Scientific Deep-Ocean Drilling: Revealing The Earth's Secrets

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Scientic Deep-Ocean Drilling:

Revealing the Earths Secrets

The oceans and their underlying sediments and rocks act as natural laboratories that
record the Earths dynamic processes from past to present. Scientic deep-ocean
drilling, sampling and borehole measurements collected during the past 40 years are
enhancing our knowledge of the Earth, giving clues to the distribution of mineral
resources, to global climate change and to potential natural disasters. While some
technologies used in the oil and gas industry are deployed for scientic research,
other methods and tools developed specically for deep-ocean drilling are also
nding applications in the energy industry.

Tim Brewer
University of Leicester
Leicester, England
Tatsuki Endo
Masahiro Kamata
Fuchinobe, Japan
Paul Jeffrey Fox
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas, USA
Dave Goldberg
Greg Myers
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Palisades, New York, USA
Yoshi Kawamura
Shinichi Kuramoto
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth
Science and Technology
Yokosuka, Japan
Steve Kittredge
Webster, Texas
Stefan Mrozewski
Houston, Texas
Frank R. Rack
Joint Oceanographic Institutions, Inc.
Washington, DC, USA


Understanding the past is critical to predicting

the future. The ocean oors and their underlying
sediments and rocks contain a high-resolution
record of both the Earths history and its current
conditions. Information locked within these
strata has the potential to answer fundamental
scientific questions. Scientific ocean-drilling
programs provide keys to unlock this buried
treasure trove of data, which leads to a better
understanding of climatic changes, natural hazards such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions
and floods, and mineral and energy resources.
Technologies commonly used in the oil and gas
industry for drilling, borehole measurements
and sampling play a major role in scientific
ocean drilling.
Seaoor drilling during the past 40 years has
led to exciting scientic discoveries. For example, in 1968, drilling confirmed that sediments
and rocks flooring the south Atlantic became
increasingly older with distance from the axis of
the mid-Atlantic oceanic ridge, thereby verifying
the plate tectonics hypothesis.1

Scientific deep-ocean drilling recovered

evidence of massive marine gas hydrates in
1982, in deepwater sediments offshore Central
America.2 Gas hydrates are crystallized water
and gas, mostly methane [CH4], that form under

> Gas hydrate core sample recovered during

Ocean Drilling Program Leg 204. The samples are
about 2.56 in. [6.5 cm] in diameter.

adnVISION (Azimuthal Density Neutron tool), AIT (Array

Induction Imager Tool), APS (Accelerator Porosity Sonde),
DSI (Dipole Shear Sonic Imager), Formation MicroScanner,
GeoFrame, geoVISION, GPIT (General Purpose Inclinometry
Tool), HLDT (Hostile Litho-Density Tool), proVISION,
RAB (Resistivity-at-the-Bit), SFL (Spherically Focused
Resistivity), SlimXtreme, VSI (Versatile Seismic Imager)
and WST (Well Seismic Tool) are marks of Schlumberger.
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to John Beck
and Ann Yeager, Texas A&M University, College Station,
Texas, USA; Rosalind Coggon, Southampton Oceanography
Centre, England; Javier Espinosa and Nathan Frisbee,

Webster, Texas; Agus Hadijanto, Tokyo, Japan; Martin

Jakobsson, Stockholm University, Sweden; Robert Kleinberg
and Lisa Stewart, Ridgeeld, Connecticut, USA; Herbert
Leyton, Belle Chasse, Louisiana, USA; Dave McInroy,
British Geological Survey, Edinburgh, Scotland; and
Kerry Swain, NASA, Houston, Texas.
Thanks also to the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, and
to Joint Oceanographic Institutions (JOI), Washington, DC,
USA; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, New
York, USA; and Texas A&M University, College Station, USA,
for providing the Ocean Drilling Program material used in
the preparation of this article.

Oileld Review

conditions of high pressure and low temperatures (previous page).3 Hydrates have steadily
gained recognition in the oil and gas industry
because they are both a drilling hazard and a
potential energy resource for the future.4
More recently, in 2004, drilling in the icecovered Arctic Ocean at the crest of the
Lomonosov Ridge has provided preliminary
evidence that the Arctic was ice-free and warm
about 56 million years ago.5 Scientists analyzing
the cores and log data hope to determine when,
why and how the Arctic climate changed from
hot to cold, and to gain insight on current global
warming trends. Scientists are also speculating
about the possibility of oil and gas prospects in
the Arctic Ocean.

Important facilitators to these discoveries

have been advances in drilling, coring and
logging technology. Borehole measurements,
routinely collected in oil and gas wells, also play
a major role in scientific ocean research by
providing data in sections with poor or no core
recovery, and in linking core measurements with
larger scale seismic data. Schlumberger has
been involved in scientific deep-ocean drilling
programs since 1961, providing borehole
measurements and working closely with
scientists to develop technology to support their
scientic objectives.6

While many tools and techniques developed

for oilfield use are being applied in scientific
research, technologies that advanced under scientic drilling programs are also useful in drilling
for oil and gas, particularly deepwater drilling
and in logging-while-drilling (LWD) applications.
In this article, we rst review the historical
context for scientific deep-ocean drilling and
then examine current and emerging technologies, particularly for downhole measurements,
that are essential to achieving the goals of
scientific drilling. Finally, we describe the new
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP),
which will offer flexibility in its use of diverse
drilling capabilities in all ocean basins regardless of water depth and geographic location.7

1. Le Pichon X: Sea-Floor Spreading and Continental Drift,

Journal of Geophysical Research 73, no. 12 (June 1968):
2. Kvenvolden KA and McDonald TJ: Gas Hydrates of the
Middle America Trench, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 84,
in Von Huene R, Aubouin J, Arnott RJ, Baltuck M,
Bourgois J, Filewicz M, Helm R, Lienert B, McDonald TJ,
McDougall K, Ogawa Y, Taylor E and Winsborough B:
Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 84.
Washington, DC: US Government Printing Ofce (1985):
3. Kleinberg LR and Brewer PG: Probing Gas Hydrates
Deposits, American Scientist 89, no. 3 (May-June 2001):

4. Collett T, Lewis R and Uchida T: Growing Interest in Gas

Hydrates, Oileld Review 12, no. 2 (Summer 2000): 4257.
5. Kerr RA: Signs of a Warm, Ice-Free Arctic, Science 305,
no. 5691 (September 2004): 1693.
6. Schlumberger logs were acquired since the beginning
of scientic deep-ocean drilling with Project Mohole
(reference 10). Schlumberger has also been involved in
onshore scientic drilling programs, leading to new
technology for the oil and gas industry, for example, a
new drilling technology that combined rotary drilling and
sandline core retrieval techniques. For more on continental
scientic drilling: Bram K, Draxler J, Hirschmann G, Zoth G,
Hiron S and Khr M: The KTB BoreholeGermanys
Superdeep Telescope into the Earths Crust, Oileld
Review 7, no. 1 (January 1995): 422.

