Newsletter Scheduling

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Scheduling for classes
Scheduling for classes is one of the most exciting times of the year
for us in the Technology Education department. Students in their Iblock during the month of January will work towards finalizing their
schedules for next year. Scheduling is a hectic time to be sure, but
nonetheless a vital necessity.
As a teacher of an elective, scheduling is always a curious

Mr. Jim Adams was my
Advanced Construction
teacher. In fact, the
program started with
him In Janesville.
Its hard to pin down

excitement. One of the many great things about teaching in a larger

just one characteristic

district is the incredible amount of classes a student can take. In the

that made me look up

Technology department alone there are nearly 30 (!) classes a student

to him so much. He

could take throughout their four years.

was one of the few

Now how does a student choose what to take? 1)Students talk

teachers I had that I

they hear from their friends which classes to take, which are fun, which

reflect upon and hope

have the good teachers (take that for what you will). 2)Hopefully, they

that hes proud of the

have an open discussion with you, their parents about what their goals

teacher that I became.

and aspirations are for their remaining high school years and beyond.

Now I know I am not a

3) Listed within the course guidebook, now called the Academic and

perfect teacher but I

Career Planning guide they have what are listed as Career Clusters
essentially a streamlined guide taking into account what type of
career a student may be interested in and pairs with that appropriate
classes the student may choose to take.
With all of the talk of career planning I wish to make one additional
plea to parents. Students are able to take advantage of so many
resources to help them get ready for the future. However, I hope they
still have time to try new things, to seek out a class they normally
wouldnt think of taking that may not be on their career path. I admit I

surely hope my
students think back
and believe that I truly
did care about them
not just in the
classroom but as
people, as individuals.
I ask of you what traits

hope that means they take more of my classes (ahemCivil

did your favorite

Engineering and Architecture or Aerospace Engineering). But, when all

teacher have that stuck

is said and done though I hope they are able to truly explore and find

with you over the

what their passion truly is.

years? How has time

changed or galvanized
those feelings?

Back to school 2016

Janesville Craig high school, January 2017

Introduction to Engineering & Design
Students are just finishing up

propel a ping-pong ball five feet

that transfers one type of motion

the first half of our Puzzle Cube

to knock down a plastic cup

into another type of motion)

project on Autodesk Inventor.

castle. In turn, they will also have

Time-allowing, students will be

Students created unique puzzle

a design that will have to re-

able to 3D print their simple

pieces from 1 square cubes and

assemble their own castle during


in turn assembled those puzzle

the contest.

pieces to form a 6 square puzzle.

The biggest catch in this project is

Makey Makey

All of this was done on paper and

that in order to teach the


computer. A struggle for some,

students about patents students

I encourage you to check out

and eye-opening for most.

will have to submit their designs

their website to really understand

for review. Only original designs

what it is. I didnt truly get a

create the scaled and

will be allowed. This will hopefully

grasp of what it was until I saw it

dimensioned drawings of their

eliminate one quality design from

in action myself.

puzzle cube pieces, again using

being copied by all of the other

the Inventor program.

students and force original ideas.

Moving forward they will

Coming up students will have

Students will be coming back

a nearly completely hands-on,

to Inventor for their next project

computer-free project. Lacking a

simple mechanisms. Students will

fancy name, students will be

research and re-create a simple

creating a unique design that will

mechanism.(essentially a device

A new project this year is our

Theres a lot going on in

January and February. Be sure to
check in with your student to
hear what theyre up to.

Aerospace Engineering
We have nearly wrapped up

their aircraft that causes crashes.

Off in the distance we will be

our introduction to navigation

As a follow-up to the article we

working through the evolution of

and air safety unit. Students

have re-created, in the flight

space flight.

learned about the many different

simulator, Otis Reddings fateful

ways pilots navigate an airplane

crash into Lake Monona showing

in flying or at least wants to see

in all conditions. We have flown

the students what possibly

what its like have them check

many different scenarios and

happened and what the pilot

out the Young Eagles. Young

many different missions to

most likely experienced during

Eagles is an EAA sponsored

reinforce this content.

this flight.

activity where pilots take students

To bring a bit of reality to this

Coming up next, we have jets.

If your student has an interest

under 18 up for a free flight, at no

concept we read and discussed

We will be learning about the

cost to the student. Take a look

an article written by a local

different type of jet engines

at some of the resources

author. Small Planes Dont Kill

and just how much that

available to students at the

People This article relates how in

revolutionized airplanes and air

following link:

fact its not really small airplanes

travel. Of course, we will be

that are dangerous its

learning about flying jets on the

Its amazing what resources are

unfortunately usually pilot error

flight simulators as well.

out there to help students get into

and a pilot being unfamiliar with

So You Want to be a Pilot?

aviation, many are at no cost.

Janesville Craig high school, January 2017

Civil Engineering and Architecture
Our Civil Engineering class is

We were able to take

stopped at a vacant lot adjacent

right in the middle of creating a

advantage of the beautiful fall

to Roosevelt elementary school.

TV studio set for our own schools

weather at times and take a

Here we discussed the site

news station. Designs have been

walking tour of the exterior and

opportunities: where to place the

sketched and hopefully soon

interior of Craig high school.

house, the pros/cons of the

they will have a rendered 3D

Along this tour we were able to

building lot, what unknowns we

drawing they have made in Revit.

showcase building methods of

might discover during

Earlier in December students

the past on the original building

construction, and evaluate the

took a tour to Janesville City Hall

and compare/contrast that with

site for the viability of building.

and met with Tom Clippert and

the building methods of the

Could we have taught the same

Duane Cherek to discuss with

newer areas. Additionally we

things in the classroom? Sure.

them what exactly the citys

were able to take a few walking

But then we didnt get to get

planning office does and how

tours of surrounding

outside and enjoy the beautiful

they impact development in the

neighborhoods showcasing

sun and warm temperatures that

city. We are very thankful the

house styles, building methods,


two of them could take time out

and planning most havent

of their schedules to meet with us

probably really thought of

and share their stories.

before. On one such walk we

Communication Technology
It has been a busy last month
for the Communication
Technology class. Students

Both of which should also be on

have a Communication Systems

their websites by now.

class next semester so I can add

The most technically

in all of the new project ideas I

worked hard on completing their

challenging project of the

stop-motion animation and Im

semester is underway their

excited to say that very soon I will

cinemagraph. A cinemagraph is

student examples of their

have all of them on one page for

a still photo with movement


everyone to see. Until then, have

added to it. Working in

your student show you theirs on

Photoshop its a mix of video with

student examples of their stop-

their website. Students have

a photo overlaid.

motin animation project.

completed their own GIF, as well

With all of the projects the

as a Spot-the-difference project.

semester has flown by. Im glad I

want to try.
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