gd2 Fall Semester Final Review 2016

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Name: MarcusBudzeak


Graphic Design II Semester One

1.)Name a few things that InDesign is capable of doing that Photoshop or
Illustrator is not?
Make apps, websites, certain layouts

2.)Name a few projects that is best suited for creation in InDesign.

-Making a book Cover, Movie Poster

3.)What is preflighting?
is the process of checking if the digital data required to print a job are all
present and valid. Nowadays it are usually PDF files that are sent to a
printing company. The PDF file format is a solid standard to exchange pages,
ranging from single ads to complete publications.

4.)What does it mean to embed a font?

This simply means that all of the font information used to make your
document look the way it does is stored in the PDF file. So no matter what

fonts someone else has on their computer, they'll be able to see the file as
you intended it to be seen

5.)What does it mean to package files?

Google Play Store "Package File is Invalid" Error When Trying to Download the
App. If you are seeing a "Package File is Invalid" error when trying to
download other app from Google Play, you will need to clear your Google
Play's data and cache. To do this: Go your device's Settings menu.
6.)Why do you package files before you send them to a printer?
because the file can be distorted

7.)What is a JPG best suited for?

Pictures and other smaller files

8.)What is a vector?
You CAN export the paths you create to an Illustrator file, but the basic view
is Photoshop was created for raster images and Illustrator was created for
vector images.

9.)What does raster mean?

image uses a grid of individual pixels where each pixel can be a different
color or shade

10.)What does Ideation mean?

A cluster of understood ideas to make something possible

11.)What is a synonym for the word ideation?

12.)Describe what a target audience is:
Target Audience is a group of people you are trying to attract to a company
or set work

13.)What three things contribute to the success of a media business?

A product or profession that people are looking for
Organized And set up
A good name
14.)Describe what visual persuasion is?
The art work looks good or looks like a lot of time was put in to i
14.)Describe three ways to define your project with a client:
Explain what you are working on
What you can do
And due date
15.)What do designers use to kick start the creative process?
for logos they can start drawing up ideas and then making what it could like
from there and what else they can add
16.)Write an good critique comment example:

The color on the back round is impeding the color of the text so it is not easy
to the Eye

17.Label each step of the Creative Process below in the order that
they should happen. Use 1-9.
____4__Thumbnail Sketches
____2___ Ideation
___3____ Roughs
____1___ Research
___5___ Follow-up with client
___8___ Final Revisions
___7___ Design in program
__9____ Deliver files/designs
___6___ Design
18.)What are a few ways to transfer an image?

19.)Describe what the rule of thirds is:

3x3 grid and each of the boxes has something unique about it or focused

20.)Describe balance in photography:

Formal balance-Symmetrical
Informal Balance- The picture is very proportionate to each thin with in the

21.)Describe what leading lines are in photography:

Leading lines are lines that direct you to something main on the photo or
direct your eyes do a point on the photo

22.)Describe symmetry and patterns in photography:

Horizontal symmetry or Perpendicular symmetry

23.)Describe viewpoint in photography:

An angle or view point form a certain spot that gives the photo uniqueness

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