7. IODP is a global partnership of scientists, research

institutions and government agencies. The US National
Science Foundation (NSF) and Japans Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
(MEXT) are lead members who make equal nancial
contributions. The balance of the funding is provided by
the contributing member European Consortium for Ocean
Research Drilling (ECORD), and the Ministry of Science
and Technology (MOST), China, an associate member.

Winter 2004/2005


Historical Context
Several scientific deep-ocean drilling programs
preceded the IODP. The earliest research
program began with Project Mohole, followed by
the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and the
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), covering all the
oceans with the exception of the ice-covered Arctic Ocean (next page, top). Seafloor sediments
were sampled from 1,279 sites. Each of these programs achieved significant milestones (below
and next page, bottom).
Project Mohole, conceived in 1958 and active
from 1961 to 1966, utilized a converted US Navy
barge, Cuss 1.8 The objective was to sample the
mantle by drilling through the Earths crust to
reach the Mohorovic ic discontinuity (Moho).9
This ambitious goal would require a drillstring
length of about 9,100 m [29,860 ft] to reach the
Moho in water depths of 3,566 m [11,700 ft]
between Guadeloupe Island, Mexico, and the
coast of Baja California, Mexico.10 This target
exceeded the deepest penetration achieved on
land by 1,500 m [4,920 ft], and the water depths
exceeded the capabilities of offshore drilling
operations at that time. While the project did
not come close to reaching the Moho, it did set

the stage for scientic ocean drilling and led to

development of deepwater drilling technology,
dynamic ship-positioning and new ship designs
that were later used in DSDP and ODP.
The DSDP began operations in 1968 with the
Glomar Challenger drillship operated by
Scripps Institution of Oceanography. 11 The
Glomar Challenger pioneered and refined the
use of dynamic positioning with multipoint
retractable thrusters to maintain ship position.
This technology is still being used in oil and gas
drillships today. Borehole measurements were
not considered essential in those daysfewer
than 90 boreholes were logged, and then only if
core recovery was poor and if time permitted.
The rst DSDP scientic cruise, called a leg,
uncovered evidence of salt domes, through
recovery of core and wireline data, which also
contained evidence of hydrocarbons below salt
at abyssal water depths of 2,927 to 5,361 m
[9,603 to 17,590 ft] in the Gulf of Mexico.12 Discoveries of tectonically active salt and deep
hydrocarbons encouraged oil and gas explorationists. Since the first commercial subsalt
discovery by Phillips, Anadarko and Amoco in
1993, exploration and production (E&P) in the
Gulf of Mexico continues to blossom.13




Positioning drillship
in 3,570 m [11,713 ft]
of water and testing
drillpipe integrity
with internal
magnetic sondes
Mohole test hole
confirms ability to
sample pelagic
sediment and basement
rock in deep waters


8. Project Mohole was funded by the US National Science

Foundation and the US National Academy of Sciences.
9. The Mohorovicic discontinuity is the boundary between
the Earths crust and mantle. Oceanic crustal thickness,
interpreted from seismic refraction results, ranges from
3.6 to 5.5 km [11,800 to 18,045 ft].
10. Horton EE: Preliminary Drilling Phase of Mohole
Project 1, Summary of Drilling Operations, Bulletin of
the American Association of Petroleum Geologists 45,
no. 11 (November 1961): 17891792.
11. DSDP was funded by the National Science Foundation
and managed by the Joint Oceanographic Institutions
for Deep Earth Sampling (JOIDES), a consortium of US
oceanographic institutions. In 1976, the program was
expanded to include other countriesFrance, Japan,
Soviet Union, UK and West Germany.
12. Ewing M, Worzel JL, Beall AO, Berggren WA, Bukry D,
Burk CA, Fischer AG and Pessagno EA Jr: Initial Reports
of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Joint Oceanographic
Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling (JOIDES). University
of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Vol 1.
(August-September 1968).
13. Farmer P, Miller D, Pieprzak A, Rutledge J and Woods R:
Exploring the Subsalt, Oileld Review 8, no. 1
(Spring 1996): 5064.




DSDP Leg 1: discovery of
salt domes in the Gulf of
Mexico in 1,067 m
[3,500 ft] of water depth
DSDP Leg 3: conclusive
evidence of seafloor
spreading and
continental drift









borehole reentry

Trials of heave
compensation system

DSDP Leg 13: first

solid evidence of
sea-drying events

DSDP Leg 39: causal
link between Earths
23,000-year processional
cycle and large-scale
climate change
Use of reentry cone
to reenter borehole in
5,519 m [18,108 ft] of
water depth









Releasable bit to allow
larger ID wireline sondes
to log open hole in
riserless environment

Trials of hydraulic
piston corer to
recover undisturbed
sediment cores

DSDP Leg 60 in
Mariana Trench in
7,034 m [23,079 ft] of
water depth

Cores from DSDP Leg 82
(1981) and ODP Leg 148
(1993) giving evidence
for microbes in oceanic
DSDP Leg 84: recovery
of 1-m long massive gas
hydrate core offshore
Costa Rica

> Time line of scientic ocean-drilling milestones. Important scientic discoveries (blue) and
technological advances (black) during the Mohole project, Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and
Ocean Drilling program (ODP) are highlighted.


Oileld Review



> Scientic deep-ocean drillsites from 1961 to 2003. The Mohole project (green) initiated in 1958, used a converted naval barge Cuss I to drill at two sites
near La Jolla, California, USA, and Guadeloupe, Mexico, from 1961 to 1966. The Deep Sea Drilling Project (black) used the drillship Glomar Challenger to
drill at 624 sites, from 1968 to 1983. During the Ocean Drilling Program (red) between 1984 and 2003, the drillship JOIDES Resolution sailed as far north as
80 and as far south as 71 latitude, and drilled the next 653 sites.




Reentry of an 8-year-old
borehole in 5,511 m
[18,080 ft] of water depth












Openhole logging in
5,980 m [19,620 ft] of
water depth

CORK borehole seals
deployed for true in-situ
borehole monitoring

Pressure core sampler
recovery of core at high
in-situ pressures

Leg 124E: use of

diamond coring bits
to drill through hard
ocean crust

ODP Leg 146: highest
resolution record of
oceanic environmental
and biotic changes over
the last 160,000 years;
evidence of climate
change cycles with
periods as low as 50

ODP Legs 164 (1995) and

204 (2002) revolutionize
understanding of natural
gas hydrate deposits

ODP Leg 125: discovery

of serpentine mud
volcanoes emanating
from the mantle
ODP Legs 158 and
193: revealing the size
and structure of active
massive sulfide
deposits, like those that
form the basis of
world-class mining sites

Winter 2004/2005



LWD in 5,056 m
[19,214 ft] of water
ODP Leg 171B: recovery
of pristine soft-sediment
cores of the
extinction boundary





ODP Leg 186: two seismic/
crustal deformation
observatories installed
in 2,000 m [6,562 ft]
of water at 1,000 m
[3,280 ft] below seafloor.
Only 50 km [31 miles]
apart, one area ends up
being seismically
active, the other not



