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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 07, 2017

Sometimes, we get caught up in meaningless verbal duels. What is its root-cause? Why
should we work hard to remove such characteristics within us? Bhagawan guides us
today to introspect and prosper.
As the Universe is constituted by the three attributes
or Gunas (Satwa, Rajas and Tamas) and is permeated by
them, the first stage in spiritual practice is to put an end to
the Tamo Guna, which is characterised by foolish
obstinacy (moorkatwa). When filled with inertia of this
guna, the person exhibits dull intelligence and is inclined
to indulge in meaningless questioning and
argumentativeness. Instead, study every issue deeply and
then draw conclusions. Only then your experience will be
rewarding. The Tamasic person is incapable of perceiving
the truth and cannot realise the Divine. Such a person will
be caught in the endless cycle of birth and death. Avoid
endless verbal debate over every trivial matter. Such
controversies result in only provoking bitterness, instead
of harmony. It will not serve you to realise the truth.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 8, 1988.

Absence of compassion and consideration for others is the mark of tamasic nature.

07 jnvrI, 2017
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: keI bwr AsIN, PzUl g`lW krdy-krdy lV pYNdy hW[ ies dw mUl kwrx kI hY? swnUM,ies qrHW dy AvguxW qoN
dUr rihx leI,sKq myhnq ikauN krnI cwhIdI hY? Bgvwn swfw mwrg drSn krdy hn qW joN Awpxy-Awp bwry
soicey Aqy AwpxI KuShwlI lY ky AweIey[
au`qr: ikauN jo ieh bRhmMf, iq`n guxW( swqivk,rwjs Aqy qwms) au`qy bixAw hoieAw hY Aqy ienHW guxW dw hI ,ies
ivc pRswr hY,ies leI A`iDAwqimk A`iBAws dI pihlI pOVI ieh hY ik qwms guxW dw ivnwS kro ijhVy gux mUrKqw

dy pRqIk hn[jd iksy mnu`K dy AMdr, qmogux Br jWdw hY qW auh mMd bu`DI ho jWdw hY Aqy auh PzUl dIAW bihsW ivc
aulJ jWdw hY[ies dy ault quhwnUM cwhIdw hY ik iksy vI ivSy nUM,gihrweI nwl soco Aqy aus dy nqIjy qy pu`jo[ies qrHW
krn nwl hI quhwnUM Awpxy AnuBv dw Pl imly gw[qwms gux r`Kx vwlw mnu`K,scweI nUM nhIN pihcwn skdw Aqy
idvXqw nUM nhIN jwx skdw[ies qrHW dw mnu`K, jnm-mrx dy c`krW ivc P`isAw rihMdw hY[CotI-CotI g`lW au`qy
lVweI-JgVw nw kro[ies qrHW krn nwl,Awps ivc ipAwr Bwvnw dI bjwey, kV`qn AwauNdI hY Aqy quhwnUM scweI dw
iehsws nhIN hovy gw[( 06 jnvrI, 1988 dy idvX pRvcn)[
qwmisk guxW vwly mnu`KW ivc, dUijAW leI nw koeI dieAwluqw huMdI hY Aqy nw hI hmdrdI huMdI hY[(bwbw)[

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