; this center would
be Langleys contribution to
the new joint effort(Kaplan

How does it answer/relate to the Guiding


This relates to my guiding question because

this shows that the U.S is making an attempt
to use cyberwarfare to help the military in
times of wars. This also shows what America
would be able to do early before technology
fully booms.

Unfamiliar words



Having the ability to speak fluently

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