ODP Leg 189: confirmed
findings from DSDP Leg
29 (1973) that the
separation of Australia
from Antarctica
produced massive
ocean current and
climate change
including the
development of the
Antarctic ice sheet
Real-time LWD in
4,791 m [15,718 ft] of
water depth
Successful test of RAB


Shipboard Laboratories
Downhole measurements and auxiliary laboratories
Core, physical properties and paleomagnetism laboratories

Microbiology, paleontology and chemistry laboratories

Computer laboratory and lounge
Photography laboratory


< Drillship JOIDES Resolution with seven oors

of on-board laboratories. The 143-m [466-ft]
drillship features a seven-story laboratory
complex to analyze the wide variety of cores
and logs collected worldwide. The ship is
positioned over the drillsite by 12 computercontrolled thrusters that support the main
propulsion system. Near the center of the ship
is the moon pool, a 7-m [23-ft] opening in the
bottom of the ship, through which the drillstring
is lowered. The drillship is a virtual university
that can house 50 scientists and technicians
and 65 crew members, with a stack of laboratories on seven oors. The bottom two oors
(not shown) have core-storage facilities. At
the fantail of the ship, on the left, is a geophysics laboratory, which contains equipment
that gathers ship position, water depth and
magnetic information used in studying the
seaoor topography.

Moon pool

> An ODP scientist working on core descriptions. (Photograph

courtesy of Texas A&M University.)

> A Schlumberger engineer acquiring real-time LWD data in the downhole

measurements laboratory.


Oileld Review

The ODP, the next phase of the scientific

deep-ocean drilling programs, used the JOIDES
Resolution drillship operated by Texas A&M
University in College Station (previous page).14
The ODP drilled 1,700 boreholes in water depths
ranging from 91 to 1,828 m [300 to 6,000 ft] with
more than 213,000 m [699,000 ft] of core recovery.15 With successful well-logging results, wireline
acquisition became an integral part of the ODP,
with more than 56% of the boreholes logged.16
The past four decades of scientific ocean
drilling have beneted from numerous technological advances in wireline logging, drilling and
measurement technologies, coring and sampling
techniques and long-term borehole-monitoring
devices. The development of technologies to
address challenges in scientific deep-ocean
drilling was the result of close collaboration by
the scientic community and the service industry.


Challenges in Scientic Deep-Ocean Drilling

There are many challenges associated with
drilling in deepwater and ultradeepwater areas,
where water depths exceed 183 m [600 ft] and
1,524 m [5,000 ft], respectively. The scientific
objectives of the ocean-drilling programs
required drilling in water depths far greater
than those common in E&P operations. The program had to develop technology to drill without
a risera large-diameter pipe that connects the
subsea blowout preventer (BOP) stack to a oating surface rigcommonly used in offshore oil
and gas drilling (right). When drilling with a
riser, drilling fluid circulates down the pipe,
through the bit, and returns back to the surface
along with rock cuttings through the exterior of
the drillpipe.
14. The Ocean Drilling Program was managed by Joint
Oceanographic Institutions, Inc. (JOI)a consortium
of US oceanographic institutions. The operation and
stafng of the drillship and core retrieval from sites
around the world were managed by Texas A&M University
(TAMU). The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) at
Columbia University, New York, USA, managed the logging
services and site survey data bank. The funding for
ODP was initially provided by the US National Science
Foundation (NSF) and later expanded to include other
international partners including Australia, Belgium,
Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, The Netherlands,
Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan
and UK.
15. ODP core repositories are located at Lamont-Doherty
Earth Observatory, Palisades, New York, USA; Scripps
Institution of Oceanography, California; Texas A&M
University; and Bremen University, Germany.
16. Goldberg D: The Role of Downhole Measurements
in Marine Geology and Geophysics, Reviews of
Geophysics 35, no. 3 (August 1997): 315342.

Winter 2004/2005

Drilling fluid is pumped

down through drillpipe.

Drilling fluid and cuttings

flow up between the
drillpipe and the riser.


Surface casing

Second casing

Open hole

Drilling fluid and cuttings

flow up between the
drillpipe and the borehole
or casing.
LWD tool

> Riser drilling. The riser is a pipe that extends from the drilling platform
down to the seaoor. Drilling mud and cuttings from the borehole are
returned to the surface through the riser. The top of the riser is attached to
the drillship, while its bottom is secured at the seaoor. A blowout preventer
(BOP) placed at the seaoor between the wellhead and the riser provides
protection against overpressured formations and sudden release of gas. The
riser pipe diameter of up to 21 in. [53.3 cm] is large enough to allow the
drillpipe, logging tools and multiple casing strings to pass through.



Seawater is pumped
down through drillpipe.


Reentry cone

Cuttings flow into ocean.

Mud skirt


Surface casing

Second casing

Seawater and cuttings

flow up between the
drillpipe and the borehole
or casing.

20-in. casing
16-in. casing
13 38-in. casing
10 34-in. casing

Open hole
LWD tool
Drill bit

> Riserless drilling. Seawater is pumped down through the drillpipe to clean
and cool the bit. The drilling uid and the cuttings ow up between the
drillpipe and the borehole or casing, where they spill onto the seaoor and do
not return to the surface.

Without a riser, the drilling uid spills out of

the top of the borehole onto the seafloor, and
does not return to the surface (above left). This
does not create a problem for the seafloor
environment, because seawater is used as the
drilling fluid. However, because no solids are
added, no mudcake forms. Without mudcake, the


borehole is less stable, which may lead to borehole collapse. Technology and solutions had to
be developed to deal with problems of ship
heave, wellbore stability, reentry of wells in
more than 5,000-m [16,405-ft] water depth,
along with other technical issues.

> The reentry cone. A large 3.7-m [12-ft]

diameter, funnel-shaped installation on the
seaoor serves as a conduit for relocating a
previously drilled hole and for landing and
supporting the surface casing string. The reentry
cone is released through the moon pool (top).
(Photograph courtesy of Texas A&M University.)

