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DAILY AGENDA: Global Studies

Monday, January 9, 2017

What well learn

Today, we will take a step back from our study of history in order to work on note-taking.
Well be learning how to take Cornell notes. For some of you, this might be review. For
others, it will be a new way of thinking about notes. Well discuss how to take Cornell notes
and why many people find them to be a highly effective way to remember information.

How well get there


Do Now (on back)

PowerPoint: Cornell Notes
Cornell Notes Practice as a Class
Individual Practice

Why this matters

In college, most of the information you receive will come either from reading long books or
listening to long lectures. Rarely will a professor give you any kind of notes or summaries.
Instead, it will be up to you to take careful notes so that you can study for exams and easily
incorporate information into your papers. If you dont learn to take good notes now, you
could find yourself spending hours and hours in college trying to remember and relocate

By the end of this class, youll...

Understand the origins of the Cornell note-taking system

Evaluate your own note-taking skills

What youll turn in

Cornell Notes on article, Take Better Notes, Get Better Grades

If you finish early

Turn to Chapter 8 and begin reading Section 1 (page 272)

Finish your Cornell Notes on the article if you dont finish in class

Extra Duty
If you were late or assigned the Extra Duty assignment, do a worksheet from the green

Do Now: Answer the following opinion questions.

1. What is the purpose of note-taking?

2. When is note-taking helpful?

3. When is note-taking unnecessary?

4. How might note-taking be important when you are in college?

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