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Essay 1

Megan Dunn
Period: 5


Identify three people (it would be best if both sexes and a variety of ages were
represented). Individually, ask each person to define "What is a family?" Your paper
should include your subjects gender, marital status, and approximate age as well as
their complete response to the question. In addition to those three definitions, include
your own definition. Note: Most people will try to give "simple" answers. Encourage
them to give complete thoughtful answers.
Response: In The Marriage and Family Experience book we use for this class it
defines family as A unit of two or more people, of which one or more may be children
who are related by blood, marriage, or affliction and who cooperate economically and
may share a common dwelling place. (Strong, B, & Cohen (2014). Pg. 552) The three
people I have chosen to identify is my mom, dad, and sister. My sister, age 18, female,
not married or dating, defines family as the people who you are comfortable with and
who love you enough to do anything for you. My mom, age 48, female, and married
defined family as a group of people that are related and provide a support system for
one another. They also love you unconditionally. My dad, age 45, male, and married
defines family as the people around you who love you unconditionally, support you
unconditionally and always want the best for you. My definition of family would be those
people that are there no matter what, and will always love you no matter what kind of
mistake you may have made, and that you have spent most or all of your life with who
you love more than anything for.

What are the different kinship roles - such as nephew, aunt or uncle, in-law, grandson or
granddaughter - that you play as a result of being a member of your extended family? What rights
and obligations does each of these roles entail in your family? Do you have any fictive kin? How did
they become "like family"?

Essay 1

Megan Dunn
Period: 5

Response: Kinship System: The social organization of the family conferring rights and
obligations based on an individuals status (Strong, B. Cohen, pg.602) In a family there
are many different types of kinship roles, a kinship in the family consists of parents,
children, grandparents, nephew, aunt, or uncle. In the book Marriage and Family
Experience it states that the certain rights and obligations as a result of his or her
position (strong B. Cohen, pg.19). The roles that are played by the kinship in my family
are supporting each other, which is played by each one of my family members. I have
many family members that are considered fictive kin. There was a foreign exchange
student that came in from Italy for a year that stayed with my aunt and uncle that soon
became like family to all of us. We did a lot together and did everything family members
would do together, we were all very close to him. My and and uncle practically adopted
him and we all loved him very much. When he had to go back we all shed some tears
and are all hoping that he will come back to visit soon, When he left it was like a family
member was moving away it was very sad and difficult.

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