In conventional drilling for oil and gas,

compensation devices treat the riser as the
nonmoving reference to correct for depth
uncertainties. A major improvement for logging
in riserless wells was the development of a largedisplacement heave compensator to reduce
depth uncertainties arising from ship heave. The

Oileld Review

wireline heave compensator (WHC) system

measures the vertical motion of the ship with an
accelerometer and automatically displaces the
hydraulic piston and unspools logging cable by
the required amount.17 The WHC can adequately
compensate for heaves of up to 6 m [20 ft]. A
new programmable rotary winch compensation
system, developed by Schlumberger, is currently
being tested on the JOIDES Resolution.
With flexible drillpipe more than 5,000 m
long hanging in tension from the derrick, starting a borehole in bare rock is quite a challenge
without a riser. In hard-rock settings such as the
mid-oceanic ridges, spudding a hole and keeping
it open becomes trickier due to the brittle,
fractured nature of the rocks encountered. ODP
developed the hard-rock reentry system to spud
holes in difcult environments using a hydraulic
hammer drill. The hammer drill is run inside the
casing, and it simultaneously drills a hole and
advances the casing. 18 In the oil field today,
technology using standard oileld casing to drill
the well and then leave it in place to case the
well eliminates drillstring tripping and can
increase drilling efciency by 20 to 30%.
Another challenge in riserless drilling was
reentry into preexisting boreholes. Reentry may
be required for several reasons, such as
replacing a bit, or when returning to the borehole on multiple legs. To replace the bit, for
example, the drillstring must be raised, a new
bit attached, and the string lowered back to the
bottom into the same drill hole. The formidable
task of reentering a borehole on the ocean oor
was accomplished with the use of sonar
scanning equipment and a reentry cone. The
reentry cone assembly comprises a reentry
funnel mounted on a support plate that rests on
the seafloor and a housing to support multiple
casing strings (previous page, right). The reentry system is wide at the top, above the seaoor,
and narrows at the bottom near the base of the
seaoor, thereby making it easy for the funnel to
guide the drillpipe into the borehole.
The reentry cone allows a borehole to be
reentered on multiple legs to deepen the hole or
to install a borehole observatory for long-term
downhole measurement and sampling.
ODP developed two primary types of borehole observatories. Downhole broadband
seismometers with a bandwidth from 0.001 to
10 Hz and strainmeters were deployed at
selected sites, primarily in seismogenic, or
earthquake-prone, zones near Japan and in the
eastern Pacific Ocean. The other type of borehole observatory consists of instrumentation to
obtain in-situ recordings of formation temperature

Winter 2004/2005

CORK head
Hydraulic sampling
ports (from screens)
Datalogger for
pressure recording

Reentry cone

Mud skirt


Hydraulic sampling lines

(from screens)

Packer inflation line


Bridge plug

> Circulation obviation retrot kit (CORK). After coring and logging operations are completed, the
borehole is isolated from the ocean water above by placing a CORKa mechanical borehole seal
retrotted to a reentry cone (top). The seal prevents circulation of uid into or out of the borehole.
The CORK can be tted with a sensor assembly that extends down into the borehole to measure insitu temperature, pressure, and chemical and biological properties over several years. An advanced
CORK incorporates multiple seals to enable recording of time-series observations in several isolated
zones (bottom). A submarine or an ROV (remotely operated vehicle) is deployed to download the data
periodically. (Photograph courtesy of Texas A&M University.)

and pressure, and sampling of uid geochemical

properties. Similarly, permanent downhole
gauges to monitor ow rate, pressure and temperature are routine in the oil eld for real-time
production optimization.19
However, effective utilization of boreholes as
hydrogeological laboratories required sealing
them from the overlying ocean water, and
allowing the formation to return to a state of
equilibrium. This was made possible by a circulation obviation retrofit kit (CORK) system,
rst deployed in 1991, which isolates boreholes
from the ocean water above the seabed (above).

Temperature and pressure data recorded over a

period of months to several years are recovered
using manned or unmanned submersibles.
17. Lorsignol M, Armstrong A, Rasmussen MW and
Farnieras L: Heave Compensated Wireline Logging
Winch System and Method of Use, US Patent
no. 6,216,789 (April 17, 2001).
18. Shipboard Scientic Party, 2000: Leg 191 Preliminary
Report: West Pacic ION Project/Hammer Drill
Engineering, ODP Preliminary Report 191,
(accessed December 10, 2004).
19. Acock A, ORourke T, Shirmboh D, Alexander J, Andersen G,
Kaneko T, Venkitaraman A, Lpez-de-Crdenas J, Nishi M,
Numasawa M, Yoshioka K, Roy A, Wilson A and
Twynam A: Practical Approaches to Sand Management,
Oileld Review 16, no. 1 (Spring 2004): 1027.


A new generation of advanced CORKs will

incorporate multiple packers to isolate
subsurface zones in the borehole to measure
temperature, pressure, fluid chemistry and
microbiology in each zone.
Although the water depths and borehole
conditions are extreme, ODP and Schlumberger
have engineered methods and tools for borehole
measurements to satisfy scientific goals and to
operate effectively in hostile environments.
Advances in Borehole Measurements
Borehole logging measurements are now considered as vital to the scientic goals of scientic
deep-ocean drilling as they are to the E&P
industry. They provide a continuous record of
formation properties under in-situ conditions, a
link between core data and larger scale regional
seismic data, and are sometimes the only usable
data when core recovery is poor or nonexistent.
The need for tools in slimhole, high-pressure,
and high-temperature environments and the

Retrievable motor-driven
core barrel (MDCB), inner
core tube OD = 2 78 in.
RAB ID = 3.45 in.

Annular battery

Azimuthal resistivity
electrodes on button sleeve,
OD = 9 12 in.

Gamma ray sensor

Field-replaceable stabilizer
Bit-resistivity electrode
Core OD = 2.5 in.

> Logging-while-coring system (LWC). The motordriven core barrel (MDCB) passes through the
modied RAB Resistivity-at-the-Bit tool to collect
core samples while acquiring resistivity and
gamma ray measurements. (Adapted from
Goldberg et al, reference 22.)


need for high-resolution tools to characterize

thin beds have been the driving forces behind
the customization and development of new
borehole tools.
Sometimes logging sondes have to be
conveyed through a pipe diameter as small as
3.8 in. [9.7 cm] to make measurements in hole
sizes exceeding 11.8 in. [30 cm] in diameter. To
overcome this difculty, some oileld tools have
been made slimmer. In 1988, the Formation
MicroScanner device, with an outside diameter
(OD) of more than 4.5 in. [11.4 cm], was modified to 3.7-in. [9.4-cm] OD. Another tool, the
slimhole WST Well Seismic Tool, was customized
by addition of two horizontal geophones. This
enabled determination of shear-wave velocity
and anisotropy of underlying rocks from a
vertical seismic prole survey.
The goal of increasing vertical resolution of
downhole measurements prompted scientists at
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades,
New York, USA (LDEO) to develop the multisensor gamma ray tool (MGT) in 2001. This tool
increases resolution by common-depth stacking
and summing of the data received from an array
of four gamma spectrometry sensors spaced 2 ft
[61 cm] apart.20 The MGT increases the vertical
resolution of natural gamma ray log data by a
factor of three to four over conventional logging
tools, improving characterization of thin layers
and their correlation with core data.
Typically, a wireline-conveyed system cannot
log the top interval just beneath the seafloor
because the drillpipe has to be lowered about
50 to 100 m [164 to 328 ft] to ensure wellbore
stability. Additionally, long tool strings often
cannot log the bottom of the borehole. Also, in
certain difficult environments, for example,
alternating layers of hard and soft rock such as
chert-chalk sequences, the rocks deteriorate
after drilling, resulting in both poor core
recovery and poor logs. In such cases, LWD tools
are of critical importance and provide the only
in-situ measurements.21
For safety in unstable holes and to decrease
drilling time, an innovative solution of loggingwhile-coring (LWC) was developed during the
ODP. The RAB Resistivity-at-the-Bit tool was
modified by incorporating annular batteries in
the drill collar wall and a new resistivity button
sleeve. This allows an existing ODP core barrel to
pass through the RAB tool to carry out coring
operations while making azimuthal resistivity
and gamma ray measurements (left). The
LWC system provides precise core-log depth
calibration and core orientation without an
additional trip, producing both time savings and
unique scientic advantages.22

