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TVET in Kenya

Find the following for our discussion in SA


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-------- Original message -------From: Dinah Changwony <>

Date: 06/11/2016 14:54 (GMT+04:00)
To: bashir Hassan Mursal <>, Kipkirui Langat <>, Justice
Kosgei Paul <>
Cc: dinah mwinzi <>
Subject: Fwd: TVET in Kenya
Attached please find the following from our education Attache from our Educ, Attache in SA. It will aid our
discussion there. Please pass on to Prof. Kerre and Ondieki
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Dr. Gatama Joseph Gichini" <>
Date: 6 November 2016 at 11:14:22 EAT
To: "" <>
Subject: FW: TVET in Kenya
From: Dr. Gatama Joseph Gichini
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2016 11:22 AM
Subject: FW: TVET in Kenya
Dear Samuel,
Hope this email finds you well. Its long time since we talked to each other.
I have received the request below from Doolings, Assistant Manager for Curriculum with Umalusi - the Council
tasked with the development and management of a sub-framework of qualifications for general and further
education and training and for the attendant quality assurance in the republic of South Africa.
Through the office of the Principal Secretary please could you help the council get the information they are
looking for purposes of bench marking.
Kind regards,
Gatama Gichini

From: Shannon Doolings []
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2016 11:02 AM
To: Dr. Gatama Joseph Gichini

Subject: TVET in Kenya

Good day Dr Gatama
I am Shannon Doolings, Assistant Manager for Curriculum with Umalusi.
I am currently conducting research on TIVET / TVET in Kenya for the purpose of benchmarking against a South
African qualification. To date I managed to get very little information from my web research. I have also tried to
get information directly from a contact in Kenya. To date these have not assisted me as well.
I would therefore like to request whether it would please be possible to make an appointment to meet with you.
If you u are unable to assist me, would you perhaps be able to direct me to someone who could help with my
The purpose of my meeting would be to find out specific information around the questions listed below:
1. The design / structure of the qualification/ training ?
1. An overview of the qualification
2. Does the Kenyan system have a name for TVET qualification (e.g in South Africa it is called the national
Certificate Vocational (NCV)
3. Whether exam is written?
4. What the ICASS component is?
5. What the number and spread of assessments tasks are per subject?
6. Whether programmes have a practical and a theory component?
7. The flexibility of the training, the delivery mode, what the outcomes are?
8. How the evidence of assessment is kept?
9. Does the curriculum provide for site based experience ?
10. Resources available for lecturers and students?
11. What is the age cohort?
12. The type of learning material used in the classroom to deliver a quality of teaching and learning.
13. Recent statistics of how many students have enrolled, the success rate in reaching the target market
14. How the new education system is going to impact on T VET in Kenya
15. Career paths for TVET graduate students
Has any research around TVET / TIVET been done in Kenya from an African perspective. I notice there has
been research by the Dutch. What / How has this impacted TVET in terms of its success in Kenya. It would be
interesting if site based research was done, by interviews and actual site visits to collect evidence and present
as findings with the view of improving and taking it forward towards your Vision 2030 and school-to-work vision
for the 21st century.
I look forward to your response
Be blessed
Thank you for taking the time to consider my request.
Shannon Doolings
Shannon Doolings
Assistant Manager: Curriculum
Direct Line: +27 (12) 030 0964
Tel: +27 (12) 349 1510 x 298
Fax: +27 (12) 349 1511
Cell: +27 (0) 81485 8380
Council for quality Assurance in
General and further Education and Training
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