Obtaining Core Samples

Improving core recovery and obtaining uncontaminated and unaltered samples are important
scientific objectives. Contamination from the
drilling process can affect studies of magnetic
properties, fluid chemistry, microbiology, sediment structure and core-sample texture. As with
E&P operations, drilling and sampling technologies in scientific ocean-drilling programs have
been adapted to rock hardness and lithology.
Specific innovations include advanced piston
coring for sampling soft to medium-hardness
rocks, and an extended core barrel or a diamond
core barrel for coring medium to hard rocks.
Gas hydrate research, in particular, requires
retrieving samples at in-situ conditions. During
conventional coring of hydrates, substantial
volumes of gas escape as sediments are brought
to the surface. DSDP and ODP, respectively,
developed the wireline pressure core barrel and
20. Goldberg D, Meltser A and the ODP Leg 191 Shipboard
Scientic Party, 2001: High Vertical Resolution Spectral
Gamma Ray Logging: A New Tool Development and Field
Test Results, Transactions of the SPWLA 42nd Annual
Logging Symposium, Houston, June 17-20, 2001, paper JJ.
21. Goldberg, reference 16.
22. Goldberg D, Myers G, Grigar K, Pettigrew T, Mrozewski S
and Shipboard Scientic Party, ODP Leg 209: LoggingWhile-CoringFirst Tests of a New Technology for
Scientic Drilling, Petrophysics 45, no. 4 (July-August
2004): 328334.
23. Pettigrew TL: Design and Operation of a Wireline
Pressure Core Sampler, ODP Technical Note 17.
College Station, Texas: Ocean Drilling Program (1992).
24. The European HYACINTH consortium developed the
hydrate autoclave coring equipment (HYACE) system.
Two types of wireline pressure coring tool, a percussion
tool and a rotary tool, were developed together with the
means of transferring the core without loss of pressure
into a laboratory chamber.
25. Trhu AM, Bohrmann G, Rack FR, Torres ME, Delwiche ME,
Dickens GR, Goldberg DS, Grcia E, Gurin G, Holland M,
Johnson JE, Lee YJ, Liu CS, Long PE, Milkov AV, Riedel M,
Schultheiss P, Su X, Teichert B, Tomaru H, Vanneste M,
Watanabe M and Weinberger JL: Proceedings of the
Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Report, Vol 204.
204_prel/204toc.html (accessed December 12, 2004).
26. Some of the wireline tools used on Leg 204 include
the APS Accelerator Porosity Sonde, DSI Dipole Shear
Sonic Imager, Dual-Induction Tool (DIT), Formation
MicroScanner, GPIT General Purpose Inclinometry Tool,
HLDT Hostile Litho-Density Tool, Hostile Environment
Natural Gamma Ray Sonde (HNGS), Scintillation Gamma
Ray Tool (SGT), SFL Spherically Focused Resistivity,
VSI Versatile Seismic Imager and WST-3. Drilling and
measurement tools were adnVISION, geoVISION,
proVISION and the modied RAB-8 tool for use with
the logging-while-coring system.
27. When gas hydrates disassociate from a sediment
interval, cold spots can be felt with the hand and can
be measured with thermal infrared cameras.
28. Kleinberg and Brewer, reference 3.
29. Dickens GR: Rethinking the Global Carbon Cycle with a
Large, Dynamic and Microbially Mediated Gas Hydrate
Capacitor, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 213,
no. 3 (August 25, 2003): 169183.
30. Arroyo JL, Breton P, Dijkerman H, Dingwall S, Guerra R,
Hope R, Hornby B, Williams M, Jimenez RR, Lastennet T,
Tulett J, Leaney S, Lim T, Menkiti H, Puech J-C,
Tcherkashnev S, Burg TT and Verliac M: Superior
Seismic Data from the Borehole, Oileld Review 15,
no. 1 (Spring 2003): 223.

Oileld Review

Winter 2004/2005







4433 N

12506 W

12503 W

> ODP Leg 204 drillsites on Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon, USA. (Adapted from Trhu et al,
reference 25.)

Site 1246

Site 1245

Site 1244




4,100 ft
1,250 m

Site 1252





Two-way traveltime, s

Focus on Gas Hydrates

Gas hydrates have been known to exist in
marine sediments since the early days of DSDP,
but they were judiciously avoided in the past
because of drilling safety issues. However, a
growing interest in hydrates as a potential
resource for energy and in their possible influence on climate change has made hydrates one
of the focus areas in scientic ocean drilling.
Hydrates found in deepwater sediments at
outer continental margins are usually stable.
Gas hydrates become unstable when ocean
temperature rises or depressurization occurs
due to a reduction in conning pressure, caused
for example by a decrease in sea level or a loss
in sediment overburden. 28 This triggers the
release of methanea powerful greenhouse
gasinto the Earths oceans and atmosphere.
Scientists have raised questions about the
impact of gas hydrates on the carbon cycle and
on global climate. 29 However, there is great
uncertainty about how much hydrate and free
gas are actually contained in marine sediments.
It is therefore important to know where and how
hydrates accumulate, and to monitor conditions
that could change their stability.
To reduce this uncertainty, 45 boreholes
were drilled at nine sites on the bathymetric
high known as Hydrate Ridge, in about 790 m

4436 N

Depth, m

the pressure core sampler to recover samples at

in-situ pressures up to 10,000 psi [70 MPa].23
These tools are particularly useful for sampling
gas hydrates and for measuring the volume of
gas released from these samples. The need for
pressurized sampling, which maintains the core
at downhole pressure in an autoclave chamber,
inspired a European consortium to develop a
new suite of tools known as the hydrate autoclave coring equipmentthe next generation of
pressurized coring systems.24
ODP Leg 204, conducted from July to August
2002, provided the opportunity to test a wide
variety of new technologies and measurement
techniques. 25 The scientific objective of the
mission was to understand the occurrence and
distribution of gas hydrates offshore Oregon,
USA. It marked the first use of simultaneous
logging and coring with the LWC system and
extensive tests of pressurized coring tools. Leg
204 also deployed a wide range of Schlumberger
wireline tools and logging-while-drilling (LWD)
tools, and included tools developed by ODP to
measure in-situ pressure. 26 Digital infrared
cameras were used for the rst time in an ODP
operation to scan core samples. This is done as
soon as they are retrieved from the gas hydrate
interval to record the temperature anomalies.27




> East-west vertical slice through the three-dimensional seismic data. The seismic data show the
structural and stratigraphic setting of Hydrate Ridge at Sites 1244, 1245, 1246 and 1252. The highamplitude reector below the seaoor is the bottom-simulating reector (BSR), and it corresponds to
the base of the gas hydrate stability zone. The BSR has a negative polarity, indicating high-velocity
sediments containing gas hydrate that overlie low-velocity sediments containing free gas. Below the
boundary AC, the seismic data are incoherent, and represent older, highly deformed sediments of the
accretionary complex at the core of Hydrate Ridge. Seismic reections marked as A, B, B', Y and Y'
are anomalously bright stratigraphic events. The depth scale in meters below seaoor (mbsf) is
based on the assumption of a velocity of 1,550 m/s [5,085 ft/s] above 150 mbsf [492 ft] and 1,650 m/s
[5,413 ft/s] below 150 mbsf. The reddish-orange lines indicate the depth of penetration at each site.
(Adapted from Trhu et al, reference 25.)

[2,592 ft] of water, offshore Oregon, USA

(top). Several geophysical measurements that
can help quantify gas hydrates were performed
during Leg 204. These include nuclear magnetic
resonance, resistivity imaging, sonic logging and
vertical seismic profiles (VSPs). Borehole seismic data were acquired with the VSI Vertical
Seismic Imager tool, which can record simulta-

neously at multiple stations. With different

source-receiver configurations, offset VSP and
walkaway VSPs were acquired to image the subsurface away from the borehole.30
The three-dimensional (3D) seismic data
acquired over the nine drilled sites on the
southern Hydrate Ridge provide a regional
structural and stratigraphic setting (above). A


high-amplitude reflector referred to as the

bottom-simulating reector (BSR) results from a
strong velocity contrast between the highvelocity sediments containing gas hydrates and
deeper low-velocity sediments containing free
gas. This reflector is interpreted as the base of
the gas hydrate stability zone. Seismic velocities
from the VSPs clearly resolve this velocity
decrease, indicative of the presence of free gas
beneath the BSR that occurs 129 to 134 m [423 to
440 ft] below the seaoor.
Because hydrates are nonconductive, the
electrical resistivity of hydrate-saturated sediments is higher than that of water-saturated
sediments. Resistivity images acquired by the
RAB tool showed the azimuthal distribution of
hydrates in the drilled sediments (below). The
RAB data, in conjunction with 3D seismic data,
guided subsequent coring, permitting an
accurate sampling of zones rich in gas hydrate.31
Integrating cores with well logs and borehole
seismic and surface seismic data, each with
different spatial resolution and sensitivity to gas

hydrate content, yields an estimate of the threedimensional distribution of gas hydrate within
an accretionary ridge system.
The percentage of gas hydrate was estimated
using different methodologies. While borehole
measurements provide continuous spatial
sampling, there are assumptions involved in the
estimation of gas hydrate. Assuming that only
water and gas hydrate fill the pore space, the
percentage of gas hydrate can be deduced by
using Archies relation to determine water
saturation; the remainder being gas hydrate.32
This technique does not distinguish between
gas hydrate and free gas.
Another approach used a controlled release
of pressure from the core sample to enable
measurement of the volume of gas stored within
an interval of sediment. This volume was then
used with established gas equilibrium curves to
estimate the amount of gas hydrate or free gas
in the core.
Results showed that high gas hydrate
content30 to 40% of pore spaceis restricted

to the upper tens of meters below the seafloor

at the crest of the Hydrate Ridge, while at the
flanks of the ridge, the hydrates extend
deeper. 33 Understanding the heterogeneous
distribution of gas hydrate is an important factor
in modeling gas hydrate formation in marine
sediments and the changes due to tectonics and
environmental impact.
In 2000, the US Department of Energy
(DOE), in consultation with other government
agencies began an active effort to commence
fundamental and applied research to identify,
assess and develop methane hydrates as an
energy resource. Many countries, including
Japan, Canada and India, are also interested in
the potential of gas hydrates as an energy source
and have established large gas hydrate research
and development projects, while China, Korea,
Norway, Mexico and others are investigating the
viability of forming government-sponsored gas
hydrate research projects.34
The US DOE gas hydrate joint industry
project, led by ChevronTexaco, plans to drill two


Core Photographs

1249B Core

RAB-8 Static Image

Deep Resistivity



Gamma Ray
40 60 80

RAB-8 Core
Bulk Density
1.55 1.65 1.75


15 cm


20 cm


Mousse-like and soupy

texture caused by dissociation
of hydrate



Depth, meters below seafloor

Clay with dark greenish patch
and dispersed sponge spicules



> Data from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 204. Data acquired in Borehole 1249B include a deep-resistivity image from the RAB-8 tool (Track 2), resistivity
(Track 3), gamma ray (Track 4), and core density (Track 5). Core photographs are shown on the left. High-resistivity intervals indicate the presence of gas
hydrate. Note that core recovery (Track 1) is intermittent and poor, whereas LWD measurements are continuous. (Adapted from Trhu et al, reference 25.)


Oileld Review

sites in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico in 2005.

Some of the techniques and lessons learned from
Leg 204 will be applied. While the primary goal is
to learn how to safely exploit conventional
hydrocarbon reservoirs beneath hydrate, the
results of the program will also allow a better
assessment of the commercial viability of marine
gas hydrates.
All these technological achievements will
advance scientific ocean drilling studies in the
21st century, although specic technologies are
needed in the next decade to address challenges
such as measuring high temperatures and pressures in seismogenic zones, conducting in-situ
sampling of fluids, retrieving uncontaminated
sediments and microbial life at in-situ conditions,
developing enhanced downhole measurements
and installing long-term or permanent sensors.
As more data are acquired, data management is becoming another critical issue. In 1996,
Schlumberger and ODP collaborated to test a
stabilized mount for the antennae utilized
for high-speed data transmission from the
JOIDES Resolution to shore-based data centers.
An advanced version of this very small aperture
terminal (VSAT) system is now common in
IODP operations, offering almost total global
coverage for data transmission and electronic
and voice communications.
Finally, the enormous volumes of data and
information produced by the ocean drilling programs create the same issues that challenge
E&P data management.35 These include legacy
data gathered during the DSDP and ODP, and
data from the newly launched IODP. In addition
to raw measurements, the copious volume of
digital information, such as drilling reports, mud
logging data and cutting descriptions, must be
managed properly and associated with the raw
measured data to maintain contextual information and ensure integrity and validity of data
managed by the system. Schlumberger has been
collaborating closely with JAMSTECthe
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and
Technologyto design and build the prototype
of such a data management system. Integrating
data analysis capability into the data management system using GeoFrame integrated
reservoir characterization system software
allows users to directly access data from a
remote site.
A New Era in Ocean Drilling
The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP),
a new program that began in 2004, builds upon
the experience and knowledge gained during
previous scientific ocean drilling campaigns.

Winter 2004/2005

Integrated Ocean Drilling

Program (IODP)

Other Science
Services Subcontracts

Advise and consult

IODP Management International

Riserless drillship JOIDES Resolution


Riser drillship Chikyu


Scientific Advisory
Structure (SAS)

Mission-specific platforms




Joint Oceanographic
Institutions (JOI Alliance)

The Japan Agency

for Marine-Earth Science and
Technology (JAMSTEC)

ECORD Science Operator (ESO)

Platform and Drilling Operations

Platform and Drilling Operations

Platform and Drilling Operations

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,

Science and Technology (MEXT)

ECORD Management Agency (EMA)

> Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP). IODP is a multiple-platform operation involving a
riserless drilling vessel, a riser drilling vessel and variety of mission-specic platforms. Japan, the
USA and Europe will support the implementing organizations for the various ships and platforms
(see reference 7). (Photographs courtesy of JOI alliance, JAMSTEC and ECORD.)

IODP is a global partnership of scientists,

research institutions and government agencies
that provides a more focused approach to
explore at greater depths and in previously inaccessible areas (above). The scientific goals of
IODP are outlined in the initial science plan.36
Like their predecessors, IODP expeditions are
proposal-driven and are planned after extensive
international scientic and safety reviews.

However, IODP differs signicantly from any

of the previous programs because it uses multiple ships with diverse drilling capabilities. The
multiple platformsriserless, mission-specific
and riserwill enable drilling in areas that
were previously inaccessible, such as on the
continental margins, in shallow water less than
20 m [66 ft] deep, in ice-covered regions of the
Arctic and in the ultradeep oceans.37

31. Trhu AM, Long PE, Torres ME, Bohrmann G, Rack FR,
Collett TS, Goldberg DS, Milkov AV, Riedel M,
Schultheiss P, Bangs NL, Barr SR, Borowski WS,
Claypool GE, Delwiche ME, Dickens GR, Grcia E,
Guerin G, Holland M, Johnson JE, Lee Y-J, Liu C-S, Su X,
Teichert B, Tomaru H, Vanneste M, Watanabe M and
Weinberger JL: Three-Dimensional Distribution of Gas
Hydrate beneath Southern Hydrate Ridge: Constraints
from ODP Leg 204, Earth and Planetary Science
Letters 222, no. 34, (June 15, 2004): 845862.
32. Archies experiments established an empirical relationship
between resistivity, porosity and water saturation. For
more on Archies equation: Log Interpretation Principles/
Applications. Houston: Schlumberger Educational
Services, 1989.
33. Milkov AV, Claypool GE, Lee Y-J, Torres ME, Borowski WS,
Tomaru H, Sassen R, Long PE and the ODP Leg 204
Scientic Party: Ethane Enrichment and Propane
Depletion in Subsurface Gases Indicate Gas Hydrate
Occurrence in Marine Sediments at Southern Hydrate
Ridge Offshore Oregon, Organic Geochemistry 35, no. 9
(September 2004): 10671080.

Milkov AV, Claypool GE, Lee YJ, Dickens GR, Xu W,

Borowski WS and the ODP Leg 204 Scientic Party,
In Situ Methane Concentrations at Hydrate Ridge
Offshore Oregon: New Constraints on the Global Gas
Hydrate Inventory from an Active Margin, Geology 31
(2003): 833836.
34. Collett TS: Gas Hydrates as a Future Energy Resource,
Geotimes 49, no. 11 (November 2004): 2427.
35. Beham R, Brown A, Mottershead C, Whitgift J, Cross J,
Desroches L, Espeland J, Greenberg M, Haines P,
Landgren K, Layrisse I, Lugo J, Moren O, Ochoa E,
ONeill D and Sledz J: Changing the Shape of E&P Data
Management, Oileld Review 9, no. 2 (Summer 1997):
36. For more on the initial science plan:
downloads/IODP_Init_Sci_Plan.pdf (accessed
September 30, 2004).
37. Cofn MF: Expeditions to Drill Pacic, Arctic, and
Atlantic Sites, American Geophysical Union, EOS
Transactions 85, no. 2 (January 2004): 1318.


The current US vessel, JOIDES Resolution,

will be used in the first operational phase of
riserless operations, which lasts through 2005.38
The mission-specic platforms (MSPs) operated
by the European Consortium for Ocean Research
Drilling will operate in shallow waters and icecovered regions.39 As the name mission-specic
suggests, these drilling platforms could be
drilling barges, jackup rigs or seafloor drilling
systems, depending on the drilling environment.
The construction of the riser platform and
development of related technologies were initiated in 1990 by MEXT (Ministry of Education,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) in
Japan. This program, called Ocean Drilling in
the 21st Century, was integrated into the IODP.40
The Japanese vessel, the Chikyu, meaning
Earth will be a state-of-the-art, riser-equipped,
dynamically positioned drillship. Chikyu will
initially reach a total depth of 10,000 m
[32,800 ft], in water depths of up to 2,500 m
[8,200 ft]. In riserless operations, Chikyu will
be able to drill in water depths of up to 7,000 m
[22,970 ft].
In the future, Chikyu will be able to drill
with a riser in 4,000-m [13,120-ft] water depth to
reach a total depth of 12,000 m [39,370 ft],
allowing access to regions where the presence of
hydrocarbons or other uids has previously prevented scientic drilling. Although riser drilling
is commonly used for hydrocarbon exploration
and development, it has never been used in such
ultradeep environments. It will be possible to
drill boreholes that are more stable, and that
can penetrate zones with different pressures.
Seismogenic zones in particular are difcult to
drill because of heavy fluid losses associated
with fractured intervals. Using this vessel,
researchers can drill and install permanent
sensors in seismogenic zones. Chikyu is expected
to be operational in late 2006 or early 2007.

IODP began its operations in 2004, with

Expedition 301 using the riserless drillship and
Expedition 302 using a mission-specic platform.
The goal of Expedition 301 was to research the
hydrogeology within the oceanic crust, determine
fluid distribution pathways, establish linkages
between fluid circulation, chemical alteration
and microbial processes and to determine the
relationship between seismic and hydrological
properties.41 Expedition 301 was completed in
August 2004, at the Juan de Fuca ridge, eastern
Pacific Ocean. At this active hydrothermal
system, molten lava from the Earths interior is
released into colder ocean waters. Several
hostile-environment wireline tools developed for
the oil and gas industry to explore deeper reservoirs at extreme temperatures and pressures
were used in Expedition 301.42
Expedition 301 also collected sediments,
basalt, fluids and microbial samples. Two
new borehole observatories were established
as deep as 583 m [1,913 ft] beneath the
seafloor. Hydrogeologic tests were conducted
in these boreholes.
In the future, a network of such borehole
observatories will enable the study of uid movement. Water circulation through the oceanic
crust has implications on land, particularly
where oceanic plates sink beneath the continental plates. For example, the recent volcanic
activity at Mount St. Helens, Washington, USA, in
October 2004, is due to the combining of water
with molten rock when the oceanic plate
subducted into the Earths interior. Water in
deep subduction zones is geochemically reactive
with the surrounding rocks, and may also affect
deep faulting.43
Expedition 302, completed in September
2004, used multiple vessels in the Arctic (next
page). The heavy ice-breaker, Sovetskiy Soyuz,
provided upstream protection for the drilling

vessel and ice testing for the expedition, while

Oden provided close ice protection,
communications and scientific staging. Both
vessels accompanied the converted drilling
vessel Vidar Viking.
Expedition 302 focused on short-term
climate changes. The past 56 million years of
Arctic climatic history has been recovered from
339 m [1,112 ft] of cores and about 150 m
[492 ft] of wireline logs of marine sediments.
Preliminary examination of the cores suggests
that the ice-covered Arctic Ocean was once a
warm place. Further research will provide clues
to climate changes that occurred when the
Earth changed from a hot planet to a cold one.44
Some scientists believe that a brief spike in
temperature could have been due to a large
release of methane from gas hydrate deposits.45
The exact cause of this possible massive release
of greenhouse gas is yet to be understood.
Cores from Expedition 302 have provided the
first evidence of extensive organic material
created by plankton and other microorganisms
in ocean oor sediments, suggesting a favorable
environment for oil and gas deposits.

38. The Joint Oceanographic Institutions (JOI), Texas A&M

University, Columbia University, and Lamont-Doherty
Earth Observatory compose the JOI alliance. The JOI
collectively provides coring, logging, laboratory outtting,
stafng, engineering, curation, data distribution and
logistics for the riserless vessel. Texas A&M subcontracts
the riserless vessel, and Lamont-Doherty Earth
Observatory subcontracts the logging services.
39. The mission-specic platforms are operated by the
European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling
(ECORD), and are managed by the ECORD Science
Operations (ESO), a consortium of European scientic
institutions. The British Geological Survey (BGS) is
responsible for the overall ESO management. The
University of Bremen in Germany is contracted by BGS
for curation, core repositories and data management.
Logging and petrophysical activities are contracted by
BGS to the European Petrophysical Consortium,
comprising the University of Leicester, England; the
Universit de Montpellier, France; RWTH Aachen,
Germany; and Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam.

40. For more on Ocean Drilling in the 21st Century (OD21):
(accessed December 2, 2004).
41. Shipboard Scientic Party, 2004: Juan de Fuca
Hydrogeology: The Hydrogeologic Architecture of
Basaltic Oceanic Crust: Compartmentalization,
Anisotropy, Microbiology, and Crustal-Scale Properties
on the Eastern Flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge, Eastern
Pacic Ocean, IODP Preliminary Report 301,
(accessed November 3, 2004).
42. In addition to standard wireline tools, several hostile
environment tools deployed on Expedition 301 include the
APS Accelerator Porosity Sonde, Hostile Environment
Natural Gamma Ray Sonde (HNGS), HLDT Hostile
Litho-Density Tool and SlimXtreme AIT Array Induction
Imager Tool. For more on high-pressure, high-temperature
logging: Baird T, Fields T, Drummond R, Mathison D,
Langseth B, Martin A and Silipigno L: High-Pressure,
High-Temperature Well Logging, Perforating and Testing,
Oileld Review 10, no. 2 (Summer 1998): 5067.

exp_301_end.html (accessed November 7, 2004).
44. Kingdon A, OSullivan M and Gaffney O: Arctic Coring
Expedition (ACEX) Retrieves First Arctic Core, posted
on August 25, 2004,
pub_releases/2004-08/sprs-ace082504.php (accessed
December 10, 2004).
45. Revkin CA: Under All That Ice, Maybe Oil, The New
York Times: posted on November 30, 2004,
/nytimes_acex_article.pdf (accessed December 10, 2004).
46. Goldberg et al, reference 22.


Challenges Ahead
In the coming decade, drilling and sampling
technologies, borehole observatories and
borehole measurements will play a pivotal
role in answering questions about global
climate change, natural disasters, and the
occurrence and distribution of mineral and
hydrocarbon resources.
The need for increased core recovery, while
maintaining sample quality, is important for all
IODP scientific objectives. Directional drilling
and stress-orientation measurements may be
required to optimize core recovery.46
Contamination caused by drilling and
sampling processes can jeopardize studies of

Oileld Review





id g

ACEX sites



< An example of an MSP operation (Expedition 302) in the Arctic. The rst Arctic coring expedition (ACEX) was conducted
from August to September 2004, at the crest of the Lomonosov
Ridge in the central Arctic Ocean (left). The Vidar Viking drillship (right) was protected by two icebreakers Oden and
Sovetskiy Soyuz. Vidar Viking drilled ve boreholes at four sites,
and a 339-m [892-ft] long sedimentary sequence was recovered
in the cores. (Photograph courtesy of M. Jakobsson, IODP.)

microbiology, fluid composition and paleomagnetism. The occurrence and distribution of

microbial populations are a focus of future
research. Samples will be collected from a range
of tectonic and environmental settings that will
utilize the multiple platforms in IODP. With riser
drilling, for the rst time, direct samples will be
obtained from the area of coupling between the
continental and oceanic plates. Contaminationfree samples are crucial to the success of these
studies. Finally, pressurized coring techniques
will need to be developed further to retrieve
samples at in-situ conditions, maintaining the
pressure and temperature. This is particularly
important in sediments containing hydrocarbons
and gas hydrates.
Another prime goal of future expeditions will
be to study seismogenic zones by drilling to the
epicenter of earthquakes and placing permanent
monitoring devices that track temporal changes
in temperature, pore pressure, fluid chemistry,
tilt, stress and strain. Temperatures can reach

Winter 2004/2005

250C [482F] in seismogenic zones and 400C

[752F] in hydrothermal areas. However,
current downhole sensors can withstand
temperatures only up to 150C [302F] for longterm monitoring.
Schlumberger Kabushiki Kaisha (SKK)
Technology Center in collaboration with
JAMSTEC has performed a feasibility study on
permanent monitoring technology and its applicability for long-term monitoring in scientific
deep-ocean wells. Generally, the temperature
and pressure ratings of the scientific instruments used in the past are not suitable. Another
major problem is the amount of power required
to monitor seismicity continuously, for periods
longer than a year, and the reliability of the
downhole monitoring system. Schlumberger has
begun a new project to develop low-power
telemetry and a power-delivery system for
next-generation permanent monitoring sensors.
Scientific research on marine gas hydrates
continues to be a focus area in the IODP pro-

gram. Knowing the occurrence and distribution

of gas hydrates, understanding their role in the
global carbon cycle and evaluating their
potential as an energy resource continue to be
important objectives. The diverse drilling
platforms will enable sampling and borehole
measurements from different depths and environments. New technology will be needed, not
only to directly measure gas hydrate properties,
but also to monitor pressure, temperature and
uid ow over extended time periods. Borehole
observatories will play a vital role in the future.
Finally, the enormous quantity of data
gathered over the coming yearsseismic
surveys, logs, cored samples, data from borehole
observatories, documents and reportsmust be
stored in databases for easy access by the global
scientific community. A continuing close
partnership between the scientific community
and service providers is necessary to develop
tools and processes to address these challenges
in the years ahead.


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